If walls won't work...why do so many secure places have walls???

--------------------------------------------- do some research on the Alaska highway built in the 30s and early 40s while the USA fought 2 wars on 2 fronts . Usa went through forests , rivers , lake , swamps , perma frost to build that and all the time used 30s and early 40s equipment and techniques Pogo . Highway was 1700 miles long and was built in sweltering summer weather and 50 below zero winter weather Pogo !! There were no delivery roads unless the equipment delivery roads were built by the Highway builders Pogo .

Try actually reading the post or actually watching the video Pismoe. Nowhere does either one of us say it "can't" be done; the point is what it takes to do it in ---- and this is the important part --- THE WORLD OF REALITY. As opposed to the WWE fantasy comic book that Rumpbots seem to live in.

Absolute minimum 25 billion, without including maintenance, which doubles that figure within seven years. Empty your pockets. And this for a symbolic campaign pander that doesn't even address the issue anyway. Good thinkin'.
---------------------------------------------------- here you go Pogo , --- What it would take to build Trump's border wall - CNN Video ---

Here you go pismoe ..............The wall in your link is only 20 feet high...............I hope you realize that it's not difficult to make 25 feet ladder. And you don't even need to build a sophisticated tunnel anymore.

Shoot the first couple of people using a 25 foot ladder, you'll disincentivize the rest from trying that.

Maybe you can move to North Korea.

This isn't like left wing North Korea at all. People aren't flocking to get INTO North Korea.
Folks....I had to take a drive out towards the north part of town today and passed by the Charleston Air Force Base. It had walls all around it. So does the Charleston jail.

I jog our beautiful downtown bridge often and it overlooks historic Charleston harbor. The harbor the real pirate Blackbeard blockaded. And it contains Fort Sumter....massive island fort in the middle of the harbor. Huge walls.

Can't help but wonder.....why do places that want to be secure almost all have walls? And why do liberals oppose America having walls?
Because walls slow down intruders or escapees. Guards stop them.
Folks....I had to take a drive out towards the north part of town today and passed by the Charleston Air Force Base. It had walls all around it. So does the Charleston jail.

I jog our beautiful downtown bridge often and it overlooks historic Charleston harbor. The harbor the real pirate Blackbeard blockaded. And it contains Fort Sumter....massive island fort in the middle of the harbor. Huge walls.

Can't help but wonder.....why do places that want to be secure almost all have walls? And why do liberals oppose America having walls?

And these walls are a thousand miles long and 35 feet high and run along rivers and private property and places with no roads that would allow building material access and no maintenance --- right?


Easy. Ancient China did it. So you're saying modern America can't do what ancient China did??

As to the private property....I'm no legal expert on curtilage regarding a border like some cities have with roads. But 2 words fix the private property debate: Eminent domain.

You cannot tell me a few farmers on the border can stop the world's lone superpower from securing it's borders can you? (Hint: they cant)

Hundreds of thousands of people died creating that "Great Wall" that is useless in modern times.

As far as eminent domain, try telling thousands of Texans that their property rights don't matter because the government said so. Those protesters in Oregon would be proud.

Trump has already shown us that he is no conservative. Now he's showing the world, that he's not even a Republican.
More than anything, the wall is symbolic


More than anything, the wall is symbolic


If it's symbolic, then why has Trump released a plan to force Mexico to pay for it.
Walls can be breached........if there are no people to back up the wall...........They slow down people trying to cross......and with sensors and watch towers..............roving patrols...............the border can be shut.................for that most part............some will still get by..........

We will also need to implement E-verify or something similar.
More than anything, the wall is symbolic


If it's symbolic, then why has Trump released a plan to force Mexico to pay for it.

Insult to injury. They should pay for it

Mexico should pay for a wall to keep their people out of the US because the US is incapable of securing their boarders so they're asking Mexico to do it. Talk about stupid.

You're almost correct

We're capable, but making them do it.

We aren't asking

We're telling/demanding

I, myself , love walls...they are the best thing...

Imagine a house without separating higher fences between neighbors?...what if you want to sunbathe with...say ...minimal clothes? you don't want people looking.

And in many countries walls work like a charm too! :thup: :wink_2:
I, myself , love walls...they are the best thing...

Imagine a house without separating higher fences between neighbors?...what if you want to sunbathe with...say ...minimal clothes? you don't want people looking.

And in many countries walls work like a charm too! :thup: :wink_2:

If you were my neighbor all those knots in the wood would be gone over night.

Look long enough until I need to go and rub one out

I, myself , love walls...they are the best thing...

Imagine a house without separating higher fences between neighbors?...what if you want to sunbathe with...say ...minimal clothes? you don't want people looking.

And in many countries walls work like a charm too! :thup: :wink_2:

If you were my neighbor all those knots in the wood would be gone over night.

Look long enough until I need to go and rub one out


oh???:p :laugh:
More than anything, the wall is symbolic


If it's symbolic, then why has Trump released a plan to force Mexico to pay for it.

Insult to injury. They should pay for it

Mexico should pay for a wall to keep their people out of the US because the US is incapable of securing their boarders so they're asking Mexico to do it. Talk about stupid.

Pamphlet from the Mexican gov't telling how to illegally immigrate to the United States.........

Folks....I had to take a drive out towards the north part of town today and passed by the Charleston Air Force Base. It had walls all around it. So does the Charleston jail.

I jog our beautiful downtown bridge often and it overlooks historic Charleston harbor. The harbor the real pirate Blackbeard blockaded. And it contains Fort Sumter....massive island fort in the middle of the harbor. Huge walls.

Can't help but wonder.....why do places that want to be secure almost all have walls? And why do liberals oppose America having walls?
We don't need a wall we just need to get our army patrol it. While we are not at war we have soldiers sitting around doing nothing. Have them patrol our border. No brainer.

The other day I called an army base. The soldier transferred me to another soldier who then transferred me to another soldier who then transferred me to the right person. There's 2 people who could be doing other things.

When soldiers aren't at war they're sitting around bored
--------------------------------------------- do some research on the Alaska highway built in the 30s and early 40s while the USA fought 2 wars on 2 fronts . Usa went through forests , rivers , lake , swamps , perma frost to build that and all the time used 30s and early 40s equipment and techniques Pogo . Highway was 1700 miles long and was built in sweltering summer weather and 50 below zero winter weather Pogo !! There were no delivery roads unless the equipment delivery roads were built by the Highway builders Pogo .

Try actually reading the post or actually watching the video Pismoe. Nowhere does either one of us say it "can't" be done; the point is what it takes to do it in ---- and this is the important part --- THE WORLD OF REALITY. As opposed to the WWE fantasy comic book that Rumpbots seem to live in.

Absolute minimum 25 billion, without including maintenance, which doubles that figure within seven years. Empty your pockets. And this for a symbolic campaign pander that doesn't even address the issue anyway. Good thinkin'.
---------------------------------------------------- here you go Pogo , --- What it would take to build Trump's border wall - CNN Video ---

Here you go pismoe ..............The wall in your link is only 20 feet high...............I hope you realize that it's not difficult to make 25 feet ladder. And you don't even need to build a sophisticated tunnel anymore.

Shoot the first couple of people using a 25 foot ladder, you'll disincentivize the rest from trying that.

Maybe you can move to North Korea.

More than anything, the wall is symbolic


If it's symbolic, then why has Trump released a plan to force Mexico to pay for it.

Insult to injury. They should pay for it

Mexico should pay for a wall to keep their people out of the US because the US is incapable of securing their boarders so they're asking Mexico to do it. Talk about stupid.

Pamphlet from the Mexican gov't telling how to illegally immigrate to the United States.........

Trumps ex old lady says who's going to clean her house if we stop letting immigrants in.

Around here we have white American women who do house keeping. They are called Molly maids. Mrs trump doesn't realize flooding the market with maids hurts American workers?
More than anything, the wall is symbolic


If it's symbolic, then why has Trump released a plan to force Mexico to pay for it.

Insult to injury. They should pay for it

Mexico should pay for a wall to keep their people out of the US because the US is incapable of securing their boarders so they're asking Mexico to do it. Talk about stupid.

Pamphlet from the Mexican gov't telling how to illegally immigrate to the United States.........

Trumps ex old lady says who's going to clean her house if we stop letting immigrants in.

Around here we have white American women who do house keeping. They are called Molly maids. Mrs trump doesn't realize flooding the market with maids hurts American workers?
Folks....I had to take a drive out towards the north part of town today and passed by the Charleston Air Force Base. It had walls all around it. So does the Charleston jail.

I jog our beautiful downtown bridge often and it overlooks historic Charleston harbor. The harbor the real pirate Blackbeard blockaded. And it contains Fort Sumter....massive island fort in the middle of the harbor. Huge walls.

Can't help but wonder.....why do places that want to be secure almost all have walls? And why do liberals oppose America having walls?
We don't need a wall we just need to get our army patrol it. While we are not at war we have soldiers sitting around doing nothing. Have them patrol our border. No brainer.

The other day I called an army base. The soldier transferred me to another soldier who then transferred me to another soldier who then transferred me to the right person. There's 2 people who could be doing other things.

When soldiers aren't at war they're sitting around bored

No they are not.

Are you a veteran?

Sounds like you have misperceptions

Folks....I had to take a drive out towards the north part of town today and passed by the Charleston Air Force Base. It had walls all around it. So does the Charleston jail.

I jog our beautiful downtown bridge often and it overlooks historic Charleston harbor. The harbor the real pirate Blackbeard blockaded. And it contains Fort Sumter....massive island fort in the middle of the harbor. Huge walls.

Can't help but wonder.....why do places that want to be secure almost all have walls? And why do liberals oppose America having walls?
We don't need a wall we just need to get our army patrol it. While we are not at war we have soldiers sitting around doing nothing. Have them patrol our border. No brainer.

The other day I called an army base. The soldier transferred me to another soldier who then transferred me to another soldier who then transferred me to the right person. There's 2 people who could be doing other things.

When soldiers aren't at war they're sitting around bored

We don't even need soldiers. They are hiring more BP. Actually most of the applicants are former cops or soldiers.
Folks....I had to take a drive out towards the north part of town today and passed by the Charleston Air Force Base. It had walls all around it. So does the Charleston jail.

I jog our beautiful downtown bridge often and it overlooks historic Charleston harbor. The harbor the real pirate Blackbeard blockaded. And it contains Fort Sumter....massive island fort in the middle of the harbor. Huge walls.

Can't help but wonder.....why do places that want to be secure almost all have walls? And why do liberals oppose America having walls?
We don't need a wall we just need to get our army patrol it. While we are not at war we have soldiers sitting around doing nothing. Have them patrol our border. No brainer.

The other day I called an army base. The soldier transferred me to another soldier who then transferred me to another soldier who then transferred me to the right person. There's 2 people who could be doing other things.

When soldiers aren't at war they're sitting around bored

We don't even need soldiers. They are hiring more BP. Actually most of the applicants are former cops or soldiers.


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