If they choose to - can House Democrats impeach Trump?

Here's my take on it.

House Democrats will now have complete power to investigate and vote on articles of impeachment. Knowing that it would then take two-thirds of the Senate to convict, the House findings combined with Mueller's report could be so overwhelming that the Senate could be compelled to convict. It's even possible that Pence could also be impeached and convicted. Keep in mind that new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is third in line for the presidency.

My guess is that House Democrats will not rush to impeach Trump - but I feel certain they will investigate the hell out of him and let the chips fall where they may. Mueller's findings will be paramount in whatever they decide.

Well, that's my take on it. What do you think?

First off impeachment is a long process and Trump and Pence won’t be impeached at the same time, so the scenario that you brought forth won’t happen. The President will appoint a VP immediately and swear in immediately.

If all the House decides to do is investigate for two years, that will hurt them in 2020. The American people won’t tolerate investigation after investigation.

2011 - 2017 is all you got from the House when Obama was President... They could not even get a long term budget done back then but boy they could investigate the crap out of Benghazi!!!

So I disagree with you on the part Americans will not tolerate investigations but will say Pelosi and company have their sights on 2020, so there will be no impeachment...
Here's my take on it.

House Democrats will now have complete power to investigate and vote on articles of impeachment. Knowing that it would then take two-thirds of the Senate to convict, the House findings combined with Mueller's report could be so overwhelming that the Senate could be compelled to convict. It's even possible that Pence could also be impeached and convicted. Keep in mind that new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is third in line for the presidency.

My guess is that House Democrats will not rush to impeach Trump - but I feel certain they will investigate the hell out of him and let the chips fall where they may. Mueller's findings will be paramount in whatever they decide.

Well, that's my take on it. What do you think?

That Pelosi will never be president. If Trump is removed from office, the first thing Pence will do is appoint his own VP.

I believe the democrats are so bitter and insane that they will immediately overreach again and in two years will promptly lose whatever gains they made this year. There is a limit to how far they can ride the hate train.
Here's my take on it.

House Democrats will now have the power to investigate and vote on articles of impeachment. Knowing that it would then take two-thirds of the Senate to convict, the House findings combined with Mueller's report could be so overwhelming that the Senate could be compelled to convict. It's even possible that Pence could also be impeached and convicted. Keep in mind that new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is third in line for the presidency.

My guess is that House Democrats will not rush to impeach Trump - but I feel certain they will investigate the hell out of him and let the chips fall where they may. Mueller's findings will be paramount in whatever they decide.

Well, that's my take on it. What do you think?

I think if they attempt an impeachment they will all but reassure his reelection in 2020. Remember when the Republicans tried to do that to Clinton?

Clinton was not convicted in Senate. Don't forget that Mueller looms in the background. This isn't like Clinton being impeached for personal sexual indiscretions with a consenting adult.

Of course, he wasn't.
Congratulations to House Democrats! Wednesday should be a BIG news day. We may even hear from Mueller. Now that House Democrats have regained a powerful seat at the table - I no longer feel traumatized. I'm sure many American Democrats must feel the same way. A great sigh of relief. I still remember something Cecily Strong said on SNL in February 2017 after Trump was elected:

“I want one day without a CNN alert that scares the hell out of me, all right?"
--Cecily Strong on SNL


Aren't you a grown man? Why would the election of Trump make you feel "TRAUMATIZED"? And now that the Dems have a "seat at the table" you don't feel this way anymore?

I just can't stand this emotionalizing of EVERYTHING that is not emotional--and I'm a WOMAN, and I teach young children, for pity's sake. Donald Trump did not run for president because of your feels and he is not fixing the economy because of your feels and even if you have brown skin, and you might, he is not holding back the caravan because he hates brown people.

No, he is not.

No, listen. He really is not. He is holding them back because they have no implicit or explicit right to be here. That should not "TRAUMATIZE" you or anyone.

I will never accept that grown people have go 'round with their feelings hanging out everywhere.



WOW with language usage skills like that you're a TEACHER?! Heaven help our kids! 'Because of your feels'

oh and before you teach any civics, time to educate yourself on asylum law and the EXPLICIT rights of refugees to seek asylum at ANY PORT OF ENTRY to the USA
Devin Nunes can no long protect Trump in the House. Nunes' power in the House is now dead.

He can lead a group to obstruct the speaker (whoever that will be) and we have to hope its not a member of the freedom caucus.

We have to remember they still have the Senate. Also Mueller has not reported yet.

How can House Republican Teabaggers obstruct Speaker Pelosi when Democrats have a clear majority?

Oh they can and will try. One thing you are right about is we have the maj. They might be able to demand his tax returns, and Mueller I suspect was waiting after the election to report his findings.

You're obsessed with his tax returns, but they won't get them unless they can tie them to a crime. Just petulantly demanding them won't work.
LOL yep. For the next 2 years, nothing but impeachment hearings.

LOL... It's going to be SNL on the house floor every day. Just somehow even less funny.

I'm sure House Democrats can walk and chew gum at the same time.
I wonder if pelosi will get that big gavell out again. Instead of doing the will of the people they will spend their time investigating Trump. I remember the last time they took over, we almost had a depression.
Here's my take on it.

House Democrats will now have the power to investigate and vote on articles of impeachment. Knowing that it would then take two-thirds of the Senate to convict, the House findings combined with Mueller's report could be so overwhelming that the Senate could be compelled to convict. It's even possible that Pence could also be impeached and convicted. Keep in mind that new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is third in line for the presidency.

My guess is that House Democrats will not rush to impeach Trump - but I feel certain they will investigate the hell out of him and let the chips fall where they may. Mueller's findings will be paramount in whatever they decide.

Well, that's my take on it. What do you think?
Yeah, you guys should definitely do this. It's going to work out great!

Trump is not above the law - so he should be held accountable.
So should Hillary, if he goes. She will also.
Here's my take on it.

House Democrats will now have the power to investigate and vote on articles of impeachment. Knowing that it would then take two-thirds of the Senate to convict, the House findings combined with Mueller's report could be so overwhelming that the Senate could be compelled to convict. It's even possible that Pence could also be impeached and convicted. Keep in mind that new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is third in line for the presidency.

My guess is that House Democrats will not rush to impeach Trump - but I feel certain they will investigate the hell out of him and let the chips fall where they may. Mueller's findings will be paramount in whatever they decide.

Well, that's my take on it. What do you think?

I think if they attempt an impeachment they will all but reassure his reelection in 2020. Remember when the Republicans tried to do that to Clinton?

Clinton was not convicted in Senate. Don't forget that Mueller looms in the background. This isn't like Clinton being impeached for personal sexual indiscretions with a consenting adult.
He took advantage of a girl his daughters age.
Here's my take on it.

House Democrats will now have complete power to investigate and vote on articles of impeachment. Knowing that it would then take two-thirds of the Senate to convict, the House findings combined with Mueller's report could be so overwhelming that the Senate could be compelled to convict. It's even possible that Pence could also be impeached and convicted. Keep in mind that new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is third in line for the presidency.

My guess is that House Democrats will not rush to impeach Trump - but I feel certain they will investigate the hell out of him and let the chips fall where they may. Mueller's findings will be paramount in whatever they decide.

Well, that's my take on it. What do you think?

First off impeachment is a long process and Trump and Pence won’t be impeached at the same time, so the scenario that you brought forth won’t happen. The President will appoint a VP immediately and swear in immediately.

If all the House decides to do is investigate for two years, that will hurt them in 2020. The American people won’t tolerate investigation after investigation.

2011 - 2017 is all you got from the House when Obama was President... They could not even get a long term budget done back then but boy they could investigate the crap out of Benghazi!!!

So I disagree with you on the part Americans will not tolerate investigations but will say Pelosi and company have their sights on 2020, so there will be no impeachment...

And that turned me off to the GOP and by the time 2016 rolled around I went third party because of the BS. I would hope that the voters would smarten up and vote out the nuts that pursue revenge rather than fight for the American people.
Here's my take on it.

House Democrats will now have complete power to investigate and vote on articles of impeachment. Knowing that it would then take two-thirds of the Senate to convict, the House findings combined with Mueller's report could be so overwhelming that the Senate could be compelled to convict. It's even possible that Pence could also be impeached and convicted. Keep in mind that new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is third in line for the presidency.

My guess is that House Democrats will not rush to impeach Trump - but I feel certain they will investigate the hell out of him and let the chips fall where they may. Mueller's findings will be paramount in whatever they decide.

Well, that's my take on it. What do you think?
You have to be the most idiotic poster on this forum. No way the Senate is going to cast 66 votes to convict Trump.

How could you possibly know that? We have no idea what Mueller knows. We have no idea what the House Democrats can learn - especially now that they have full subpoena power.
I know for a fact that Trump is not going to be removed from office by at least 66 Senate votes. You're an idiot. If Trump is removed from office by the Senate, I will leave this forum in disgrace and give you an apology. I'll even buy you a Caribbean cruise.
Here's my take on it.

House Democrats will now have the power to investigate and vote on articles of impeachment. Knowing that it would then take two-thirds of the Senate to convict, the House findings combined with Mueller's report could be so overwhelming that the Senate could be compelled to convict. It's even possible that Pence could also be impeached and convicted. Keep in mind that new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is third in line for the presidency.

My guess is that House Democrats will not rush to impeach Trump - but I feel certain they will investigate the hell out of him and let the chips fall where they may. Mueller's findings will be paramount in whatever they decide.

Well, that's my take on it. What do you think?

I think if they attempt an impeachment they will all but reassure his reelection in 2020. Remember when the Republicans tried to do that to Clinton?

Clinton was not convicted in Senate. Don't forget that Mueller looms in the background. This isn't like Clinton being impeached for personal sexual indiscretions with a consenting adult.
That's not what Clinton was impeached for.
Here's my take on it.

House Democrats will now have complete power to investigate and vote on articles of impeachment. Knowing that it would then take two-thirds of the Senate to convict, the House findings combined with Mueller's report could be so overwhelming that the Senate could be compelled to convict. It's even possible that Pence could also be impeached and convicted. Keep in mind that new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is third in line for the presidency.

My guess is that House Democrats will not rush to impeach Trump - but I feel certain they will investigate the hell out of him and let the chips fall where they may. Mueller's findings will be paramount in whatever they decide.

Well, that's my take on it. What do you think?
You have to be the most idiotic poster on this forum. No way the Senate is going to cast 66 votes to convict Trump.

How could you possibly know that? We have no idea what Mueller knows. We have no idea what the House Democrats can learn - especially now that they have full subpoena power.
I know for a fact that Trump is not going to be removed from office by at least 66 Senate votes. You're an idiot. If Trump is removed from office by the Senate, I will leave this forum in disgrace and give you an apology. I'll even buy you a Caribbean cruise.
Does that include if he resigns because he gets an 11th hour visit from Mitch McConnell?
Here's my take on it.

House Democrats will now have complete power to investigate and vote on articles of impeachment. Knowing that it would then take two-thirds of the Senate to convict, the House findings combined with Mueller's report could be so overwhelming that the Senate could be compelled to convict. It's even possible that Pence could also be impeached and convicted. Keep in mind that new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is third in line for the presidency.

My guess is that House Democrats will not rush to impeach Trump - but I feel certain they will investigate the hell out of him and let the chips fall where they may. Mueller's findings will be paramount in whatever they decide.

Well, that's my take on it. What do you think?
You have to be the most idiotic poster on this forum. No way the Senate is going to cast 66 votes to convict Trump.

How could you possibly know that? We have no idea what Mueller knows. We have no idea what the House Democrats can learn - especially now that they have full subpoena power.
I know for a fact that Trump is not going to be removed from office by at least 66 Senate votes. You're an idiot. If Trump is removed from office by the Senate, I will leave this forum in disgrace and give you an apology. I'll even buy you a Caribbean cruise.
Does that include if he resigns because he gets an 11th hour visit from Mitch McConnell?
If you think Trump is going to resign, then you're as dumb as Lakhota.
Congratulations to House Democrats! Wednesday should be a BIG news day. We may even hear from Mueller. Now that House Democrats have regained a powerful seat at the table - I no longer feel traumatized. I'm sure many American Democrats must feel the same way. A great sigh of relief. I still remember something Cecily Strong said on SNL in February 2017 after Trump was elected:

“I want one day without a CNN alert that scares the hell out of me, all right?"
--Cecily Strong on SNL


Aren't you a grown man? Why would the election of Trump make you feel "TRAUMATIZED"? And now that the Dems have a "seat at the table" you don't feel this way anymore?

I just can't stand this emotionalizing of EVERYTHING that is not emotional--and I'm a WOMAN, and I teach young children, for pity's sake. Donald Trump did not run for president because of your feels and he is not fixing the economy because of your feels and even if you have brown skin, and you might, he is not holding back the caravan because he hates brown people.

No, he is not.

No, listen. He really is not. He is holding them back because they have no implicit or explicit right to be here. That should not "TRAUMATIZE" you or anyone.

I will never accept that grown people have go 'round with their feelings hanging out everywhere.




Like you just did??

Did I claim to be traumatized by anything a politician has done? Do you know the difference between making an argument and claiming emotional harm? Can you imagine that difference?

Are you still afraid of the caravan of invaders?
Congratulations to House Democrats! Wednesday should be a BIG news day. We may even hear from Mueller. Now that House Democrats have regained a powerful seat at the table - I no longer feel traumatized. I'm sure many American Democrats must feel the same way. A great sigh of relief. I still remember something Cecily Strong said on SNL in February 2017 after Trump was elected:

“I want one day without a CNN alert that scares the hell out of me, all right?"
--Cecily Strong on SNL


Aren't you a grown man? Why would the election of Trump make you feel "TRAUMATIZED"? And now that the Dems have a "seat at the table" you don't feel this way anymore?

I just can't stand this emotionalizing of EVERYTHING that is not emotional--and I'm a WOMAN, and I teach young children, for pity's sake. Donald Trump did not run for president because of your feels and he is not fixing the economy because of your feels and even if you have brown skin, and you might, he is not holding back the caravan because he hates brown people.

No, he is not.

No, listen. He really is not. He is holding them back because they have no implicit or explicit right to be here. That should not "TRAUMATIZE" you or anyone.

I will never accept that grown people have go 'round with their feelings hanging out everywhere.




Like you just did??

Did I claim to be traumatized by anything a politician has done? Do you know the difference between making an argument and claiming emotional harm? Can you imagine that difference?

Are you still afraid of the caravan of invaders?
Why do you support lawbreakers?
Here's my take on it.

House Democrats will now have complete power to investigate and vote on articles of impeachment. Knowing that it would then take two-thirds of the Senate to convict, the House findings combined with Mueller's report could be so overwhelming that the Senate could be compelled to convict. It's even possible that Pence could also be impeached and convicted. Keep in mind that new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is third in line for the presidency.

My guess is that House Democrats will not rush to impeach Trump - but I feel certain they will investigate the hell out of him and let the chips fall where they may. Mueller's findings will be paramount in whatever they decide.

Well, that's my take on it. What do you think?
It is too early to impeach...there is nothing that will stick

But Dems will reopen investigations and call witnesses that Nunes blocked the last time around.

The FINAL report that Republicans rushed to release is far from final
Here's my take on it.

House Democrats will now have complete power to investigate and vote on articles of impeachment. Knowing that it would then take two-thirds of the Senate to convict, the House findings combined with Mueller's report could be so overwhelming that the Senate could be compelled to convict. It's even possible that Pence could also be impeached and convicted. Keep in mind that new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is third in line for the presidency.

My guess is that House Democrats will not rush to impeach Trump - but I feel certain they will investigate the hell out of him and let the chips fall where they may. Mueller's findings will be paramount in whatever they decide.

Well, that's my take on it. What do you think?
It is too early to impeach...there is nothing that will stick

But Dems will reopen investigations and call witnesses that Nunes blocked the last time around.

The FINAL report that Republicans rushed to release is far from final
I really hope that impeachment is first on the agenda. Fart around and waste the taxpayer's money. Please.

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