If Trump were to run in 2024, a new poll shows he will easily win.

Denying reality is a fools mission
IS that how you deny THIS reality ? >>>

And THIS ONE >>>

You're completely deranged, gramps...

Faun: Since your very first claim was bullshit which you refused to address until you could no longer run from it, why should I assume anything else you claimed possesses any veracity??
gramps: I addressed it REPEATEDLY, as the whole forum can easily see. As well as your unbalanced psyche.
Faun: You addressed it by showing there was an email. Where you failed, miserably, was to show the contents of the email were factual.
gramps: I addressed it and proved it to be right. Now, Hurry up and get over here before they cancel it again >>
Faun: Nothing in there offers an iota of proof that Democrats injected 35,000 illegal ballots in Pima County. :cuckoo:
gramps: It's there. Ho hum. yawn**** 😐 :slap:
Faun: You're insane, gramps. Your link went to a thread you created called, "Biden Race Policy Just Went Off the Charts" There's nothing in there about an anonymous email, about 35,000 ballots, about Pima County. You're off the rails, senile.
gramps: I didn't say it had anything to do with ballots, dum dum.

Yes, gramps you did say it did -- when you said, "it's there."

Who knew you had no idea what we were discussing?
You lost track of the discourse.
AGAIN, The post you claim isn't proven was proven in the post that I cited to you.
AGAIN, The "Off the Charts" link had nothing to do with the proven post. It was just a addition. People with weak minds, sadly can't ascertain that. :(
Prove it...
If you had read the many PAGES of proofs I already posted, you wouldn't foolishly be yammering for proof now.

While on the subject of election integrity vs election theft, it is incredible that the US still does not have proof of citizenship required for voting anywhere in America. We don't even have simple photo ID required for voting, uniformily across the nation, while all 47 European countries do.

Sixteen years ago, in 2005, the Carter-Baker Commission on Federal Election Reform issued a report that proposed a uniform system of requiring a photo ID in order to vote in U.S. elections. The report also pointed out that widespread absentee voting makes vote fraud more likely. Voter files contain ineligible, duplicate, fictional, and deceased voters, a fact easily exploited using absentee ballots to commit fraud. Citizens who vote absentee are more susceptible to pressure and intimidation. And vote-buying schemes are far easier when citizens vote by mail. Who was behind the Carter-Baker Commission? Donald Trump? No. The Commission’s two ranking members were former President Jimmy Carter, a Democrat, and former Secretary of State James Baker III, a Republican. Other Democrats on the Commission were former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, and former Indiana Congressman Lee Hamilton. It was a truly bipartisan commission that made what seemed at the time, to be common sense proposals. How things have changed.

When it comes to absentee voting, we Americans, accustomed as we are to very loose rules, are often shocked to learn that 35 of the 47 European countries—including France, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden— don’t allow absentee voting for citizens living in country. Another ten European countries—including England, Ireland, Denmark, Portugal, and Spain—allow absentee voting, but require voters to show up in person and present a photo ID to pick up their ballots. It isn’t like in the U.S., where a person can say he’s going to be out of town and have a ballot mailed to him. but it isn't America that is the oddball worldwide in supporting and promoting absentee voting. It is Democrats, dependent on illegal alien voting.

Some of the Commission’s members, Jimmy Carter among them, came out last year to disavow the Commission’s work. And despite surveys showing that Americans overwhelmingly support measures to ensure election integrity—a recent Rasmussen survey found that 80 percent of Americans support a voter ID requirement—Democratic leaders across the board oppose such measures in the strongest terms. Of course, because voter ID goes against their SOP of important illegal aliens and having them vote for Democrats.

You don't have evidence.

That's the point of fact.
Longtime city of Detroit employee Jessy Jacob, provided among the most startling accounts.

Jacob stated in an affidavit she personally witnessed — and in some cases was instructed — to backdate thousands of absentee ballots the day after the election to make them appear legal, even though they were not in the Qualified Vote File, and had not arrived by the deadline.

"On November 4, 2020, I was instructed to improperly pre-date the absentee ballots receive date that were not in the QVF as if they had been received on or before November 3, 2020," she testified. "I was told to alter the information in the QVF to falsely show that the absentee ballots had been received in time to be valid. I estimate that this was done to thousands of ballots."


Jacob's claim is stunning. Not only does she risk perjury if she lied, she could lose her livelihood as a city worker.
There wwere more than a dozen affidavits filed in various election challenge lawsuits in Michigan. All witnesses, like Jacob, signed the affidavits and had them notarized, making them subject to Michigan's perjury law.

Jacob described how she was assigned to work the city's election back in September and for weeks witnessed systemic election fraud and tampering with voters at multiple locations.
"I processed absentee ballot packages to be sent to voters while I worked at the election headquarters in September 2020 along with 70-80 other poll workers," her affidavit stated. "I was instructed by my supervisor to adjust the mailing date of these absentee ballot packages to be dated earlier than they were actually sent. The supervisor was making announcements for all workers to engage in this practice.

"I directly observed, on a daily basis, City of Detroit election workers and employees coaching and trying to coach voters to vote for Joe Biden and the Democrat party. I witnessed these workers and employees encouraging voters to do a straight Democrat ballot. I witnessed these election workers and employees going over to the voting booths with voters in order to watch them vote and coach them for whom to vote."
YOU DON'T have any evidence that convinces anyone fraud happened.
Alexandra Seely, a Michigan voter who worked as a GOP poll challenger, recounted in a handwritten affidavit how her challenges to suspect ballots were summarily ignored and she was "harassed and threatened" for raising concerns.

"I challenged 10 votes at table 23, they would not take out the log to record my challenges," Seely's affidavit stated. "I had to write names and ballot numbers on my own. I asked to make incident reports. They would not allow me, and said they will make a note in the computer. They did not and proceeded to keep counting."

YOU DON'T have any evidence that convinces anyone fraud happened.
Zachary Larsen, a GOP lawyer who until earlier this year worked for the state of Michigan as an assistant attorney general, swore in his affidavit he witnessed poll workers violating the secrecy of ballots, apparently peeking to see whom a voter had supported before deciding whether to put them in a pile of problematic ballots that might not count. A fellow poll watcher joined him for part of the observations

"Beyond the legal requirements for maintaining ballot secrecy, both of us were concerned that the violations of the secrecy of the ballot that we witnessed could be or were being used to manipulate which ballots were placed in the 'problem ballots' box," his affidavit alleged.

Larsen also stated he saw evidence the ballots were being approved for non-eligible voters.

"I was concerned that this practice of assigning names and numbers indicated that a ballot was being counted for a non-eligible voter who was not in either the poll book or the supplemental poll book," his affidavit stated.

"From my observation of the computer screen, the voters were certainly not in the official poll book,"
Larsen stated. "Moreover, this appeared to be the case for the majority of the voters whose ballots I had personally observed being scanned."

Longtime city of Detroit employee Jessy Jacob, provided among the most startling accounts.

Jacob stated in an affidavit she personally witnessed — and in some cases was instructed — to backdate thousands of absentee ballots the day after the election to make them appear legal, even though they were not in the Qualified Vote File, and had not arrived by the deadline.

"On November 4, 2020, I was instructed to improperly pre-date the absentee ballots receive date that were not in the QVF as if they had been received on or before November 3, 2020," she testified. "I was told to alter the information in the QVF to falsely show that the absentee ballots had been received in time to be valid. I estimate that this was done to thousands of ballots."


Jacob's claim is stunning. Not only does she risk perjury if she lied, she could lose her livelihood as a city worker.
There wwere more than a dozen affidavits filed in various election challenge lawsuits in Michigan. All witnesses, like Jacob, signed the affidavits and had them notarized, making them subject to Michigan's perjury law.

Jacob described how she was assigned to work the city's election back in September and for weeks witnessed systemic election fraud and tampering with voters at multiple locations.
"I processed absentee ballot packages to be sent to voters while I worked at the election headquarters in September 2020 along with 70-80 other poll workers," her affidavit stated. "I was instructed by my supervisor to adjust the mailing date of these absentee ballot packages to be dated earlier than they were actually sent. The supervisor was making announcements for all workers to engage in this practice.

"I directly observed, on a daily basis, City of Detroit election workers and employees coaching and trying to coach voters to vote for Joe Biden and the Democrat party. I witnessed these workers and employees encouraging voters to do a straight Democrat ballot. I witnessed these election workers and employees going over to the voting booths with voters in order to watch them vote and coach them for whom to vote."
She didn't risk perjury as the affidavit was never presented in court.

Now why was that?
YOU DON'T have any evidence that convinces anyone fraud happened.
Robert Cushman, another poll observer in Detroit, submitted an affidavit that described behavior almost identical to that which the city worker Jacob said she engaged in. Cushman said he saw large swaths of ballots being counted the day after the election for voters who were not in the authorized list of names. In some cases, he added, fake birth dates were being used to fill in birth dates.

"I challenged the authority and the authenticity of all of these ballots that were being processed late with absolutely no accompanying documentation, no corresponding name in the QVF, and no corresponding name in the Supplemental List," Cushman's affidavit stated.

"Every ballot was being fraudulently and manually entered into the Electronic Poll Book (QVF), as having been born on January 1, 1900," Cushman continued. "This 'last' batch of ballots was processed in the 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. time frame. When I asked about this impossibility of each ballot having the same birthday occurring in 1900, I was told that was the instruction that came down from the Wayne County Clerk's office."

YOU DON'T have any evidence that convinces anyone fraud happened.
The Washington Post and many other news organizations have published stories stating there was no widespread voter fraud. Such stories ignore the sworn accounts of these Michigan citizens — some who were civil servants, some who were Republican poll watchers — whose accounts implicate thousands of ballots.
Zachary Larsen, a GOP lawyer who until earlier this year worked for the state of Michigan as an assistant attorney general, swore in his affidavit he witnessed poll workers violating the secrecy of ballots, apparently peeking to see whom a voter had supported before deciding whether to put them in a pile of problematic ballots that might not count. A fellow poll watcher joined him for part of the observations

"Beyond the legal requirements for maintaining ballot secrecy, both of us were concerned that the violations of the secrecy of the ballot that we witnessed could be or were being used to manipulate which ballots were placed in the 'problem ballots' box," his affidavit alleged.

Larsen also stated he saw evidence the ballots were being approved for non-eligible voters.

"I was concerned that this practice of assigning names and numbers indicated that a ballot was being counted for a non-eligible voter who was not in either the poll book or the supplemental poll book," his affidavit stated.

"From my observation of the computer screen, the voters were certainly not in the official poll book," Larsen stated. "Moreover, this appeared to be the case for the majority of the voters whose ballots I had personally observed being scanned."


Elections expert: Challengers didn't understand the process​

In several lawsuits, the Trump campaign and allies provided more than 100 affidavits to support their allegations of election fraud and abuse in Michigan. In at least two cases, the city of Detroit responded with an affidavit from Christopher Thomas, an elections expert and a former head of elections for Michigan.

Thomas painstakingly addressed the allegations in one suit, concluding Republican challengers “do not understand absent voter ballot processing and tabulating.”

Michigan judge Timothy Kenny
Perhaps if Plaintiffs' election challenger affiants had attended the October 29, 2020 walk-through of the TCF Center ballot counting location, questions and concerns could have been answered in advance of Election Day.

The judge agreed, writing, “Perhaps if Plaintiffs' election challenger affiants had attended the October 29, 2020 walk-through of the TCF Center ballot counting location, questions and concerns could have been answered in advance of Election Day.

“Regrettably, they did not,” the judge wrote. “Plaintiffs' interpretation of events is incorrect and not credible.”

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