If Trump builds the wall and effectively stops illegal crossings for the most part.

The wall is a joke!


The congressman says his climb shows Trump’s wall is “absurd.”

A Mexican congressman has a message for U.S. President Donald Trump: The wall you want to build along your country’s border with Mexico is “totally absurd.”

Braulio Guerra, a representative from the state of Querétaro, on Wednesday climbed a 30-foot fence along a Tijuana beach. Once at the top, he filmed a video to ridicule Trump’s pet project.

“I was able to scale it, climb it, and sit myself right here,” Guerra says in Spanish in the video, noting that “one of the highest parts” of the wall is in Tijuana.

“It would be simple for me to jump into the United States, which shows that it is totally unnecessary and absurd to build a wall,” he added. “It’s easy, and it shows how unnecessary this project, this political rhetoric from Donald Trump, is.”

More: Mexican Politician Climbs Border Fence To Prove Trump's Wall Is 'Totally Unnecessary'
The only thing he "proved" is that a FENCE is useless. And since that isn't "Trumps" fence, it's even more irrelevant.

Didn't the Mongols get through the great wall of china. Proving it also useless.
You don't make the rules, congress does. And since there are currently no rules on illegal to legal rights it remains to be seen what rights they will have. "Period"

Citizen has a definitive meaning. There are not 'degrees' of citizenship. Either you are one, or you aren't. That has nothing to do with congress...
On the contrary. When a citizen commits a crime his rights are curtailed. Every single illegal has committed a crime.

Class dismissed
I'm fine with a pathway to citizenship for most who've committed no crimes other than crossing. Having said that I would not approve of any welfare or voting rights for them. Just like I forfeit certain rights of mine through my illegal activities of my youth they've forfeit theirs.

Deporting tens of millions is not feasibly possible and an alternate solution must be attained. But the wall comes first. Period.

They can become full citizens, if they spend 4 years either in the armed forces or peace corps, or 6 years in some other volunteer program to pay their debts.

What debts?

The debt they owe for coming here without following the rules. The debt they owe to the people who came here who did follow the rules.
The wall is a joke!


The congressman says his climb shows Trump’s wall is “absurd.”

A Mexican congressman has a message for U.S. President Donald Trump: The wall you want to build along your country’s border with Mexico is “totally absurd.”

Braulio Guerra, a representative from the state of Querétaro, on Wednesday climbed a 30-foot fence along a Tijuana beach. Once at the top, he filmed a video to ridicule Trump’s pet project.

“I was able to scale it, climb it, and sit myself right here,” Guerra says in Spanish in the video, noting that “one of the highest parts” of the wall is in Tijuana.

“It would be simple for me to jump into the United States, which shows that it is totally unnecessary and absurd to build a wall,” he added. “It’s easy, and it shows how unnecessary this project, this political rhetoric from Donald Trump, is.”

More: Mexican Politician Climbs Border Fence To Prove Trump's Wall Is 'Totally Unnecessary'
The only thing he "proved" is that a FENCE is useless. And since that isn't "Trumps" fence, it's even more irrelevant.

Didn't the Mongols get through the great wall of china. Proving it also useless.

No. Actually the wall was extremely effective.

There was only two times China was effectively wiped out by the Mongols. The first, was the Song Dynasty, and the problem was, it's northern boarder never reached the north end of the wall. Thus they couldn't defend it, thus it was an open route to being attacked. This would be like building a wall along the south of California, having California leave the Union, and being shocked illegals made it into the US from California. California wouldn't defend the wall, so people coming across that would be easy.

The second time was at the end of the Ming dynasty, when internal rebels killed the Emperor, and wiped out loyal families to the Emperor. One of the families wiped out, was a commander over the wall, who intentionally opened the wall, and allowed the invading armies in, to avenge the death of his family (knowing the invaders would wipe out the rebels which were assuming power... and they did).

In short, the wall was never breached or strategically defeated in battle. It was extremely effective.

The only question here is, are we going to patrol the wall, or not. If we don't, then the wall will be useless. If we do, it will be highly effective. That's all there is to it.

I think with the rise of automated drones, we can easily maintain safe boarders. I think our northern boarder is also in need of defense.
I'm fine with a pathway to citizenship for most who've committed no crimes other than crossing. Having said that I would not approve of any welfare or voting rights for them. Just like I forfeit certain rights of mine through my illegal activities of my youth they've forfeit theirs.

Deporting tens of millions is not feasibly possible and an alternate solution must be attained. But the wall comes first. Period.

Why do you want to waste 23 billion dollars on a WALL? Are you saying we need to WASTE 23 billion dollars on a wall that will have a 1000 holes and tunnels underneath before you sign off on a pathway to citizenship, or any type of immigration reform bill?


They have found 80 of these in the San Diego region alone, and they know there's more.
The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

And they don't have any problems getting over walls either.


And of course the HOLES


Here's a couple getting over G.W. Bush's fence.


So we're supposed to WASTE 23 billion dollars and then you'll be O.K. with immigration reform?
I would like to know how much money we have already wasted on Fences and Walls!

Anything an illegal can SEE can and will always be compromised. That is why the only way to really secure the border is to use high tech motion detectors (that they can't see) and add more border patrol stations. If fences and walls worked there would be no illegals in this country today.
I'm fine with a pathway to citizenship for most who've committed no crimes other than crossing. Having said that I would not approve of any welfare or voting rights for them. Just like I forfeit certain rights of mine through my illegal activities of my youth they've forfeit theirs.

Deporting tens of millions is not feasibly possible and an alternate solution must be attained. But the wall comes first. Period.

In the minds of the left, illegal immigrants have have the same constitutional rights as American citizens. maybe this is why some people think liberalism is a mental disease!

In case you forgot, Mexico owned the entire southwest of this country long before the White man showed up. Furthermore do you have any idea what would happen to the economies of Arizona, Texas, California, Colorado & New Mexico if every illegal was chased out? They actually contribute 4 TRILLION dollars to our economy every year.

40% of illegals own homes in this country. If they were all forced out your property values would collapse and we would be bailing out mortgage brokers again.

Then what about Social Security/Medicare?
We have an aging population in this country. Back in the 1950's average kid size per family was 4. Over the last several decades it's been reduced to 2 or less. Baby boomers are retiring into these funds at 10,000 per day and this rate will continue for the next 10 years adding an additional 84 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities. Right now 1 working person is supporting 3 retirees on borrowed money--which is why we are always having to raise the debt ceiling.

So we can just let these funds go bankrupt, cut benefits to the bone, raise the age limit to 90 years old-- or bring in younger workers to support these funds. Immigration reform is the only way to accomplish that. To insure that the people who are here, and have committed no crime or are NO threat to this country, are paying their fair share into these funds.

This is why we need immigration reform NOW.


Make your choice!
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I'm fine with a pathway to citizenship for most who've committed no crimes other than crossing. Having said that I would not approve of any welfare or voting rights for them. Just like I forfeit certain rights of mine through my illegal activities of my youth they've forfeit theirs.

Deporting tens of millions is not feasibly possible and an alternate solution must be attained. But the wall comes first. Period.
If they become citizens, then they get to vote. That's the law. However, there's no reason to make them citizens. Just give them a special green card that allows them to remain in the country indefinitely

The Dims will never agree to any plan that doesn't allow them to vote.
I'm fine with a pathway to citizenship for most who've committed no crimes other than crossing. Having said that I would not approve of any welfare or voting rights for them. Just like I forfeit certain rights of mine through my illegal activities of my youth they've forfeit theirs.

Deporting tens of millions is not feasibly possible and an alternate solution must be attained. But the wall comes first. Period.

In the minds of the left, illegal immigrants have have the same constitutional rights as American citizens. maybe this is why some people think liberalism is a mental disease!

In case you forgot, Mexico owned the entire southwest of this country long before the White man showed up. Furthermore do you have any idea what would happen to the economies of Arizona, Texas, California, Colorado & New Mexico if every illegal was chased out? They actually contribute 4 TRILLION dollars to our economy every year.

40% of illegals own homes in this country. If they were all forced out your property values would collapse and we would be bailing out mortgage brokers again.

Then what about Social Security/Medicare?
We have an aging population in this country. Back in the 1950's average kid size per family was 4. Over the last several decades it's been reduced to 2 or less. Baby boomers are retiring into these funds at 10,000 per day and this rate will continue for the next 10 years adding an additional 84 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities. Right now 1 working person is supporting 3 retirees on borrowed money--which is why we are always having to raise the debt ceiling.

So we can just let these funds go bankrupt, cut benefits to the bone, raise the age limit to 90 years old-- or bring in younger workers to support these funds. Immigration reform is the only way to accomplish that. To insure that the people who are here, and have committed no crime or are NO threat to this country, are paying their fair share into these funds.

This is why we need immigration reform NOW.


Make your choice!

You're so full of derp.
I'm fine with a pathway to citizenship for most who've committed no crimes other than crossing. Having said that I would not approve of any welfare or voting rights for them. Just like I forfeit certain rights of mine through my illegal activities of my youth they've forfeit theirs.

Deporting tens of millions is not feasibly possible and an alternate solution must be attained. But the wall comes first. Period.

In the minds of the left, illegal immigrants have have the same constitutional rights as American citizens. maybe this is why some people think liberalism is a mental disease!

In case you forgot, Mexico owned the entire southwest of this country long before the White man showed up. Furthermore do you have any idea what would happen to the economies of Arizona, Texas, California, Colorado & New Mexico if every illegal was chased out? They actually contribute 4 TRILLION dollars to our economy every year.

40% of illegals own homes in this country. If they were all forced out your property values would collapse and we would be bailing out mortgage brokers again.

Then what about Social Security/Medicare?
We have an aging population in this country. Back in the 1950's average kid size per family was 4. Over the last several decades it's been reduced to 2 or less. Baby boomers are retiring into these funds at 10,000 per day and this rate will continue for the next 10 years adding an additional 84 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities. Right now 1 working person is supporting 3 retirees on borrowed money--which is why we are always having to raise the debt ceiling.

So we can just let these funds go bankrupt, cut benefits to the bone, raise the age limit to 90 years old-- or bring in younger workers to support these funds. Immigration reform is the only way to accomplish that. To insure that the people who are here, and have committed no crime or are NO threat to this country, are paying their fair share into these funds.

This is why we need immigration reform NOW.


Make your choice!

Medicare and Social Security are going to fail, whether we have illegals or not, or whether we have a wall, or not.

Second your claim of $4 Trillion.... is just crazy crazy wrong. Maybe you meant $4 Billion.

Just using the worst public education math, suggests that is crazy.

We have an estimated 11 Million illegals. Some estimates say 12 Million, some 10 million. Let's roll with 11 million illegals.

11 million illegals, assuming every single one of them is working (which we know isn't true), and assuming each one is earning a full time 40-hour minimum wage (which also isn't true, most earn less), that would $15,000 a year, which is $165 Billion dollars in earned wages. That's tops. Highest amount of money, that as a group, they could be producing, assume they are all working, and all putting in full time 40 hours a week, at the minimum wage.

You see a math problem here? How do you get from a yearly group wage of $165 Billion, to reaching a massive $4 Trillion in value created?

If you look at it from the reverse, it's even more insane.

$4 Trillion dollars of economic value created (that's your claim) divided by 11 million illegals..... That's $364,000 dollars of value created per each illegal. That's more value created, than the salaries of top 10% of CEOs. If you make over $282,000 a year, that's the top 10% of CEOs.

And you are telling me illegals, are doing jobs that produce that much wealth for the country?

Yeah...uh... no. You fail. Try again.

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