If Universal Healthcare is a Bad Idea...

So you believe the poor should go without an education - if the parents can't afford it - AND without healthcare, if the parents can't afford it.

They shouldn't have kids if they can't afford it. I didn't for that reason, why shouldn't they? But because I did the responsible thing by not having children, now I have to shoulder the burden of their irresponsibility?

So in effect you believe in treating poor families the way some would treat an unplanned dog mating -

by drowning the puppies.

What I believe is that promoting irresponsibility only creates more irresponsible people.
Of all the stupid arguments that leftists make, the "Right to Healthcare" is the stupidest.

I have to disagree. If we are capable of providing healthcare to all, and don't provide it, then our "right to life" is hollow.

Your opinion, and not based on anything factual at all.

Do we not recognize the "right to life"?

Are we not capable of providing basic healthcare to all citizens?

What facts am I leaving out?

Conservatives believe that if you treat the poor badly enough, they will be 'inspired' to stop being poor. lol

I noticed that. Because it's that simple.....


They believe that denying poor children healthcare will keep their own taxes low,

and give them more money to buy their own children better toys.
Of all the stupid arguments that leftists make, the "Right to Healthcare" is the stupidest.

I have to disagree. If we are capable of providing healthcare to all, and don't provide it, then our "right to life" is hollow.

Your opinion, and not based on anything factual at all.

Do we not recognize the "right to life"?

Are we not capable of providing basic healthcare to all citizens?

What facts am I leaving out?

Conservatives believe that if you treat the poor badly enough, they will be 'inspired' to stop being poor. lol

And if you give them incentives to being poor, why would they try any harder in life?

What "incentive" to being poor is preferable to being rich (or at least middle class)?
They believe that denying poor children healthcare will keep their own taxes low,

and give them more money to buy their own children better toys.

And you believe that the poor should have it better than the working. The poor children should have video games and the children of the working can play with marbles.

And you believe that the poor should have it better than the working. The poor children should have video games and the children of the working can play with marbles.

I believe that if EVERYONE receives basic healthcare as a right, then NO ONE can complain that it's the 'other' people who are getting the benefit.
They believe that denying poor children healthcare will keep their own taxes low,

and give them more money to buy their own children better toys.

And you believe that the poor should have it better than the working. The poor children should have video games and the children of the working can play with marbles.

This is the part where Ray from Cleveland believes that the poor don't work, and the working people aren't poor.
They believe that denying poor children healthcare will keep their own taxes low,

and give them more money to buy their own children better toys.

And you believe that the poor should have it better than the working. The poor children should have video games and the children of the working can play with marbles.

This is the part where Ray from Cleveland believes that the poor don't work, and the working people aren't poor.

Blaming the poor for their circumstances is an easy rationalization for neglecting them.
I have to disagree. If we are capable of providing healthcare to all, and don't provide it, then our "right to life" is hollow.

Your opinion, and not based on anything factual at all.

Do we not recognize the "right to life"?

Are we not capable of providing basic healthcare to all citizens?

What facts am I leaving out?

Conservatives believe that if you treat the poor badly enough, they will be 'inspired' to stop being poor. lol

And if you give them incentives to being poor, why would they try any harder in life?

What "incentive" to being poor is preferable to being rich (or at least middle class)?

Well, I get up every morning and go to work. I do that so I can live in the suburbs with a roof over my head and dinner on the table. The house next door to me? HUD. They don't work, they don't produce, they have kids that we taxpayers have to support, they are fatter than I am and I don't believe it's from fine dining at four start restaurants.

The more kids you have, the more food stamps, the larger the HUD house, the larger the welfare checks.

So we'll take our two households as an example. We both live the same kind of lives, but I have to work 45 hours a week plus being a landlord, and they don't have to do squat because my money that I work for goes to support them, and yes, I'm sure they get medical care which I DON"T have thanks to Commie Care.

And you believe that the poor should have it better than the working. The poor children should have video games and the children of the working can play with marbles.

I believe that if EVERYONE receives basic healthcare as a right, then NO ONE can complain that it's the 'other' people who are getting the benefit.

I know exactly how you feel. You believe that people that don't have money have the right to others money.
Your opinion, and not based on anything factual at all.

Do we not recognize the "right to life"?

Are we not capable of providing basic healthcare to all citizens?

What facts am I leaving out?

Conservatives believe that if you treat the poor badly enough, they will be 'inspired' to stop being poor. lol

And if you give them incentives to being poor, why would they try any harder in life?

What "incentive" to being poor is preferable to being rich (or at least middle class)?

Well, I get up every morning and go to work. I do that so I can live in the suburbs with a roof over my head and dinner on the table. The house next door to me? HUD. They don't work, they don't produce, they have kids that we taxpayers have to support, they are fatter than I am and I don't believe it's from fine dining at four start restaurants.

The more kids you have, the more food stamps, the larger the HUD house, the larger the welfare checks.

So we'll take our two households as an example. We both live the same kind of lives, but I have to work 45 hours a week plus being a landlord, and they don't have to do squat because my money that I work for goes to support them, and yes, I'm sure they get medical care which I DON"T have thanks to Commie Care.

I am highly suspect of your knowledge of this neighboring family.

Nevertheless, your one example is not a representative sample.
Conservatives believe that if you treat the poor badly enough, they will be 'inspired' to stop being poor. lol

No. We believe if theyre treated badly enough, they'll die off and competent, decent people won't make the same mistakes the poor people did that made them poor in the first place.
Who should go without?

your question shows your complete lack of knowledge of how medical care works (worked) in the USA.

Prior to ACA, no one in the USA was denied medical care. Those who paid, either through insurance or out of pocket, covered the costs of those who could not or did not pay.

Obozocare did not change that one iota. All it did was add a massive government beaurocracy to the equation.

No one was "going without" before obozocare and no one will "go without" after it is replaced by something sensible.

Try to pay close attention to the next sentence (in all caps for clarity)

Provide a public option and we can all see what is the most efficient public or private.

That's the best 'fix' for Obamacare if we're going to stay in that approach to healthcare.
It's likely a great way to curb runaway costs right away. I'm sure all the free market people here won't be against a public option, as they are sure the free market is the best, so a public option shouldn't be a threat to their better system. If the public option sucks people will avoid it. Let the best system win.

And you believe that the poor should have it better than the working. The poor children should have video games and the children of the working can play with marbles.

I believe that if EVERYONE receives basic healthcare as a right, then NO ONE can complain that it's the 'other' people who are getting the benefit.

they always have. Geez fool, don't you understand that insurance and healthcare are two different things?
That means we here in the US do not have a right to healthcare. Just like I said stupid.

See Pred, that just shows how clueless leftists really are, lol.

I heard a great example of why the healthcare system needs competition, not government interference--------->

How many Americans would like a Corvette? What do they cost? Lets say; for the sake of argument, they average 70,000 bucks!

That is NOT fair says the lefties, EVERYONE should have a Corvette if they want one. They make it a RIGHT for every American if they so desire, to have a Corvette, and because the price is soooooooo high, they demand that the evil GM lower the price to 40,000 bucks. All lefties cheer wildly in the streets!

So what is the problem says all these genius lefties!

PROBLEM---------> GM can't build the Corvette with all its content for 40,000, and make a profit. In fact, they LOSE money on every Corvette they sell at that price. Besides that, without the profit, they can no longer RESEARCH (nor would they want to) new improvements for the vehicles; and in fact, have to make the vehicle with LESS content at that price, to even come close to breaking even.

So what does the NEW GOVERNMENT MANDATED Corvette look like? Well, they all have stick shifts, 4 cylinder engines, no air, no radio, cheap tires, bad paint, awful interiors, shoddily built, and besides that........it takes 24 months to get them because GM really doesn't want to sell it to you at that price to start with. (think RATIONING)

But the lefties? The lefties! They sit their and tell you how they are brilliant because of their intervention, they just got you a Corvette for cheap, and everybody has one!

Of all the stupid arguments that leftists make, the "Right to Healthcare" is the stupidest.

I have to disagree. If we are capable of providing healthcare to all, and don't provide it, then our "right to life" is hollow.

Your opinion, and not based on anything factual at all.

Do we not recognize the "right to life"?

Are we not capable of providing basic healthcare to all citizens?

What facts am I leaving out?

The fact that the right to life has nothing to do with healthcare.

The fact that we are not capable of providing healthcare to all citizens.

What fact have you actually produced?
That means we here in the US do not have a right to healthcare. Just like I said stupid.
Liar. You said she couldn't receive a right she wasn't born with.

No dipshit, I'm running with your argument. I don't agree with it, it's a stupid argument but if I go with it it proves my original point that we do not have a right to healthcare. Did I break that down in simple enough terms for you to understand?
It's a stupid argument? That legal rights are granted by government?

Jesus, can you read?
Sure I can. Can you explain what about my argument you find stupid?

If you could read, you'd know I didn't say that.
Do we not recognize the "right to life"?

Are we not capable of providing basic healthcare to all citizens?

What facts am I leaving out?

Conservatives believe that if you treat the poor badly enough, they will be 'inspired' to stop being poor. lol

And if you give them incentives to being poor, why would they try any harder in life?

What "incentive" to being poor is preferable to being rich (or at least middle class)?

Well, I get up every morning and go to work. I do that so I can live in the suburbs with a roof over my head and dinner on the table. The house next door to me? HUD. They don't work, they don't produce, they have kids that we taxpayers have to support, they are fatter than I am and I don't believe it's from fine dining at four start restaurants.

The more kids you have, the more food stamps, the larger the HUD house, the larger the welfare checks.

So we'll take our two households as an example. We both live the same kind of lives, but I have to work 45 hours a week plus being a landlord, and they don't have to do squat because my money that I work for goes to support them, and yes, I'm sure they get medical care which I DON"T have thanks to Commie Care.

I am highly suspect of your knowledge of this neighboring family.

Nevertheless, your one example is not a representative sample.

Oh yes it is. I leave work, their vans and SUV's are in the driveway. If I pass by my house during the day, those vehicles are still there. When I return home from work, same thing.

At times they will leave around 7:00 at night and return home about 3:00 am on a work night drunk (or high) as a kite slamming the doors on their vehicles and setting the alarm which is their car horn. The only reason they quieted down is because I complained to the landlord about it.

Oh, and the parties these poor people have. 15 to 20 people and the BBQ is going strong; loaded to the point there is no room on the grill. They have the music going, dancing around like a bunch of idiots, and I'm sure they are doing all that to escape the terrible plight they are in because they really want to work.

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