If you had the power to pardon your child for the same crime hunter was convicted of would you?

If you had the power would you pardon your son or daughter for the same crime hunter was convicted 4

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  • Unsure

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Hopefully Hunter will win on appeal. However, he has another trial coming up on tax evasion.
I know this much, if he is given a lengthy prison sentence he will be pardoned. Most likely after the election, either on one of his last days in office or one of his first days of re-election.
JOe will pardon two turkeys for Thanksgiving.
It didn't take a review of every single case for Carter to grant a blanket pardon for all who dodged the draft.

Acting pursuant to the grant of authority in Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution of the United States, I, Jimmy Carter, President of the United States, do hereby grant a full, complete and unconditional pardon to: (1) all persons who may have committed any offense between August 4, 1964 and March 28, 1973 in violation of the Military Selective Service Act or any rule or regulation promulgated thereunder; and (2) all persons heretofore convicted, irrespective of the date of conviction, of any offense committed between August 4, 1964 and March 28, 1973 in violation of the Military Selective Service Act, or any rule or regulation promulgated thereunder, restoring to them full political, civil and other rights.

This pardon does not apply to the following who are specifically excluded therefrom:

(1) All persons convicted of or who may have committed any offense in violation of the Military Selective Service Act, or any rule or regulation promulgated thereunder, involving force or violence; and

(2) All persons convicted of or who may have committed any offense in violation of the Military Selective Service Act, or any rule or regulation promulgated thereunder, in connection with duties or responsibilities arising out of employment as agents, officers or employees of the Military Selective Service system.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 21st day of January, in the year of our Lord nineteen
hundred and seventy-seven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and first.


It would be possible to offer a similar blanket pardon to people who lied on the federal firearms form, covering specific questions.
I would. Facing 25 years for this crap is beyond stupid.
Murderers, rapists, gangsters, child molesters get less time with the average being 10 to 20 years OR LESS

Biden is facing 1 year in jail - max. He did no harm with his illegal gun to anyone. He is no longer on drugs, and he has turned his life around. Nothing is served by jailing him.
Biden is facing 1 year in jail - max. He did no harm with his illegal gun to anyone. He is no longer on drugs, and he has turned his life around. Nothing is served by jailing him.
Odd. I've been targetted for 40 years and I've never shot anyone, never even held a gun in my life.

I've also been decimated for ratting out diddlers and police child abusers.

Somehow though, I am worthy of persecution since the time I was a kid a la the Stasi. All to protect the "cult".

Biden is facing 1 year in jail - max. He did no harm with his illegal gun to anyone. He is no longer on drugs, and he has turned his life around. Nothing is served by jailing him.
This case was purely punitive. Hunter gave up the gun, and his drugs long before the charges were brought.

He is being punished for what he did, not what he was doing. The same for his tax evasion charge, since Hunter has paid all the taxes, fees, and penalties he owed.
This case was purely punitive. Hunter gave up the gun, and his drugs long before the charges were brought.

He is being punished for what he did, not what he was doing. The same for his tax evasion charge, since Hunter has paid all the taxes, fees, and penalties he owed.

Well, Hunter didn't pay them which leads to more questions.
Biden is facing 1 year in jail - max. He did no harm with his illegal gun to anyone. He is no longer on drugs, and he has turned his life around. Nothing is served by jailing him.
Hunter has lived one of the most privileged lives in human history. No worries. People picking up after him. Drugs and alcohol to the max and endless women while doing it and he was married. Hobnobbing with the powerful for sweet deals screwing the nation over with the family's support. Now in his 50's he has a maturity moment. There are men in prison doing hard time for a pittance of what he has done.

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