If Trump Wins the Primary

Then kiss the Presidency, senate and SCOTUS away. And we will have a liberal majority block on the SCOTUS for the next 20 yrs! It will be sick.

We could even lose the House.
I doubt Republicans can screw up badly enough to lose their gerrymandered House

But a Trump nomination will cost them the Presidency, Senate and SCOTUS (6-3)

6-3 for starters....there may be more retirements than vacancies caused by death.

I think a couple of the retirees will be Liberals replacing Breyer and Ginsberg with much younger liberals and leaving Thomas, Alito and Roberts as the only Conservatives
What will be the impact of a liberal court?

Protection of Obamacare
End of the death penalty
Permanent protections for a womans right to choose
Further gun controls on handguns, assault rifles and large capacity magazines
Environmental protections
Labor protections
Then kiss the Presidency, senate and SCOTUS away. And we will have a liberal majority block on the SCOTUS for the next 20 yrs! It will be sick.

We could even lose the House.
I doubt Republicans can screw up badly enough to lose their gerrymandered House

But a Trump nomination will cost them the Presidency, Senate and SCOTUS (6-3)

6-3 for starters....there may be more retirements than vacancies caused by death.

If Hillary wins, she almost certainly will be in for eight years.
Then kiss the Presidency, senate and SCOTUS away. And we will have a liberal majority block on the SCOTUS for the next 20 yrs! It will be sick.

We could even lose the House.
I doubt Republicans can screw up badly enough to lose their gerrymandered House

But a Trump nomination will cost them the Presidency, Senate and SCOTUS (6-3)

6-3 for starters....there may be more retirements than vacancies caused by death.

I think a couple of the retirees will be Liberals replacing Breyer and Ginsberg with much younger liberals and leaving Thomas, Alito and Roberts as the only Conservatives

I'm not sure Thomas is long for the court myself.
What will be the impact of a liberal court?

Protection of Obamacare
End of the death penalty
Permanent protections for a womans right to choose
Further gun controls on handguns, assault rifles and large capacity magazines
Environmental protections
Labor protections

You're leaving out privacy protection and possibly CFR; the two biggies in my book.
Then kiss the Presidency, senate and SCOTUS away. And we will have a liberal majority block on the SCOTUS for the next 20 yrs! It will be sick.

We could even lose the House.
I doubt Republicans can screw up badly enough to lose their gerrymandered House

But a Trump nomination will cost them the Presidency, Senate and SCOTUS (6-3)

6-3 for starters....there may be more retirements than vacancies caused by death.

If Hillary wins, she almost certainly will be in for eight years.
Then kiss the Presidency, senate and SCOTUS away. And we will have a liberal majority block on the SCOTUS for the next 20 yrs! It will be sick.

We could even lose the House.
I doubt Republicans can screw up badly enough to lose their gerrymandered House

But a Trump nomination will cost them the Presidency, Senate and SCOTUS (6-3)

6-3 for starters....there may be more retirements than vacancies caused by death.

I think a couple of the retirees will be Liberals replacing Breyer and Ginsberg with much younger liberals and leaving Thomas, Alito and Roberts as the only Conservatives

I'm not sure Thomas is long for the court myself.

Thomas is still young...as are Roberts and Alito
Then kiss the Presidency, senate and SCOTUS away. And we will have a liberal majority block on the SCOTUS for the next 20 yrs! It will be sick.

We could even lose the House.
I doubt Republicans can screw up badly enough to lose their gerrymandered House

But a Trump nomination will cost them the Presidency, Senate and SCOTUS (6-3)

6-3 for starters....there may be more retirements than vacancies caused by death.

If Hillary wins, she almost certainly will be in for eight years.
Then kiss the Presidency, senate and SCOTUS away. And we will have a liberal majority block on the SCOTUS for the next 20 yrs! It will be sick.

We could even lose the House.
I doubt Republicans can screw up badly enough to lose their gerrymandered House

But a Trump nomination will cost them the Presidency, Senate and SCOTUS (6-3)

6-3 for starters....there may be more retirements than vacancies caused by death.

I think a couple of the retirees will be Liberals replacing Breyer and Ginsberg with much younger liberals and leaving Thomas, Alito and Roberts as the only Conservatives

I'm not sure Thomas is long for the court myself.

Thomas is still young...as are Roberts and Alito

How old is he? He may be a different sort of cat but he acts totally differently than other justices.... You can tell that Ginsburg, Kagan, Sotomayor and Roberts are having the times of their lives.
I doubt Republicans can screw up badly enough to lose their gerrymandered House

But a Trump nomination will cost them the Presidency, Senate and SCOTUS (6-3)

6-3 for starters....there may be more retirements than vacancies caused by death.

If Hillary wins, she almost certainly will be in for eight years.
I doubt Republicans can screw up badly enough to lose their gerrymandered House

But a Trump nomination will cost them the Presidency, Senate and SCOTUS (6-3)

6-3 for starters....there may be more retirements than vacancies caused by death.

I think a couple of the retirees will be Liberals replacing Breyer and Ginsberg with much younger liberals and leaving Thomas, Alito and Roberts as the only Conservatives

I'm not sure Thomas is long for the court myself.

Thomas is still young...as are Roberts and Alito

How old is he? He may be a different sort of cat but he acts totally differently than other justices.... You can tell that Ginsburg, Kagan, Sotomayor and Roberts are having the times of their lives.

Thomas is 67....good for at least 10 years
6-3 for starters....there may be more retirements than vacancies caused by death.

If Hillary wins, she almost certainly will be in for eight years.
6-3 for starters....there may be more retirements than vacancies caused by death.

I think a couple of the retirees will be Liberals replacing Breyer and Ginsberg with much younger liberals and leaving Thomas, Alito and Roberts as the only Conservatives

I'm not sure Thomas is long for the court myself.

Thomas is still young...as are Roberts and Alito

How old is he? He may be a different sort of cat but he acts totally differently than other justices.... You can tell that Ginsburg, Kagan, Sotomayor and Roberts are having the times of their lives.

Thomas is 67....good for at least 10 years

I hope his health lasts as I do with everyone.
Trump will never get his stumpy little fingers on the White House
Then kiss the Presidency, senate and SCOTUS away. And we will have a liberal majority block on the SCOTUS for the next 20 yrs! It will be sick.

We could even lose the House.

What do you base this on?

I suspect Trump will be a one term president, and not a very good one, but I doubt it will have too great an impact on the GOP in the future.

I think he turn Independents against the party and they will also vote for the D senator and House rep. Then you have a Democratic Senate confirming Clinton's pick for Scalia. She will also get to replace Ginsburg, who should have left a decade ago!
Then kiss the Presidency, senate and SCOTUS away. And we will have a liberal majority block on the SCOTUS for the next 20 yrs! It will be sick.

We could even lose the House.

The House is protected by gerrymandered districts that aren't going anywhere anytime soon. Usually the Presidential candidate will do campaigning for the down ballot races or at least raise money for them. I can't fathom anyone contested wanting to be seen with Mr. Trump or Trump campaigning for career politicians who his constituency hates.

So the Senate is pretty much gone.

If Hillary doesn't step in it, she should win the Presidency. The electoral math favors the Dems way too much for someone as divisive as Mr Trump to overcome it.

Not saying Hillary will win there, but with Trump on the ticket, Texas will be competitive. If Trump costs Republicans Texas, it could bring about permanent change in Texas. Texas is such a strong red state because Hispanics have not voted in big numbers. If they ever do and choose to vote Democrat, Republicans could lose control of Texas. Trump could be the one to galvanize the Hispanic vote in Texas for Democrats. I'm actually hearing that some Republicans may openly support Hillary over Trump.
Texas is not going blue or purple anytime soon!
I think he turn Independents against the party and they will also vote for the D senator and House rep. Then you have a Democratic Senate confirming Clinton's pick for Scalia. She will also get to replace Ginsburg, who should have left a decade ago!

Independents are his core constituency. It is the GOP where he has problems. The independent vote will go for him in a big way.
I think he turn Independents against the party and they will also vote for the D senator and House rep. Then you have a Democratic Senate confirming Clinton's pick for Scalia. She will also get to replace Ginsburg, who should have left a decade ago!

Independents are his core constituency. It is the GOP where he has problems. The independent vote will go for him in a big way.
Trump's Image Among Democrats, Independents Most Negative of Any GOP Candidate
Then kiss the Presidency, senate and SCOTUS away. And we will have a liberal majority block on the SCOTUS for the next 20 yrs! It will be sick.

We could even lose the House.

Why? Do you think that Hillary will be given the presidency?
I think Trump will bring in Republicans, but I think he will turn off Independents.

So far he is bringing in a LOT of democrats.

{Nearly 20,000 registered Democrats in Massachusetts are abandoning the party to register either as a Republican or unaffiliated to be eligible to vote in today's primary. Massachusetts is a "semi-open" primary state, meaning a person must be registered as either a Republican or as "unaffiliated" to vote in the Republican primary.}

Apparently Massachusetts Dems Are Abandoning The Party for Trump

What does this mean? Probably not that dims are flocking to Trump, but rather that they think he will be a spoiler for the Republicans.

From the start, I have noted that Trump is a Clinton crony and STRONGLY supported Hillary in 2008. I still contend that he entered this race to play Ross Perot, and work for an (unelectable) Clinton victory. But things turned when he actually gained traction.

Personally, I won't vote for Trump under any circumstance.
He wont so why are you uneducated idiots thinking this way? Anybody that's manipulated by a liberal should be forced to give that liberal there soul for eternity.

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