If you love America stay home

Fuck those overpaid football players, disrespecting the flag when men and women are dying for that flag in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Spread the word. Stop doing business with ALL NFL sponsors. Hit every letter to the editor in every major newspaper.

Start a wildfire in all social media outlets that sponsors of the NFL will be boycotted.

Make fliers and post them in every location you frequent. Carry plenty of them to replace them when they are taken down

Start burning the jerseys of the players taking a knee or staying in the locker room. The same with any and all NFL merchandise. Put it away and don't display it anywhere. Don't destroy it if it isn't one of these players. Sooner or later, the NFL will regret this and you don't want to spite yourself.

However, document each player that takes a knee and any merchandise you have of theirs, destroy it. Preferably publicly. Challenge your friends to burn their merchandise.

Stop giving money to the NFL period.

These players may be supported by the NFL, but the NFL is going to learn they are nothing without fans.
Fuck those overpaid football players, disrespecting the flag when men and women are dying for that flag in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Spread the word. Stop doing business with ALL NFL sponsors. Hit every letter to the editor in every major newspaper.

Start a wildfire in all social media outlets that sponsors of the NFL will be boycotted.

Make fliers and post them in every location you frequent. Carry plenty of them to replace them when they are taken down

Start burning the jerseys of the players taking a knee or staying in the locker room. The same with any and all NFL merchandise. Put it away and don't display it anywhere. Don't destroy it if it isn't one of these players. Sooner or later, the NFL will regret this and you don't want to spite yourself.

However, document each player that takes a knee and any merchandise you have of theirs, destroy it. Preferably publicly. Challenge your friends to burn their merchandise.

Stop giving money to the NFL period.

These players may be supported by the NFL, but the NFL is going to learn they are nothing without fans.
Go right ahead. Show us how important it is for you to force people to pretend by standing for the National Anthem. Show us how important it is for you to punish people for exercising their free speech. Show us how important it is for you to silent those concerned bout social justice.
Fuck those overpaid football players, disrespecting the flag when men and women are dying for that flag in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Our military are not dying for a piece of cloth made in China. They are dying for us and our rights as American citizens....such as the right to disagree and free speech.....they are NOT dying so that some fat fascist can FORCE people to obey. Hell, that fat fascist had to be reminded by his immigrant wife to put his own tiny hand over his heart during the Nat'l Anthem.

Yeah, you tell em. Don't you just hate people like that?

I'm surprised they didn't all cover their ears on that one.
Fuck those overpaid football players, disrespecting the flag when men and women are dying for that flag in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Spread the word. Stop doing business with ALL NFL sponsors. Hit every letter to the editor in every major newspaper.

Start a wildfire in all social media outlets that sponsors of the NFL will be boycotted.

Make fliers and post them in every location you frequent. Carry plenty of them to replace them when they are taken down

Start burning the jerseys of the players taking a knee or staying in the locker room. The same with any and all NFL merchandise. Put it away and don't display it anywhere. Don't destroy it if it isn't one of these players. Sooner or later, the NFL will regret this and you don't want to spite yourself.

However, document each player that takes a knee and any merchandise you have of theirs, destroy it. Preferably publicly. Challenge your friends to burn their merchandise.

Stop giving money to the NFL period.

These players may be supported by the NFL, but the NFL is going to learn they are nothing without fans.
Go right ahead. Show us how important it is for you to force people to pretend by standing for the National Anthem. Show us how important it is for you to punish people for exercising their free speech. Show us how important it is for you to silent those concerned bout social justice.
Moron, they don't have any right to be free from the consequences of their actions. They're too stupid to even protest the correct way, but need to insult American's who have sacrificed for this country.

So, go ahead and be stupid, I have a feeling you're going to anyway.

I have every intention of trying to get as big a firestorm as I can on social media. I'm even going to put some of My own money on it for advertising.
Fuck those overpaid football players, disrespecting the flag when men and women are dying for that flag in Iraq and Afghanistan.
agreed NHL is way better or Rugby

There have been some pretty good College ball played over the past couple of weeks. Hell, My Hawkeyes almost defeated #4 Penn State. They lost in the last 4 seconds of the game in which they were supposed to be blown out.
Fuck those overpaid football players, disrespecting the flag when men and women are dying for that flag in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Spread the word. Stop doing business with ALL NFL sponsors. Hit every letter to the editor in every major newspaper.

Start a wildfire in all social media outlets that sponsors of the NFL will be boycotted.

Make fliers and post them in every location you frequent. Carry plenty of them to replace them when they are taken down

Start burning the jerseys of the players taking a knee or staying in the locker room. The same with any and all NFL merchandise. Put it away and don't display it anywhere. Don't destroy it if it isn't one of these players. Sooner or later, the NFL will regret this and you don't want to spite yourself.

However, document each player that takes a knee and any merchandise you have of theirs, destroy it. Preferably publicly. Challenge your friends to burn their merchandise.

Stop giving money to the NFL period.

These players may be supported by the NFL, but the NFL is going to learn they are nothing without fans.
To be even more clear. We don't care, but the NFL will soon enough.
The ONLY thing the left understands is taking it's money away. Keep going to the games and they'll laugh at you all the way to next week.

Anything else is just strokin the llama
Fuck those overpaid football players, disrespecting the flag when men and women are dying for that flag in Iraq and Afghanistan.
agreed NHL is way better or Rugby

There have been some pretty good College ball played over the past couple of weeks. Hell, My Hawkeyes almost defeated #4 Penn State. They lost in the last 4 seconds of the game in which they were supposed to be blown out.

I won't miss football, but then again, never was much of a sports fan and our football team is the Browns, now 0-3.
Fuck those overpaid football players, disrespecting the flag when men and women are dying for that flag in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I bet HALF of those men and women would tell you that you don't understand what they are fighting for. In our great nation you can be a dick without going to jail
So what you're saying is our troops fought because they hate America.....and they feel anyone who wants to can come here and piss on our country and tell us to go fuck ourselves can go do it with our blessing?
Because that's what these motherfuckers are doing.

Piece of shits always side with other piece of shits...you can't make a piece of shit understand how to act like a legitimate REAL American.
Lazy ignorant NFL players have a 1st Amendment right to disrespect what is important to the rest of the Country and the rest of the Country has a 1st Amendment right to disrespect them.
Haven't watched any football since LAST YEAR. I was done with these anti American black ass clowns when they started pissing on my flag and national anthem.

I wouldn't watch any NFL now if they paid ME.
America is getting fed up with Blacks. 13% of the population that commits 50% of the violent crimes. Compared to Blacks in Africa they really have a decent life. The only way you can get rich there is by becoming a warlord and murdering other tribes.

And for how long do you think blacks have been fed up with whites? During slavery? During segregation? No, you think they actually liked it.
I don't know.....most of these players aren't even 30 years old. All of them were born after Jim Crow was abolished. I'm 60. I've been watching this shit most of my life. There was a time when they had a valid point. Now they don't.

So, how do you get a valid point? When you agree?
Their protestations are based on a fake belief generated by Democrats and their corrupt media.
They've been told all of their lives that they are oppressed, but how can you sell that when the oppressed are making more than over 90% of the earners in the US?
Easy. Just create a racist atmosphere.
Blacks have been told all of their lives that whites hate them and cops want to kill them.
They see it in movies and television and the press repeats isolated cases over and over on YouTube so they can believe that it's rampant.
Never focusing on the real cause of crime in Black America, the fact that blacks are poor because over 70% of them are born into single parent households. Many don't even know who their father is. Many have fathers serving time for criminal acts.

Thems the facts.

It doesn't matter what YOU think their beliefs are based on.

99% of the America right now just accepts what they're told by someone or other. The fact that you bring up "corrupt media" is ironic because you basically got some guy to come along and stick that in your head. Like in Monty Python's The Life of Brian. "You're all individuals" "Yes, we're all individuals" they all say robotically.

Yes, blacks have been told their whole lives that whites hate them, then you come on forums like this and find plenty of whites who hate blacks. Oh, what a fucking surprise.
September 24, 2017
A modest proposal for NFL fans: Be a flash mob
By Patricia McCarthy
See also: NFL may lose bigly with social justice antics
The recent behavior of a number of spoiled, privileged, ungrateful NFL players is unacceptable to most Americans, NFL fans or not. Yes, the Constitution guarantees that the government cannot infringe on a citizen's right to free speech, but the lucrative contracts they sign with the private owners of those teams do not. Every one of them could be and should be fired. Let them sue the team; they would lose. Colin Kapernick and every other player who has, like the immature children they are, copied this ridiculous stunt should sacrifice their right to play. They should not be rewarded with the millions of dollars they are paid to play. These young men are clearly ill-educated. They know nothing about American history. They've never read the Constitution. They have no idea what it says or what it means. They lack both knowledge and character. They have no respect for their fans.

What are they protesting? Do they even know? The general sense is that they are supporting Black Lives Matter and are virulently anti-police. This kind of nonsense is antithetical to the majority of their fans which is why so many of them are giving up on the NFL. They are watching and attending games in fewer and fewer numbers. Who wants to spend hundreds of dollars to see their flag and country so disrespected by the most fortunate among us?

It would be so satisfying if a group of patriotic fans to have at the ready a flash mob of singers at a stadium game.

If the players "take a knee" to show their disdain for the flag and the national anthem, these talented souls would wait until just before the kick-off and then stand up and belt out the national anthem themselves. Chances are hundreds of those in attendance would join them. Then they would exit the stadium.

Social media and the mainstream news organizations are apoplectic at Trump's comments in Alabama about the "take a knee" phenomenon but the cheering crowd agreed with him as do most people across the country. The left's contempt for their own nation is taking a terrible toll. It is infecting every American institution, destroying each of them one by one so that our children and grandchildren will never know how united we once were for over two hundred years. The election of Trump was in fact the success of an American flash mob, one that desperately hopes to save the country from the radical, progressive left that has already done terrible damage.

And the irony here is, you're saying "don't use football as a political tool" and then using football as a political tool. Oh, wow.

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