If you love America stay home

America is getting fed up with Blacks. 13% of the population that commits 50% of the violent crimes. Compared to Blacks in Africa they really have a decent life. The only way you can get rich there is by becoming a warlord and murdering other tribes.

And for how long do you think blacks have been fed up with whites? During slavery? During segregation? No, you think they actually liked it.
I don't know.....most of these players aren't even 30 years old. All of them were born after Jim Crow was abolished. I'm 60. I've been watching this shit most of my life. There was a time when they had a valid point. Now they don't.

So, how do you get a valid point? When you agree?
Their protestations are based on a fake belief generated by Democrats and their corrupt media.
They've been told all of their lives that they are oppressed, but how can you sell that when the oppressed are making more than over 90% of the earners in the US?
Easy. Just create a racist atmosphere.
Blacks have been told all of their lives that whites hate them and cops want to kill them.
They see it in movies and television and the press repeats isolated cases over and over on YouTube so they can believe that it's rampant.
Never focusing on the real cause of crime in Black America, the fact that blacks are poor because over 70% of them are born into single parent households. Many don't even know who their father is. Many have fathers serving time for criminal acts.

Thems the facts.

It doesn't matter what YOU think their beliefs are based on.

99% of the America right now just accepts what they're told by someone or other. The fact that you bring up "corrupt media" is ironic because you basically got some guy to come along and stick that in your head. Like in Monty Python's The Life of Brian. "You're all individuals" "Yes, we're all individuals" they all say robotically.

Yes, blacks have been told their whole lives that whites hate them, then you come on forums like this and find plenty of whites who hate blacks. Oh, what a fucking surprise.
So you figure that a blanket condemnation of the country as a whole is due because of a few assholes?
Isn't that not only pigheaded, childish, but racist as well?
Maybe I should have just condemned all of Germany when I lived there because a few of them are ignorant Nazis.
If you love America stay home and let these NFL and NBA spoiled mindless fools have to go out and get a real job. Most are not mentally capable of handling the higher paying jobs but they should be capable of doing manual labor if they are closely supervised. I will be watching and going to college games. I will not ever go to a NFL or NBA game again as long as this foolishness is going on. If I hear of any company that buys a TV ad for one of these games I will boycott that product and I hope others will do the same. I am just one but I am sure there are many more of us.
Let's stay home because the President tells us to do so? Because no more than ten NFL players protested? Seems like you and the President are giving the protests exactly what they want. Attention. Another course of action is to ignore them and they will dry up and blow away. You are free to boycott but I think it's kind of playing into the hands of the President's Outrage Machine. And the protesting players, of which there will be many more today. And the President will love it.

Trying to prove how clueless you are?
^^^^His name says it all.
And for how long do you think blacks have been fed up with whites? During slavery? During segregation? No, you think they actually liked it.
I don't know.....most of these players aren't even 30 years old. All of them were born after Jim Crow was abolished. I'm 60. I've been watching this shit most of my life. There was a time when they had a valid point. Now they don't.

So, how do you get a valid point? When you agree?
Their protestations are based on a fake belief generated by Democrats and their corrupt media.
They've been told all of their lives that they are oppressed, but how can you sell that when the oppressed are making more than over 90% of the earners in the US?
Easy. Just create a racist atmosphere.
Blacks have been told all of their lives that whites hate them and cops want to kill them.
They see it in movies and television and the press repeats isolated cases over and over on YouTube so they can believe that it's rampant.
Never focusing on the real cause of crime in Black America, the fact that blacks are poor because over 70% of them are born into single parent households. Many don't even know who their father is. Many have fathers serving time for criminal acts.

Thems the facts.

It doesn't matter what YOU think their beliefs are based on.

99% of the America right now just accepts what they're told by someone or other. The fact that you bring up "corrupt media" is ironic because you basically got some guy to come along and stick that in your head. Like in Monty Python's The Life of Brian. "You're all individuals" "Yes, we're all individuals" they all say robotically.

Yes, blacks have been told their whole lives that whites hate them, then you come on forums like this and find plenty of whites who hate blacks. Oh, what a fucking surprise.
So you figure that a blanket condemnation of the country as a whole is due because of a few assholes?
Isn't that not only pigheaded, childish, but racist as well?
Maybe I should have just condemned all of Germany when I lived there because a few of them are ignorant Nazis.

I'm trying to find the link between what I said and what you said. It's not coming to me. Maybe you can explain.
I am "voting" with my wallet. I refuse to watch the NFL.

I am really not missing anything anyway - the NFL has WAY too many penalties, WAY too many reviews, and now, WAY too much politics.
Fuck those overpaid football players, disrespecting the flag when men and women are dying for that flag in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Our military are not dying for a piece of cloth made in China. They are dying for us and our rights as American citizens....such as the right to disagree and free speech.....they are NOT dying so that some fat fascist can FORCE people to obey. Hell, that fat fascist had to be reminded by his immigrant wife to put his own tiny hand over his heart during the Nat'l Anthem.
Didn't seem to bother you when Obama didn't put hand over heart.

But then liberals hate America and the flag..

They just don't like it when Americans get sick of their anti American bullshit and finally call them on it.
I am "voting" with my wallet. I refuse to watch the NFL.

I am really not missing anything anyway - the NFL has WAY too many penalties, WAY too many reviews, and now, WAY too much politics.

You're not alone, and I think the NFL is going to experience some very hard times. They have been going down the drain since they started to take a political position...... or at the very least, support the political positions of their employees.

Entertainers are the stupidest people in the country. They make their living off attracting an audience be it sports, music, acting and so on. Why do something that's going to piss off half of your audience? It makes no sense to me.

Sure, you are going to have people like that just like they have fans like that. But what's the point of pissing off half of your supporters?

You don't understand--that Trump just made a King Kong Ass out of himself again. Everyone in this country, especially Football fans, knows that the owners & team managers will handle the disgruntled player, they always have and they always will. No one voted for this Ass Clown so he could get into sports management.

Football is a huge industry in this country, and I imagine it's loved by the overwhelming majority in this country. I know I like my football, win or lose--we're back for it again the following Sunday. We center Sunday dinners around it with family & friends, as I am certain millions of Americans do. Football is every American's Sunday--(without politics.) They don't want the Ass Clown in the game.



"The Curry family won’t be visiting the White House to celebrate the Golden State Warriors’ 2017 NBA championship. While a trip to visit President Donald Trump never appeared to part of Stephen Curry’s plans, POTUS officially disinvited the Warriors guard with a tweet Saturday morning. The Dubs would get the last laugh, though, as they formally announced they will not be visiting the White House to celebrate their title. Several athletes used social media to show support for Curry, including LeBron James, Kobe Bryant and Richard Sherman. But arguably the best response of all came from Curry’s wife, Ayesha. Understanding how much attention Trump’s tweet would get, she used the large platform to provide a link for people to donate and help those affected by the earthquake that struck Mexico. Meanwhile, the NBA champions Warriors team said they would not be going to the White House after Trump tweeted that "Going to the White House is considered a great honor for a championship team. Stephen Curry is hesitating, therefore invitation is withdrawn!" Cleveland Cavaliers star LeBron James directed a tweet at the president on Saturday that began with "U bum." The four-time NBA MVP said in a video posted to sports website Uninterrupted that he was frustrated "because this guy that we've put in charge has tried to divide us once again."

Backlash as Trump criticizes NFL players' protests, NBA's Curry

And here again is the NFL's response to Trump.
NFL, Roger Goodell respond to Donald Trump's 'divisive' comments


Not one single fan walked out of this stadium.


The clown show never stops.

What the NFL has done is to find a way to alienate millions of their customers. Fucking brilliant.
What the NFL has done is to find a way to alienate millions of their customers. Fucking brilliant.
They believe that they are building unity. It's Trump being divisive. If not for Trump the whole country would support disrespecting the anthem and the flag. We would all be unified on our knees.

That's the way savages think.
Football is every American's Sunday--(without politics.) They don't want the Ass Clown in the game.

Well guess what? These clowns just made it about politics--not Trump. Trump was only commenting on them making it about politics.
The disgusting, evil left has ruined football, just like they ruin everything else. It's wrong to hate people, but for left-wingers, it's okay to make an exception.
These players see are aware of all the dough flowing to athletes in all other sports that are far less popular. Their current collect bargaining ends after the 2020 season. I plan on watching our local Arizona Cardinals but I'm not counting on seeing much NFL football being played in 2021.
I'm not a football fan, me and my 4 family members will be going to Rams games just to support them and I will kneel too. Lot of my friends planning to do the same.

I guess that will make you a foolish "Knee Jerk" as I will refer to them in the future.
Whatever you like....ill be enjoying the sun and eating some goodies....by now u can't watch anything because everything offends Trump you boycott it :)

I care not what you eat. Even though I agree with what Trump said on this matter I don't really care about his feelings on it.
I don't know.....most of these players aren't even 30 years old. All of them were born after Jim Crow was abolished. I'm 60. I've been watching this shit most of my life. There was a time when they had a valid point. Now they don't.

So, how do you get a valid point? When you agree?
Their protestations are based on a fake belief generated by Democrats and their corrupt media.
They've been told all of their lives that they are oppressed, but how can you sell that when the oppressed are making more than over 90% of the earners in the US?
Easy. Just create a racist atmosphere.
Blacks have been told all of their lives that whites hate them and cops want to kill them.
They see it in movies and television and the press repeats isolated cases over and over on YouTube so they can believe that it's rampant.
Never focusing on the real cause of crime in Black America, the fact that blacks are poor because over 70% of them are born into single parent households. Many don't even know who their father is. Many have fathers serving time for criminal acts.

Thems the facts.

It doesn't matter what YOU think their beliefs are based on.

99% of the America right now just accepts what they're told by someone or other. The fact that you bring up "corrupt media" is ironic because you basically got some guy to come along and stick that in your head. Like in Monty Python's The Life of Brian. "You're all individuals" "Yes, we're all individuals" they all say robotically.

Yes, blacks have been told their whole lives that whites hate them, then you come on forums like this and find plenty of whites who hate blacks. Oh, what a fucking surprise.
So you figure that a blanket condemnation of the country as a whole is due because of a few assholes?
Isn't that not only pigheaded, childish, but racist as well?
Maybe I should have just condemned all of Germany when I lived there because a few of them are ignorant Nazis.

I'm trying to find the link between what I said and what you said. It's not coming to me. Maybe you can explain.
Question: What did I mean

Answer: Blacks don't deserve special consideration just because you want their votes

They shouldn't be allowed to make sweeping stereotypes about America as a whole just because of the acts of a few individuals. That is what they're doing here. Their own actions led us to this.
Stop spoiling the self-righteous indignation.
When disrespect is shown to the people of the USA it is not 'self righteous indignation' to be offended by it, Sherlock.

I get the idea that you really dont know what that phrase actually means.
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