If Trump builds the wall and effectively stops illegal crossings for the most part.

I don't like the entire notion of work visas that are given to people from overseas employment agencies. They work like regular employment agencies. The agency finds the worker, and provides him/her to the US company, that then pays the person less money than an American would cost them, but also pays the foreign agency a fee.

If a foreigner has a skill a US company needs, and there isn't an American, have the employer bring the guy over and put him in the US citizenship line.

Your capitalists don't want to hire americans, they wish to hire others sans citizen protections that they can more readily abuse.
I'm not so sure of that, but I'd agree they want to hire the cheapest guy given two guys who can do the job well enough to meet the employer's needs.
I'm fine with a pathway to citizenship for most who've committed no crimes other than crossing. Having said that I would not approve of any welfare or voting rights for them. Just like I forfeit certain rights of mine through my illegal activities of my youth they've forfeit theirs.

Deporting tens of millions is not feasibly possible and an alternate solution must be attained. But the wall comes first. Period.

They can become full citizens, if they spend 4 years either in the armed forces or peace corps, or 6 years in some other volunteer program to pay their debts.
------------------------------------------- gotta disagree with that being an allowable option Marty !! ----------- just a comment !!

Disagreement is allowed, just a proposed solution short of full deportation. With this, some of them will willingly come out of the shadows for a chance at citizenship.
----------------------------------------- and thats my concern , i don't want a USA Military comprised of foreigners given guns and working for money and favor of citizenship . The governments Mercenaries , who knows who they will be told to shoot . I want them deported and all immigration stopped with exceptions for certain things , maybe a particular special doctor or scientist or maker of extra good nukes and weapons of war :afro: Marty .
Then businesses are forced to double their wages to citizens to do the same work otherwise no american should fill those jobs. Screw american business owners. If they won't pay double then let em struggle to find workers.
I don't like the entire notion of work visas that are given to people from overseas employment agencies. They work like regular employment agencies. The agency finds the worker, and provides him/her to the US company, that then pays the person less money than an American would cost them, but also pays the foreign agency a fee.

If a foreigner has a skill a US company needs, and there isn't an American, have the employer bring the guy over and put him in the US citizenship line.

Your capitalists don't want to hire americans, they wish to hire others sans citizen protections that they can more readily abuse.

NEGATIVE...the jobs our "capitalists" have to offer require intelligent, skilled employees with communication and people skills. You get none of that from Mexico...Try again.
I listed other options.

No one owes you anything, no one is indebted to you or any other human being.

They owe this country a debt for being allowed to stay here illegally. They need to pay up.
We Beat Them Once, We Can Beat Them Again

How strong is Mexico's navy? Seizing their offshore oilwells will pay what they owe us. There is no such thing as a large group of non-governmental actors. Sending this invasion force under the guise of Mexican citizens acting independently was a violation of the Monroe Doctrine.

Don't think I am willing to go there. What they did is handle their overpopulation and economic stagnation issues by foisting it onto us.

Your "job creator" class wanted them here and lobbied for it, you americans used to be a more expensive property.

Well now the middle class wants them out. Since they came here off the books, they can leave the same way.
I'm fine with a pathway to citizenship for most who've committed no crimes other than crossing. Having said that I would not approve of any welfare or voting rights for them. Just like I forfeit certain rights of mine through my illegal activities of my youth they've forfeit theirs.

Deporting tens of millions is not feasibly possible and an alternate solution must be attained. But the wall comes first. Period.

I disagree. They should never be citizens, their children should not be citizens. I dont' care if it takes 4 generations to deport them all, deport them all.
with all the televised and easily seen dislike for the last 40 - 50 years or so and then Trumps recent election based on anti immigrant dislike many of the mexicans and others coming to the USA know that they will be accepted only through force or political force . And after years of mexican , south american education in mexico and south america that the USA and its Gringos stole from mexicans and south americans some / many of these new citizens will resent real Americans in the USA . ------------------------------- Its just human nature . .
Pffffffffffffffft, yeah, make them go into endless wars of US corporate economic colonialism. I mean hell, only ~1% of americans are going to.

I listed other options.

No one owes you anything, no one is indebted to you or any other human being.

They owe this country a debt for being allowed to stay here illegally. They need to pay up.
We Beat Them Once, We Can Beat Them Again

How strong is Mexico's navy? Seizing their offshore oilwells will pay what they owe us. There is no such thing as a large group of non-governmental actors. Sending this invasion force under the guise of Mexican citizens acting independently was a violation of the Monroe Doctrine.

Don't think I am willing to go there. What they did is handle their overpopulation and economic stagnation issues by foisting it onto us.
Whites Are Yellow

Mexico was willing to go there because they knew we wouldn't retaliate with any effective force.
It's time to enforce the law. Secure the border and end Illegal Immigration. I don't wanna hear anymore excuses. I don't care how much it costs. Our Government spent us $20 Trillion into Debt, and i saw nothing out of it. Apparently others benefited from it, but i sure didn't. So now it's my turn. Spend whatever it takes. Just get it done.
I don't like the entire notion of work visas that are given to people from overseas employment agencies. They work like regular employment agencies. The agency finds the worker, and provides him/her to the US company, that then pays the person less money than an American would cost them, but also pays the foreign agency a fee.

If a foreigner has a skill a US company needs, and there isn't an American, have the employer bring the guy over and put him in the US citizenship line.

Your capitalists don't want to hire americans, they wish to hire others sans citizen protections that they can more readily abuse.

NEGATIVE...the jobs our "capitalists" have to offer require intelligent, skilled employees with communication and people skills. You get none of that from Mexico...Try again.

That's not true. A Mexican came here and started a drone building company that now employs hundreds of Americans.

What you are saying is factually wrong.
I'm fine with a pathway to citizenship for most who've committed no crimes other than crossing. Having said that I would not approve of any welfare or voting rights for them. Just like I forfeit certain rights of mine through my illegal activities of my youth they've forfeit theirs.

Deporting tens of millions is not feasibly possible and an alternate solution must be attained. But the wall comes first. Period.

If they become citizens they get full rights. Period.
I'm fine with a pathway to citizenship for most who've committed no crimes other than crossing. Having said that I would not approve of any welfare or voting rights for them. Just like I forfeit certain rights of mine through my illegal activities of my youth they've forfeit theirs.

Deporting tens of millions is not feasibly possible and an alternate solution must be attained. But the wall comes first. Period.

They can become full citizens, if they spend 4 years either in the armed forces or peace corps, or 6 years in some other volunteer program to pay their debts.

What debts?
I'm fine with a pathway to citizenship for most who've committed no crimes other than crossing. Having said that I would not approve of any welfare or voting rights for them. Just like I forfeit certain rights of mine through my illegal activities of my youth they've forfeit theirs.

Deporting tens of millions is not feasibly possible and an alternate solution must be attained. But the wall comes first. Period.

If they become citizens they get full rights. Period.
You don't make the rules, congress does. And since there are currently no rules on illegal to legal rights it remains to be seen what rights they will have. "Period"
The wall is a joke!


The congressman says his climb shows Trump’s wall is “absurd.”

A Mexican congressman has a message for U.S. President Donald Trump: The wall you want to build along your country’s border with Mexico is “totally absurd.”

Braulio Guerra, a representative from the state of Querétaro, on Wednesday climbed a 30-foot fence along a Tijuana beach. Once at the top, he filmed a video to ridicule Trump’s pet project.

“I was able to scale it, climb it, and sit myself right here,” Guerra says in Spanish in the video, noting that “one of the highest parts” of the wall is in Tijuana.

“It would be simple for me to jump into the United States, which shows that it is totally unnecessary and absurd to build a wall,” he added. “It’s easy, and it shows how unnecessary this project, this political rhetoric from Donald Trump, is.”

More: Mexican Politician Climbs Border Fence To Prove Trump's Wall Is 'Totally Unnecessary'
The wall is a joke!


The congressman says his climb shows Trump’s wall is “absurd.”

A Mexican congressman has a message for U.S. President Donald Trump: The wall you want to build along your country’s border with Mexico is “totally absurd.”

Braulio Guerra, a representative from the state of Querétaro, on Wednesday climbed a 30-foot fence along a Tijuana beach. Once at the top, he filmed a video to ridicule Trump’s pet project.

“I was able to scale it, climb it, and sit myself right here,” Guerra says in Spanish in the video, noting that “one of the highest parts” of the wall is in Tijuana.

“It would be simple for me to jump into the United States, which shows that it is totally unnecessary and absurd to build a wall,” he added. “It’s easy, and it shows how unnecessary this project, this political rhetoric from Donald Trump, is.”

More: Mexican Politician Climbs Border Fence To Prove Trump's Wall Is 'Totally Unnecessary'
The only thing he "proved" is that a FENCE is useless. And since that isn't "Trumps" fence, it's even more irrelevant.
The wall is a joke!


The congressman says his climb shows Trump’s wall is “absurd.”

A Mexican congressman has a message for U.S. President Donald Trump: The wall you want to build along your country’s border with Mexico is “totally absurd.”

Braulio Guerra, a representative from the state of Querétaro, on Wednesday climbed a 30-foot fence along a Tijuana beach. Once at the top, he filmed a video to ridicule Trump’s pet project.

“I was able to scale it, climb it, and sit myself right here,” Guerra says in Spanish in the video, noting that “one of the highest parts” of the wall is in Tijuana.

“It would be simple for me to jump into the United States, which shows that it is totally unnecessary and absurd to build a wall,” he added. “It’s easy, and it shows how unnecessary this project, this political rhetoric from Donald Trump, is.”

More: Mexican Politician Climbs Border Fence To Prove Trump's Wall Is 'Totally Unnecessary'

I'm confused.... that would seem to show that it is necessary.... wouldn't it?
I don't like the entire notion of work visas that are given to people from overseas employment agencies. They work like regular employment agencies. The agency finds the worker, and provides him/her to the US company, that then pays the person less money than an American would cost them, but also pays the foreign agency a fee.

If a foreigner has a skill a US company needs, and there isn't an American, have the employer bring the guy over and put him in the US citizenship line.

Your capitalists don't want to hire americans, they wish to hire others sans citizen protections that they can more readily abuse.

NEGATIVE...the jobs our "capitalists" have to offer require intelligent, skilled employees with communication and people skills. You get none of that from Mexico...Try again.

That's not true. A Mexican came here and started a drone building company that now employs hundreds of Americans.

What you are saying is factually wrong.

Well, the problem is, in the real world we group the 1%'ers with the other 99%...you see, nobody really cares what the 1% of any group does. Like that fat slow kid on a track team who tries to ride the coat tails of the kids who actually contribute. Kind of retarded right?
You don't make the rules, congress does. And since there are currently no rules on illegal to legal rights it remains to be seen what rights they will have. "Period"

Citizen has a definitive meaning. There are not 'degrees' of citizenship. Either you are one, or you aren't. That has nothing to do with congress...

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