If we could weaken China's economy

Don't try to play stupid political games. The US has been weakening itself for ages. But some yanks still blame other countries. Funny! lol. :)

The US government overspent budgets for several years, leading to a significant increase in national debt. The overspending was due to the government's inability to balance its revenues and expenditures. This problem has been a long-standing issue that affected several administrations.

Firstly, the government chose to cut taxes without equal cuts in government expenditures. This resulted in the decrease of the revenue that would have been available to fund the government's programs and projects. The deficit grew larger with each tax cut until it reached a point that the federal government had to borrow money to finance its activities.

Secondly, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan contributed to the government's overspending. These wars, along with their sequels, required significant spending on their military campaigns, which drained the country's coffers. The wars were not funded by increased taxes, which resulted in an increase in the government's debt. The issue of overspending was further worsened by the fact that these wars were prolonged, drawing the military's activities longer than expected.

Thirdly, the US government's ballooning deficits were also caused by the skyrocketing healthcare costs in the country. The government's healthcare expenditure skyrocketed mostly due to a disproportionate increase in health insurance coverage. The government-funded healthcare services, such as Medicare and Medicaid, which were originally intended to cater to a small section of the population, have become costly and inefficient, further exacerbating the problem of overspending.

Moreover, earmarks, or special interest appropriations, also contributed significantly to the government's overspending. Earmarks are inserted into federal spending bills by members of Congress, directing funds to particular projects, businesses, or organizations. Despite the considerable share of spending earmarks make up, they seldom go through effective scrutiny. As a result, they are more likely to suffer from cronyism, waste, and mismanagement, leading to overspending.

The US government's overspending for years is a result of several factors. These factors range from inadequate cuts in expenditures, hefty spending on wars and healthcare, and problematic earmarks.

It will require increased political will and the ability to strike a balance between expenditures and revenues to mitigate the overspending that has threatened the NATION'S ECONOMIC STABILITY :)
Here is a perfect example

who the fuck needs 26 pairs of shoes?

Even if you have to wear business attire every day men really only need one good pair of black and one good pair of brown shoes. For the weekend a decent pair of casual shoes or boots and some sneakers

Between the wife and I we probably average 26 pairs of shoes. I have 6 pairs.
Price is king. It's been that way for as long as anyone can remember.

It would be nice if we had an economy where there were some built in safety nets to where consumers didn't have to look for the cheapest price for a bar of soap or laundry detergent but we are there because companies have decided it's better business to please the investors than to please their employees.

Sorry that you have to always look for the lowest price.

If one spends just a little bit of time and effort they can find the best combination of price and quality.
Between the wife and I we probably average 26 pairs of shoes. I have 6 pairs.

I have 4 pairs of shoes.

But then again I don't work anymore and don't need to wear suits or dress up at all.

Hell I have never even owned a suit or a tie
I have 4 pairs of shoes.

But then again I don't work anymore and don't need to wear suits or dress up at all.

Hell I have never even owned a suit or a tie

And as you note, not everyone is like you.

My wife has a thing for shoes and handbags. And she works her ass off, I never know anyone that works harder than she does, so if she wants to buy that sweet pair of shoes she sees on line, I am 100% behind her.

People do not work hard and improve their lives so they can still be stuck buying only what they need, but we also buy what we want. I do not really need a new smoker/grill to replace my old gas grill, but I want one so I will get one soon.

I will assume you are connecting to this forum on a computer. You do not need a computer, why do you have one?
And as you note, not everyone is like you.

My wife has a thing for shoes and handbags. And she works her ass off, I never know anyone that works harder than she does, so if she wants to buy that sweet pair of shoes she sees on line, I am 100% behind her.

People do not work hard and improve their lives so they can still be stuck buying only what they need, but we also buy what we want. I do not really need a new smoker/grill to replace my old gas grill, but I want one so I will get one soon.

I will assume you are connecting to this forum on a computer. You do not need a computer, why do you have one?
I needed it when I was running my business and I've had this one for a long time.

I still use it for many daily activities like paying bills and keeping records. It's also very useful for my guitar playing

So I would say I need it.

But I don't need this computer , a couple laptops and an I pad which is why I only have this one computer.

I play guitar but I don't have 10 electric guitars I have 2 a Fender Star and a Gibson Les Paul. I don't have 300 effect pedals I have just a few that I use all the time

You can still buy things you want but maybe just consider buying less of them. What good is 100 pairs of shoes to you when you know that a lot of them ( more like most of them) are just going to sit in your closet gathering dust because you never wear them?
I needed it when I was running my business and I've had this one for a long time.

I still use it for many daily activities like paying bills and keeping records. It's also very useful for my guitar playing

So I would say I need it.

If it is not keeping you alive you do not need it.

You want it since it makes your life easier.

You can still buy things you want but maybe just consider buying less of them. What good is 100 pairs of shoes to you when you know that a lot of them ( more like most of them) are just going to sit in your closet gathering dust because you never wear them?

People collect all sorts of things. My wife has a collection of tea pots from when we lived in Japan. None are needed, but all have a story behind them and they look great in our new house.

I collect spices, I have a slide out drawer and half a cupboard full of them. My wife will assure you I have more than I need, but I think it is just the right amount....till I find the next one I had not tried.
If it is not keeping you alive you do not need it.

You want it since it makes your life easier.

People collect all sorts of things. My wife has a collection of tea pots from when we lived in Japan. None are needed, but all have a story behind them and they look great in our new house.

I collect spices, I have a slide out drawer and half a cupboard full of them. My wife will assure you I have more than I need, but I think it is just the right amount....till I find the next one I had not tried.
That's your definition not mine.

Where in any of my posts say that everyone should live at a bare minimum of subsistence?

This is you making up an argument and attributing it to me.

My computer is a convenience of course but it also frees up a lot of time for me that allows me to do other things.

What does that 100th pair of shoes that you never wear do for you?
That's your definition not mine.

Where in any of my posts say that everyone should live at a bare minimum of subsistence?

This is you making up an argument and attributing it to me.

My computer is a convenience of course but it also frees up a lot of time for me that allows me to do other things.

What does that 100th pair of shoes that you never wear do for you?

Not really mine, but a universal one. But I am sure it makes you feel better about yourself to say you need these things after lecturing people to only buy needs.


That's your definition not mine.

Where in any of my posts say that everyone should live at a bare minimum of subsistence?

This is you making up an argument and attributing it to me.

My computer is a convenience of course but it also frees up a lot of time for me that allows me to do other things.

What does that 100th pair of shoes that you never wear do for you?

Not really mine, but a universal one. But I am sure it makes you feel better about yourself to say you need these things after lecturing people to only buy needs.

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I never once even implied that people should live at a bare subsistence level.

People need things that support their mental health and happiness too.

So tell me how does that 100 th bottle of spices that you maybe use once or twice before it goes rancid contribute to your mental health and happiness?

How does that 100th pair of shoes you wife has that she never wears contribute to her mental health and happiness?
So tell me how does that 100 th bottle of spices that you maybe use once or twice before it goes rancid contribute to your mental health and happiness?

It makes me happy to find a new spice. I makes me happy to try it out in a new dish or an old dish done a new way. It makes me happy to be able to decide at 5pm I am going to make X and be able to do so.

How does that 100th pair of shoes you wife has that she never wears contribute to her mental health and happiness?

It makes her happy to find a sweet new pair on sale for a good deal. We just got back from 5 days in NOLA (which was for sure a need) and she spent a good amount of time before we left choosing the perfect shoe for her outfits. And when we went out for a nice meal all dressed up she looked amazing in her shoes and even got a couple comments on them, which did wonders for her mental health and happiness.

Who the fuck are you to decide what is good for someone's mental health and happiness?

How about you do you and let other do be themselves?
It makes me happy to find a new spice. I makes me happy to try it out in a new dish or an old dish done a new way. It makes me happy to be able to decide at 5pm I am going to make X and be able to do so.

It makes her happy to find a sweet new pair on sale for a good deal. We just got back from 5 days in NOLA (which was for sure a need) and she spent a good amount of time before we left choosing the perfect shoe for her outfits. And when we went out for a nice meal all dressed up she looked amazing in her shoes and even got a couple comments on them, which did wonders for her mental health and happiness.

Who the fuck are you to decide what is good for someone's mental health and happiness?

How about you do you and let other do be themselves?
So it's the act of buying stuff that makes her happy? Not the stuff itself?

and I'm not deciding anything for you

I am asking questions but you are so fucking defensive that you take that as a personal attack

I wonder why that is.
So it's the act of buying stuff that makes her happy? Not the stuff itself?

Did you even read waht I posted? Choosing which one for which outfit makes her happy. Looking amazing in them makes her happy. Having other women to "damn, those shoes are amazing" makes her happy.

I am asking questions but you are so fucking defensive that you take that as a personal attack

I wonder why that is.

I am annoyed by "do as I say, not as I do" people like you.
Did you even read waht I posted? Choosing which one for which outfit makes her happy. Looking amazing in them makes her happy. Having other women to "damn, those shoes are amazing" makes her happy.

I am annoyed by "do as I say, not as I do" people like you.
Where did I ever tell you what to do?

Quote the post.

But tell me how many pairs of shoes does your wife have that she hasn't worn in the past year? Does she really "need" those shoes if she never wears them?
Where did I ever tell you what to do?

Quote the post.

But tell me how many pairs of shoes does your wife have that she hasn't worn in the past year? Does she really "need" those shoes if she never wears them?

Your entire thread was about only buying needs, even though you do not understand the difference between a need and a want.

And no, she does not need all those shoes, but we are not paupers that can only afford to buy what we need. We do not need the wonderful new house we are living in, we do not need all the custom design options we added while being built. But we fucking wanted them so we got them.

We have been poor enough where buying what we needed was a struggle, but now we have worked our asses off to get to where that will never be an issue again. So, yeah we buy things we want, not just what we need.

How many guitars do you own?
Your entire thread was about only buying needs, even though you do not understand the difference between a need and a want.

And no, she does not need all those shoes, but we are not paupers that can only afford to buy what we need. We do not need the wonderful new house we are living in, we do not need all the custom design options we added while being built. But we fucking wanted them so we got them.

We have been poor enough where buying what we needed was a struggle, but now we have worked our asses off to get to where that will never be an issue again. So, yeah we buy things we want, not just what we need.

How many guitars do you own?

Not really it's about buying less shit from China.

But you're so defensive that you took it as a personal insult.

And I told you how many I own already.

And once again I never once said that people should only exist on a bare survival budget even though that is what you are claiming I am doing.

You are making shit up
Not really it's about buying less shit from China.

So it is ok to buy shit we do not need if it is not from China?

And I told you how many I own already.

And why do you need so many? You can only play one at a time, one is all you need.

And once again I never once said that people should only exist on a bare survival budget even though that is what you are claiming I am doing.

You are making shit up

Not sure how it is my fault you do not know the difference between a need and a want, but hey you do you!
Ive been an executive for consumer products companies for a few decades. You can say what you want but you will not pay more for something based on where it is made. Also China doesn’t make cheap stuff, it makes stuff that it is asked to make. iPhones are not cheap but are made their for much less than here. Most companies make products as cheaply as possible but the same factory that makes Ralph Lauren can make a walmart shirt too… just with lower grade materials and less cutting and sewing. Heck, a top of the line Calloway driver is made in China.

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