If Trump builds the wall and effectively stops illegal crossings for the most part.

I'm fine with a pathway to citizenship for most who've committed no crimes other than crossing. Having said that I would not approve of any welfare or voting rights for them. Just like I forfeit certain rights of mine through my illegal activities of my youth they've forfeit theirs.

Deporting tens of millions is not feasibly possible and an alternate solution must be attained. But the wall comes first. Period.

They can become full citizens, if they spend 4 years either in the armed forces or peace corps, or 6 years in some other volunteer program to pay their debts.

Pffffffffffffffft, yeah, make them go into endless wars of US corporate economic colonialism. I mean hell, only ~1% of americans are going to.

I listed other options.

No one owes you anything, no one is indebted to you or any other human being.

They owe this country a debt for being allowed to stay here illegally. They need to pay up.
Trump made it clear to congress, he want's smart immigration. Like Canada, Australia, and so many other countries they want the best and brightest to immigrate to their countries. Bring something that makes us stronger. Arrive able to support yourself and contribute. Not the bottom of the barrel dirt poor uneducated who suck our welfare system dry.
I'm fine with a pathway to citizenship for most who've committed no crimes other than crossing. Having said that I would not approve of any welfare or voting rights for them. Just like I forfeit certain rights of mine through my illegal activities of my youth they've forfeit theirs.

Deporting tens of millions is not feasibly possible and an alternate solution must be attained. But the wall comes first. Period.

Almost half of illegals come in via routes that the wall won't affect.

Plus the wall will take 20 years to build if ever.
The wall will not take 20 yrs to build. Plus, even if your "almost half" figure is correct (knowing you, it is not), then we would still be keeping out over half of the illegals currently invading our nation. That sounds like a good thing to me.

Nieto's check show up yet?
Sorry Fenton, but I am kind of busy right now. Can I get back to later? Thanks!
I'm fine with a pathway to citizenship for most who've committed no crimes other than crossing. Having said that I would not approve of any welfare or voting rights for them. Just like I forfeit certain rights of mine through my illegal activities of my youth they've forfeit theirs.

Deporting tens of millions is not feasibly possible and an alternate solution must be attained. But the wall comes first. Period.

They can become full citizens, if they spend 4 years either in the armed forces or peace corps, or 6 years in some other volunteer program to pay their debts.
------------------------------------------- gotta disagree with that being an allowable option Marty !! ----------- just a comment !!
I'm fine with a pathway to citizenship for most who've committed no crimes other than crossing. Having said that I would not approve of any welfare or voting rights for them. Just like I forfeit certain rights of mine through my illegal activities of my youth they've forfeit theirs.

Deporting tens of millions is not feasibly possible and an alternate solution must be attained. But the wall comes first. Period.

They can become full citizens, if they spend 4 years either in the armed forces or peace corps, or 6 years in some other volunteer program to pay their debts.

Pffffffffffffffft, yeah, make them go into endless wars of US corporate economic colonialism. I mean hell, only ~1% of americans are going to.

I listed other options.

No one owes you anything, no one is indebted to you or any other human being.

They owe this country a debt for being allowed to stay here illegally. They need to pay up.

And you owe a debt for being the beneficiary of a genocided onto land mass, but no one expects anything from you but an air of entitlement. So what.
I'm fine with a pathway to citizenship for most who've committed no crimes other than crossing. Having said that I would not approve of any welfare or voting rights for them. Just like I forfeit certain rights of mine through my illegal activities of my youth they've forfeit theirs.

Deporting tens of millions is not feasibly possible and an alternate solution must be attained. But the wall comes first. Period.

Almost half of illegals come in via routes that the wall won't affect.

Plus the wall will take 20 years to build if ever.
The wall will not take 20 yrs to build. Plus, even if your "almost half" figure is correct (knowing you, it is not), then we would still be keeping out over half of the illegals currently invading our nation. That sounds like a good thing to me.

Nieto's check show up yet?
Sorry Fenton, but I am kind of busy right now. Can I get back to later? Thanks!
You'll have to won't ya.
I still say that land mines are a good idea. I know that you leftist Pussy scum think I am joking, but I am not. Plant the mines, tell everyone they are there. Hell, tell them the areas where they are present. Then dare the little fuckers to cross the border.
I'm fine with a pathway to citizenship for most who've committed no crimes other than crossing. Having said that I would not approve of any welfare or voting rights for them. Just like I forfeit certain rights of mine through my illegal activities of my youth they've forfeit theirs.

Deporting tens of millions is not feasibly possible and an alternate solution must be attained. But the wall comes first. Period.

Almost half of illegals come in via routes that the wall won't affect.

Plus the wall will take 20 years to build if ever.
The wall will not take 20 yrs to build. Plus, even if your "almost half" figure is correct (knowing you, it is not), then we would still be keeping out over half of the illegals currently invading our nation. That sounds like a good thing to me.

Nieto's check show up yet?
Sorry Fenton, but I am kind of busy right now. Can I get back to later? Thanks!
You'll have to won't ya.
Talk to later Fenton! See ya!
I am not really gone. I just want Fenton to think I am gone because he creeps me out.
I'm fine with a pathway to citizenship for most who've committed no crimes other than crossing. Having said that I would not approve of any welfare or voting rights for them. Just like I forfeit certain rights of mine through my illegal activities of my youth they've forfeit theirs.

Deporting tens of millions is not feasibly possible and an alternate solution must be attained. But the wall comes first. Period.
No voting rights mean they are not really citizens. I am okay with that.
As a compromise, I am okay with giving people like the current "Dreamers" legal resident status once the holes in the system are plugged. This will allow their children, once they are born in the USA to be full fledged citizens. That being said, I would like to see a constitutional amendment passed so that children born to those in the USA illegally are not natural born US citizens.
I'm fine with a pathway to citizenship for most who've committed no crimes other than crossing. Having said that I would not approve of any welfare or voting rights for them. Just like I forfeit certain rights of mine through my illegal activities of my youth they've forfeit theirs.

Deporting tens of millions is not feasibly possible and an alternate solution must be attained. But the wall comes first. Period.

They can become full citizens, if they spend 4 years either in the armed forces or peace corps, or 6 years in some other volunteer program to pay their debts.
------------------------------------------- gotta disagree with that being an allowable option Marty !! ----------- just a comment !!

Disagreement is allowed, just a proposed solution short of full deportation. With this, some of them will willingly come out of the shadows for a chance at citizenship.
They can become full citizens, if they spend 4 years either in the armed forces or peace corps, or 6 years in some other volunteer program to pay their debts.

Pffffffffffffffft, yeah, make them go into endless wars of US corporate economic colonialism. I mean hell, only ~1% of americans are going to.

I listed other options.

No one owes you anything, no one is indebted to you or any other human being.

They owe this country a debt for being allowed to stay here illegally. They need to pay up.

And you owe a debt for being the beneficiary of a genocided onto land mass, but no one expects anything from you but an air of entitlement. So what.

My ancestors came over at the earliest in the mid 1950's, and never moved west of Buffalo.

And considering the original occupants here didn't have a robust enough law system to even regulate migration into their territory, nor the means to repel or control it, your point is the usual progressive attempt at equivocation.
Pffffffffffffffft, yeah, make them go into endless wars of US corporate economic colonialism. I mean hell, only ~1% of americans are going to.

I listed other options.

No one owes you anything, no one is indebted to you or any other human being.

They owe this country a debt for being allowed to stay here illegally. They need to pay up.

And you owe a debt for being the beneficiary of a genocided onto land mass, but no one expects anything from you but an air of entitlement. So what.

My ancestors came over at the earliest in the mid 1950's, and never moved west of Buffalo.

And considering the original occupants here didn't have a robust enough law system to even regulate migration into their territory, nor the means to repel or control it, your point is the usual progressive attempt at equivocation.

" ... for being the beneficiary ... "

There were highly advanced societies here for tens of thousands of years before the virus made landfall.
We are pretty much going to have to grandfather in the fucking beaners. On the plus side, first generation leaf blowers are hard workers. Deportation of all of them is going to be hard, and costly, to do. I suspect that we will get most of the cockroaches. A lot of them will scurry and run south just as soon as the heat starts coming down on them. Even with less than 100% success this is a good result, and maybe we should do it.

However, mass deportations of these roach herders will be a gift to the DNC. There will be massive protests, anecdotes of families torn apart, etc... I don't see mass deportation as being worth giving up the opportunity of making real change in other areas for the time we have an all Republican elected government.

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