If you could move anywhere in the United states, where would you move?

I've thought a lot about it. I've had 38 years of Vegas and what I miss more than anything is rain. The heat doesn't bother me because there's A/C everywhere.

So, where would I go?

Got no earthquakes here.
No serious flooding.
No Hurricanes.
No Tornadoes.
No Blizzards.
No serious thunderstorms - although I do miss them.

What're my choices?
When I lived out if Vegas, the plagues of bugs cheeped me out. I don't know if they were grasshoppers or locusts, but it was eerie.
I'm already here in Jefferson State, lol. Northern cali is soooooooo different from the rest of the state. In a good way.

You're right about the difference.

It was that way 20+ years ago when I bailed from one of the state's northern counties. There was talk of Jefferson then and I DID assess the possibilities.

1. The liberal 'Frisco/LA cabal is never going to allow it and Moonbeam would declare martial law and send in the storm troopers if it were seriously tried.

2. Congress would not allow its power to be diluted by the sudden appearance of two new Senate seats.
I'm already here in Jefferson State, lol. Northern cali is soooooooo different from the rest of the state. In a good way.

You're right about the difference.

It was that way 20+ years ago when I bailed from one of the state's northern counties. There was talk of Jefferson then and I DID assess the possibilities.

1. The liberal 'Frisco/LA cabal is never going to allow it and Moonbeam would declare martial law and send in the storm troopers if it were seriously tried.

2. Congress would not allow its power to be diluted by the sudden appearance of two new Senate seats.
It is definitely a different world up here. Cali might be a sanctuary state...but in Northern Cal....good luck with that, lol. In the year and a half I have lived here..I have seen about 5 blacks and 3 hispanics. The rest are white, asian, hawaiian, native americans and not many of those, either. Mostly white, tatted, overweight folks, lol.

The only really scarey thing for disasters is FIRE. Lots and LOTS of ponderosa pines. So many, it took me forever to find businesses since they are hidden behind those huge trees. And only 3 ways out of here in case of evacuation from a massive fire.

Oh..and meth heads. LOTS of those up in these here hills.
It is definitely a different world up here. Cali might be a sanctuary state...but in Northern Cal....good luck with that, lol. In the year and a half I have lived here..I have seen about 5 blacks and 3 hispanics. The rest are white, asian, hawaiian, native americans and not many of those, either. Mostly white, tatted, overweight folks, lol.

For grins and giggles try visiting Washington, California. Downhill 2,000 feet and back in time 75 years.

Did you know that the ONLY slave mine ever operated in The U.S. was in Northern California?
Owner brought slaves with him from Kentucky - the hard-rock mine was named for that - The Kentucky Mine. The owner, at some point, cashed out and set the black miners free. They promptly left and, in time, their place in the community was taken over by Chinese who had been imported to build the railroad.
University Place (Tacoma), WA. I could look out the kitchen window overlooking the Narrows Bridge on Puget Sound, then turn around 180 degrees and look out the living room window and see Mt. Rainier. Moderate climate year around. I lived there 1960-64 while stationed at Ft Lewis.

No offense, but you can have that area. Went up there last summer and froze to death for a week.
The State of Jefferson (northern CA and southern OR).

Jefferson (proposed Pacific state) - Wikipedia
I'm already here in Jefferson State, lol. Northern cali is soooooooo different from the rest of the state. In a good way.

I love to travel Gracie..I am not done yet and found a great job to do it..I love to push people..touch them. Tell them god is not done with you yet..you met me haven't you?

How you ask? It's as simple as leaving a $100 dollar tip at Walffle house .In the middle of no where
So, does anyone actually remember a specific referendum or a specific ballot that any city (YOU NAME IT) passed to allow illegal immigration? Nobody has bothered to offer that up here. It just sorta silently happened. But the mechanics, the politics behind that, how did that just happen?

The entire state of California doesn't ring a bell?
I am not looking to California as a endorsement of a Democratic republic. I live in Colorado, and been in California many times. Say from 1975 to 2008, and many of the folks I talked to didn't want their home state turned into a sanctuary for illegals. And Same for Colorado NOW, we never were asked, it just sort of happened. Extra-legislatively, under the radar by sneaky politicians playing games for flimsiest of PC reasons for the benefit of the god knows whom. But, we get to vote on mill levies, schools, Judges, and minutia, but on such a significant issue as such as allowing our home cities or states given over to illegals, well, that is left up to the puppet masters. Heaven forbid we get to actually have some kind of power in this issue. So what state do I want to move to? Alaska. As far away from these invading Mexicans and the quislings that empower them.
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Just curious ..
Hard to choose. I love West Virginia because my wife is from there so the mountains there would be nice in a cabin with no neighbors for miles on a nice farm. Where I live is nice as well but more secluded again with land and no neighbors. Alaska would be great,Maine as well. Just want a farm with no neighbors and peace and quiet!
Just curious ..
Hard to choose. I love West Virginia because my wife is from there so the mountains there would be nice in a cabin with no neighbors for miles on a nice farm. Where I live is nice as well but more secluded again with land and no neighbors. Alaska would be great,Maine as well. Just want a farm with no neighbors and peace and quiet!
I was just in west Virginia a day ago..

Niice country .

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