If Trump is UNJUSTLY removed from office, what should we do?

Even for 10,000 years with the native Americans ... the men were always
The chiefs

It was not males thst they thru off cliffs to the gods It was females maidens

History is a fine thing. I am a fan of studying it. But trying to claim that primitive cultures proves anything about modern society is laughable. Those cultures may have thrown women off cliffs to appease the gods, but the men also hunted and brought food to the tribe. Few men in today's world can survive without a grocery store.

Wrong dead wrong

This gender difference in voting did not start until 30 years ago Before that the women voted with the men

This was a monster mistake experiment because the globalists brainwashed the lower logic women to rob Americans more easy
Nothing? Revolt? If nothing, why have elections? Just say that we'll be a one-party oligarchy ran by the Democratic Party like the Communist Party has in China. If Trump is unjustly removed and we do nothing, our democracy is over.

The Republicans run the senate, so if he is removed it will be done by the Republicans. How is that unjust?
You are totally outnumbered by the men

And vastly outnumbered by strongest group in history .. white men

America is 200 yrs of real proof of how white men always wins over the other men

And in the world there is 10,000 yrs of history proving men wins over women

Really Really Foolish to go against what has been proven over and over

Only if there is violence. Otherwise, women are every bit the equal of men.

If there is violence trying to stop women from voting, the majority of men will fight to preserve the US Constitution. They certainly will not fight to overthrow the US gov't. You can be sure of that.


The sat math tests proves they are not

Proves they have lower logic ability that always wins

The SAT proves that US citizens will not fight to preserve the US Constitution? WTF? And you claim to be capable of higher logic?

from: America Is Divided by Education
"According to exit polls, 61 percent of non-college-educated white voters cast their ballots for Republicans while just 45 percent of college-educated white voters did so. Meanwhile 53 percent of college-educated white voters cast their votes for Democrats compared with 37 percent of those without a degree."

More than half of the voters with college degrees voted democrat. Your plan would hand the democrats a victory.

And please go to a Trump rally and try and tell his supporters there will be a math test to earn the right to vote. Maybe tell the Proud Boys they have to pass a math test to vote. LMAO!! Make sure someone videotapes it.

The sat math scores different for males and females in favor of males

Proves educators as a total fraud to give the grades to the ones that cannot do the work as the test shows with the male female different scores in favor of the males

Education today is a total fraud

So are lying INCELs, but here you are.

No it’s you the liar and men agrees
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In response to the OP and page 1 of this thread,
It reminds me of a local story here of what happened when the British came to occupy our harbor during the War of 1812.
Back during the Revolution, our menfolk had kicked the British's ass twice and sent them on their way. Now, 30 years later, here they are again, this time with gun ships bristling with cannon and ships loaded with 900 British regulars. We could surrender quietly or have the town flattened. The old Captain who had led our militia during the Revolution and sailed off to fight for George Washington, now in his 60's, at least, jumped on his horse and went riding through the streets shouting "A dozen men! Give me a dozen men and we will send these British packing! To arms!"
Not a single man volunteered. The British came in, went door to door and took everyone's guns, helped themselves to their groceries and after they were sure the locals weren't going to revolt, the soldiers left and the Brits continued to control our harbor until the war was over.
No one died. America eventually won the war. We continue to have a democracy to this day.
The OP reminds me of the old Captain, up on his horse.


Andrew Jackson and the men were regrouping and with their high logic planning

The British totally out numbered the Americans

But the Americans slaughtered the vast numbers of brits with their higher weapons

Proving that logic always wins

And white men has that logic and patriots fights much harder than non patriots

Trump will destroy the democrats and their lower logic voters and the globalists that has brainwashed the unwise to elect them
I realize you're a nutcase it isn't worth arguing with, but just for the record, Andrew Jackson wasn't up here on the northern coast of Maine. The Brits took over every deep water port between Portland and the border.
You sound like the senile captain, too.

Wrong Jackson destroyed the British and before he could get north the British ran like scalded dogs

Patriots fights much harder than non patriots and that’s how the brits got beat
In response to the OP and page 1 of this thread,
It reminds me of a local story here of what happened when the British came to occupy our harbor during the War of 1812.
Back during the Revolution, our menfolk had kicked the British's ass twice and sent them on their way. Now, 30 years later, here they are again, this time with gun ships bristling with cannon and ships loaded with 900 British regulars. We could surrender quietly or have the town flattened. The old Captain who had led our militia during the Revolution and sailed off to fight for George Washington, now in his 60's, at least, jumped on his horse and went riding through the streets shouting "A dozen men! Give me a dozen men and we will send these British packing! To arms!"
Not a single man volunteered. The British came in, went door to door and took everyone's guns, helped themselves to their groceries and after they were sure the locals weren't going to revolt, the soldiers left and the Brits continued to control our harbor until the war was over.
No one died. America eventually won the war. We continue to have a democracy to this day.
The OP reminds me of the old Captain, up on his horse.


Andrew Jackson and the men were regrouping and with their high logic planning

The British totally out numbered the Americans

But the Americans slaughtered the vast numbers of brits with their higher weapons

Proving that logic always wins

And white men has that logic and patriots fights much harder than non patriots

Trump will destroy the democrats and their lower logic voters and the globalists that has brainwashed the unwise to elect them
I realize you're a nutcase it isn't worth arguing with, but just for the record, Andrew Jackson wasn't up here on the northern coast of Maine. The Brits took over every deep water port between Portland and the border.
You sound like the senile captain, too.

Wrong Jackson destroyed the British and before he could get north the British ran like scalded dogs

Patriots fights much harder than non patriots and that’s how the brits got beat

She was referring to a specific battle. You need to study history.

I think GreenAndBlue is just another INCEL. Angry because he can't get laid, but trying to make it sound political.

One battle does not decide the winner

The brits ran like scalded. Dogs

Againt they learned a hard lesson

These were white men they were fighting

The same as the brits

But these were patriots and they fight much harder
Even for 10,000 years with the native Americans ... the men were always
The chiefs

It was not males thst they thru off cliffs to the gods It was females maidens

History is a fine thing. I am a fan of studying it. But trying to claim that primitive cultures proves anything about modern society is laughable. Those cultures may have thrown women off cliffs to appease the gods, but the men also hunted and brought food to the tribe. Few men in today's world can survive without a grocery store.

Wrong dead wrong

This gender difference in voting did not start until 30 years ago Before that the women voted with the men

This was a monster mistake experiment because the globalists brainwashed the lower logic women to rob Americans more easy

So you think things were fine as long as women did what they were told?

In response to the OP and page 1 of this thread,
It reminds me of a local story here of what happened when the British came to occupy our harbor during the War of 1812.
Back during the Revolution, our menfolk had kicked the British's ass twice and sent them on their way. Now, 30 years later, here they are again, this time with gun ships bristling with cannon and ships loaded with 900 British regulars. We could surrender quietly or have the town flattened. The old Captain who had led our militia during the Revolution and sailed off to fight for George Washington, now in his 60's, at least, jumped on his horse and went riding through the streets shouting "A dozen men! Give me a dozen men and we will send these British packing! To arms!"
Not a single man volunteered. The British came in, went door to door and took everyone's guns, helped themselves to their groceries and after they were sure the locals weren't going to revolt, the soldiers left and the Brits continued to control our harbor until the war was over.
No one died. America eventually won the war. We continue to have a democracy to this day.
The OP reminds me of the old Captain, up on his horse.


Andrew Jackson and the men were regrouping and with their high logic planning

The British totally out numbered the Americans

But the Americans slaughtered the vast numbers of brits with their higher weapons

Proving that logic always wins

And white men has that logic and patriots fights much harder than non patriots

Trump will destroy the democrats and their lower logic voters and the globalists that has brainwashed the unwise to elect them
I realize you're a nutcase it isn't worth arguing with, but just for the record, Andrew Jackson wasn't up here on the northern coast of Maine. The Brits took over every deep water port between Portland and the border.
You sound like the senile captain, too.

Wrong Jackson destroyed the British and before he could get north the British ran like scalded dogs

Patriots fights much harder than non patriots and that’s how the brits got beat

She was referring to a specific battle. You need to study history.

I think GreenAndBlue is just another INCEL. Angry because he can't get laid, but trying to make it sound political.

One battle does not decide the winner

The brits ran like scalded. Dogs

Againt they learned a hard lesson

These were white men they were fighting

The same as the brits

But these were patriots and they fight much harder

I know English is your second language, but do try to keep up. OldLady's story was about a specific battle and the response of the men in it.
Nothing? Revolt? If nothing, why have elections? Just say that we'll be a one-party oligarchy ran by the Democratic Party like the Communist Party has in China. If Trump is unjustly removed and we do nothing, our democracy is over.

Are you drunk?

Why would you suggest that someone can be impeached unjustly? There are 3 EQUAL branches of government. This ensures that someone is not impeached "unjustly" or without reason. Even if the House votes to impeach it goes to the Senate who holds the trial and decides whether the impeachment will be enforced and the President removed.

You are recklessly advocating for violence. We are a nation of laws. So the real question is, if this President is impeached LEGALLY what will YOU do? Leave the country because you don't like that this is a nation of laws? Work to have the law changed? Honor the decision? or cry?
Even for 10,000 years with the native Americans ... the men were always
The chiefs

It was not males thst they thru off cliffs to the gods It was females maidens

History is a fine thing. I am a fan of studying it. But trying to claim that primitive cultures proves anything about modern society is laughable. Those cultures may have thrown women off cliffs to appease the gods, but the men also hunted and brought food to the tribe. Few men in today's world can survive without a grocery store.

Wrong dead wrong

This gender difference in voting did not start until 30 years ago Before that the women voted with the men

This was a monster mistake experiment because the globalists brainwashed the lower logic women to rob Americans more easy

So you think things were fine as long as women did what they were told?


The founders protected women from their low logic minds that can get fooled more easy and would not let them vote or be on a jury

A logic test is coming now to stop unwise from voting or being on jury’s
In response to the OP and page 1 of this thread,
It reminds me of a local story here of what happened when the British came to occupy our harbor during the War of 1812.
Back during the Revolution, our menfolk had kicked the British's ass twice and sent them on their way. Now, 30 years later, here they are again, this time with gun ships bristling with cannon and ships loaded with 900 British regulars. We could surrender quietly or have the town flattened. The old Captain who had led our militia during the Revolution and sailed off to fight for George Washington, now in his 60's, at least, jumped on his horse and went riding through the streets shouting "A dozen men! Give me a dozen men and we will send these British packing! To arms!"
Not a single man volunteered. The British came in, went door to door and took everyone's guns, helped themselves to their groceries and after they were sure the locals weren't going to revolt, the soldiers left and the Brits continued to control our harbor until the war was over.
No one died. America eventually won the war. We continue to have a democracy to this day.
The OP reminds me of the old Captain, up on his horse.


Andrew Jackson and the men were regrouping and with their high logic planning

The British totally out numbered the Americans

But the Americans slaughtered the vast numbers of brits with their higher weapons

Proving that logic always wins

And white men has that logic and patriots fights much harder than non patriots

Trump will destroy the democrats and their lower logic voters and the globalists that has brainwashed the unwise to elect them
I realize you're a nutcase it isn't worth arguing with, but just for the record, Andrew Jackson wasn't up here on the northern coast of Maine. The Brits took over every deep water port between Portland and the border.
You sound like the senile captain, too.

Wrong Jackson destroyed the British and before he could get north the British ran like scalded dogs

Patriots fights much harder than non patriots and that’s how the brits got beat

She was referring to a specific battle. You need to study history.

I think GreenAndBlue is just another INCEL. Angry because he can't get laid, but trying to make it sound political.

One battle does not decide the winner

The brits ran like scalded. Dogs

Againt they learned a hard lesson

These were white men they were fighting

The same as the brits

But these were patriots and they fight much harder

You keep referring to patriots. And yet, you think because many of them support Trump that they will open fire on US citizens and overthrow the US gov't. Sounds like you do not know the meaning of the word "patriot".
There are no indications or a shred of evidence Trump will be removed unjustly or illegally. Elected American legislators who are moving towards removing Trump are following rules, laws, and protocols designated in the Constitution.
Even for 10,000 years with the native Americans ... the men were always
The chiefs

It was not males thst they thru off cliffs to the gods It was females maidens

History is a fine thing. I am a fan of studying it. But trying to claim that primitive cultures proves anything about modern society is laughable. Those cultures may have thrown women off cliffs to appease the gods, but the men also hunted and brought food to the tribe. Few men in today's world can survive without a grocery store.

Wrong dead wrong

This gender difference in voting did not start until 30 years ago Before that the women voted with the men

This was a monster mistake experiment because the globalists brainwashed the lower logic women to rob Americans more easy

So you think things were fine as long as women did what they were told?


The founders protected women from their low logic minds that can get fooled more easy and would not let them vote or be on a jury

A logic test is coming now to stop unwise from voting or being on jury’s

No, it is not. That would take a constitutional amendment.
Nothing? Revolt? If nothing, why have elections? Just say that we'll be a one-party oligarchy ran by the Democratic Party like the Communist Party has in China. If Trump is unjustly removed and we do nothing, our democracy is over.

Are you drunk?

Why would you suggest that someone can be impeached unjustly? There are 3 EQUAL branches of government. This ensures that someone is not impeached "unjustly" or without reason. Even if the House votes to impeach it goes to the Senate who holds the trial and decides whether the impeachment will be enforced and the President removed.

You are recklessly advocating for violence. We are a nation of laws. So the real question is, if this President is impeached LEGALLY what will YOU do? Leave the country because you don't like that this is a nation of laws? Work to have the law changed? Honor the decision? or cry?

If the men judges something that is harmful they will act to stop it

That is history
Even for 10,000 years with the native Americans ... the men were always
The chiefs

It was not males thst they thru off cliffs to the gods It was females maidens

History is a fine thing. I am a fan of studying it. But trying to claim that primitive cultures proves anything about modern society is laughable. Those cultures may have thrown women off cliffs to appease the gods, but the men also hunted and brought food to the tribe. Few men in today's world can survive without a grocery store.

Wrong dead wrong

This gender difference in voting did not start until 30 years ago Before that the women voted with the men

This was a monster mistake experiment because the globalists brainwashed the lower logic women to rob Americans more easy

So you think things were fine as long as women did what they were told?


The founders protected women from their low logic minds that can get fooled more easy and would not let them vote or be on a jury

A logic test is coming now to stop unwise from voting or being on jury’s

No, it is not. That would take a constitutional amendment.


The military agreeing with the men will force a new govt
Even for 10,000 years with the native Americans ... the men were always
The chiefs

It was not males thst they thru off cliffs to the gods It was females maidens

History is a fine thing. I am a fan of studying it. But trying to claim that primitive cultures proves anything about modern society is laughable. Those cultures may have thrown women off cliffs to appease the gods, but the men also hunted and brought food to the tribe. Few men in today's world can survive without a grocery store.

Wrong dead wrong

This gender difference in voting did not start until 30 years ago Before that the women voted with the men

This was a monster mistake experiment because the globalists brainwashed the lower logic women to rob Americans more easy

So you think things were fine as long as women did what they were told?


The founders protected women from their low logic minds that can get fooled more easy and would not let them vote or be on a jury

A logic test is coming now to stop unwise from voting or being on jury’s

Whenever I'm having a bad day I come on this forum and look for one of your posts. It always makes me smile and I walk away feeling empowered and invincible.
There are no indications or a shred of evidence Trump will be removed unjustly or illegally. Elected American legislators who are moving towards removing Trump are following rules, laws, and protocols designated in the Constitution.

Wrong the majority of the men are the real evidence .. their judgement will not be denied
Even for 10,000 years with the native Americans ... the men were always
The chiefs

It was not males thst they thru off cliffs to the gods It was females maidens

History is a fine thing. I am a fan of studying it. But trying to claim that primitive cultures proves anything about modern society is laughable. Those cultures may have thrown women off cliffs to appease the gods, but the men also hunted and brought food to the tribe. Few men in today's world can survive without a grocery store.

Wrong dead wrong

This gender difference in voting did not start until 30 years ago Before that the women voted with the men

This was a monster mistake experiment because the globalists brainwashed the lower logic women to rob Americans more easy

So you think things were fine as long as women did what they were told?


The founders protected women from their low logic minds that can get fooled more easy and would not let them vote or be on a jury

A logic test is coming now to stop unwise from voting or being on jury’s

Whenever I'm having a bad day I come on this forum and look for one of your posts. It always makes me smile and I walk away feeling empowered and invincible.
Look at history and learn the universal laws
History is a fine thing. I am a fan of studying it. But trying to claim that primitive cultures proves anything about modern society is laughable. Those cultures may have thrown women off cliffs to appease the gods, but the men also hunted and brought food to the tribe. Few men in today's world can survive without a grocery store.

Wrong dead wrong

This gender difference in voting did not start until 30 years ago Before that the women voted with the men

This was a monster mistake experiment because the globalists brainwashed the lower logic women to rob Americans more easy

So you think things were fine as long as women did what they were told?


The founders protected women from their low logic minds that can get fooled more easy and would not let them vote or be on a jury

A logic test is coming now to stop unwise from voting or being on jury’s

No, it is not. That would take a constitutional amendment.


The military agreeing with the men will force a new govt

No, the patriots in the military will not destroy the US Constitution as you predict.
There are no indications or a shred of evidence Trump will be removed unjustly or illegally. Elected American legislators who are moving towards removing Trump are following rules, laws, and protocols designated in the Constitution.

Wrong the majority of the men are the real evidence .. their judgement will not be denied
Have you ever been alone with a woman for more than a few moments?
Nothing? Revolt? If nothing, why have elections? Just say that we'll be a one-party oligarchy ran by the Democratic Party like the Communist Party has in China. If Trump is unjustly removed and we do nothing, our democracy is over.

Are you drunk?

Why would you suggest that someone can be impeached unjustly? There are 3 EQUAL branches of government. This ensures that someone is not impeached "unjustly" or without reason. Even if the House votes to impeach it goes to the Senate who holds the trial and decides whether the impeachment will be enforced and the President removed.

You are recklessly advocating for violence. We are a nation of laws. So the real question is, if this President is impeached LEGALLY what will YOU do? Leave the country because you don't like that this is a nation of laws? Work to have the law changed? Honor the decision? or cry?

If the men judges something that is harmful they will act to stop it

That is history

Yep.....and that's why we're in one messed up situation after another. Enjoy your fleeting role. History shows us what to avoid in the future. Don't worry, women are compassionate. We'll still make sure you're looked after.

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