If You Had Twenty Million Dollars, How Would You Spend It?

It's interesting to note that those on the Left would spend the money, and those on the right would invest it.
Thank you for admitting why trickle down doesn't work

Trickle down works just fine.
Bush is back baby!

/--- Trickle down mean when anyone buys any product or service, the money paid trickles down through the economy benefiting everyone in the pipeline.
Trump says dont believe fake news then tells fake news
/---- Odd you didn't post any proof of Pres Trumps "fake news." Very odd indeed.
blithering idiot.jpg
Buy the board and cyber hang one liberal a month. Love to do it more often but we have a liberal shortage as it is!
I would turn into a rich greedy conservative and you would worship me

/--- Better off turning into a rich greedy liberal because even more people would worship you.
Omg I'm at a restaurant and their watching fox. I hear a girl who's appalled Obama didn't attend scalias funeral. Quick snopes explains that's a lie and fox is brainwashing stupid conservative sheeple.
To quote you OMG OMG OMG looks like you're the liar.
Justice Antonin Scalia died on Feb. 13 of natural causes at the age of 79, according to the New York Times. A two-hour funeral service was held on Feb. 20 for Scalia at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C.
Former first lady Nancy Reagan passed away on March 6 due to congestive heart failure. Her funeral took place on March 11 at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California.
President Obama did not attend either funeral.
Obama's Funeral Attendance - FactCheck.org
Buy the board and cyber hang one liberal a month. Love to do it more often but we have a liberal shortage as it is!
I would turn into a rich greedy conservative and you would worship me

/--- Better off turning into a rich greedy liberal because even more people would worship you.
Omg I'm at a restaurant and their watching fox. I hear a girl who's appalled Obama didn't attend scalias funeral. Quick snopes explains that's a lie and fox is brainwashing stupid conservative sheeple.
To quote you OMG OMG OMG looks like you're the liar.
Justice Antonin Scalia died on Feb. 13 of natural causes at the age of 79, according to the New York Times. A two-hour funeral service was held on Feb. 20 for Scalia at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C.
Former first lady Nancy Reagan passed away on March 6 due to congestive heart failure. Her funeral took place on March 11 at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California.
President Obama did not attend either funeral.
Obama's Funeral Attendance - FactCheck.org
View attachment 124168

Did he golf?
Trump says dont believe fake news then tells fake news
/---- Odd you didn't post any proof of Pres Trumps "fake news." Very odd indeed.
View attachment 124163
Obama spied on me, for starters. That's fake news. Birther, for 2. Lots of fake news.

Today I'm hearing Obama didn't attend Scalia's funeral because he was golfing.

President Obama Snubs Scalia's Funeral?

Need more you fucking idiots?

You forgot to mention Instead, the president paid his respects on Friday, when Scalia’s body lied in repose in the Great Hall of the Supreme Court building.

Did you know that? Of course not.

Here are all the reasons you're a brainwashed sheeple that believes whatever you are told

President Obama Snubs Scalia's Funeral?
four out of the past seven funerals for a Supreme Court justice have had either the president or the vice president in attendance (which means nearly half of them didn’t):

Former President George W. Bush attended the funeral for Chief Justice William Rehnquist.

Former President Bill Clinton attended the funerals for former Chief Justice Warren E. Burger and Justice William Brennan but did not attend the funerals for Justices Harry Blackmun or Lewis F. Powell Jr.

Former Vice President Al Gore attended the funeral for Justice Thurgood Marshall.
It is not out of the ordinary that President Obama decided not to attend Justice Scalia’s funeral services, instead paying his respects the day before. The political rumor mill worked overtime, however. Before long, a story was circulating (without any evidence) that Obama wasn’t going to the funeral because he had decided to play golf instead:
It is not out of the ordinary that President Obama decided not to attend Justice Scalia’s funeral services, instead paying his respects the day before. The political rumor mill worked overtime, however. Before long, a story was circulating (without any evidence) that Obama wasn’t going to the funeral because he had decided to play golf instead:
I'd rather golf than attend a funeral of someone I despise.
I would give 5mill to each of my 2 kids 5 mill to my wife and I would use the last 5 mill to draw 10k a month till I died I wont live till that runs out.
With that sense of loving generosity and absence of greed you surely would die a happy man and be missed by many.
Trump says dont believe fake news then tells fake news
/---- Odd you didn't post any proof of Pres Trumps "fake news." Very odd indeed.
View attachment 124163
Obama spied on me, for starters. That's fake news. Birther, for 2. Lots of fake news.

Today I'm hearing Obama didn't attend Scalia's funeral because he was golfing.

President Obama Snubs Scalia's Funeral?

Need more you fucking idiots?
/---- Trump believes he was wiretapped. How is that fake news? What Nunes actually found becomes at least somewhat clear. The US intelligence community, during legally authorized surveillance of foreign nationals, picked up communications between members of Trump’s campaign and some unspecified, but definitely not Russian, individuals.

Obama's Funeral Attendance - FactCheck.org
Mar 17, 2016 - President Obama did not attend either funeral. ... and President Obama's decision not to attend Scalia's funeral was criticized by conservative ...

Speaking of fucking idiots - how are you doing today?
free stuff.jpg
How much money is $20 million?

You could put the cash in a safety deposit box earning ZERO interest and withdraw $500,000 per year for 40 years.

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