If Trump builds the wall and effectively stops illegal crossings for the most part.

If they ACTUALLY wanted to fix immigration, a wall would be redundant. They would leave on their own.
Enforce the laws, punish employers harshly and take away all their entitlements.
They wont stay if they are starving, dumb and sleeping in the streets.
Well I'll be damned. You hit the nail on the head there. And, while I have a lot of empathy for guys like Ray who rent apartments, we could require renters present a current visa, green card or passport/proof of citizenship when singing a lease.

First thing that has to go, is citizen by birth. Citizenship needs to be tied to the citizenship of the parents.

Otherwise, everyone will keep coming here to pop out babies, and then "hey my son is a US citizen! You can't kick him out, and I'm his parent, you can't break up families!"

Until that is changed, everything else will only have a mild effect.

One thing that has always irritated me with the whole immigration aspect is that, nearly all these immigrants from everywhere, live in countries that provide extremely cheap, or even free, education.

Am I right? I could be wrong. But from what I have read, if you are a Mexican citizen, tuition is free at Mexico University, and any public university.

Right? And, while I haven't spent the time looking it up, my wild stab in the dark says they likely have an English class.

We all know that anyone with any degree... in anything... is fast tracked to be a US citizen.

So if these people want to be US citizens, and live in the US, why don't they just go get a degree, and then come to the US? They wouldn't end up being burger flippers at the Whooper shop, when they get here.

I was thinking maybe they can't afford it, but it's free! How can you not afford free? And they wouldn't have to get a degree in something difficult. You can get a degree is almost anything. Anything at all, and you'll be put to the front of the line for citizenship.
We are pretty much going to have to grandfather in the fucking beaners. On the plus side, first generation leaf blowers are hard workers. Deportation of all of them is going to be hard, and costly, to do. I suspect that we will get most of the cockroaches. A lot of them will scurry and run south just as soon as the heat starts coming down on them. Even with less than 100% success this is a good result, and maybe we should do it.

However, mass deportations of these roach herders will be a gift to the DNC. There will be massive protests, anecdotes of families torn apart, etc... I don't see mass deportation as being worth giving up the opportunity of making real change in other areas for the time we have an all Republican elected government.

"We are pretty much going to have to grandfather in the fucking beaners."

Ah, so like the euros then.
If they ACTUALLY wanted to fix immigration, a wall would be redundant. They would leave on their own.
Enforce the laws, punish employers harshly and take away all their entitlements.
They wont stay if they are starving, dumb and sleeping in the streets.
Well I'll be damned. You hit the nail on the head there. And, while I have a lot of empathy for guys like Ray who rent apartments, we could require renters present a current visa, green card or passport/proof of citizenship when singing a lease.

First thing that has to go, is citizen by birth. Citizenship needs to be tied to the citizenship of the parents.

Otherwise, everyone will keep coming here to pop out babies, and then "hey my son is a US citizen! You can't kick him out, and I'm his parent, you can't break up families!"

Until that is changed, everything else will only have a mild effect.

One thing that has always irritated me with the whole immigration aspect is that, nearly all these immigrants from everywhere, live in countries that provide extremely cheap, or even free, education.

Am I right? I could be wrong. But from what I have read, if you are a Mexican citizen, tuition is free at Mexico University, and any public university.

Right? And, while I haven't spent the time looking it up, my wild stab in the dark says they likely have an English class.

We all know that anyone with any degree... in anything... is fast tracked to be a US citizen.

So if these people want to be US citizens, and live in the US, why don't they just go get a degree, and then come to the US? They wouldn't end up being burger flippers at the Whooper shop, when they get here.

I was thinking maybe they can't afford it, but it's free! How can you not afford free? And they wouldn't have to get a degree in something difficult. You can get a degree is almost anything. Anything at all, and you'll be put to the front of the line for citizenship.

" And, while I haven't spent the time looking it up, ..."

That was pretty apparent, ususally is.
If they ACTUALLY wanted to fix immigration, a wall would be redundant. They would leave on their own.
Enforce the laws, punish employers harshly and take away all their entitlements.
They wont stay if they are starving, dumb and sleeping in the streets.
Well I'll be damned. You hit the nail on the head there. And, while I have a lot of empathy for guys like Ray who rent apartments, we could require renters present a current visa, green card or passport/proof of citizenship when singing a lease.

But... but... they won't be able to get ID's... that's racist.
If they ACTUALLY wanted to fix immigration, a wall would be redundant. They would leave on their own.
Enforce the laws, punish employers harshly and take away all their entitlements.
They wont stay if they are starving, dumb and sleeping in the streets.
Well I'll be damned. You hit the nail on the head there. And, while I have a lot of empathy for guys like Ray who rent apartments, we could require renters present a current visa, green card or passport/proof of citizenship when singing a lease.

But... but... they won't be able to get ID's... that's racist.

Relax, the business community will get paid one way or the other. That's why they've always lobbied for the presence of "illegals".
I'm fine with a pathway to citizenship for most who've committed no crimes other than crossing. Having said that I would not approve of any welfare or voting rights for them. Just like I forfeit certain rights of mine through my illegal activities of my youth they've forfeit theirs.

Deporting tens of millions is not feasibly possible and an alternate solution must be attained. But the wall comes first. Period.

Invading us with tens of millions of its citizens was not feasible for Mexico either, but they did it anyway.
If they ACTUALLY wanted to fix immigration, a wall would be redundant. They would leave on their own.
Enforce the laws, punish employers harshly and take away all their entitlements.
They wont stay if they are starving, dumb and sleeping in the streets.
Well I'll be damned. You hit the nail on the head there. And, while I have a lot of empathy for guys like Ray who rent apartments, we could require renters present a current visa, green card or passport/proof of citizenship when singing a lease.

First thing that has to go, is citizen by birth. Citizenship needs to be tied to the citizenship of the parents.

Otherwise, everyone will keep coming here to pop out babies, and then "hey my son is a US citizen! You can't kick him out, and I'm his parent, you can't break up families!"

Until that is changed, everything else will only have a mild effect.

One thing that has always irritated me with the whole immigration aspect is that, nearly all these immigrants from everywhere, live in countries that provide extremely cheap, or even free, education.

Am I right? I could be wrong. But from what I have read, if you are a Mexican citizen, tuition is free at Mexico University, and any public university.

Right? And, while I haven't spent the time looking it up, my wild stab in the dark says they likely have an English class.

We all know that anyone with any degree... in anything... is fast tracked to be a US citizen.

So if these people want to be US citizens, and live in the US, why don't they just go get a degree, and then come to the US? They wouldn't end up being burger flippers at the Whooper shop, when they get here.

I was thinking maybe they can't afford it, but it's free! How can you not afford free? And they wouldn't have to get a degree in something difficult. You can get a degree is almost anything. Anything at all, and you'll be put to the front of the line for citizenship.
Good luck amending the constitution. LOL
I listed other options.

No one owes you anything, no one is indebted to you or any other human being.

They owe this country a debt for being allowed to stay here illegally. They need to pay up.

And you owe a debt for being the beneficiary of a genocided onto land mass, but no one expects anything from you but an air of entitlement. So what.

My ancestors came over at the earliest in the mid 1950's, and never moved west of Buffalo.

And considering the original occupants here didn't have a robust enough law system to even regulate migration into their territory, nor the means to repel or control it, your point is the usual progressive attempt at equivocation.

" ... for being the beneficiary ... "

There were highly advanced societies here for tens of thousands of years before the virus made landfall.

Then why couldn't they repel the invaders?

History is replete with one group overtaking the other for one reason or another. The difference between now and then is now we have rules against it. back then, not so much.
I'm fine with a pathway to citizenship for most who've committed no crimes other than crossing. Having said that I would not approve of any welfare or voting rights for them. Just like I forfeit certain rights of mine through my illegal activities of my youth they've forfeit theirs.

Deporting tens of millions is not feasibly possible and an alternate solution must be attained. But the wall comes first. Period.

They can become full citizens, if they spend 4 years either in the armed forces or peace corps, or 6 years in some other volunteer program to pay their debts.

Pffffffffffffffft, yeah, make them go into endless wars of US corporate economic colonialism. I mean hell, only ~1% of americans are going to.

I listed other options.

No one owes you anything, no one is indebted to you or any other human being.

They owe this country a debt for being allowed to stay here illegally. They need to pay up.
We Beat Them Once, We Can Beat Them Again

How strong is Mexico's navy? Seizing their offshore oilwells will pay what they owe us. There is no such thing as a large group of non-governmental actors. Sending this invasion force under the guise of Mexican citizens acting independently was a violation of the Monroe Doctrine.
They can become full citizens, if they spend 4 years either in the armed forces or peace corps, or 6 years in some other volunteer program to pay their debts.

Pffffffffffffffft, yeah, make them go into endless wars of US corporate economic colonialism. I mean hell, only ~1% of americans are going to.

I listed other options.

No one owes you anything, no one is indebted to you or any other human being.

They owe this country a debt for being allowed to stay here illegally. They need to pay up.
We Beat Them Once, We Can Beat Them Again

How strong is Mexico's navy? Seizing their offshore oilwells will pay what they owe us. There is no such thing as a large group of non-governmental actors. Sending this invasion force under the guise of Mexican citizens acting independently was a violation of the Monroe Doctrine.

Don't think I am willing to go there. What they did is handle their overpopulation and economic stagnation issues by foisting it onto us.
We are pretty much going to have to grandfather in the fucking beaners. On the plus side, first generation leaf blowers are hard workers. Deportation of all of them is going to be hard, and costly, to do. I suspect that we will get most of the cockroaches. A lot of them will scurry and run south just as soon as the heat starts coming down on them. Even with less than 100% success this is a good result, and maybe we should do it.

However, mass deportations of these roach herders will be a gift to the DNC. There will be massive protests, anecdotes of families torn apart, etc... I don't see mass deportation as being worth giving up the opportunity of making real change in other areas for the time we have an all Republican elected government.

"We are pretty much going to have to grandfather in the fucking beaners."

Ah, so like the euros then.
Can I talk to you later, Fenton? I am really tied up right now, buddy!
Pffffffffffffffft, yeah, make them go into endless wars of US corporate economic colonialism. I mean hell, only ~1% of americans are going to.

I listed other options.

No one owes you anything, no one is indebted to you or any other human being.

They owe this country a debt for being allowed to stay here illegally. They need to pay up.
We Beat Them Once, We Can Beat Them Again

How strong is Mexico's navy? Seizing their offshore oilwells will pay what they owe us. There is no such thing as a large group of non-governmental actors. Sending this invasion force under the guise of Mexican citizens acting independently was a violation of the Monroe Doctrine.

Don't think I am willing to go there. What they did is handle their overpopulation and economic stagnation issues by foisting it onto us.

Your "job creator" class wanted them here and lobbied for it, you americans used to be a more expensive property.
They can become full citizens, if they spend 4 years either in the armed forces or peace corps, or 6 years in some other volunteer program to pay their debts.

Pffffffffffffffft, yeah, make them go into endless wars of US corporate economic colonialism. I mean hell, only ~1% of americans are going to.

I listed other options.

No one owes you anything, no one is indebted to you or any other human being.

They owe this country a debt for being allowed to stay here illegally. They need to pay up.
We Beat Them Once, We Can Beat Them Again

Pretty sure we can repeat that bogus war too, again, why not?
I'm fine with a pathway to citizenship for most who've committed no crimes other than crossing. Having said that I would not approve of any welfare or voting rights for them. Just like I forfeit certain rights of mine through my illegal activities of my youth they've forfeit theirs.

Deporting tens of millions is not feasibly possible and an alternate solution must be attained. But the wall comes first. Period.

I disagree with any pathway to citizenship.

You want to give them work and educational visas that will sunset without any extension from Congress then I can agree with that.
I'm fine with a pathway to citizenship for most who've committed no crimes other than crossing. Having said that I would not approve of any welfare or voting rights for them. Just like I forfeit certain rights of mine through my illegal activities of my youth they've forfeit theirs.

Deporting tens of millions is not feasibly possible and an alternate solution must be attained. But the wall comes first. Period.

I disagree with any pathway to citizenship.

You want to give them work and educational visas that will sunset without any extension from Congress then I can agree with that.

Do you have a stable of lobbyists?
I don't like the entire notion of work visas that are given to people from overseas employment agencies. They work like regular employment agencies. The agency finds the worker, and provides him/her to the US company, that then pays the person less money than an American would cost them, but also pays the foreign agency a fee.

If a foreigner has a skill a US company needs, and there isn't an American, have the employer bring the guy over and put him in the US citizenship line.
I don't like the entire notion of work visas that are given to people from overseas employment agencies. They work like regular employment agencies. The agency finds the worker, and provides him/her to the US company, that then pays the person less money than an American would cost them, but also pays the foreign agency a fee.

If a foreigner has a skill a US company needs, and there isn't an American, have the employer bring the guy over and put him in the US citizenship line.

Your capitalists don't want to hire americans, they wish to hire others sans citizen protections that they can more readily abuse.
I'm fine with a pathway to citizenship for most who've committed no crimes other than crossing. Having said that I would not approve of any welfare or voting rights for them. Just like I forfeit certain rights of mine through my illegal activities of my youth they've forfeit theirs.

Deporting tens of millions is not feasibly possible and an alternate solution must be attained. But the wall comes first. Period.

I disagree with any pathway to citizenship.

You want to give them work and educational visas that will sunset without any extension from Congress then I can agree with that.

Do you have a stable of lobbyists?

Wouldn't you like to know what I have and those that I may or may not know.

Oh, and before you toss out your typical nonsense about how I know nothing and have nothing except stupidity and mental retardation, well how stupid are you for responding to me!?!

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