If Trump were to run in 2024, a new poll shows he will easily win.

"cerification" by Democrat election workers (cheaters), not the state legislatures (the true, correct, Constitutional electors)


You are totally clueless about the Constitution, elections, and who certifies them.

But I do get a good laugh how you contest the outcome of the election because you're not happy with who certified the results in each of the 50 respective states -- yet you never once bitched about that in regards to the 2016 election.

I addressed it and proved it to be right.

Now, Hurry up and get over here before they cancel it again >>


Nothing in there offers an iota of proof that Democrats injected 35,000 illegal ballots in Pima County. :cuckoo:

You are totally clueless about the Constitution, elections, and who certifies them.

But I do get a good laugh how you contest the outcome of the election because you're not happy with who certified the results in each of the 50 respective states -- yet you never once bitched about that in regards to the 2016 election.
OK I'll bitch about the 2016 election. What the hell did knothead Democrats think they were doing by putting a serial killer in as a candidate for POTUS ?

That's as bad as a demented, senile, China hack, globalist, vote-crazy, women groping, pedophile,
Quote the Constitution giving states' legislatures the authority to certify a presidential election...
  • The state legislatures appoint electors, not some backroom Democrats chosen by corrupt election officials
  • Clause 2 Electors
  • Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

  • https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/article-2/section-1/
OK I'll bitch about the 2016 election. What the hell did knothead Democrats think they were doing by putting a serial killer in as a candidate for POTUS ?

That's as bad as a demented, senile, China hack, globalist, vote-crazy, women groping, pedophile,

It's there. Ho hum. yawn**** 😐 :slap:

You're insane, gramps. Your link went to a thread you created called, "Biden Race Policy Just Went Off the Charts"

There's nothing in there about an anonymous email, about 35,000 ballots, about Pima County.

You're off the rails, senile.
Wait a minute. Does Faun think he has credibility ? Get back in the bottom of your pond, rock.

  • The state legislatures appoint electors, not some backroom Democrats chosen by corrupt election officials
  • Clause 2 Electors
  • Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

  • https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/article-2/section-1/


You retard, you're proving me right about you not knowing shit about the Constitution or elections.

Nothing in that clause speaks about certifying a presidential election. All that is, is that state legislatures will determine how electors get appointed.
You're insane, gramps. Your link went to a thread you created called, "Biden Race Policy Just Went Off the Charts"

There's nothing in there about an anonymous email, about 35,000 ballots, about Pima County.

You're off the rails, senile.
I didn't say it had anything to do with ballots, dum dum. I just directed you to go there, so I can chew you up and spit you out over there too. :biggrin:

You retard, you're proving me right about you not knowing shit about the Constitution or elections.

Nothing in that clause speaks about certifying a presidential election. All that is, is that state legislatures will determine how electors get appointed.
And they got appointed wrong in the 2020 election. Duh!
I didn't say it had anything to do with ballots, dum dum. I just directed you to go there, so I can chew you up and spit you out over there too. :biggrin:

You're completely deranged, gramps...

Faun: Since your very first claim was bullshit which you refused to address until you could no longer run from it, why should I assume anything else you claimed possesses any veracity??

gramps: I addressed it REPEATEDLY, as the whole forum can easily see. As well as your unbalanced psyche.

Faun: You addressed it by showing there was an email. Where you failed, miserably, was to show the contents of the email were factual.

gramps: I addressed it and proved it to be right. Now, Hurry up and get over here before they cancel it again >>

Faun: Nothing in there offers an iota of proof that Democrats injected 35,000 illegal ballots in Pima County. :cuckoo:

gramps: It's there. Ho hum. yawn**** 😐 :slap:

Faun: You're insane, gramps. Your link went to a thread you created called, "Biden Race Policy Just Went Off the Charts" There's nothing in there about an anonymous email, about 35,000 ballots, about Pima County. You're off the rails, senile.

gramps: I didn't say it had anything to do with ballots, dum dum.

Yes, gramps you did say it did -- when you said, "it's there."

Who knew you had no idea what we were discussing? :lmao:

You are totally clueless about the Constitution, elections, and who certifies them.

But I do get a good laugh how you contest the outcome of the election because you're not happy with who certified the results in each of the 50 respective states -- yet you never once bitched about that in regards to the 2016 election.

I'm guessing he was ostracized from yet another message board somewhere and is now back looking for the attention he so craves--the attention he can't get in real life.

I'm guessing he was ostracized from yet another message board somewhere and is now back looking for the attention he so craves--the attention he can't get in real life.
:puhleeze:I can get more attention in one night of playing my music to a fun crowd, than you dullards could get in your whole dreary lives. :biggrin:


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