If Trump ever committed a crime in his entire life time, I want to hear what it is...

Housing discrimination.
More Fraud.
More extortion.
More housing discrimination.

Oh sorry, you said "a crime", singular. I can't seem to narrow down to just one.
Housing discrimination.
More Fraud.
More extortion.
More housing discrimination.

Oh sorry, you said "a crime", singular. I can't seem to narrow down to just one.
Link to conviction record?
Housing discrimination.
More Fraud.
More extortion.
More housing discrimination.

Oh sorry, you said "a crime", singular. I can't seem to narrow down to just one.

Feel free to link to anything that is called "evidence". Your mental masturbation doesn't count, cupcake.
Bill Clinton never made a dime that wasn't confiscated from taxpayers and neither did Barry Hussein Sotoro. Making money is now considered to be evidence of criminal activity by the neo-socialist left.
Housing discrimination.
More Fraud.
More extortion.
More housing discrimination.

Oh sorry, you said "a crime", singular. I can't seem to narrow down to just one.
Link to conviction record?

He has been convicted of the exact same number of crimes as Hillary. Another thing they share.
If Trump had so much as jaywalked in his life, you could be sure we would know about it.

But so far, NOTHING.
After two years, all Mueller has in his hand is his own dick.

The reason he is putting off revealing what he has is because the second he admits he has nothing, he becomes "persona non grata" to the leftist mob, and they will eat him alive.
...because so far NADA.

All I hear is a lot of SHIT TALKING.
I am glad to see you are very clearly putting yourself in the tiny donnie camp. This is going to be so much fun when later on you try to deny him like Peter did Jesus.
He ran for president of a platform on putting white people first...and won! thats a crime apparently...
The Mueller investigation could go away tomorrow, the findings buried and you would never even wonder about any of it. As it is you will be the loudest denier should the investigation find anything. You are the worst kind of partisan and you are setting yourself up for a kind of soul-crushing disappointment that only the obsessed can know.
Bill Clinton never made a dime that wasn't confiscated from taxpayers and neither did Barry Hussein Sotoro. Making money is now considered to be evidence of criminal activity by the neo-socialist left.
So you are so fucking stupid that you can't tell making money honestly & scamming people.

Trump is pocketing millions from decisions he makes as President & you love it.

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