If they choose to - can House Democrats impeach Trump?

The Dems will likely investigate Trump relentlessly, but all it would accomplish is ruining is chances of being re-elected.

Thank the-god-I-don’t-believe-in that the Dems won control of the House. Trump won’t be removed from office before 2020, but we can be optimistic he won’t be re-elected.

How could you possibly know that? Do you know what Mueller knows?
I don’t claim to more than you do. That’s just my opinion. Republicans are too much of cowards to convict Trump. Trump being removed from office would seriously undermine the GOP’s prospects in 2020. Their best bet politically would be to just deny, deny, deny. Either way, the GOP is in trouble, though.

Depending on what Mueller reports - Senate Republicans may have a come to Jesus moment.

They have already had their come to Jesus moment. Do not get fooled if they try to act decent.

Well, at least one of them. Mueller may really stimulate them.

Don't count on it.
You have nothing but bullshit claims that have no foundation.That you people can't see your own anger over the 2016 loss is hysterical.You have the left pouring tens of millions of dollars into races......you know the very thing you pricks decry......to win.You say Trump preaches hate.Yet, you people really have done nothing but show hate towards him (mind you I don't like him). Seems pretty hypocritical to me.The loser OP wet dream of a Mueller tidal wave is just that.....wet dream.
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks"
Congratulations to House Democrats! Wednesday should be a BIG news day. We may even hear from Mueller. Now that House Democrats have regained a powerful seat at the table - I no longer feel traumatized. I'm sure many American Democrats must feel the same way. A great sigh of relief. I still remember something Cecily Strong said on SNL in February 2017 after Trump was elected:

“I want one day without a CNN alert that scares the hell out of me, all right?"
--Cecily Strong on SNL

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Here's my take on it.

House Democrats will now have complete power to investigate and vote on articles of impeachment. Knowing that it would then take two-thirds of the Senate to convict, the House findings combined with Mueller's report could be so overwhelming that the Senate could be compelled to convict. It's even possible that Pence could also be impeached and convicted. Keep in mind that new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is third in line for the presidency.

My guess is that House Democrats will not rush to impeach Trump - but I feel certain they will investigate the hell out of him and let the chips fall where they may. Mueller's findings will be paramount in whatever they decide.

Well, that's my take on it. What do you think?

Democrats will wait for the conclusion of the investigations to see if impeachment is warranted and if the evidence is compelling enough for conviction in a Republican Senate.

But given that impeachment is unlikely – Democrats don’t want Pence as president any more than Trump, and they want very much to run against Trump in 2020.
Oh, yeah?
Here's my take on it.

House Democrats will now have complete power to investigate and vote on articles of impeachment. Knowing that it would then take two-thirds of the Senate to convict, the House findings combined with Mueller's report could be so overwhelming that the Senate could be compelled to convict. It's even possible that Pence could also be impeached and convicted. Keep in mind that new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is third in line for the presidency.

My guess is that House Democrats will not rush to impeach Trump - but I feel certain they will investigate the hell out of him and let the chips fall where they may. Mueller's findings will be paramount in whatever they decide.

Well, that's my take on it. What do you think?

Do it. Write your Dem Congresscritters and Senators or whatnot every day and urge them to do this. Oh yes. Do it.
Devin Nunes can no long protect Trump in the House. Nunes' power in the House is now dead.

He can lead a group to obstruct the speaker (whoever that will be) and we have to hope its not a member of the freedom caucus.

We have to remember they still have the Senate. Also Mueller has not reported yet.

Dude when Penny is your voice of reason......!!!
Here's my take on it.

House Democrats will now have complete power to investigate and vote on articles of impeachment. Knowing that it would then take two-thirds of the Senate to convict, the House findings combined with Mueller's report could be so overwhelming that the Senate could be compelled to convict. It's even possible that Pence could also be impeached and convicted. Keep in mind that new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is third in line for the presidency.

My guess is that House Democrats will not rush to impeach Trump - but I feel certain they will investigate the hell out of him and let the chips fall where they may. Mueller's findings will be paramount in whatever they decide.

Well, that's my take on it. What do you think?

I predict Nancy shoots herself before 2019

Congratulations to House Democrats! Wednesday should be a BIG news day. We may even hear from Mueller. Now that House Democrats have regained a powerful seat at the table - I no longer feel traumatized. I'm sure many American Democrats must feel the same way. A great sigh of relief. I still remember something Cecily Strong said on SNL in February 2017 after Trump was elected:

“I want one day without a CNN alert that scares the hell out of me, all right?"
--Cecily Strong on SNL


Aren't you a grown man? Why would the election of Trump make you feel "TRAUMATIZED"? And now that the Dems have a "seat at the table" you don't feel this way anymore?

I just can't stand this emotionalizing of EVERYTHING that is not emotional--and I'm a WOMAN, and I teach young children, for pity's sake. Donald Trump did not run for president because of your feels and he is not fixing the economy because of your feels and even if you have brown skin, and you might, he is not holding back the caravan because he hates brown people.

No, he is not.

No, listen. He really is not. He is holding them back because they have no implicit or explicit right to be here. That should not "TRAUMATIZE" you or anyone.

I will never accept that grown people have go 'round with their feelings hanging out everywhere.



Congratulations to House Democrats! Wednesday should be a BIG news day. We may even hear from Mueller. Now that House Democrats have regained a powerful seat at the table - I no longer feel traumatized. I'm sure many American Democrats must feel the same way. A great sigh of relief. I still remember something Cecily Strong said on SNL in February 2017 after Trump was elected:

“I want one day without a CNN alert that scares the hell out of me, all right?"
--Cecily Strong on SNL


Aren't you a grown man? Why would the election of Trump make you feel "TRAUMATIZED"? And now that the Dems have a "seat at the table" you don't feel this way anymore?

I just can't stand this emotionalizing of EVERYTHING that is not emotional--and I'm a WOMAN, and I teach young children, for pity's sake. Donald Trump did not run for president because of your feels and he is not fixing the economy because of your feels and even if you have brown skin, and you might, he is not holding back the caravan because he hates brown people.

No, he is not.

No, listen. He really is not. He is holding them back because they have no implicit or explicit right to be here. That should not "TRAUMATIZE" you or anyone.

I will never accept that grown people have go 'round with their feelings hanging out everywhere.




Like you just did??
Here's my take on it.

House Democrats will now have the power to investigate and vote on articles of impeachment. Knowing that it would then take two-thirds of the Senate to convict, the House findings combined with Mueller's report could be so overwhelming that the Senate could be compelled to convict. It's even possible that Pence could also be impeached and convicted. Keep in mind that new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is third in line for the presidency.

My guess is that House Democrats will not rush to impeach Trump - but I feel certain they will investigate the hell out of him and let the chips fall where they may. Mueller's findings will be paramount in whatever they decide.

Well, that's my take on it. What do you think?
Yeah, you guys should definitely do this. It's going to work out great!

Trump is not above the law - so he should be held accountable.
Accountable for what?
Here's my take on it.

House Democrats will now have the power to investigate and vote on articles of impeachment. Knowing that it would then take two-thirds of the Senate to convict, the House findings combined with Mueller's report could be so overwhelming that the Senate could be compelled to convict. It's even possible that Pence could also be impeached and convicted. Keep in mind that new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is third in line for the presidency.

My guess is that House Democrats will not rush to impeach Trump - but I feel certain they will investigate the hell out of him and let the chips fall where they may. Mueller's findings will be paramount in whatever they decide.

Well, that's my take on it. What do you think?

I think if they attempt an impeachment they will all but reassure his reelection in 2020. Remember when the Republicans tried to do that to Clinton?

Clinton was not convicted in Senate. Don't forget that Mueller looms in the background. This isn't like Clinton being impeached for personal sexual indiscretions with a consenting adult.
Why do you continue to repeat the lie? He was impeached for lying to a grand jury! Are you too stupid to understand that?
Congratulations to House Democrats! Wednesday should be a BIG news day. We may even hear from Mueller. Now that House Democrats have regained a powerful seat at the table - I no longer feel traumatized. I'm sure many American Democrats must feel the same way. A great sigh of relief. I still remember something Cecily Strong said on SNL in February 2017 after Trump was elected:

“I want one day without a CNN alert that scares the hell out of me, all right?"
--Cecily Strong on SNL


Aren't you a grown man? Why would the election of Trump make you feel "TRAUMATIZED"? And now that the Dems have a "seat at the table" you don't feel this way anymore?

I just can't stand this emotionalizing of EVERYTHING that is not emotional--and I'm a WOMAN, and I teach young children, for pity's sake. Donald Trump did not run for president because of your feels and he is not fixing the economy because of your feels and even if you have brown skin, and you might, he is not holding back the caravan because he hates brown people.

No, he is not.

No, listen. He really is not. He is holding them back because they have no implicit or explicit right to be here. That should not "TRAUMATIZE" you or anyone.

I will never accept that grown people have go 'round with their feelings hanging out everywhere.




Like you just did??

Did I claim to be traumatized by anything a politician has done? Do you know the difference between making an argument and claiming emotional harm? Can you imagine that difference?
Here's my take on it.

House Democrats will now have complete power to investigate and vote on articles of impeachment. Knowing that it would then take two-thirds of the Senate to convict, the House findings combined with Mueller's report could be so overwhelming that the Senate could be compelled to convict. It's even possible that Pence could also be impeached and convicted. Keep in mind that new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is third in line for the presidency.

My guess is that House Democrats will not rush to impeach Trump - but I feel certain they will investigate the hell out of him and let the chips fall where they may. Mueller's findings will be paramount in whatever they decide.

Well, that's my take on it. What do you think?

They can if he broke the law.

That will rest on Mueller’s findings.
We now have a check on Trump. That should make the Constitution happy. It sure makes me happy.

Trump will appoint one or two more judges to the SCOTUS.

He will also appoint lots of other judges.


That will make the Constiutiton happy.

Susan Collins can't fuck up the works any more.
unless Mainers can forgive her, she's on her way out anyway...
Here's my take on it.

House Democrats will now have the power to investigate and vote on articles of impeachment. Knowing that it would then take two-thirds of the Senate to convict, the House findings combined with Mueller's report could be so overwhelming that the Senate could be compelled to convict. It's even possible that Pence could also be impeached and convicted. Keep in mind that new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is third in line for the presidency.

My guess is that House Democrats will not rush to impeach Trump - but I feel certain they will investigate the hell out of him and let the chips fall where they may. Mueller's findings will be paramount in whatever they decide.

Well, that's my take on it. What do you think?

I think if they attempt an impeachment they will all but reassure his reelection in 2020. Remember when the Republicans tried to do that to Clinton?

Clinton was not convicted in Senate. Don't forget that Mueller looms in the background. This isn't like Clinton being impeached for personal sexual indiscretions with a consenting adult.

Clinton wasn’t impeached for cheating on Hillary, he was impeached for obstruction and perjury.
Just what are they going to try to impeach him for??

A booming economy??

UE lower than its been since 69??

Wonder what their reason will be.
Here's my take on it.

House Democrats will now have complete power to investigate and vote on articles of impeachment. Knowing that it would then take two-thirds of the Senate to convict, the House findings combined with Mueller's report could be so overwhelming that the Senate could be compelled to convict. It's even possible that Pence could also be impeached and convicted. Keep in mind that new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is third in line for the presidency.

My guess is that House Democrats will not rush to impeach Trump - but I feel certain they will investigate the hell out of him and let the chips fall where they may. Mueller's findings will be paramount in whatever they decide.

Well, that's my take on it. What do you think?

First off impeachment is a long process and Trump and Pence won’t be impeached at the same time, so the scenario that you brought forth won’t happen. The President will appoint a VP immediately and swear in immediately.

If all the House decides to do is investigate for two years, that will hurt them in 2020. The American people won’t tolerate investigation after investigation.
Here's my take on it.

House Democrats will now have complete power to investigate and vote on articles of impeachment. Knowing that it would then take two-thirds of the Senate to convict, the House findings combined with Mueller's report could be so overwhelming that the Senate could be compelled to convict. It's even possible that Pence could also be impeached and convicted. Keep in mind that new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is third in line for the presidency.

My guess is that House Democrats will not rush to impeach Trump - but I feel certain they will investigate the hell out of him and let the chips fall where they may. Mueller's findings will be paramount in whatever they decide.

Well, that's my take on it. What do you think?

When Democrats won in 2006 those like you wrote daily about how Pelosi will open investigations on Bush and when the evidence came to light the Senate would had no choice but convict Bush and remove him, but it never happen just like it will never happen with Trump either.

Pelosi is insane but not a nutter and she knows how to deal with Trump, so there will never be any impeachment because Pelosi and company know 2020 is around the corner.

Now Trump will show his true wolf in sheep clothing and will work with Pelosi and company...

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