If walls won't work...why do so many secure places have walls???

Those who would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither. Wait... something bad happened two thousand miles away? WALLS!!! WE NEED MORE WALLS!!!

Fucking retards.

How does keeping illegals out cause a loss of liberty?:cuckoo:
It doesn't. Fucking idiots. They're globalists who think that "liberty" = liberty of criminal animals to come to our country and kill us, rape us, steal from us....
Progressive nutbags think liberty means the liberty of foreigners to kill Americans. That *right* trumps our right not to die, and trumps our right to own property or keep our own earnings as well.
You all think we can built coast to coast high tech high speed low energy rail systems.....but we can't build a fucking brick wall in the desert???
---------------------------------------- plus look at the transcontinental Railroad built in the 1800s and built using manual labor through mountains , desert , over rivers , around lakes , yada , yada Bucs !!
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how did those MEN with a dream for a trancontinental railroad get their rail road building supplies delivered to them Pogo ?? :afro:
and to answer my question , hey , they built the roads so that they could get Railroad building supplies delivered to the railroad building crews Pogo !!
how did those MEN with a dream for a trancontinental railroad get their rail road building supplies delivered to them Pogo ?? :afro:

Exactly right.

We can build a transcontinental railroad in the 1800s.
We can build the god damn hoover dam (no pun!)
We built a space station and are heading to Mars.
We have 8,000 man nuclear aircraft carriers that can sail 20 years without refueling
Libs say we can build high speed, low energy rail all across the nation
We built an Internet capable of allowing instant face to face communication on a 6 inch phone from China to Florida

Folks....I had to take a drive out towards the north part of town today and passed by the Charleston Air Force Base. It had walls all around it. So does the Charleston jail.

I jog our beautiful downtown bridge often and it overlooks historic Charleston harbor. The harbor the real pirate Blackbeard blockaded. And it contains Fort Sumter....massive island fort in the middle of the harbor. Huge walls.

Can't help but wonder.....why do places that want to be secure almost all have walls? And why do liberals oppose America having walls?

And these walls are a thousand miles long and 35 feet high and run along rivers and private property and places with no roads that would allow building material access and no maintenance --- right?


--------------------------------------------- do some research on the Alaska highway built in the 30s and early 40s while the USA fought 2 wars on 2 fronts . Usa went through forests , rivers , lake , swamps , perma frost to build that and all the time used 30s and early 40s equipment and techniques Pogo . Highway was 1700 miles long and was built in sweltering summer weather and 50 below zero winter weather Pogo !! There were no delivery roads unless the equipment delivery roads were built by the Highway builders Pogo .

Try actually reading the post or actually watching the video Pismoe. Nowhere does either one of us say it "can't" be done; the point is what it takes to do it in ---- and this is the important part --- THE WORLD OF REALITY. As opposed to the WWE fantasy comic book that Rumpbots seem to live in.

Absolute minimum 25 billion, without including maintenance, which doubles that figure within seven years. Empty your pockets. And this for a symbolic campaign pander that doesn't even address the issue anyway. Good thinkin'.

---------------------------------------------------- here you go Pogo , --- What it would take to build Trump's border wall - CNN Video ---

Here you go pismoe ..............The wall in your link is only 20 feet high...............I hope you realize that it's not difficult to make 25 feet ladder. And you don't even need to build a sophisticated tunnel anymore.
Folks....I had to take a drive out towards the north part of town today and passed by the Charleston Air Force Base. It had walls all around it. So does the Charleston jail.

I jog our beautiful downtown bridge often and it overlooks historic Charleston harbor. The harbor the real pirate Blackbeard blockaded. And it contains Fort Sumter....massive island fort in the middle of the harbor. Huge walls.

Can't help but wonder.....why do places that want to be secure almost all have walls? And why do liberals oppose America having walls?

And these walls are a thousand miles long and 35 feet high and run along rivers and private property and places with no roads that would allow building material access and no maintenance --- right?


--------------------------------------------- do some research on the Alaska highway built in the 30s and early 40s while the USA fought 2 wars on 2 fronts . Usa went through forests , rivers , lake , swamps , perma frost to build that and all the time used 30s and early 40s equipment and techniques Pogo . Highway was 1700 miles long and was built in sweltering summer weather and 50 below zero winter weather Pogo !! There were no delivery roads unless the equipment delivery roads were built by the Highway builders Pogo .

Try actually reading the post or actually watching the video Pismoe. Nowhere does either one of us say it "can't" be done; the point is what it takes to do it in ---- and this is the important part --- THE WORLD OF REALITY. As opposed to the WWE fantasy comic book that Rumpbots seem to live in.

Absolute minimum 25 billion, without including maintenance, which doubles that figure within seven years. Empty your pockets. And this for a symbolic campaign pander that doesn't even address the issue anyway. Good thinkin'.

---------------------------------------------------- here you go Pogo , --- What it would take to build Trump's border wall - CNN Video ---

Here you go pismoe ..............The wall in your link is only 20 feet high...............I hope you realize that it's not difficult to make 25 feet ladder. And you don't even need to build a sophisticated tunnel anymore.

Then make the wall 30 feet. If they make 35 foot ladders...make it 40 feet. Eventually their ladders will be too tall to stabilize and they will fall over and die.
Folks....I had to take a drive out towards the north part of town today and passed by the Charleston Air Force Base. It had walls all around it. So does the Charleston jail.

I jog our beautiful downtown bridge often and it overlooks historic Charleston harbor. The harbor the real pirate Blackbeard blockaded. And it contains Fort Sumter....massive island fort in the middle of the harbor. Huge walls.

Can't help but wonder.....why do places that want to be secure almost all have walls? And why do liberals oppose America having walls?

And these walls are a thousand miles long and 35 feet high and run along rivers and private property and places with no roads that would allow building material access and no maintenance --- right?


--------------------------------------------- do some research on the Alaska highway built in the 30s and early 40s while the USA fought 2 wars on 2 fronts . Usa went through forests , rivers , lake , swamps , perma frost to build that and all the time used 30s and early 40s equipment and techniques Pogo . Highway was 1700 miles long and was built in sweltering summer weather and 50 below zero winter weather Pogo !! There were no delivery roads unless the equipment delivery roads were built by the Highway builders Pogo .

Try actually reading the post or actually watching the video Pismoe. Nowhere does either one of us say it "can't" be done; the point is what it takes to do it in ---- and this is the important part --- THE WORLD OF REALITY. As opposed to the WWE fantasy comic book that Rumpbots seem to live in.

Absolute minimum 25 billion, without including maintenance, which doubles that figure within seven years. Empty your pockets. And this for a symbolic campaign pander that doesn't even address the issue anyway. Good thinkin'.

---------------------------------------------------- here you go Pogo , --- What it would take to build Trump's border wall - CNN Video ---

Here you go pismoe ..............The wall in your link is only 20 feet high...............I hope you realize that it's not difficult to make 25 feet ladder. And you don't even need to build a sophisticated tunnel anymore.

------------------------------------------ I think that you are a foolish person posting foolishness Charwin . by the way , is that a girls name Charwin ??
Yep, and I just pointed one out. Thanks for your acute powers of observation.
You are welcome. God knows someone has to keep you strait..

Hey, feel free to demonstrate how a wall around an air force base in Charleston South Carolina is somehow the same thing as 2000 miles of wall along river embankments delivered on roads that don't exist that nobody's paying for that costs 25 bil just to put up.

Be the first to essplain that. :popcorn:

And here's a tip: read what's already gone down in the thread before painting yourself into a corner.
touché pogo. However, he was talking about success rate, no? They obviously work, so why wouldn't a bigger and better wall, not work on the southern border?
I don't support a wall BTW. I wouldn't turn down a free one though lol

I don't know that he was talking about success rates; I do know he was talking apples and orange candidates um, I mean oranges. That he was comparing things that cannot in any way be compared as realities on the sole basis that the same English noun can apply to both. That would be like me claiming the hill in my back yard is the same thing as Mount Mitchell.

If the world worked in such a way that the tooth-fairy buyers seem to think, where Mexico just ups and builds a 25 billion dollar wall because some orange clown hath decreed it, then we'd have a "free" wall. We'd also have money trees and pizza trees and rainbows and unicorns and your house would be made of delicious chocolate with a chewy caramel center. Wanna buy a bridge?
------------------------------------------------------- what is this silliness that you type Pogo ?? USA will build the wall , goal is for a tax on remittances of money sent back to mexico to pay for the wall . Squeeze mexico or just build the wall and then squeeze third world mexico Pogo .

Pismoe dear........ When I hear this remittance bs from Trump it just make me laugh.
1. Mexico population is 129 millions about 40 to 50 millions of those depends on remittances. If they refuse to pay tax...... Is Trump willing to starve those people? Knowing Trump he might award himself with NP price.
2. There are many many ways of sending money to Mexico without using western union or bank transactions.
3. Why would Mexicans pay more taxes when they can easily avoid these remittances?
So tell me where & how are you going to finance your wall again?
And these walls are a thousand miles long and 35 feet high and run along rivers and private property and places with no roads that would allow building material access and no maintenance --- right?


--------------------------------------------- do some research on the Alaska highway built in the 30s and early 40s while the USA fought 2 wars on 2 fronts . Usa went through forests , rivers , lake , swamps , perma frost to build that and all the time used 30s and early 40s equipment and techniques Pogo . Highway was 1700 miles long and was built in sweltering summer weather and 50 below zero winter weather Pogo !! There were no delivery roads unless the equipment delivery roads were built by the Highway builders Pogo .

Try actually reading the post or actually watching the video Pismoe. Nowhere does either one of us say it "can't" be done; the point is what it takes to do it in ---- and this is the important part --- THE WORLD OF REALITY. As opposed to the WWE fantasy comic book that Rumpbots seem to live in.

Absolute minimum 25 billion, without including maintenance, which doubles that figure within seven years. Empty your pockets. And this for a symbolic campaign pander that doesn't even address the issue anyway. Good thinkin'.

---------------------------------------------------- here you go Pogo , --- What it would take to build Trump's border wall - CNN Video ---

Here you go pismoe ..............The wall in your link is only 20 feet high...............I hope you realize that it's not difficult to make 25 feet ladder. And you don't even need to build a sophisticated tunnel anymore.

Then make the wall 30 feet. If they make 35 foot ladders...make it 40 feet. Eventually their ladders will be too tall to stabilize and they will fall over and die.

Buc you are so smart...... Have you ever seen a ladder stand straight up and stay steady? I think Einstein will tell you that ........... You have to lean the ladder to the wall so it will stay steady............ Don't you think that's the right way?
Actually you don't even need a ladder...... Just get those rope with a big hook at the end then just throw it over the fence. Or a cheap drone to carry the rope.
And these walls are a thousand miles long and 35 feet high and run along rivers and private property and places with no roads that would allow building material access and no maintenance --- right?


--------------------------------------------- do some research on the Alaska highway built in the 30s and early 40s while the USA fought 2 wars on 2 fronts . Usa went through forests , rivers , lake , swamps , perma frost to build that and all the time used 30s and early 40s equipment and techniques Pogo . Highway was 1700 miles long and was built in sweltering summer weather and 50 below zero winter weather Pogo !! There were no delivery roads unless the equipment delivery roads were built by the Highway builders Pogo .

Try actually reading the post or actually watching the video Pismoe. Nowhere does either one of us say it "can't" be done; the point is what it takes to do it in ---- and this is the important part --- THE WORLD OF REALITY. As opposed to the WWE fantasy comic book that Rumpbots seem to live in.

Absolute minimum 25 billion, without including maintenance, which doubles that figure within seven years. Empty your pockets. And this for a symbolic campaign pander that doesn't even address the issue anyway. Good thinkin'.

---------------------------------------------------- here you go Pogo , --- What it would take to build Trump's border wall - CNN Video ---

Here you go pismoe ..............The wall in your link is only 20 feet high...............I hope you realize that it's not difficult to make 25 feet ladder. And you don't even need to build a sophisticated tunnel anymore.

------------------------------------------ I think that you are a foolish person posting foolishness Charwin . by the way , is that a girls name Charwin ??

Pismoe you are acting like a little kid again...... Don't forget your lollipop kid.
how did those MEN with a dream for a trancontinental railroad get their rail road building supplies delivered to them Pogo ?? :afro:

Exactly right.

We can build a transcontinental railroad in the 1800s.
We can build the god damn hoover dam (no pun!)
We built a space station and are heading to Mars.
We have 8,000 man nuclear aircraft carriers that can sail 20 years without refueling
Libs say we can build high speed, low energy rail all across the nation
We built an Internet capable of allowing instant face to face communication on a 6 inch phone from China to Florida


Calm down Buc you might get a stroke. Nobody said that we cannot build a golden wall. Sure we can build a wall.
However IMHO and IME........ I don't think the wall is necessary. Why I said that?
Our borders are far more secure than what people think. It's a lot harder to cross these borders illegally compared in last 3 or 4 years. Numbers of illegal crossings are way way down the lowest in 20 years. Number of illegal apprehension is up. We doubled the number of BP agents and we are still hiring more BP. We invested billions in new technology.
As I previously posted its very easy to breach the wall.

Fewer immigrants are entering the U.S. illegally, and that’s changed the border security debate
how did those MEN with a dream for a trancontinental railroad get their rail road building supplies delivered to them Pogo ?? :afro:

Exactly right.

We can build a transcontinental railroad in the 1800s.
We can build the god damn hoover dam (no pun!)
We built a space station and are heading to Mars.
We have 8,000 man nuclear aircraft carriers that can sail 20 years without refueling
Libs say we can build high speed, low energy rail all across the nation
We built an Internet capable of allowing instant face to face communication on a 6 inch phone from China to Florida


Calm down Buc you might get a stroke. Nobody said that we cannot build a golden wall. Sure we can build a wall.
However IMHO and IME........ I don't think the wall is necessary. Why I said that?
Our borders are far more secure than what people think. It's a lot harder to cross these borders illegally compared in last 3 or 4 years. Numbers of illegal crossings are way way down the lowest in 20 years. Number of illegal apprehension is up. We doubled the number of BP agents and we are still hiring more BP. We invested billions in new technology.
As I previously posted its very easy to breach the wall.

Fewer immigrants are entering the U.S. illegally, and that’s changed the border security debate
------------------------------------------------- BS Charwin , of course any crossing illegal is reason for the wall and wall breachers will need to be hunted down and destroyed Charwin !!
Folks....I had to take a drive out towards the north part of town today and passed by the Charleston Air Force Base. It had walls all around it. So does the Charleston jail.

I jog our beautiful downtown bridge often and it overlooks historic Charleston harbor. The harbor the real pirate Blackbeard blockaded. And it contains Fort Sumter....massive island fort in the middle of the harbor. Huge walls.

Can't help but wonder.....why do places that want to be secure almost all have walls? And why do liberals oppose America having walls?

And these walls are a thousand miles long and 35 feet high and run along rivers and private property and places with no roads that would allow building material access and no maintenance --- right?


--------------------------------------------- do some research on the Alaska highway built in the 30s and early 40s while the USA fought 2 wars on 2 fronts . Usa went through forests , rivers , lake , swamps , perma frost to build that and all the time used 30s and early 40s equipment and techniques Pogo . Highway was 1700 miles long and was built in sweltering summer weather and 50 below zero winter weather Pogo !! There were no delivery roads unless the equipment delivery roads were built by the Highway builders Pogo .

Try actually reading the post or actually watching the video Pismoe. Nowhere does either one of us say it "can't" be done; the point is what it takes to do it in ---- and this is the important part --- THE WORLD OF REALITY. As opposed to the WWE fantasy comic book that Rumpbots seem to live in.

Absolute minimum 25 billion, without including maintenance, which doubles that figure within seven years. Empty your pockets. And this for a symbolic campaign pander that doesn't even address the issue anyway. Good thinkin'.

---------------------------------------------------- here you go Pogo , --- What it would take to build Trump's border wall - CNN Video ---

Here you go pismoe ..............The wall in your link is only 20 feet high...............I hope you realize that it's not difficult to make 25 feet ladder. And you don't even need to build a sophisticated tunnel anymore.

Shoot the first couple of people using a 25 foot ladder, you'll disincentivize the rest from trying that.
And these walls are a thousand miles long and 35 feet high and run along rivers and private property and places with no roads that would allow building material access and no maintenance --- right?


--------------------------------------------- do some research on the Alaska highway built in the 30s and early 40s while the USA fought 2 wars on 2 fronts . Usa went through forests , rivers , lake , swamps , perma frost to build that and all the time used 30s and early 40s equipment and techniques Pogo . Highway was 1700 miles long and was built in sweltering summer weather and 50 below zero winter weather Pogo !! There were no delivery roads unless the equipment delivery roads were built by the Highway builders Pogo .

Try actually reading the post or actually watching the video Pismoe. Nowhere does either one of us say it "can't" be done; the point is what it takes to do it in ---- and this is the important part --- THE WORLD OF REALITY. As opposed to the WWE fantasy comic book that Rumpbots seem to live in.

Absolute minimum 25 billion, without including maintenance, which doubles that figure within seven years. Empty your pockets. And this for a symbolic campaign pander that doesn't even address the issue anyway. Good thinkin'.

---------------------------------------------------- here you go Pogo , --- What it would take to build Trump's border wall - CNN Video ---

Here you go pismoe ..............The wall in your link is only 20 feet high...............I hope you realize that it's not difficult to make 25 feet ladder. And you don't even need to build a sophisticated tunnel anymore.

Shoot the first couple of people using a 25 foot ladder, you'll disincentivize the rest from trying that.

Maybe you can move to North Korea.

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