If they choose to - can House Democrats impeach Trump?

Here's my take on it.

House Democrats will now have complete power to investigate and vote on articles of impeachment. Knowing that it would then take two-thirds of the Senate to convict, the House findings combined with Mueller's report could be so overwhelming that the Senate could be compelled to convict. It's even possible that Pence could also be impeached and convicted. Keep in mind that new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is third in line for the presidency.

My guess is that House Democrats will not rush to impeach Trump - but I feel certain they will investigate the hell out of him and let the chips fall where they may. Mueller's findings will be paramount in whatever they decide.

Well, that's my take on it. What do you think?
It is too early to impeach...there is nothing that will stick

But Dems will reopen investigations and call witnesses that Nunes blocked the last time around.

The FINAL report that Republicans rushed to release is far from final
I really hope that impeachment is first on the agenda. Fart around and waste the taxpayer's money. Please.
Like seven Benghazi investigations?
Here's my take on it.

House Democrats will now have complete power to investigate and vote on articles of impeachment. Knowing that it would then take two-thirds of the Senate to convict, the House findings combined with Mueller's report could be so overwhelming that the Senate could be compelled to convict. It's even possible that Pence could also be impeached and convicted. Keep in mind that new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is third in line for the presidency.

My guess is that House Democrats will not rush to impeach Trump - but I feel certain they will investigate the hell out of him and let the chips fall where they may. Mueller's findings will be paramount in whatever they decide.

Well, that's my take on it. What do you think?
You have to be the most idiotic poster on this forum. No way the Senate is going to cast 66 votes to convict Trump.

How could you possibly know that? We have no idea what Mueller knows. We have no idea what the House Democrats can learn - especially now that they have full subpoena power.

He doesn’t know anything. If he did we would have known it last week
LOL yep. For the next 2 years, nothing but impeachment hearings.

LOL... It's going to be SNL on the house floor every day. Just somehow even less funny.
And while Dems are putting their full batch of crazy on display, Republicans in the senate will be busily filling about 135 judgeships unimpeded. Seems a fair trade. ( edited to reflect new numbers as the republicans have been busier filling slots than I realized )
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LOL yep. For the next 2 years, nothing but impeachment hearings.

LOL... It's going to be SNL on the house floor every day. Just somehow even less funny.
And while Dems are putting their full batch of crazy on display, Republicans in the senate will be busily filling about 200 judgeships unimpeded. Seems a fair trade.

Let's hope Ruth dies (painfully) and Kagen has a heart attack.
LOL yep. For the next 2 years, nothing but impeachment hearings.

LOL... It's going to be SNL on the house floor every day. Just somehow even less funny.
And while Dems are putting their full batch of crazy on display, Republicans in the senate will be busily filling about 200 judgeships unimpeded. Seems a fair trade.

Let's hope Ruth dies (painfully) and Kagen has a heart attack.
I'm certainly not going to wish ill on either of them. I don't think it's even necessary. By getting constitutional judges back on the bench at federal levels, they'll be far less need to worry about SCOTUS as many of the nonsense cases that dems bring will die long before they get that far up the chain.
Here's my take on it.

House Democrats will now have the power to investigate and vote on articles of impeachment. Knowing that it would then take two-thirds of the Senate to convict, the House findings combined with Mueller's report could be so overwhelming that the Senate could be compelled to convict. It's even possible that Pence could also be impeached and convicted. Keep in mind that new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is third in line for the presidency.

My guess is that House Democrats will not rush to impeach Trump - but I feel certain they will investigate the hell out of him and let the chips fall where they may. Mueller's findings will be paramount in whatever they decide.

Well, that's my take on it. What do you think?

I think if they attempt an impeachment they will all but reassure his reelection in 2020. Remember when the Republicans tried to do that to Clinton?

Clinton was not convicted in Senate. Don't forget that Mueller looms in the background. This isn't like Clinton being impeached for personal sexual indiscretions with a consenting adult.
You do realize that Clinton was impeached for lying to Congress, right? Not for "personal sexual indiscretions".
Here's my take on it.

House Democrats will now have complete power to investigate and vote on articles of impeachment. Knowing that it would then take two-thirds of the Senate to convict, the House findings combined with Mueller's report could be so overwhelming that the Senate could be compelled to convict. It's even possible that Pence could also be impeached and convicted. Keep in mind that new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is third in line for the presidency.

My guess is that House Democrats will not rush to impeach Trump - but I feel certain they will investigate the hell out of him and let the chips fall where they may. Mueller's findings will be paramount in whatever they decide.

Well, that's my take on it. What do you think?
You have to be the most idiotic poster on this forum. No way the Senate is going to cast 66 votes to convict Trump.

How could you possibly know that? We have no idea what Mueller knows. We have no idea what the House Democrats can learn - especially now that they have full subpoena power.
I know for a fact that Trump is not going to be removed from office by at least 66 Senate votes. You're an idiot. If Trump is removed from office by the Senate, I will leave this forum in disgrace and give you an apology. I'll even buy you a Caribbean cruise.
Does that include if he resigns because he gets an 11th hour visit from Mitch McConnell?
If you think Trump is going to resign, then you're as dumb as Lakhota.
Oh I agree that he’s a narcissistic megalomaniac who can be counted on to act against reason and without regard for the best interests of the country and the institution of the Presidency - he lacks the comparably good character of President Nixon.

But you’re the dumbass making sweeping declarations about the future at this point; you don’t know what truths are hidden in Trump’s carefully guarded tax returns and business records; it’s very possible - and quite likely - that he’s been engaging in a massive money laundering scheme for the Russian oligarchy for the past several years which is felonious, and if coupled with actions taken under cover of the presidency to benefit the Russian government or oligarchy contrary to American interests, quite possible also treasonous. When faced with the serious consequences of such behaviors, even Trump might have the good sense to pack it in rather than end up in the federal pen.
Here's my take on it.

House Democrats will now have complete power to investigate and vote on articles of impeachment. Knowing that it would then take two-thirds of the Senate to convict, the House findings combined with Mueller's report could be so overwhelming that the Senate could be compelled to convict. It's even possible that Pence could also be impeached and convicted. Keep in mind that new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is third in line for the presidency.

My guess is that House Democrats will not rush to impeach Trump - but I feel certain they will investigate the hell out of him and let the chips fall where they may. Mueller's findings will be paramount in whatever they decide.

Well, that's my take on it. What do you think?

You are probably right, the Democrats in the House are too chicken shit to actually impeach President Trump.

They'd love to, to get back at the GOP for the Clinton and Andrew Johnson impeachments. But they think they'd look foolish and they are right.

So they will "investigate" and bring forward some old broad who will swear that Trump and Steve Bannon organized rape train parties in high school, and the liberals will all pretend like they believe that poppycock.
Lakhota seems to think that yesterday's election was a mandate against Trump. (it wasn't)
Gives them the power to throw everything at the wall to see what sticks.
This kind of thinking would give the dems two years then get voted out in 2020.
There are a lot of moderate dems that want to see something done for America. Not impeachment
proceedings for months.
There is nothing in the Constitution that states that the Senate MUST try an impeachment started by the House. The Senate has, in fact, not held a trial for an impeachment brought by the House in the past (not for a president, but for a Senator, I believe). With the Senate firmly in the control of Republicans, my guess is that the question of impeachment is moot at this point.
You have to be the most idiotic poster on this forum. No way the Senate is going to cast 66 votes to convict Trump.

How could you possibly know that? We have no idea what Mueller knows. We have no idea what the House Democrats can learn - especially now that they have full subpoena power.
I know for a fact that Trump is not going to be removed from office by at least 66 Senate votes. You're an idiot. If Trump is removed from office by the Senate, I will leave this forum in disgrace and give you an apology. I'll even buy you a Caribbean cruise.
Does that include if he resigns because he gets an 11th hour visit from Mitch McConnell?
If you think Trump is going to resign, then you're as dumb as Lakhota.
Oh I agree that he’s a narcissistic megalomaniac who can be counted on to act against reason and without regard for the best interests of the country and the institution of the Presidency - he lacks the comparably good character of President Nixon.

But you’re the dumbass making sweeping declarations about the future at this point; you don’t know what truths are hidden in Trump’s carefully guarded tax returns and business records; it’s very possible - and quite likely - that he’s been engaging in a massive money laundering scheme for the Russian oligarchy for the past several years which is felonious, and if coupled with actions taken under cover of the presidency to benefit the Russian government or oligarchy contrary to American interests, quite possible also treasonous. When faced with the serious consequences of such behaviors, even Trump might have the good sense to pack it in rather than end up in the federal pen.
Congrats on the World Series win. Trump's tax returns and business matters are not the business of congress. Trump's conduct during his Presidency is. You hate Trump, I get it. However, your hatred and the hatred of others is not going to be enough to get rid of him.
Mueller's final report alone could be enough to impeach and convict Trump.

If that was true it would have been released last week

No, not during the lead-up to the election. Now, anything can happen. Mueller is unleashed.

The election was precisely why Mueller was appointed
Because of this election we will get to see Muellers findings without Republican redactions
How could you possibly know that? We have no idea what Mueller knows. We have no idea what the House Democrats can learn - especially now that they have full subpoena power.
I know for a fact that Trump is not going to be removed from office by at least 66 Senate votes. You're an idiot. If Trump is removed from office by the Senate, I will leave this forum in disgrace and give you an apology. I'll even buy you a Caribbean cruise.
Does that include if he resigns because he gets an 11th hour visit from Mitch McConnell?
If you think Trump is going to resign, then you're as dumb as Lakhota.
Oh I agree that he’s a narcissistic megalomaniac who can be counted on to act against reason and without regard for the best interests of the country and the institution of the Presidency - he lacks the comparably good character of President Nixon.

But you’re the dumbass making sweeping declarations about the future at this point; you don’t know what truths are hidden in Trump’s carefully guarded tax returns and business records; it’s very possible - and quite likely - that he’s been engaging in a massive money laundering scheme for the Russian oligarchy for the past several years which is felonious, and if coupled with actions taken under cover of the presidency to benefit the Russian government or oligarchy contrary to American interests, quite possible also treasonous. When faced with the serious consequences of such behaviors, even Trump might have the good sense to pack it in rather than end up in the federal pen.
Congrats on the World Series win. Trump's tax returns and business matters are not the business of congress. Trump's conduct during his Presidency is. You hate Trump, I get it. However, your hatred and the hatred of others is not going to be enough to get rid of him.

Al Capone went to prison for tax evasion

If Muellers investigation turns up income sources that were not reported on his returns....those returns are very relevant
There is nothing in the Constitution that states that the Senate MUST try an impeachment started by the House. The Senate has, in fact, not held a trial for an impeachment brought by the House in the past (not for a president, but for a Senator, I believe). With the Senate firmly in the control of Republicans, my guess is that the question of impeachment is moot at this point.

Very true
Unless the charges are so severe that even Republicans can’t give him cover
I know for a fact that Trump is not going to be removed from office by at least 66 Senate votes. You're an idiot. If Trump is removed from office by the Senate, I will leave this forum in disgrace and give you an apology. I'll even buy you a Caribbean cruise.
Does that include if he resigns because he gets an 11th hour visit from Mitch McConnell?
If you think Trump is going to resign, then you're as dumb as Lakhota.
Oh I agree that he’s a narcissistic megalomaniac who can be counted on to act against reason and without regard for the best interests of the country and the institution of the Presidency - he lacks the comparably good character of President Nixon.

But you’re the dumbass making sweeping declarations about the future at this point; you don’t know what truths are hidden in Trump’s carefully guarded tax returns and business records; it’s very possible - and quite likely - that he’s been engaging in a massive money laundering scheme for the Russian oligarchy for the past several years which is felonious, and if coupled with actions taken under cover of the presidency to benefit the Russian government or oligarchy contrary to American interests, quite possible also treasonous. When faced with the serious consequences of such behaviors, even Trump might have the good sense to pack it in rather than end up in the federal pen.
Congrats on the World Series win. Trump's tax returns and business matters are not the business of congress. Trump's conduct during his Presidency is. You hate Trump, I get it. However, your hatred and the hatred of others is not going to be enough to get rid of him.

Al Capone went to prison for tax evasion

If Muellers investigation turns up income sources that were not reported on his returns....those returns are very relevant
If monkeys crapped gold you'd be rich. If, if, if. I live in reality. You must be a democrat, huh.

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