If you had the power to pardon your child for the same crime hunter was convicted of would you?

If you had the power would you pardon your son or daughter for the same crime hunter was convicted 4

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  • No

  • Unsure

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This case was purely punitive. Hunter gave up the gun, and his drugs long before the charges were brought.

He is being punished for what he did, not what he was doing. The same for his tax evasion charge, since Hunter has paid all the taxes, fees, and penalties he owed.

That's how criminal prosecutions work, you are charged to what you did. As an officer of the court he should get more time than the average joe.

Yeah, cause crackheads are just the kind of responsible people we want running around with a deadly weapon. ROFLMFAO They are the type people that would shoot you for 20 dollars at an ATM.

Except Biden isn't that type of person. Do his construction violations not bother you? 5th amendment, 2nd amendment and maybe more.
But let's convict him of robbing you for 20 bucks despite the fact he never did that?

If hypotheticals are what you want to hang your hat on then why not outlaw alcohol because "someone" "might" kill you in a traffic accident?
Maybe make him do a year or so to see if he wises up? Visit him a few times, see if he’s learning anything.

Remember, this is not all he’s done. Millions in illegal monies, lying, doping, HOS, children sex & drugs? wasting millions on dope, running out on pregnancy in ARK for one, banging his sister-in-law.
The 2nd amendment gave him the right to buy a gun. It's a constitutional right, not a privilege.

the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Making him fill out the form where he would incriminate himself, is an infringement.

Tell it to SCOTUS, they've upheld the law multiple times. The Constitution is not a suicide pact.

If people convicted of spousal abuse, and the mentally ill are entitled to have guns, why should crackheads and tweakers be the only irrational, unarmed people out there?

Because it's the law. You commies have been screaming for years that no one is above the law. Now that it effects on of your own, suddenly you change your tune. HYPOCRITE MUCH?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Except Biden isn't that type of person. Do his construction violations not bother you? 5th amendment, 2nd amendment and maybe more.
But let's convict him of robbing you for 20 bucks despite the fact he never did that?

If hypotheticals are what you want to hang your hat on then why not outlaw alcohol because "someone" "might" kill you in a traffic accident?

I've already explained, THERE WAS NO 5TH AMENDMENT VIOLATION, and according to the Supreme Court there was no 2nd Amendment violation.

I've already explained, THERE WAS NO 5TH AMENDMENT VIOLATION, and according to the Supreme Court there was no 2nd Amendment violation.

I disagree. And please cite the Supreme Court case.
Even the 9th circuit just ruled in favor of a felon. THE 9TH CIRCUIT
This case was purely punitive. Hunter gave up the gun, and his drugs long before the charges were brought.

He is being punished for what he did, not what he was doing. The same for his tax evasion charge, since Hunter has paid all the taxes, fees, and penalties he owed.

Proof positive that if a Democrat were to jaywalk in Washington, Republicans would bring them up on charges for it.

Trump spent 4 years trying and failing to jail Democrats. I loved it when the IRS Whistleblowers were testifying about how the Justice Department blocked their requests for charges, and slow walked their search warrant requests during the Committee Hearing, The only problem being this was all happening in the Spring of 2020 - when Trump was President.

At the first trial with the Plea Agreement, the Trump appointed judge railed at the amount of time and resources spent to achieve two misdemeanor charges. It hard not to agree.
Odd. I've been targetted for 40 years and I've never shot anyone, never even held a gun in my life.

I've also been decimated for ratting out diddlers and police child abusers.

Somehow though, I am worthy of persecution since the time I was a kid a la the Stasi. All to protect the "cult".


That is truly very odd considering I've never heard of any Canadian being "targeted" by any police forces. You must be very, very "special" indeed.
to choose not to do or have something : to refrain deliberately and often with an effort of self-denial from an action or practice. abstain from drinking. 2. : to choose not to vote. Ten members voted for the proposal, six members voted against it, and two abstained.

Merriam Webster
With your kind of crappy decision-making I hope you abstain in November. do the country a favor
That is truly very odd considering I've never heard of any Canadian being "targeted" by any police forces. You must be very, very "special" indeed.
If special meams "knowing too much and e victim of the most intrusive methods" then yes. You can play dumb but our allies know now, in great detail in some instances.
Biden already said that he wouldn't pardon Hunter Biden, but he can still grant Hunter executive clemency. Which means Hunter remains a convicted felon, but he could lessen how long he has to spend in jail.

Such as if Hunter gets 25 years, Joe could cut some of 25 years, or all of it.
Can the average American get the same deal? If not, Biden should not use his white privilege to get his kid a lighter sentence, what is good for the common American is good for a President’s son.
If it's good enough for Hunter, it's good enough for all. I get sick and tired of these two tiered justice systems.

It didn't take a review of every single case for Carter to grant a blanket pardon for all who dodged the draft.
Did trump do that for the crimes he pardoned his friends with... Bannon, Manafort, Kushner dad, Roger Stone etc etc etc?

Or has any pardon given by a president, had to search for all other criminals with the same crime?

It would be nice and more fair if that were done, but it is just not feasible, and not required.
Can the average American get the same deal? If not, Biden should not use his white privilege to get his kid a lighter sentence, what is good for the common American is good for a President’s son.
So, trump should not pardon himself, if convicted for the federal indictments, nor pardon all his convicted friends and co-conspirators if elected president, as he did on his last pardoning run?
Can the average American get the same deal? If not, Biden should not use his white privilege to get his kid a lighter sentence, what is good for the common American is good for a President’s son.
No American has been charged with this crime, ever....under the same situation as Hunter. This law is only used and has only been used on people who have committed ANOTHER CRIME with the gun they got illegally, through lying on a form.

Hunter is the first and only conviction for this crime, without an additional crime attached.

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