If you had the power to pardon your child for the same crime hunter was convicted of would you?

If you had the power would you pardon your son or daughter for the same crime hunter was convicted 4

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Under Trump a person owed $39 million in taxes. And he was only charged with a misdemeanor.

$39 million in taxes owed.

I'm not really concerned with what he is charged with but rather what did the guy get for paying Hunter's taxes for him?
Executive clemency means Hunter still could not vote, own a firearm, or work for the federal government, or serve on a jury.
I am a convicted felon and I do have the right to vote.
I was certified as an adult at 16 and sent to prison.
I can not "legally" own a gun However
Hunter has lived one of the most privileged lives in human history. No worries. People picking up after him. Drugs and alcohol to the max and endless women while doing it and he was married. Hobnobbing with the powerful for sweet deals screwing the nation over with the family's support. Now in his 50's he has a maturity moment. There are men in prison doing hard time for a pittance of what he has done.

A big difference, is those people in prison doing hard time were caught in the act. And the punishment was to stop them from continuing their criminal activities.

Hunter has already given up guns and drugs, long before he got caught.
I would. Facing 25 years for this crap is beyond stupid.
Murderers, rapists, gangsters, child molesters get less time with the average being 10 to 20 years OR LESS
I hope he doesn’t pardon Hunter. From day one, Hunter has seemed like a lowlife sleezeball. That being said, if he did pardon him, I don’t think any voter in the nation would have trouble understanding.
Hunter has lived one of the most privileged lives in human history. No worries. People picking up after him. Drugs and alcohol to the max and endless women while doing it and he was married. Hobnobbing with the powerful for sweet deals screwing the nation over with the family's support. Now in his 50's he has a maturity moment. There are men in prison doing hard time for a pittance of what he has done.
I would. Facing 25 years for this crap is beyond stupid.
Murderers, rapists, gangsters, child molesters get less time with the average being 10 to 20 years OR LESS
thats a silly question

I’m sure most conservatives would

The better question is would do so if it meant losing the presidential election

And I believe most politicians in washington would have to think about it
thats a silly question

I’m sure most conservatives would

The better question is would do so if it meant losing the presidential election

And I believe most politicians in washington would have to think about it
I believe since I made this thread Trump has already promised to pardon him. So what now?
Bill Clinton pardoned his half-brother Roger Clinton.

Family is family.
Yeah, thats what I mean. I don’t think there should be a presidential pardon. Its one of those things we do that doesn’t make a lick of sense--like having an even number of Electoral College electors---it’s flat out stupid.

But I don’t think anyone would hold it against Biden if he did use the pardon in this case.
This is either uninformed or a lie. He threw the gun out in a way that ANY CHILD could have found it and done God knows what.
Crime? I dunno but INCREDIBLY irresponsible

On Oct. 23, 2018, President Joe Biden’s son Hunter and daughter in law Hallie were involved in a bizarre incident in which Hallie took Hunter’s gun and threw it in a trash can behind a grocery store, only to return later to find it gone.

Delaware police began investigating, concerned that the trash can was across from a high school and that the missing gun could be used in a crime.

Hunter didn't dispose of the gun, and had no responsibility about where it was disposed of.


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