If Trump were to run in 2024, a new poll shows he will easily win.

It shows the existing Keystone pipeline as well as the proposed Keystone XL pipeline.
That's what I said Mr Parrot. "PROPOSED". Want a cracker ?

I really want to know why.
What did Obama do?
Cut back oil drilling. Kept the corporate tax to a high of 39%. Supported outsourcing to China. Kept business regulation at a high level. Supported the big banks and instead, used his FTC to go after small business like MUSIC TEACHERS (hey, that's ME folks), he kept illegal immigration active, with remittance losses to US businesses of $148 Billion/year. Good for China and Mexico. Bad for the USA. This is what happens when you have a GLOBALIST clown as POTUS, whose background was devoid of business experience, and was a "community organizer" (whatever that is)

Here's an interesting article from the far-left Washington Post, bashing Obama pretty hard for his lousy (and pro-big business) economic policies. It also foolishly brands Trump as > "trafficks in racist and nativist rhetoric", but it mostly praises Trump for his support of American workers > "offering a wall of sorts to protect voters against neo-liberals who consolidate financial power, ship jobs abroad and replace paychecks with food stamps."

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So? And there were 2 increases. And for the year, GDP went from 0.6% to 2.0%.
:puhleeze: If you're trying to defend Obama on economics, you're fight a losing battle. Even the leftist Washington Post sharply disagrees with that. See the bottom link in Post # 1372. read it slowly.
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I shall provide you with a few documented, verbatim Sayings of Chairman Trump concerning the pandemic, and you are welcome to counter them with all the times he declared that it had contributed to the rise in unemployment during his regime.

View attachment 604384
“We have it totally under control... It’s going to be just fine!”

View attachment 604385

“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus.
The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency.
It will all work out well. In particular,
on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!”

View attachment 604386
“We pretty much shut it down coming in from China.”

View attachment 604387
“I think the virus is going to be—it’s going to be fine.”

View attachment 604388
"Looks like by April, you know in theory when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away.”

View attachment 604389
“The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA… the Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”

View attachment 604390
“The 15 (cases in the US) within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero.”

View attachment 604391
“We're going very substantially down, not up.”

View attachment 604392
"This is a flu. This is like a flu."

View attachment 604393
“It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”

View attachment 604394
“If we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know,
sitting around and even going to work — some of them go to work, but they get better.”

View attachment 604395
“I think we’re doing a really good job in this country at keeping it down…
a tremendous job at keeping it down.”

View attachment 604396
“You have to be calm. It’ll go away.”

View attachment 604397
“I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand it…
Every one of these doctors said, ‘How do you know so much about this?’
Maybe I have a natural ability.
Maybe I should have done that instead of running for president.”

View attachment 604398
“No, I’m not concerned at all!"

Here's another tactic of liberals. They try to con you into believing false notions by cherry-picking words of their opponents that were spoken for example>> when the pandemic just began, and NOBODY then had a firm grasp on the future of it.

I could post a post similar to this one, with Democrats in early 2020, blabbering all sorts of things downplaying the pandemic (Ex. Nancy Pelosi in San Francisco's Chinatown on video, without a mask, in close proximity to people around her, and encouraging people to leave their homes and come to Chinatown - a densely packed shopping area.)
Nationalism is nothing more than isolation. It gives the country the leverage to govern itself. It can also do with its people as it sees fit. Get out of line, and you disappear. So what happened to the DOI, and freedom? It has also been used to legitimize racial, ethnic, and religious divisions, suppress or attack minorities, and undermine human rights and democratic traditions.[9] Radical nationalism combined with racial hatred was a key factor in the Holocaust perpetrated by Nazi Germany.[19] I see you have no problem with that. It goes back to what I have been saying about you the whole time. You want power and control over others to say, "I got mine, and to hell with you." Like it or not, that is who you are.
You have absolutely NO UNDERSTANDING of what Nationalism is, more than what your leftist, maniac medias indoctrinate you. All designed to perpetuate the left's insane open borders policies, as a way to get VOTES from foreigners, that they cant get from Americans.

And what makes you think "I got mine" so much, huh ? I dont even own a car, you boob.

You also have NO UNDERSTANDING of my position on government, and worse yet, you jump to ludicrous conclusions about me, that have zero basis in reality. As a racial minority person myself, I find it laughable that would try to peg me as a hater of racial minorities. What a stupid post you posted.
What racial hate there is in America, is almost entirely coming from the left against white people in Affirmative Action racial discrimination, racist CRT, and Biden's racist American Rescue Plan, which discriminates against whites.

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture, and language in common.
(Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th ed.)

.....and totally different than the multicultural mish-mash mess being dumped on us by Democrats, and Biden's open border (or NO border) policy.
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... when the pandemic just began, and NOBODY then had a firm grasp on the future of it.
On the other hand, there is the truth:

As Dr. Nancy Messonnier, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) official accurately warned on February 25, 2020 as reported by Fox News,

On the same day, the gasbag was bloviating,

Screen Shot 2019-11-17 at 10.40.21 AM.png

"Under control!", a "problem that's going to go away!",
"The people are getting better, they're all getting better!"

Yet, the failed casino operator and faded reality tv entertainer persisted in his typical flatulence long after, as documented above.

protectionist said:
... Nancy Pelosi in San Francisco's Chinatown on video, without a mask, in close proximity to people around her, and encouraging people to leave their homes and come to Chinatown
Fake diversion fails. You need new material, not stale Trumpy crap that was thoroughly discredited long ago:

On the other hand, there is the truth:

As Dr. Nancy Messonnier, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) official accurately warned on February 25, 2020 as reported by Fox News,

On the same day, the gasbag was bloviating,

View attachment 604490
"Under control!", a "problem that's going to go away!",
"The people are getting better, they're all getting better!"

Yet, the failed casino operator and faded reality tv entertainer persisted in his typical flatulence long after, as documented above.

Fake diversion fails. You need new material, not stale Trumpy crap that was thoroughly discredited long ago:

So where is the FALSEHOOD ? This link confirms exactly what I said about Pelosi and Chinatown. And Trump's criticism of her was perfectly correct. She went there and urged people to leave their homes and go there, in a crowded place, exactly against the advice that was given to socially distance, and not go to crowded places.

Here it is from YOUR LINK >> "Pelosi did walk the streets of Chinatown Feb. 24 and urged people to return to its shops and restaurants."

Pelosi, Feb. 24: [W]e should come to Chinatown. Precautions have been taken by our city. We know that there is concern surrounding tourism, traveling all throughout the world, but we think it’s very safe to be in Chinatown and hope that others will come. It’s lovely here. The food is delicious, the shops are prospering, the parade was great. Walking tours continue. Please come and visit and enjoy Chinatown
There you have it. Pelosi "bloviating"
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"National Socialism," FruitLoops. That's not the same as Socialism.
Look, the whole conversation has gotten ridiculous. There is no need to descend to the level of a moron who tries to equate nationalism with Hitler's Nazi party.

Nationalism is simply a HEALTHY policy that recognizes what defines a nation. And what defines it is primarily language, but also law, music and other cultural characteristics that the inhabitants of the nation have IN COMMON.

For BWK, and others totally lost on the concept of nationalism, here's a question for you. Guess why these countries names are all the same as their language ? >> Russia/Russian, Sweden/Swedish, France/French, Italy/Italian, Greece/Greek, Germany/German, Spain/Spanish, China/Chinese, Japan/Japanese.

Starting to get the hang of it ? :rolleyes:

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