If you could move anywhere in the United states, where would you move?

That is a totally hypothetical situation for me....imposible lol

but I would move North ......very cold weather, clean air, woods, lovely pristine Nature, not many people....almost empty!

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh just the thought! Beautiful! :2up:
That is a totally hypothetical situation for me....imposible lol

but I would move North ......very cold weather, clean air, woods, lovely pristine Nature, not many people....almost empty!

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh just the thought! Beautiful! :2up:

Can you cook skye? I know a little fishing village on the inside passage... :04:
That is a totally hypothetical situation for me....imposible lol

but I would move North ......very cold weather, clean air, woods, lovely pristine Nature, not many people....almost empty!

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh just the thought! Beautiful! :2up:

Can you cook skye? I know a little fishing village on the inside passage... :04:

Yes I can!!!! YES...YES :113: :laugh: :tongue:
Just curious ..

That's like me when I lived in Arizona not huge money but the valley and scenery was breath taking from a Chicago guy..i loved every minute of it

If I were younger i would probably head to Alaska. Hard to live there so idiot progressives are not prevalent.

Huge money if your a pipe welder, something like 5 grand a week.

I'm a geologist. I made much more when I worked. I even had a gig up there once upon a time. I should have stayed.
Already where I want to be: 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car garage on 80 acres of the best hunting land. Freshwater creek running through our property that has trout, and 15 miles from a small town. 60 miles either way to a 250,000+ population city.




Now that is awesome!
Just curious ..
Where I do not care but it would bed on a hill in the pines. There would e a stalked pond and pole barn. I would have a veiw of my dirve from the hill so I could see who was coming up the drive. The property would hopefully abutt to a navigable river in whch I could run out the back door and onto my boat in case I saw my ex coming up the drive way. would even leave a boat at t dock for her she can't swim so she aint geting on it! I can see her at the river with fist raised in e air "You bastard!. I would be like "Ya I'm a bastard but one that ain't listening to her shit today!"

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