If Trump is UNJUSTLY removed from office, what should we do?

The founders protected women from their low logic minds that can get fooled more easy and would not let them vote or be on a jury

A logic test is coming now to stop unwise from voting or being on jury’s

Whenever I'm having a bad day I come on this forum and look for one of your posts. It always makes me smile and I walk away feeling empowered and invincible.

A little "Shooting fish in a barrel" therapy? lol

The ones with the logic ability are the inventors

The battle of New Orleans by the Andy Jackson patriots invented a system to shoot the British like shooting fish in a barrel

The brits totally gave up and ran like scalded dogs

What? What did Jackson's patriots INVENT??

Jackson took Sam Houston down with him and invented this easy shooting brits in a barrel

Sam Houston also went to Texas to totally wipe out the whole Mexican army and gain all the sw lands away from Spain and Mexico

The Tennessee patriots were fantastic fighters as Alvin York proved in world war 1. And these same people are all for trump

Wake the heck up before you get destroyed !!

The people you named were all dead before Trump was president. (two of them were dead before Trump was born)

You didn't answer what Jackson invented.
Whenever I'm having a bad day I come on this forum and look for one of your posts. It always makes me smile and I walk away feeling empowered and invincible.

A little "Shooting fish in a barrel" therapy? lol

The ones with the logic ability are the inventors

The battle of New Orleans by the Andy Jackson patriots invented a system to shoot the British like shooting fish in a barrel

The brits totally gave up and ran like scalded dogs

What? What did Jackson's patriots INVENT??

Jackson took Sam Houston down with him and invented this easy shooting brits in a barrel

Sam Houston also went to Texas to totally wipe out the whole Mexican army and gain all the sw lands away from Spain and Mexico

The Tennessee patriots were fantastic fighters as Alvin York proved in world war 1. And these same people are all for trump

Wake the heck up before you get destroyed !!
Us patriot Bostonians will be calling for your help soon! Thank you patriot.

Patriots? LMAO!! What GreenAnd Blue is proposing is nothing short of treason.

Or do you also want to see the US Constitution thrown out?
Nothing? Revolt? If nothing, why have elections? Just say that we'll be a one-party oligarchy ran by the Democratic Party like the Communist Party has in China. If Trump is unjustly removed and we do nothing, our democracy is over.
Commit suicide?

The wise founders said

There never was a democracy that didn’t commit suicide

Now America is at this point and only trump and the men can stop it ... and they WILL !

Now we are a democracy? Once again, you should your ignorance of history.
Nothing? Revolt? If nothing, why have elections? Just say that we'll be a one-party oligarchy ran by the Democratic Party like the Communist Party has in China. If Trump is unjustly removed and we do nothing, our democracy is over.
Commit suicide?

The wise founders said

There never was a democracy that didn’t commit suicide

Now America is at this point and only trump and the men can stop it ... and they WILL !

Now we are a democracy? Once again, you should your ignorance of history.

The founders had a limited democracy of the wise

Today we have the wide democracy of the unwise which is what commits suicide
A little "Shooting fish in a barrel" therapy? lol

The ones with the logic ability are the inventors

The battle of New Orleans by the Andy Jackson patriots invented a system to shoot the British like shooting fish in a barrel

The brits totally gave up and ran like scalded dogs

What? What did Jackson's patriots INVENT??

Jackson took Sam Houston down with him and invented this easy shooting brits in a barrel

Sam Houston also went to Texas to totally wipe out the whole Mexican army and gain all the sw lands away from Spain and Mexico

The Tennessee patriots were fantastic fighters as Alvin York proved in world war 1. And these same people are all for trump

Wake the heck up before you get destroyed !!
Us patriot Bostonians will be calling for your help soon! Thank you patriot.

Patriots? LMAO!! What GreenAnd Blue is proposing is nothing short of treason.

Or do you also want to see the US Constitution thrown out?
Did our founding fathers break the rules?
Nothing? Revolt? If nothing, why have elections? Just say that we'll be a one-party oligarchy ran by the Democratic Party like the Communist Party has in China. If Trump is unjustly removed and we do nothing, our democracy is over.
Commit suicide?

The wise founders said

There never was a democracy that didn’t commit suicide

Now America is at this point and only trump and the men can stop it ... and they WILL !

Now we are a democracy? Once again, you should your ignorance of history.

The founders had a limited democracy of the wise

Today we have the wide democracy of the unwise which is what commits suicide

No, we are a constitutional republic. Which is why the US Constitution is the very bedrock of our nation.
The ones with the logic ability are the inventors

The battle of New Orleans by the Andy Jackson patriots invented a system to shoot the British like shooting fish in a barrel

The brits totally gave up and ran like scalded dogs

What? What did Jackson's patriots INVENT??

Jackson took Sam Houston down with him and invented this easy shooting brits in a barrel

Sam Houston also went to Texas to totally wipe out the whole Mexican army and gain all the sw lands away from Spain and Mexico

The Tennessee patriots were fantastic fighters as Alvin York proved in world war 1. And these same people are all for trump

Wake the heck up before you get destroyed !!
Us patriot Bostonians will be calling for your help soon! Thank you patriot.

Patriots? LMAO!! What GreenAnd Blue is proposing is nothing short of treason.

Or do you also want to see the US Constitution thrown out?
Did our founding fathers break the rules?

No what I asked you. I asked a very simple question.
What? What did Jackson's patriots INVENT??

Jackson took Sam Houston down with him and invented this easy shooting brits in a barrel

Sam Houston also went to Texas to totally wipe out the whole Mexican army and gain all the sw lands away from Spain and Mexico

The Tennessee patriots were fantastic fighters as Alvin York proved in world war 1. And these same people are all for trump

Wake the heck up before you get destroyed !!
Us patriot Bostonians will be calling for your help soon! Thank you patriot.

Patriots? LMAO!! What GreenAnd Blue is proposing is nothing short of treason.

Or do you also want to see the US Constitution thrown out?
Did our founding fathers break the rules?

No what I asked you. I asked a very simple question.
What ever it takes to return America from the ha da of Nazi democrats who are destroying America looks at the cities they run
Nothing? Revolt? If nothing, why have elections? Just say that we'll be a one-party oligarchy ran by the Democratic Party like the Communist Party has in China. If Trump is unjustly removed and we do nothing, our democracy is over.

Call to impeach all Democrats that have ever
broken rules, and demand restitution to taxpayers for
the full cost of abuse of power and office by the Party.
Jackson took Sam Houston down with him and invented this easy shooting brits in a barrel

Sam Houston also went to Texas to totally wipe out the whole Mexican army and gain all the sw lands away from Spain and Mexico

The Tennessee patriots were fantastic fighters as Alvin York proved in world war 1. And these same people are all for trump

Wake the heck up before you get destroyed !!
Us patriot Bostonians will be calling for your help soon! Thank you patriot.

Patriots? LMAO!! What GreenAnd Blue is proposing is nothing short of treason.

Or do you also want to see the US Constitution thrown out?
Did our founding fathers break the rules?

No what I asked you. I asked a very simple question.
What ever it takes to return America from the ha da of Nazi democrats who are destroying America looks at the cities they run

Avoiding a straight up answer, I see. Duly noted.
Nothing? Revolt? If nothing, why have elections? Just say that we'll be a one-party oligarchy ran by the Democratic Party like the Communist Party has in China. If Trump is unjustly removed and we do nothing, our democracy is over.

Call to impeach all Democrats that have ever
broken rules, and demand restitution to taxpayers for
the full cost of abuse of power and office by the Party.

Why not all politicians?
Jackson took Sam Houston down with him and invented this easy shooting brits in a barrel

Sam Houston also went to Texas to totally wipe out the whole Mexican army and gain all the sw lands away from Spain and Mexico

The Tennessee patriots were fantastic fighters as Alvin York proved in world war 1. And these same people are all for trump

Wake the heck up before you get destroyed !!
Us patriot Bostonians will be calling for your help soon! Thank you patriot.

Patriots? LMAO!! What GreenAnd Blue is proposing is nothing short of treason.

Or do you also want to see the US Constitution thrown out?
Did our founding fathers break the rules?

No what I asked you. I asked a very simple question.
What ever it takes to return America from the ha da of Nazi democrats who are destroying America looks at the cities they run

Also, are you ready to take an SAT math test to qualify to vote? How is your trig and calculus?
It’s quite clear that the status quo is not to be messed with. The globalist pigs will not give up their power. They don’t care about democracy and hate our Republic and constitution. Same goes for Europe, just look at how they won’t let Brexit happen. Elections are only valid if bought and paid for these assholes. President Trump is the first true outsider, and he isn’t going along with the plans of the neocon and Marxist globalist pigs.
This is Hiarious

Well, feel free to explain how President Trump hasn’t started any new wars, unlike your beloved Hussein.
Start with the fact that he is NOT an outsider. A billionaire businessman is no outsider, never. Get real. As well, the presidential oath of office demands that the president “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Nearly everything he does shows disregard for the constitution. He is supposed to be dealing with foreign powers on OUR behalf, not for his personal advancement.

"Judge Andrew Napolitano told Fox News host Shepard Smith on Tuesday that the president effectively confessed to a crime when he admitted he asked Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter.

Napolitano, a Fox News senior judicial analyst, had framed President Trump's earlier statement [as] an admission that he tried to "solicit aid for his campaign from a foreign government."

“So that to which the president has admitted is in and of itself a crime,” Smith followed." Judge Napolitano: Trump has admitted committing crime in talks with Ukraine

If you people had any sense at all, you would see that Drumph is only in this for himself. He doesn't care about Christian values, he doesn't care about the working man, he doesn't care about the truth, he doesn't care about you or this country--only himself. He ran for president out of ego and nothing else. He changed parties so he could run as a Republican and sell you all a load of horseshit. He is a con man who has conned you all. Look at him: nothing in his life reflects the values he pretends to espouse. He is not a self made man. He doesn't care about the working man. His 'college' cheated hundreds of ordinary people. He didn't pay people who worked for him. His companies employ illegal aliens. He is three times married and three times divorced, each time marrying younger arm candy. What connection does any of that have to do with his base, the people who support him?

The fact you think he is an 'outsider' and somehow he is your savior who will deliver you from corruption in government is absolutely intensely hilarious. His administration is the most corrupt one we have ever had.
?Who is better at combat the young or the old?

Experience and logic wins

Ask Andrew Jackson

Ask Daniel Boone at boonesboro with vast numbers of Indians attacking and then the Indians was slaughtered by just a few of older white men

Wake up and learn history

The white men wins all the wars

Trump has them on his side by a landslide

If they are fighting to overthrow the gov't and the US Constitution, they are traitors and will be dealt with accordingly.

By who??

Trump has the men and the military and law enforcement

By who ??

Yes he does.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
?Who is better at combat the young or the old?

Experience and logic wins

Ask Andrew Jackson

Ask Daniel Boone at boonesboro with vast numbers of Indians attacking and then the Indians was slaughtered by just a few of older white men

Wake up and learn history

The white men wins all the wars

Trump has them on his side by a landslide

If they are fighting to overthrow the gov't and the US Constitution, they are traitors and will be dealt with accordingly.

By who??

Trump has the men and the military and law enforcement

By who ??

Yes he does.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Don't tell me you are buying this bullshit.

Yes, men and the military support Trump over the democrats. But do you actually believe thos polling numbers men the men and the military will use force (violence) against American citizens? And do you actually want the US Constitution thrown out as the basis for our laws?
?Who is better at combat the young or the old?

Experience and logic wins

Ask Andrew Jackson

Ask Daniel Boone at boonesboro with vast numbers of Indians attacking and then the Indians was slaughtered by just a few of older white men

Wake up and learn history

The white men wins all the wars

Trump has them on his side by a landslide

If they are fighting to overthrow the gov't and the US Constitution, they are traitors and will be dealt with accordingly.

By who??

Trump has the men and the military and law enforcement

By who ??

Yes he does.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Don't tell me you are buying this bullshit.

Yes, men and the military support Trump over the democrats. But do you actually believe thos polling numbers men the men and the military will use force (violence) against American citizens? And do you actually want the US Constitution thrown out as the basis for our laws?
The military support Drumph because they have to. They don't have a choice unless we have a coup led by the military. Plenty of military people do not support his politics and understand that he is temporary. It is America they are serving, not him.
With all these shoes dropping around DJT, sure looks like there are plenty of reasons to impeach DJT and then JUSTLY remove from office. Fear not bucky, the Constitution of the United States will win out.

What "shoes" are those, Comrade? You Communists swore you would impeach him the day he came down the golden escalator, and every day since. You lied for over two years with the Weissman (ne Mueller) Inquisition. Obama engaged in treason to spy on Trump and to rig the 2016 election. All your treason failed, and now you try this.

Should the Constitution win out, you'll all hang.
I'm not a communist and I never swore any such thing about DJT. On the contrary, I gave him the benefit of the doubt and hoped he would in fact do a great job. So now that he has been in office for three years, his track record proves he is incompetent, has abused the power of the Presidency, and should either be impeached and removed from office or voted out.

Of course you're a Communist, and a shameless liar.
Immediately after his inauguration, The Independent and The Washington Post each reported on efforts already underway to impeach Trump, based on what the organizers regard as conflicts of interest arising from Trump's ability to use his political position to promote the interests of "Trump"-branded businesses, and ongoing payments by foreign entities to businesses within the Trump business empire as a violation of the Foreign Emoluments Clause.[1][2] In March 2017, China provisionally granted 38 "Trump" trademark applications set to take permanent effect in 90 days, which were noted to come in close proximity to the president's making policy decisions favorable to China.[13]

The Washington Post further noted the creation of ImpeachDonaldTrumpNow.org by Free Speech For People and RootsAction, two liberal advocacy groups.[2] On February 9, Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D, NY) had filed a resolution of inquiry titled "H.Con.Res. 5" to force the Trump administration to turn over documents relating to potential conflicts of interest and to ties with Russia.[14] Some sources identified this as the first step in the process of impeaching Trump.[15][16] Fox News outlined two potential bases for impeachment, one being the Emoluments Clause and the other being complicity with Russian interference in the 2016 United States presidential election.[17] On March 21, it was widely reported that Congresswoman Maxine Waters tweeted "Get ready for impeachment," which Waters explained was in reference to the allegations of collusion with Russian interference in the election.[18]


Efforts to impeach Donald Trump - Wikipedia

You Communists started your coup the day he came down the escalator. It is treason, and you won't get away with it.

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