If you didn't support Trump in 2016 do you regret it and will you support him in 2020

What was & is now your position on Trump

  • I voted for him in 2016 and will again.

  • I voted for someone else but will vote Trump this time.

  • I am a Democrat who will support him.

  • I'm a republican who wont support him.

  • I'm a troll who can't vote because you made the votes public

Results are only viewable after voting.
The fact that you would even consider voting for someone who supported overt Jew hater Jeremy Corbyn says a lot about you. Thank you for validating my beliefs about you.
Isn't Bernie jewish bro?
By birth only. He is about as Jewish as Bin Laden though. Zero affiliation with Judaism. Disdains it in fact. He is an atheist.
Interesting. You aren't concerned that all those Nazi flag carrying repubs will start getting more influence with the party?
If the Alt Right like Duke and King ran the party I would eviscerate them but moderates run that party. However, Jew hating assholes suddenly run the Democrat party. People like the Squad and Bernie Sanders. What sort of self respecting human being would support Jeremy Corbyn?

Why British Jews Are Worried by Jeremy Corbyn
Well I'd be concerned if I were you. Only time I ever heard nationalist used was with what nationalists. Now trump is a nationalist.

Yup, he is a racist too, right? He wants to put the black man back in chains! That is his whole reason for running for president. He hates America, wants to give it to the Russians, is a racist who wants to enslave all the blacks, and a bunch of other stuff. Oh, he is a Nazi too! :D Does that about sum it up?
Curious to see how many like me voted for someone else (Walker in my case) but will support him this time around.
I won't be disappointed when he gets reelected, but I didn't vote for him the first time, and won't this time.

He hasn't really done much to warrant my vote. Sticking the thumb in the eye of Democrats is not really a valid reason to vote for him.

HIs budgetary policy is abysmal. His wimpiness regarding NATO and the UN is disappointing. He hasn't done anything to return power to the States, nor has he significantly reduce the size of government.

He has appointed some good Judges, and he managed to get some tax reduction, but he only gets a push with regard to trade.

Since you're interested in judges, you only have two choices this election. Biden choosing the next SC justices, or Trump.
I'm not concerned about Biden winning, but on point, I don't do single issues.

But I'm sure you prioritize your issues like most voters. I happen to think that having constitutional judges on the bench benefit the country as a whole, given the fact we don't know who will be running the country year after year. I hope the commie nonsense going on in Virginia is finally put to a stop by conservative judges. And if you look at what's been happening Trump's entire first term, he was stopped numerous times by leftist judges.

Most definitely important. Another good reason to vote for Trump in 2020. Thanks Ray!
Curious to see how many like me voted for someone else (Walker in my case) but will support him this time around.

If Bloomberg by some miracle win the Democratic Nomination I will vote for him but if not third party.

I do not care about your opinion of how it is a wasted vote because to vote for Trump, Biden, Sanders or Warren would be against what I believe in.
Yes and with trillion dollar deficits you'd think it was getting replaced, but it isn't.

That is the role of the federal government. The states take care of their own infrastructures. Deficits have nothing to do with infrastructure, you little self proclaimed Einstein. Lol.
It shows we are spending a lot and not on infrastructure. We could be running deficits to fix our infrastructure. I'm not sure where our deficits are going, lots of interest for sure.

The federal government does not "Fix infrastructure." That is the responsibility of the states. So our federal deficits have nothing to do with infrastructure. If your state is a shithole, then complain to your representative.
You prefer spending that can't be explained. Got it.

No, I am addressing your post about why Donald Trump isn't fixing infrastructure. That is not his job. That is the job of the states, to keep their infrastructure up.
The fed has always spent on infrastructure. What world are you in?
That is the role of the federal government. The states take care of their own infrastructures. Deficits have nothing to do with infrastructure, you little self proclaimed Einstein. Lol.
It shows we are spending a lot and not on infrastructure. We could be running deficits to fix our infrastructure. I'm not sure where our deficits are going, lots of interest for sure.

The federal government does not "Fix infrastructure." That is the responsibility of the states. So our federal deficits have nothing to do with infrastructure. If your state is a shithole, then complain to your representative.
You prefer spending that can't be explained. Got it.

No, I am addressing your post about why Donald Trump isn't fixing infrastructure. That is not his job. That is the job of the states, to keep their infrastructure up.
The fed has always spent on infrastructure. What world are you in?

It is up to individual states how to spend any grant monies they get from the feds. If your state is not doing it's part, then that is your state's fault. It has nothing to do with the policies of Donald Trump, POTUS.
Isn't Bernie jewish bro?
By birth only. He is about as Jewish as Bin Laden though. Zero affiliation with Judaism. Disdains it in fact. He is an atheist.
Interesting. You aren't concerned that all those Nazi flag carrying repubs will start getting more influence with the party?
If the Alt Right like Duke and King ran the party I would eviscerate them but moderates run that party. However, Jew hating assholes suddenly run the Democrat party. People like the Squad and Bernie Sanders. What sort of self respecting human being would support Jeremy Corbyn?

Why British Jews Are Worried by Jeremy Corbyn
Well I'd be concerned if I were you. Only time I ever heard nationalist used was with what nationalists. Now trump is a nationalist.

Yup, he is a racist too, right? He wants to put the black man back in chains! That is his whole reason for running for president. He hates America, wants to give it to the Russians, is a racist who wants to enslave all the blacks, and a bunch of other stuff. Oh, he is a Nazi too! :D Does that about sum it up?
I doubt all that, but he has not problem trying to get the racist vote. That's not a lobby I want stronger.
They are worse than a "basket of deplorables" any day! :71:
About equal, really. You got to appreciate how the two parties have been competing to live down to the lowest common denonminators, or divisors as the case may be.

I disagree, especially after reading WikiLeaks and the Russian collusion reports! Good lord, save us from the democrat socialists.
Not seen any a my house. Are they marching up your lawn? Grab your go bag. You'll be OK.
My wife had to stop a young lady from assaulting a 70+ year old man. She did so because the man was wearing a MAGA hat. Man was a veteran too. Leftists are terrible people. My wife, who is not remotely political, was horrified.
I try to avoid interacting with radicals no matter which party they think they support. Hope your wife came through OK.
My wife is 5’9 and from Boston. She was fine handling a spoiled millennial. She was just horrified at the blatant disrespect for old people. Alt Right are vilified and rightfully so as they are awful people. But Leftists are not vilified? Why?
I don't know how anyone can respect the dem party anymore. A bunch of pandering morons is what they've become.
And the repubs are a bunch of hypocrites. I don't know how anyone can respect either.
The fact that you would even consider voting for someone who supported overt Jew hater Jeremy Corbyn says a lot about you. Thank you for validating my beliefs about you.
Isn't Bernie jewish bro?
By birth only. He is about as Jewish as Bin Laden though. Zero affiliation with Judaism. Disdains it in fact. He is an atheist.
Interesting. You aren't concerned that all those Nazi flag carrying repubs will start getting more influence with the party?
If the Alt Right like Duke and King ran the party I would eviscerate them but moderates run that party. However, Jew hating assholes suddenly run the Democrat party. People like the Squad and Bernie Sanders. What sort of self respecting human being would support Jeremy Corbyn?

Why British Jews Are Worried by Jeremy Corbyn
Well I'd be concerned if I were you. Only time I ever heard nationalist used was with what nationalists. Now trump is a nationalist.
There has been no President as friendly toward Jews and Israel as Trump in my lifetime.
It shows we are spending a lot and not on infrastructure. We could be running deficits to fix our infrastructure. I'm not sure where our deficits are going, lots of interest for sure.

The federal government does not "Fix infrastructure." That is the responsibility of the states. So our federal deficits have nothing to do with infrastructure. If your state is a shithole, then complain to your representative.
You prefer spending that can't be explained. Got it.

No, I am addressing your post about why Donald Trump isn't fixing infrastructure. That is not his job. That is the job of the states, to keep their infrastructure up.
The fed has always spent on infrastructure. What world are you in?

It is up to individual states how to spend any grant monies they get from the feds. If your state is not doing it's part, then that is your state's fault. It has nothing to do with the policies of Donald Trump, POTUS.
Well at least you figured out the fed does spend on infrastructure.
I don't know how anyone can respect the dem party anymore. A bunch of pandering morons is what they've become.
And the repubs are a bunch of hypocrites. I don't know how anyone can respect either.

That's why I voted for Trump and will again in 2020. He is not an establishment "republican" even though he ran as one! He is a moderate person who cares about making money for America and Americans.
I've got to say that Brain is not coming up with very good arguments as to why I should not vote for Donald Trump and why I should vote for a democrat.
I never suggested you vote for a democrat. As for trump it's clear you like mediocrity. Good for you.
I don't know how anyone can respect the dem party anymore. A bunch of pandering morons is what they've become.
And the repubs are a bunch of hypocrites. I don't know how anyone can respect either.

That's why I voted for Trump and will again in 2020. He is not an establishment "republican" even though he ran as one! He is a moderate person who cares about making money for America and Americans.
And you aren't a republican. You are a comedian. Funny stuff.
The federal government does not "Fix infrastructure." That is the responsibility of the states. So our federal deficits have nothing to do with infrastructure. If your state is a shithole, then complain to your representative.
You prefer spending that can't be explained. Got it.

No, I am addressing your post about why Donald Trump isn't fixing infrastructure. That is not his job. That is the job of the states, to keep their infrastructure up.
The fed has always spent on infrastructure. What world are you in?

It is up to individual states how to spend any grant monies they get from the feds. If your state is not doing it's part, then that is your state's fault. It has nothing to do with the policies of Donald Trump, POTUS.
Well at least you figured out the fed does spend on infrastructure.

Not in the way you try to make it sound though. Trump has nothing to do with how your state spends money.
The fact that you would even consider voting for someone who supported overt Jew hater Jeremy Corbyn says a lot about you. Thank you for validating my beliefs about you.
Isn't Bernie jewish bro?
By birth only. He is about as Jewish as Bin Laden though. Zero affiliation with Judaism. Disdains it in fact. He is an atheist.
Interesting. You aren't concerned that all those Nazi flag carrying repubs will start getting more influence with the party?
If the Alt Right like Duke and King ran the party I would eviscerate them but moderates run that party. However, Jew hating assholes suddenly run the Democrat party. People like the Squad and Bernie Sanders. What sort of self respecting human being would support Jeremy Corbyn?

Why British Jews Are Worried by Jeremy Corbyn
Well I'd be concerned if I were you. Only time I ever heard nationalist used was with what nationalists. Now trump is a nationalist.

[ nash-uh-nl-iz-uh m, nash-nuh-liz- ]

spirit or aspirations common to the whole of a nation.
devotion and loyalty to one's own country; patriotism.
excessive patriotism; chauvinism.
the desire for national advancement or political independence.
the policy or doctrine of asserting the interests of one's own nation viewed as separate from the interests of other nations or the common interests of all nations.
an idiom or trait peculiar to a nation.

Definition of nationalism | Dictionary.com
Isn't Bernie jewish bro?
By birth only. He is about as Jewish as Bin Laden though. Zero affiliation with Judaism. Disdains it in fact. He is an atheist.
Interesting. You aren't concerned that all those Nazi flag carrying repubs will start getting more influence with the party?
If the Alt Right like Duke and King ran the party I would eviscerate them but moderates run that party. However, Jew hating assholes suddenly run the Democrat party. People like the Squad and Bernie Sanders. What sort of self respecting human being would support Jeremy Corbyn?

Why British Jews Are Worried by Jeremy Corbyn
Well I'd be concerned if I were you. Only time I ever heard nationalist used was with what nationalists. Now trump is a nationalist.
There has been no President as friendly toward Jews and Israel as Trump in my lifetime.
Well if you say so.
I don't know how anyone can respect the dem party anymore. A bunch of pandering morons is what they've become.
And the repubs are a bunch of hypocrites. I don't know how anyone can respect either.

That's why I voted for Trump and will again in 2020. He is not an establishment "republican" even though he ran as one! He is a moderate person who cares about making money for America and Americans.
And you aren't a republican. You are a comedian. Funny stuff.

What's funny about it? Look, I am already familiar with you and your anti-rights propaganda posts. *shrugs* Your opinions mean nothing.

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