If The Senate shuts this down....

You can keep that dream if you like. Nobody is pissed at the Republicans because they are not playing games. Once they vote to acquit, they won't be smiling and passing out $2,000 pens as souvenirs. They won't be putting on a stage show like marching in lockstep like little Nazi's.
Maybe. Going to be an interesting year.

It will be more than an interesting year. Because as the polls keep telling us BS how Trump is barely holding on to half of the country, Trump rallies are still packing them in arenas with standing room outside only. The Democrat contenders can sometimes not pack an elementary school cafeteria.

Shocking 57.9% of attendees at President’s rally in Milwaukee were NOT Republicans
I go to packed rock concerts, but would be foolish enough to vote the misguided singer or his band into public office. I am not impressed.

When a band regularly plays packed out arenas with tens of thousands of fans whole other bands can't fill a small bar, it is safe to say that the first band is more popular than the others. In your analogy, Trump is a rock star while the democrat clown car inhabitants are a garage band.
Did Trump attract bigger crowds than Clinton in 2016? I think he did. Mostly because people liked the circus atmosphere, I think.

But Clinton still won millions of more votes.

Yeah, a little over 2 million, and that overage was because of California.
Six. And I have to say, this link is pretty fair to him.
But...he's a fraud. Like it or not, he's the guy who comes over to your house, drinks your beer, sleeps with your wife, knocks over your garbage cans, then signs a book about him being a deal maker and you thinking like you've won the lottery.

You're so ignorant that you're cute!


Boring. Central Park 5. Ken Starr a bonehead. Obama's birth certificate. S##thole countries....yada, yada, yada.


You need to whistle louder past that graveyard. He hasn't gotten anything done..and you better hope Mitch and the rest of the Senate Republicans don't decide it's in their best interest to throw him to the wolves to save the 2020 elections. :)

Republicans are not stupid like Democrats. Any Republican that would vote against Trump shortened their political lifespan. Nobody likes a traitor except Democrats.
You can keep that dream if you like. Nobody is pissed at the Republicans because they are not playing games. Once they vote to acquit, they won't be smiling and passing out $2,000 pens as souvenirs. They won't be putting on a stage show like marching in lockstep like little Nazi's.
Maybe. Going to be an interesting year.

It will be more than an interesting year. Because as the polls keep telling us BS how Trump is barely holding on to half of the country, Trump rallies are still packing them in arenas with standing room outside only. The Democrat contenders can sometimes not pack an elementary school cafeteria.

Shocking 57.9% of attendees at President’s rally in Milwaukee were NOT Republicans
I go to packed rock concerts, but would be foolish enough to vote the misguided singer or his band into public office. I am not impressed.

When a band regularly plays packed out arenas with tens of thousands of fans whole other bands can't fill a small bar, it is safe to say that the first band is more popular than the others. In your analogy, Trump is a rock star while the democrat clown car inhabitants are a garage band.
Did Trump attract bigger crowds than Clinton in 2016? I think he did. Mostly because people liked the circus atmosphere, I think.

But Clinton still won millions of more votes.

She didn't win. If she had, she would be living in the White House. She's not, therefore she lost. But we all knew that.
Markle You have no clue, do you! :D

yup, this is the response I expected.

Attack my IQ.

If he committed all these crimes why wasn't he impeached on breaking an actual law?

You do realize this impeachment was the first in US history to:

1. Be completely along partisan lines
2. Not involve the accusation of the commission of an actual crime
3. Have impeachment articles not handed over immediately to the senate.

You guys are setting a precedent that I don't believe you're ready to play with yet.
Maybe. Going to be an interesting year.

It will be more than an interesting year. Because as the polls keep telling us BS how Trump is barely holding on to half of the country, Trump rallies are still packing them in arenas with standing room outside only. The Democrat contenders can sometimes not pack an elementary school cafeteria.

Shocking 57.9% of attendees at President’s rally in Milwaukee were NOT Republicans
I go to packed rock concerts, but would be foolish enough to vote the misguided singer or his band into public office. I am not impressed.

When a band regularly plays packed out arenas with tens of thousands of fans whole other bands can't fill a small bar, it is safe to say that the first band is more popular than the others. In your analogy, Trump is a rock star while the democrat clown car inhabitants are a garage band.
Did Trump attract bigger crowds than Clinton in 2016? I think he did. Mostly because people liked the circus atmosphere, I think.

But Clinton still won millions of more votes.

She didn't win. If she had, she would be living in the White House. She's not, therefore she lost. But we all knew that.
She won votes. Not the election. Did you read the post your replied to?
We already know republicans want a permanent one-party state and an absolute plutocratic ruler.

yea like the democrats dont want one party rule...

Do you speak for all Democrats? Remember, the Democratic Party has been and remains a diverse group. That cannot be said for the Republican Party. Though one time they claimed to be a Big Tent Party, that failed right quickly.
do you?....i worked with enough of your fellow democrats to know exactly what they want.....their party in charge....go ahead deny that wry....

Of course they want power, so does everyone in life. But my point was, the R's want power for the sake of power, and self interest. The D's I know, and that includes several who are or were members of Congress have the same values which I hold - equal rights and equal opportunities for all.

So letting in waves of illegal people is not about power for the sake of power. The D's would happily watch the country burn to get power. You guys are even trying to get the felon vote and 16 yr olds.

Border security is not a duty of the state, it is the duty of the Feds. But your comments don't address mine, the best example in my post is the Tax Fraud passed by a lame duck Congress and signed by Trump. In fact most of the Trump Presidency is driven by demagoguery and lies, not by laws which benefit the people. Corporations and the top tax bracket elites are the beneficiaries, and the R's the benefactors by their support in terms of dollars.

I have no doubt we have entered a period never before experienced, even the divide during the Civil War, and the two wars in the second half of the late 20th Century (Vietnam and Iraq), the divide amongst our people. The primary cause this time is the divisive rhetoric, the racism, misogyny and hate emanating from the far right; a set which is known as the idiot fringe, and sadly seems to be in those who dominate every thread.
It will be more than an interesting year. Because as the polls keep telling us BS how Trump is barely holding on to half of the country, Trump rallies are still packing them in arenas with standing room outside only. The Democrat contenders can sometimes not pack an elementary school cafeteria.

Shocking 57.9% of attendees at President’s rally in Milwaukee were NOT Republicans
I go to packed rock concerts, but would be foolish enough to vote the misguided singer or his band into public office. I am not impressed.

When a band regularly plays packed out arenas with tens of thousands of fans whole other bands can't fill a small bar, it is safe to say that the first band is more popular than the others. In your analogy, Trump is a rock star while the democrat clown car inhabitants are a garage band.
Did Trump attract bigger crowds than Clinton in 2016? I think he did. Mostly because people liked the circus atmosphere, I think.

But Clinton still won millions of more votes.

She didn't win. If she had, she would be living in the White House. She's not, therefore she lost. But we all knew that.
She won votes. Not the election. Did you read the post your replied to?

She didn't win anything. That's why she's retired today. Popular vote is silly. It's like playing a game of 8 ball, and after you win, I tell you I'm the better pool player because I got more balls in the pocket than you did. It was an accident.

Both candidates aimed at getting the most EC votes. That's all. If the race was for the popular vote, Trump would have spent a lot more time in places like NYC and California; places where it's likely a lot of Republicans stay home because it makes no sense to vote for somebody that doesn't stand a chance in your state.
There are still a lot of potential conservative voters in California but since the republican party is now openly hostile and constantly insulting to California on every level I do not see them coming back anytime soon.


You're right, California is in a downward spiral...in the Progressive cities. A shame really, California used to be such a great state!
Six. And I have to say, this link is pretty fair to him.
But...he's a fraud. Like it or not, he's the guy who comes over to your house, drinks your beer, sleeps with your wife, knocks over your garbage cans, then signs a book about him being a deal maker and you thinking like you've won the lottery.

You're so ignorant that you're cute!


Boring. Central Park 5. Ken Starr a bonehead. Obama's birth certificate. S##thole countries....yada, yada, yada.


You need to whistle louder past that graveyard. He hasn't gotten anything done..and you better hope Mitch and the rest of the Senate Republicans don't decide it's in their best interest to throw him to the wolves to save the 2020 elections. :)
Wrong ole braindead one.
Ya gotta ask yer self. Why didn’t the House do it’s fucking job?

You mean like all the subpoenas that were denied by that fucktard?
I think they did their job.
fucking dotard president is obstructing.

Pretty clear case of obstruction.

Obstructing what?

You seriously need to ask?
Cons protect cons. That is all you have.
Dems protect Dems, why the hildabeast gets away with her stupidity.

It's crystal clear that Senators Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham are eager to sweep this Senate impeachment trial under the rug, shut it down, and allow no new evidence or witnesses. But what happens if they try to do that? Will other Republican Senators march in lockstep, and try to deal with the coming election fallout in November? Will they break ranks and join the Democrats in insisting documents and witnesses being suppressed by President Trump be revealed? Recent polling shows:

71% of Democrats, 56% of Independents and 40% of Republicans say Senate should call additional witnesses to testify.

51% say Senate should remove Trump from office.

Either way, Senate Republicans are in a tough spot. Do they cave in to public opinion and hold a fair trial? or do they cave in to Donald Trump and risk being removed from office in November?

JMHO - Too close to call right now.


Most Voters Want More Impeachment Witnesses as Senate Prepares for Trial
The POTUS will be acquitted. So why draw out the nonsense?
Six. And I have to say, this link is pretty fair to him.
But...he's a fraud. Like it or not, he's the guy who comes over to your house, drinks your beer, sleeps with your wife, knocks over your garbage cans, then signs a book about him being a deal maker and you thinking like you've won the lottery.

You're so ignorant that you're cute!


Boring. Central Park 5. Ken Starr a bonehead. Obama's birth certificate. S##thole countries....yada, yada, yada.


You need to whistle louder past that graveyard. He hasn't gotten anything done..and you better hope Mitch and the rest of the Senate Republicans don't decide it's in their best interest to throw him to the wolves to save the 2020 elections. :)

Republicans are not stupid like Democrats. Any Republican that would vote against Trump shortened their political lifespan. Nobody likes a traitor except Democrats.

So, nobody likes traitors except Democrats, you say. Link?
There are still a lot of potential conservative voters in California but since the republican party is now openly hostile and constantly insulting to California on every level I do not see them coming back anytime soon.


You're right, California is in a downward spiral...in the Progressive cities. A shame really, California used to be such a great state!

States according to crime has florida way worse than California. It's an ok place to go when you retire and can't afford anything else I guess.
America's Most Dangerous States - SafeHome.org

It's crystal clear that Senators Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham are eager to sweep this Senate impeachment trial under the rug, shut it down, and allow no new evidence or witnesses. But what happens if they try to do that? Will other Republican Senators march in lockstep, and try to deal with the coming election fallout in November? Will they break ranks and join the Democrats in insisting documents and witnesses being suppressed by President Trump be revealed? Recent polling shows:

71% of Democrats, 56% of Independents and 40% of Republicans say Senate should call additional witnesses to testify.

51% say Senate should remove Trump from office.

Either way, Senate Republicans are in a tough spot. Do they cave in to public opinion and hold a fair trial? or do they cave in to Donald Trump and risk being removed from office in November?

JMHO - Too close to call right now.


Most Voters Want More Impeachment Witnesses as Senate Prepares for Trial

Personally I prefer to see Mitch shove the impeachment documents up Nancy’s old disgusting fat ass and refuse to be party to their embarrassing shit-show.
You can keep that dream if you like. Nobody is pissed at the Republicans because they are not playing games. Once they vote to acquit, they won't be smiling and passing out $2,000 pens as souvenirs. They won't be putting on a stage show like marching in lockstep like little Nazi's.
Maybe. Going to be an interesting year.

It will be more than an interesting year. Because as the polls keep telling us BS how Trump is barely holding on to half of the country, Trump rallies are still packing them in arenas with standing room outside only. The Democrat contenders can sometimes not pack an elementary school cafeteria.

Shocking 57.9% of attendees at President’s rally in Milwaukee were NOT Republicans
I go to packed rock concerts, but would be foolish enough to vote the misguided singer or his band into public office. I am not impressed.

When a band regularly plays packed out arenas with tens of thousands of fans whole other bands can't fill a small bar, it is safe to say that the first band is more popular than the others. In your analogy, Trump is a rock star while the democrat clown car inhabitants are a garage band.
Did Trump attract bigger crowds than Clinton in 2016? I think he did. Mostly because people liked the circus atmosphere, I think.

But Clinton still won millions of more votes.

True. Trump packed 'em in. Promised them great health care too but he changed his mind once in office and instead gave enormous tax breaks to the wealthiest of the wealthy....forever. The proles got some tax breaks too, but only for a few years. He's a great promoter and con man but seems like his working class worshipers haven't figured that out yet.
You're so ignorant that you're cute!


Boring. Central Park 5. Ken Starr a bonehead. Obama's birth certificate. S##thole countries....yada, yada, yada.


You need to whistle louder past that graveyard. He hasn't gotten anything done..and you better hope Mitch and the rest of the Senate Republicans don't decide it's in their best interest to throw him to the wolves to save the 2020 elections. :)

Republicans are not stupid like Democrats. Any Republican that would vote against Trump shortened their political lifespan. Nobody likes a traitor except Democrats.

So, nobody likes traitors except Democrats, you say. Link?

What kind of links would you like? You can't prove a negative, which is why your party always asks for it.
Six. And I have to say, this link is pretty fair to him.
But...he's a fraud. Like it or not, he's the guy who comes over to your house, drinks your beer, sleeps with your wife, knocks over your garbage cans, then signs a book about him being a deal maker and you thinking like you've won the lottery.

You're so ignorant that you're cute!


Boring. Central Park 5. Ken Starr a bonehead. Obama's birth certificate. S##thole countries....yada, yada, yada.


You need to whistle louder past that graveyard. He hasn't gotten anything done..and you better hope Mitch and the rest of the Senate Republicans don't decide it's in their best interest to throw him to the wolves to save the 2020 elections. :)

Republicans are not stupid like Democrats. Any Republican that would vote against Trump shortened their political lifespan. Nobody likes a traitor except Democrats.

Do you want to tell Corey Gardner that? Or how about the Rep Senator from Arizona that lost to the sitting Senate Democrat and then was appointed to fill her Husbands vacant seat? Both are lock step with Rump and both are toast.
Ya gotta ask yer self. Why didn’t the House do it’s fucking job?

You mean like all the subpoenas that were denied by that fucktard?
I think they did their job.
fucking dotard president is obstructing.

Pretty clear case of obstruction.

Obstructing what?

You seriously need to ask?
Cons protect cons. That is all you have.
Dems protect Dems, why the hildabeast gets away with her stupidity.

But, But, What about Bama? Give it a rest. It's all about Rump. If you don't believe me, just ask him.

It's crystal clear that Senators Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham are eager to sweep this Senate impeachment trial under the rug, shut it down, and allow no new evidence or witnesses. But what happens if they try to do that? Will other Republican Senators march in lockstep, and try to deal with the coming election fallout in November? Will they break ranks and join the Democrats in insisting documents and witnesses being suppressed by President Trump be revealed? Recent polling shows:

71% of Democrats, 56% of Independents and 40% of Republicans say Senate should call additional witnesses to testify.

51% say Senate should remove Trump from office.

Either way, Senate Republicans are in a tough spot. Do they cave in to public opinion and hold a fair trial? or do they cave in to Donald Trump and risk being removed from office in November?

JMHO - Too close to call right now.


Most Voters Want More Impeachment Witnesses as Senate Prepares for Trial

Personally I prefer to see Mitch shove the impeachment documents up Nancy’s old disgusting fat ass and refuse to be party to their embarrassing shit-show.

So would Nancy for two reasons. It would be the first sex encounter she's had in years and it would mean that at least 7 Republican Seats in the Senate would change hands.
Boring. Central Park 5. Ken Starr a bonehead. Obama's birth certificate. S##thole countries....yada, yada, yada.


You need to whistle louder past that graveyard. He hasn't gotten anything done..and you better hope Mitch and the rest of the Senate Republicans don't decide it's in their best interest to throw him to the wolves to save the 2020 elections. :)

Republicans are not stupid like Democrats. Any Republican that would vote against Trump shortened their political lifespan. Nobody likes a traitor except Democrats.

So, nobody likes traitors except Democrats, you say. Link?

What kind of links would you like? You can't prove a negative, which is why your party always asks for it.

Hey, you made the absolute statement. In order to qualify that statement, you must have a link. But I know you are just talking out your ass so I don't require a cite. I forgive you, pumpkin.

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