If vaccines work then why the travel WARNING ?

Because you are posting falsehoods.

No American is being restricted from traveling to Germany.

And I'm 52 that's hardly old and I have all my teeth I bet you don't after all brushing your teeth is just another one of those plots to take away your freedom right?

Frankly I am your very same age, but you have the viewpoints and attitude of someone older. Your adherence to teaching cursive, for example. Your defense of the failing vaccines. Our age does not put us THAT much at risk of Covid, though men are more at risk than women.
Maybe you need to work on your reading comprehension there, Corky.

We are talking about COVID based travel advisories.

I know. "Don't pay any attention to those, they're meaningless" and "If you don't get the jab you're stupid".

You guys get more confused by the day. LMAO
Frankly I am your very same age, but you have the viewpoints and attitude of someone older. Your adherence to teaching cursive, for example. Your defense of the failing vaccines. Our age does not put us THAT much at risk of Covid, though men are more at risk than women.

It doesn't matter to you that taking notes in cursive has actually been proven to be the best method for the retention of material?

So in your old age you just disavow evidence because you have the opinion that something is useless because it's been around for a long time.

And I never said anything about age and COVID. I have already told you IDGAF if you get vaccinated or not.
I know. "Don't pay any attention to those, they're meaningless" and "If you don't get the jab you're stupid".

You guys get more confused by the day. LMAO
You can't seem to understand that the entire thread is based on a lie.


Any American can go to Germany if they want to so WTF are you morons whining about?
Democrats want Americans locked down like in Australia. They are slowly closing the door. Soon, just like Australia, the camps will start running.
Because you are posting falsehoods.

No American is being restricted from traveling to Germany.

And I'm 52 that's hardly old and I have all my teeth I bet you don't after all brushing your teeth is just another one of those plots to take away your freedom right?
So they are putting those countries on a warning list. Why? If I am vaccinated why does it matter if there is a COVID outbreak and Europe was super thorough with the vaccines so why is Europe having an outbreak. That is the crux of the thread. You are such a dumb leftist.
So they are putting those countries on a warning list. Why? If I am vaccinated why does it matter if there is a COVID outbreak and Europe was super thorough with the vaccines so why is Europe having an outbreak. That is the crux of the thread. You are such a dumb leftist.
So now you change your tune.. I thought there were TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS.

Europe was supposed to be our example after all? Pretty sure this is further proof that vaccine mandates are purely political. As I have been saying for months and colfax_m didnt understand. You have to get the virus to truly be immune and vaccines do help you have lesser symptoms.

Leftists keep saying that we should be more like the Nordic countries. So should we also be cautious with the Moderna vaccine?

Leftists are dumb and so are vaccine mandates.
Gibraltar cancels Christmas festivities despite 99% vaccination rate Highest vaccinated places in the world and still high covid cases ..
So just admit that you lied.

even the article you linked mentions nothing about travel restrictions

all it says is

the CDC is recommending that Americans avoid traveling there,
Why is it recommending that if Europe was super diligent when it came to vaccine mandates and most Americans are vaccinated and you cannot enter Europe if you’re not.
The CDC recommends getting vaccinated and you're not doing t so why are you all faux outraged at this recommendation?
Explain it to me. If I am Vaccinated and protected why the travel restrictions? Thanks
Because no vaccine is 100% effective and it clearly wanes as time goes on. Boosters should alleviate this but we are still learning.
Why is it recommending that if Europe was super diligent when it came to vaccine mandates and most Americans are vaccinated and you cannot enter Europe if you’re not.
Why do you care you don't listen to CDC recommendations anyway?

Your entire thread is a fucking lie.

You claim there are travel restrictions and there aren't now you're panties are in a twist over a mere recommendation that you would follow anyway
Why do you care you don't listen to CDC recommendations anyway?

Your entire thread is a fucking lie.

You claim there are travel restrictions and there aren't now you're panties are in a twist over a mere recommendation that you would follow anyway
I fixed it so you would stop whining. Either vaccines work or they don’t. Yes? Why the mandates when you’re not going to let me live my life the way I used to pre COVID19?
You realize this is not the case in the UK right? Where more cases per 100K are in the vaccinated? Come to MI. Tons and tons of people "fully vaccinated" around getting Covid. It's red pilling a lot of people, let me tell you.
I was just in our ICU yesterday. Every COVID case was unvaccinated except one who had been getting chemotherapy when they got vaccinated.
I fixed it so you would stop whining. Either vaccines work or they don’t. Yes? Why the mandates when you’re not going to let me live my life the way I used to pre COVID19?
There are no vaccine mandates.

No one is being forcibly given vaccines.

No one is stopping you from travelling

Why do you have the pathological need to make shit up?
There are no vaccine mandates.

No one is being forcibly given vaccines.

No one is stopping you from travelling

Why do you have the pathological need to make shit up?
There are. My wife had to get the vaccine to keep her job. In order to go to any events at the TD Garden you need to show that you’re vaccinated. Kyrie Irving cannot play for the Nets because he is not vaccinated. There are mandates for Govt employees and hospital workers. There are mandates in the military.

You are just trolling
I was just in our ICU yesterday. Every COVID case was unvaccinated except one who had been getting chemotherapy when they got vaccinated.
So the anecdotal example is for all to see. Did any of those patients have COVID19 before? Thanks
There are. My wife had to get the vaccine to keep her job. In order to go to any events at the TD Garden you need to show that you’re vaccinated. Kyrie Irving cannot play for the Nets because he is not vaccinated. There are mandates for Govt employees and hospital workers. There are mandates in the military.

You are just trolling
That’s not forcing anything. No one is being denied rights or freedoms as a result.

There is no right to a job. There is no right to go to the garden. There is no right to play for the nets.

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