If Universal Healthcare is a Bad Idea...

See Pred, that just shows how clueless leftists really are, lol.

I heard a great example of why the healthcare system needs competition, not government interference--------->

How many Americans would like a Corvette? What do they cost? Lets say; for the sake of argument, they average 70,000 bucks!

That is NOT fair says the lefties, EVERYONE should have a Corvette if they want one. They make it a RIGHT for every American if they so desire, to have a Corvette, and because the price is soooooooo high, they demand that the evil GM lower the price to 40,000 bucks. All lefties cheer wildly in the streets!

So what is the problem says all these genius lefties!

PROBLEM---------> GM can't build the Corvette with all its content for 40,000, and make a profit. In fact, they LOSE money on every Corvette they sell at that price. Besides that, without the profit, they can no longer RESEARCH (nor would they want to) new improvements for the vehicles; and in fact, have to make the vehicle with LESS content at that price, to even come close to breaking even.

So what does the NEW GOVERNMENT MANDATED Corvette look like? Well, they all have stick shifts, 4 cylinder engines, no air, no radio, cheap tires, bad paint, awful interiors, shoddily built, and besides that........it takes 24 months to get them because GM really doesn't want to sell it to you at that price to start with. (think RATIONING)

But the lefties? The lefties! They sit their and tell you how they are brilliant because of their intervention, they just got you a Corvette for cheap, and everybody has one!

Of all the stupid arguments that leftists make, the "Right to Healthcare" is the stupidest.

I have to disagree. If we are capable of providing healthcare to all, and don't provide it, then our "right to life" is hollow.

Your opinion, and not based on anything factual at all.

Do we not recognize the "right to life"?

Are we not capable of providing basic healthcare to all citizens?

What facts am I leaving out?

Conservatives believe that if you treat the poor badly enough, they will be 'inspired' to stop being poor. lol

Not at all. That is just a lie you tell yourself.
Of all the stupid arguments that leftists make, the "Right to Healthcare" is the stupidest.

I have to disagree. If we are capable of providing healthcare to all, and don't provide it, then our "right to life" is hollow.

What do you mean if we are capable? Who says we are? We are a nation of 20 trillion dollars in debt. Medicaid is responsible for putting states in the red and draining their resources.

If we are going to have any kind of government healthcare, it has to be written so government can't control our lives. It has to be paid for across the board--not foot the bill to political enemies like we do with income taxes.

You want universal healthcare, fine with me. Have our representatives fund it through a consumption tax. The more you buy, the more you pay into the healthcare system, and then I'm fine with it.

We're capable. It would be easily done with re-prioritizing.

However YOU would like it done, it should be done. How can we as a country say we respect and revere life and tell certain people they aren't worthy of healthcare?

Now you are just making things up. No one tells anyone they aren't worthy of healthcare.

Would you or would you not have people turned away from a doctor if they can't pay?

A doctor, yes, an emergency room, no. That is how it is and how it should be.
Of all the stupid arguments that leftists make, the "Right to Healthcare" is the stupidest.

I have to disagree. If we are capable of providing healthcare to all, and don't provide it, then our "right to life" is hollow.

Your opinion, and not based on anything factual at all.

Do we not recognize the "right to life"?

Are we not capable of providing basic healthcare to all citizens?

What facts am I leaving out?

Conservatives believe that if you treat the poor badly enough, they will be 'inspired' to stop being poor. lol

And if you give them incentives to being poor, why would they try any harder in life?

If you give food, housing, and healthcare to the poor, all they will do is make more poor people.
I have to disagree. If we are capable of providing healthcare to all, and don't provide it, then our "right to life" is hollow.

Your opinion, and not based on anything factual at all.

Do we not recognize the "right to life"?

Are we not capable of providing basic healthcare to all citizens?

What facts am I leaving out?

Conservatives believe that if you treat the poor badly enough, they will be 'inspired' to stop being poor. lol

I noticed that. Because it's that simple.....


They believe that denying poor children healthcare will keep their own taxes low,

and give them more money to buy their own children better toys.

Another lie you tell yourself.
I have to disagree. If we are capable of providing healthcare to all, and don't provide it, then our "right to life" is hollow.

Your opinion, and not based on anything factual at all.

Do we not recognize the "right to life"?

Are we not capable of providing basic healthcare to all citizens?

What facts am I leaving out?

Conservatives believe that if you treat the poor badly enough, they will be 'inspired' to stop being poor. lol

And if you give them incentives to being poor, why would they try any harder in life?

What "incentive" to being poor is preferable to being rich (or at least middle class)?

The incentive to not have to have responsibility, not have to wake up early in the day, having all the free time you want, not having anyone tell you what to do.

And on and on.
Liar. You said she couldn't receive a right she wasn't born with.

No dipshit, I'm running with your argument. I don't agree with it, it's a stupid argument but if I go with it it proves my original point that we do not have a right to healthcare. Did I break that down in simple enough terms for you to understand?
It's a stupid argument? That legal rights are granted by government?

Jesus, can you read?
Sure I can. Can you explain what about my argument you find stupid?

If you could read, you'd know I didn't say that.
Okay, whatever.
it's a stupid argument
I have to disagree. If we are capable of providing healthcare to all, and don't provide it, then our "right to life" is hollow.

Your opinion, and not based on anything factual at all.

Do we not recognize the "right to life"?

Are we not capable of providing basic healthcare to all citizens?

What facts am I leaving out?

Conservatives believe that if you treat the poor badly enough, they will be 'inspired' to stop being poor. lol

And if you give them incentives to being poor, why would they try any harder in life?

If you give food, housing, and healthcare to the poor, all they will do is make more poor people.

Which is why I support having people who are on government assistance fixed first before they get one dime. You'll see how fast they find a job.
Who should go without?

People on social programs. Every time this subject comes up in the media, their first concern is what about the poor people? Well, what about the working people is my question?

Working people are the ones who are paying for the non-working, and some of us working people don't have coverage ourselves. In the meantime, the poor are popping out kids like a popcorn machine and the rest of us have to support them including their medical.
lol. The rich are paying most of the income taxes, remember.
Conservatives believe that if you treat the poor badly enough, they will be 'inspired' to stop being poor. lol

And if you give them incentives to being poor, why would they try any harder in life?

What "incentive" to being poor is preferable to being rich (or at least middle class)?

Well, I get up every morning and go to work. I do that so I can live in the suburbs with a roof over my head and dinner on the table. The house next door to me? HUD. They don't work, they don't produce, they have kids that we taxpayers have to support, they are fatter than I am and I don't believe it's from fine dining at four start restaurants.

The more kids you have, the more food stamps, the larger the HUD house, the larger the welfare checks.

So we'll take our two households as an example. We both live the same kind of lives, but I have to work 45 hours a week plus being a landlord, and they don't have to do squat because my money that I work for goes to support them, and yes, I'm sure they get medical care which I DON"T have thanks to Commie Care.

I am highly suspect of your knowledge of this neighboring family.

Nevertheless, your one example is not a representative sample.

Oh yes it is. I leave work, their vans and SUV's are in the driveway. If I pass by my house during the day, those vehicles are still there. When I return home from work, same thing.

At times they will leave around 7:00 at night and return home about 3:00 am on a work night drunk (or high) as a kite slamming the doors on their vehicles and setting the alarm which is their car horn. The only reason they quieted down is because I complained to the landlord about it.

Oh, and the parties these poor people have. 15 to 20 people and the BBQ is going strong; loaded to the point there is no room on the grill. They have the music going, dancing around like a bunch of idiots, and I'm sure they are doing all that to escape the terrible plight they are in because they really want to work.

You are a nosy neighbor, aren't you?

Nevertheless, since they are living so well, there must be a source of income. Welfare? SSI? SSDI? Inherited wealth? Court settlement?
I have to disagree. If we are capable of providing healthcare to all, and don't provide it, then our "right to life" is hollow.

What do you mean if we are capable? Who says we are? We are a nation of 20 trillion dollars in debt. Medicaid is responsible for putting states in the red and draining their resources.

If we are going to have any kind of government healthcare, it has to be written so government can't control our lives. It has to be paid for across the board--not foot the bill to political enemies like we do with income taxes.

You want universal healthcare, fine with me. Have our representatives fund it through a consumption tax. The more you buy, the more you pay into the healthcare system, and then I'm fine with it.

We're capable. It would be easily done with re-prioritizing.

However YOU would like it done, it should be done. How can we as a country say we respect and revere life and tell certain people they aren't worthy of healthcare?

Now you are just making things up. No one tells anyone they aren't worthy of healthcare.

Would you or would you not have people turned away from a doctor if they can't pay?

A doctor, yes, an emergency room, no. That is how it is and how it should be.

Why should the ER treat someone who can't pay? In your opinion?
So poor children and the elderly who are poor should go without?

Do you have a good argument as to why those groups should be punished for doing no wrong?

So what is the system we have now? The poor children get healthcare and the working people that provide that care don't? As far as Medicare goes, working people pay into that program their entire working lives.

40% of Medicare is paid out of the general fund, not out of the payroll tax.
Ok, so where does the money come from the general fund?
Your opinion, and not based on anything factual at all.

Do we not recognize the "right to life"?

Are we not capable of providing basic healthcare to all citizens?

What facts am I leaving out?

Conservatives believe that if you treat the poor badly enough, they will be 'inspired' to stop being poor. lol

And if you give them incentives to being poor, why would they try any harder in life?

What "incentive" to being poor is preferable to being rich (or at least middle class)?

The incentive to not have to have responsibility, not have to wake up early in the day, having all the free time you want, not having anyone tell you what to do.

And on and on.

Those are the incentives to being poor?

Funny, those people who work full time - and beyond - and are still poor.

So they are poor, have to get up early, have limited free time, have people who tell them what to do.

What makes them do it?
You can't use the experience of just a couple people "You know" as how things really are. I knew someone that had agoraphobia so bad they couldn't leave their house without a panic attack and Crohn's Disease so bad they bled out of their ass every day. It took them the max amount of tries, then a refile, and the max amount of tries again to get approved. It took them 8 years, had lost everything they had, and was living in a homeless shelter by the time they got approved.

I've never heard of 8 years.


You didn't read my post or you don't understand it. You can only appeal so far, then you have to refile and start all over.
What do you mean if we are capable? Who says we are? We are a nation of 20 trillion dollars in debt. Medicaid is responsible for putting states in the red and draining their resources.

If we are going to have any kind of government healthcare, it has to be written so government can't control our lives. It has to be paid for across the board--not foot the bill to political enemies like we do with income taxes.

You want universal healthcare, fine with me. Have our representatives fund it through a consumption tax. The more you buy, the more you pay into the healthcare system, and then I'm fine with it.

We're capable. It would be easily done with re-prioritizing.

However YOU would like it done, it should be done. How can we as a country say we respect and revere life and tell certain people they aren't worthy of healthcare?

Now you are just making things up. No one tells anyone they aren't worthy of healthcare.

Would you or would you not have people turned away from a doctor if they can't pay?

A doctor, yes, an emergency room, no. That is how it is and how it should be.

Why should the ER treat someone who can't pay? In your opinion?

Because I'm not a fucking car.
Bull shit. I'm in healthcare, you have no right to my time or my training. It's the stupidest argument coming from the left since, well, you guys say a LOT of stupid shit.

I live in a country where everyone who is born is entitled to healthcare until the day they die.....

...Health care is a right. I wasn't born with it but all my children and grandchildren were.

Then please stay in thst country and keep your nose out of American Society. It may be a Right in your country, but it most definitely is not here. If it ever becomes one, I'll be dead.

She claims it is a right in her country, BUT she says she wasn't born with that right. How the fuck does that happen? Well, it happens because the government gives them health care now but didn't when she was born. In other words, that colossal idiot thinks rights come from government.
Natural rights are inalienable. Legal rights are granted by law. That means rights granted by government stupid.

That means we here in the US do not have a right to healthcare. Just like I said stupid.
Health care has been a right in the USA ever since Reagan signed the EMTAL Act in 1986.
Your opinion, and not based on anything factual at all.

Do we not recognize the "right to life"?

Are we not capable of providing basic healthcare to all citizens?

What facts am I leaving out?

Conservatives believe that if you treat the poor badly enough, they will be 'inspired' to stop being poor. lol

And if you give them incentives to being poor, why would they try any harder in life?

What "incentive" to being poor is preferable to being rich (or at least middle class)?

Well, I get up every morning and go to work. I do that so I can live in the suburbs with a roof over my head and dinner on the table. The house next door to me? HUD. They don't work, they don't produce, they have kids that we taxpayers have to support, they are fatter than I am and I don't believe it's from fine dining at four start restaurants.

The more kids you have, the more food stamps, the larger the HUD house, the larger the welfare checks.

So we'll take our two households as an example. We both live the same kind of lives, but I have to work 45 hours a week plus being a landlord, and they don't have to do squat because my money that I work for goes to support them, and yes, I'm sure they get medical care which I DON"T have thanks to Commie Care.

You're like a fucking broken record. And how many vacations have they been able to take their family on? Can they buy the brand new gaming systems other families do? How many new cars do they have? How often do they get to go out to dinner at a nice restaurant? Do you think they are proud parents to their children because they can't afford to do simple things like take their kids to a movie like their kid's friend's parents can?

The sad thing in all this is, you actually think that people enjoy being poor so that they can get HUD and Food Stamps... despite the fact they can't actually get the things that others enjoy in life.

You must be one miserable son of a bitch to be around in real life sitting at your front window watching people in your neighborhood complaining about everything they do. :lmao:
What do you mean if we are capable? Who says we are? We are a nation of 20 trillion dollars in debt. Medicaid is responsible for putting states in the red and draining their resources.

If we are going to have any kind of government healthcare, it has to be written so government can't control our lives. It has to be paid for across the board--not foot the bill to political enemies like we do with income taxes.

You want universal healthcare, fine with me. Have our representatives fund it through a consumption tax. The more you buy, the more you pay into the healthcare system, and then I'm fine with it.

We're capable. It would be easily done with re-prioritizing.

However YOU would like it done, it should be done. How can we as a country say we respect and revere life and tell certain people they aren't worthy of healthcare?

Now you are just making things up. No one tells anyone they aren't worthy of healthcare.

Would you or would you not have people turned away from a doctor if they can't pay?

A doctor, yes, an emergency room, no. That is how it is and how it should be.

Why should the ER treat someone who can't pay? In your opinion?

Because it's a life or death emergency usually.

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