If you had the power to pardon your child for the same crime hunter was convicted of would you?

If you had the power would you pardon your son or daughter for the same crime hunter was convicted 4

  • Yes

  • No

  • Unsure

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Bailing Hunter out is how we got here... he needs to pay the price for his crime... he should be happy they didn't charge him with his real crime...
Selling old dad to our adversaries around the world...
Think about that... anything about our governments actions past and present that you just don't understand why they did that.... its because some despot dictator is paying for it... that doesn't help you... it sure doesn't help America...
he needs to pay the price for his crime..
Who should pay the price for violating his 5th amendment?
I get that he's a crooked pedophile but his rights are the same as yours and mine as it pertains to this situation.
When they came for "them" I said nothing.... when they came for me there was no one left to stand up for me
Constitutional Rights are not an even line. We read this every day and on these forums. And anyone who has experienced abuse of their rights knows it well. This man is in his 50's. It was partay time every day. Not in his 20's. It caught up with him because he was sheltered due to his connections.
I would too. 2nd amendment doesn't say anything about drug users.
Title 18, Section 922(g)(3), of the U.S. Code prohibits any person “who is an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance” from possessing a firearm or ammunition. In the 2023 decision United States v. Daniels, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit determined that Section 922(g)(3) unconstitutionally deprived a defendant of his right to bear arms under the Second Amendment.

That was the law Hunter Biden was convicted of lying about.

(g) It shall be unlawful for any person-
(3) who is an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance (as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 802));

The USSC has taken the case.
The problem is that the question on the form, required the person give up his 5th amendment rights against self incrimination. Which as I already said, requires they confess to committing a drug crime, for which they haven't been charged, or convicted.
Or as the 5th amendment phrases it, "self incrimination".

Wrong again, he didn't have to purchase a gun, and he didn't commit a chargeable offense till he chose to physically sign the form. Being a freaking lawyer he knew exactly what he was doing and if caught he could go to jail. The fifth says you can't be compelled to testify against yourself, that means after you are charged with a crime. BTW, he wasn't charged with a drug crime, was he?

Wrong again, he didn't have to purchase a gun, and he didn't commit a chargeable offense till he chose to physically sign the form.
The 2nd amendment gave him the right to buy a gun. It's a constitutional right, not a privilege.

the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Making him fill out the form where he would incriminate himself, is an infringement.
I'd vote not guilty on a jury for any "gun crime", that wasn't in existence when the constitution was signed. Anything that has even a whiff of infringement would get a not guilty from me. And pardons across the board for the same...

Yeah, cause crackheads are just the kind of responsible people we want running around with a deadly weapon. ROFLMFAO They are the type people that would shoot you for 20 dollars at an ATM.

I wouldn't. Rich and powerful people are no more important than the janitor sweeping their floors.

Wanna bet???? You try getting service/treatment/elected ahead of the rich and powerful person.

Donald Trump is a failed businessman, reality TV host and con artist and yet he has managed to keep his fat ass out of jail all of these years, despite 7 bankruptcies whereby he got rich and everyone else lost everything.

American banks won't lend to him. He's just been found guilty of business fraud to the tune of $450 million, and corporate tax evasion before that. That's in addition to paying out $25 million on the Trump University Fraud case that was underway when he was elected.

And yet Republicans have no problem putting this lifelong felon up for election - again.
Unsure. Would depend on why my son was buying the gun? Could be to rob or threaten for drugs. Wouldnt pardon him if so.

If just bought with no ill intent I would.

Big on not playing on the slippery slope of thw 2nd.
Yeah, cause crackheads are just the kind of responsible people we want running around with a deadly weapon. ROFLMFAO They are the type people that would shoot you for 20 dollars at an ATM.


If people convicted of spousal abuse, and the mentally ill are entitled to have guns, why should crackheads and tweakers be the only irrational, unarmed people out there?
Wanna bet???? You try getting service/treatment/elected ahead of the rich and powerful person.

Donald Trump is a failed businessman, reality TV host and con artist and yet he has managed to keep his fat ass out of jail all of these years, despite 7 bankruptcies whereby he got rich and everyone else lost everything.

American banks won't lend to him. He's just been found guilty of business fraud to the tune of $450 million, and corporate tax evasion before that. That's in addition to paying out $25 million on the Trump University Fraud case that was underway when he was elected.

And yet Republicans have no problem putting this lifelong felon up for election - again.

How many convictions before he ran and became president?
If people convicted of spousal abuse, and the mentally ill are entitled to have guns, why should crackheads and tweakers be the only irrational, unarmed people out there?

People who have been convicted, have been convicted. You can have your rights removed through due process.

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