If you love America stay home

Fuck those overpaid football players, disrespecting the flag when men and women are dying for that flag in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I agree. Also boycott the NBA. I am sick of many these America hating hood rats rich.

Hockey is the only sport I support now. I recently started to watch NASCAR. It is actually a pretty cool sport (if you can call it a sport).

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I guarantee 10 yrs from now, both the NFL and the NBA will look back and wonder what happen to their once glorious leagues.

Few predictions:
(1) NFL continues sinking in ratings
(2) Super Bowl has it's worst rating in SB history
(3) NBA ratings plummet. They have been doing it for years, but they go through the floor this years. Which is amazing considering what they have going for them. A dynasty team that could be one of the best ever. Dynasty have always been great for sports. A top 3 NBA player of all time in his prime as the worthy underdog. Yet they will sink like a rock.
(4) The NHL creeps up and fall just below the NBA in ratings.
(5) Liberals cry racism

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I used to be a rabid Football Fan. I quit watching the day Colon Kap In Yo Ass took a knee during The Anthem and I don't plan on going back ever unless Roger Goodell Resigns and the players quit Protesting during The Games when they are in Uniform, On Duty, and On TV.
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Stop spoiling the self-righteous indignation.
When disrespect is shown to the people of the USA it is not 'self righteous indignation' to be offended by it, Sherlock.

I get the idea that you really dont know what that phrase actually means.

Doesn't it just blow you can't force people to peacefully protest in a way that doesn't offended you? You'll have to excuse me if I don't follow suit in the bandwagon outrage this molehill distraction is producing. Watch the NFL. Or don't. I don't really care.
September 24, 2017
A modest proposal for NFL fans: Be a flash mob
By Patricia McCarthy
See also: NFL may lose bigly with social justice antics
The recent behavior of a number of spoiled, privileged, ungrateful NFL players is unacceptable to most Americans, NFL fans or not. Yes, the Constitution guarantees that the government cannot infringe on a citizen's right to free speech, but the lucrative contracts they sign with the private owners of those teams do not. Every one of them could be and should be fired. Let them sue the team; they would lose. Colin Kapernick and every other player who has, like the immature children they are, copied this ridiculous stunt should sacrifice their right to play. They should not be rewarded with the millions of dollars they are paid to play. These young men are clearly ill-educated. They know nothing about American history. They've never read the Constitution. They have no idea what it says or what it means. They lack both knowledge and character. They have no respect for their fans.

What are they protesting? Do they even know? The general sense is that they are supporting Black Lives Matter and are virulently anti-police. This kind of nonsense is antithetical to the majority of their fans which is why so many of them are giving up on the NFL. They are watching and attending games in fewer and fewer numbers. Who wants to spend hundreds of dollars to see their flag and country so disrespected by the most fortunate among us?

It would be so satisfying if a group of patriotic fans to have at the ready a flash mob of singers at a stadium game.

If the players "take a knee" to show their disdain for the flag and the national anthem, these talented souls would wait until just before the kick-off and then stand up and belt out the national anthem themselves. Chances are hundreds of those in attendance would join them. Then they would exit the stadium.

Social media and the mainstream news organizations are apoplectic at Trump's comments in Alabama about the "take a knee" phenomenon but the cheering crowd agreed with him as do most people across the country. The left's contempt for their own nation is taking a terrible toll. It is infecting every American institution, destroying each of them one by one so that our children and grandchildren will never know how united we once were for over two hundred years. The election of Trump was in fact the success of an American flash mob, one that desperately hopes to save the country from the radical, progressive left that has already done terrible damage.

And the irony here is, you're saying "don't use football as a political tool" and then using football as a political tool. Oh, wow.

It's also ironic that the title "A Modest Proposal" is taken from Jonathan Swift's satire about eating babies.

And they look right past the fact that the first entity to use football as a political tool was the Pentagon in its fake-patriotism pimping scandal. Had they not started that shit, there would be nothing for the players to sit out.

But no, let's blame the black guy(s)....
Despite what Democrats and their Fake News are telling folks, most Americans agree with President Trump on this. These pampered rich Democrat athletes live in the greatest country on earth. They need to show respect for that. Stand for the damn anthem. Period, end of story.
Stop spoiling the self-righteous indignation.
When disrespect is shown to the people of the USA it is not 'self righteous indignation' to be offended by it, Sherlock.

I get the idea that you really dont know what that phrase actually means.

Doesn't it just blow you can't force people to peacefully protest in a way that doesn't offended you? You'll have to excuse me if I don't follow suit in the bandwagon outrage this molehill distraction is producing. Watch the NFL. Or don't. I don't really care.

When players spit on my family, my community and my country, I am offended as is intended and as I have every right to be.

And when these morons do it on an entertainment show, either the management of that show will stop it or I will stop watching it.

How does any of that equate to me forcing anyone to do anything, dude?

You are really starting to sound like a jack ass.

I know you are smarter than this, so come on and try harder.
Stop spoiling the self-righteous indignation.
When disrespect is shown to the people of the USA it is not 'self righteous indignation' to be offended by it, Sherlock.

I get the idea that you really dont know what that phrase actually means.

Doesn't it just blow you can't force people to peacefully protest in a way that doesn't offended you? You'll have to excuse me if I don't follow suit in the bandwagon outrage this molehill distraction is producing. Watch the NFL. Or don't. I don't really care.

When players spit on my family, my community and my country, I am offended as is intended and as I have every right to be.

And when these morons do it on an entertainment show, either the management of that show will stop it or I will stop watching it.

How does any of that equate to me forcing anyone to do anything, dude?

Yopu aree really starting to sound like a jack ass.

I know you are smarter than this, so come on and try harder.

Remember, these are Democrats manufacturing all this division-hype. All the athletes doing the bitchin & whinin, are loyal Democrat jerks. It's manufactured-outrage shite.

I'm so angry about it because Sports has always been my refuge from B.S. Politics. But now the Democrat assholes are even politicizing Sports too. They're taking my escape away from me. I'll never forgive em for that. They suck.
If you love America stay home and let these NFL and NBA spoiled mindless fools have to go out and get a real job. Most are not mentally capable of handling the higher paying jobs but they should be capable of doing manual labor if they are closely supervised. I will be watching and going to college games. I will not ever go to a NFL or NBA game again as long as this foolishness is going on. If I hear of any company that buys a TV ad for one of these games I will boycott that product and I hope others will do the same. I am just one but I am sure there are many more of us.
Most of them don't have a degree.....so they'll be washing cars in a few months.
We can't have that.

I thought it was the majority of Trump supporters who didn't have a college degree.
Ah don kneed no kullg degree tah cheer fer mah team, the crimson tahd!
September 24, 2017
A modest proposal for NFL fans: Be a flash mob
By Patricia McCarthy
See also: NFL may lose bigly with social justice antics
The recent behavior of a number of spoiled, privileged, ungrateful NFL players is unacceptable to most Americans, NFL fans or not. Yes, the Constitution guarantees that the government cannot infringe on a citizen's right to free speech, but the lucrative contracts they sign with the private owners of those teams do not. Every one of them could be and should be fired. Let them sue the team; they would lose. Colin Kapernick and every other player who has, like the immature children they are, copied this ridiculous stunt should sacrifice their right to play. They should not be rewarded with the millions of dollars they are paid to play. These young men are clearly ill-educated. They know nothing about American history. They've never read the Constitution. They have no idea what it says or what it means. They lack both knowledge and character. They have no respect for their fans.

What are they protesting? Do they even know? The general sense is that they are supporting Black Lives Matter and are virulently anti-police. This kind of nonsense is antithetical to the majority of their fans which is why so many of them are giving up on the NFL. They are watching and attending games in fewer and fewer numbers. Who wants to spend hundreds of dollars to see their flag and country so disrespected by the most fortunate among us?

It would be so satisfying if a group of patriotic fans to have at the ready a flash mob of singers at a stadium game.

If the players "take a knee" to show their disdain for the flag and the national anthem, these talented souls would wait until just before the kick-off and then stand up and belt out the national anthem themselves. Chances are hundreds of those in attendance would join them. Then they would exit the stadium.

Social media and the mainstream news organizations are apoplectic at Trump's comments in Alabama about the "take a knee" phenomenon but the cheering crowd agreed with him as do most people across the country. The left's contempt for their own nation is taking a terrible toll. It is infecting every American institution, destroying each of them one by one so that our children and grandchildren will never know how united we once were for over two hundred years. The election of Trump was in fact the success of an American flash mob, one that desperately hopes to save the country from the radical, progressive left that has already done terrible damage.

And the irony here is, you're saying "don't use football as a political tool" and then using football as a political tool. Oh, wow.

It's also ironic that the title "A Modest Proposal" is taken from Jonathan Swift's satire about eating babies.

And they look right past the fact that the first entity to use football as a political tool was the Pentagon in its fake-patriotism pimping scandal. Had they not started that shit, there would be nothing for the players to sit out.

But no, let's blame the black guy(s)....
Eating babies?
The whole baby or just certain parts?

Abortionists are selling the whole fucking thing.
Does the NFL Require Players to Stand for the National Anthem?

Here's what the game operations manual says regarding the national anthem, according to an NFL spokesperson:

The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.

During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.​

So the NFL has grounds to fine these asstards, but simply chooses not to.
Fuck those overpaid football players, disrespecting the flag when men and women are dying for that flag in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Spread the word. Stop doing business with ALL NFL sponsors. Hit every letter to the editor in every major newspaper.

Start a wildfire in all social media outlets that sponsors of the NFL will be boycotted.

Make fliers and post them in every location you frequent. Carry plenty of them to replace them when they are taken down

Start burning the jerseys of the players taking a knee or staying in the locker room. The same with any and all NFL merchandise. Put it away and don't display it anywhere. Don't destroy it if it isn't one of these players. Sooner or later, the NFL will regret this and you don't want to spite yourself.

However, document each player that takes a knee and any merchandise you have of theirs, destroy it. Preferably publicly. Challenge your friends to burn their merchandise.

Stop giving money to the NFL period.

These players may be supported by the NFL, but the NFL is going to learn they are nothing without fans.
You gonna be miserable just following your messiah...you gonna boycott:NFL, NBA, MLB, TV, Hollywood, news, FB .....what a miserable life you gonna be living. I hope you don't have an IPhone, because it's liberal and anti Trump too. Or a computer with a Microsoft OP, destroy it now, it might brain wash you.
Disrespecting the American flag is unforgivable, and I will never forgive. I will NEVER again watch an NFL game.

when you salute the flag,you are saluting our corrupt government who goes around and starts wars with other countries.we are not the land of the free as that bullshit song says,we are the land of the OPPRESSED the fact we have CRIMINALS in washington who run our country who get away with crimes everyday WE go to jail for. thats no free country.

I appluad all these players like kapernick who took a stand against out fucking corrupt government.:up: I always leave during the national anthem always.i REFUSE to to sing those propaganda words LAND OF THE FREE and salute a government with criminals in washington running it.any intelligent person would not either.:rolleyes:
Does the NFL Require Players to Stand for the National Anthem?

Here's what the game operations manual says regarding the national anthem, according to an NFL spokesperson:

The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.

During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.​

So the NFL has grounds to fine these asstards, but simply chooses not to.

so they should be the blind sheep that you are and salute a corrupt government that starts wars with other countries and has criminals running the country in washington who get away with crimes everday that we go to jail for including murder?

yeah thats the ticket,lets salute a corrupt evil government like that.thats the way to go.:up::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:
When players spit on my family, my community and my country, I am offended as is intended and as I have every right to be.

And when these morons do it on an entertainment show, either the management of that show will stop it or I will stop watching it.

How does any of that equate to me forcing anyone to do anything, dude?

You are really starting to sound like a jack ass.

I know you are smarter than this, so come on and try harder.

Christ, you sound just as overly-dramatic as some pussy-faced liberals. Spit on you and your family? Get a grip on your feels.

If you want these players punished or fired for their protests, then yes, you are forcing them to peacefully protest in a manner you see fit. If you don't, then just boycott the NFL and all of their advertisers.

This molehill was turned into a mountain by the media and the political elite. I am smart enough to not let grandstanding politicians/media use this issue to distract me away from the real pressing matters of this nation.
What's racist about this:

“If a player wants the privilege of making millions of dollars in the NFL, or other leagues, he or she should not be allowed to disrespect our Great American Flag (or Country) and should stand for the National Anthem. If not, you’re fired. Find something else to do.”
When players spit on my family, my community and my country, I am offended as is intended and as I have every right to be.

And when these morons do it on an entertainment show, either the management of that show will stop it or I will stop watching it.

How does any of that equate to me forcing anyone to do anything, dude?

You are really starting to sound like a jack ass.

I know you are smarter than this, so come on and try harder.

Christ, you sound just as overly-dramatic as some pussy-faced liberals. Spit on you and your family? Get a grip on your feels.

If you want these players punished or fired for their protests, then yes, you are forcing them to peacefully protest in a manner you see fit. If you don't, then just boycott the NFL and all of their advertisers.

This molehill was turned into a mountain by the media and the political elite. I am smart enough to not let grandstanding politicians/media use this issue to distract me away from the real pressing matters of this nation.

Well, my take is you don't have a right to do that while at work. Do it on your own time. It's pretty classless.
Fuck those overpaid football players, disrespecting the flag when men and women are dying for that flag in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Spread the word. Stop doing business with ALL NFL sponsors. Hit every letter to the editor in every major newspaper.

Start a wildfire in all social media outlets that sponsors of the NFL will be boycotted.

Make fliers and post them in every location you frequent. Carry plenty of them to replace them when they are taken down

Start burning the jerseys of the players taking a knee or staying in the locker room. The same with any and all NFL merchandise. Put it away and don't display it anywhere. Don't destroy it if it isn't one of these players. Sooner or later, the NFL will regret this and you don't want to spite yourself.

However, document each player that takes a knee and any merchandise you have of theirs, destroy it. Preferably publicly. Challenge your friends to burn their merchandise.

Stop giving money to the NFL period.

These players may be supported by the NFL, but the NFL is going to learn they are nothing without fans.
You gonna be miserable just following your messiah...you gonna boycott:NFL, NBA, MLB, TV, Hollywood, news, FB .....what a miserable life you gonna be living. I hope you don't have an IPhone, because it's liberal and anti Trump too. Or a computer with a Microsoft OP, destroy it now, it might brain wash you.
What? I don't depend on the NFL, NBA, MLB, TV, Hollywood or anyone else to be happy and enjoy My life. I also don't depend on government for My happiness or well being. Your entire reply is certifiable.

Here is a partial list of the sponsors of the NFL.

Barclaycard US
Campbell's Soup Company
Courtyard Marriott
Dairy Management, Inc. (Fuel Up to Play 60)
Extreme Networks
Hyundai Motor America
Mars Snackfood
News America
Papa John's
Procter & Gamble

Here is a list of players who have taken a knee or refused to respect the Flag during the playing of the National Anthem.

Marcus Peters, Chiefs (sat)
Marshawn Lynch, Raiders (sat)
Michael Bennett, Seahawks (sat)
Malcolm Jenkins, Eagles (raised fist)
Robert Quinn, Rams (raised fist)
Martellus Bennett, Packers (raised fist)
Chris Long, Eagles (put his hand on teammate Malcolm Jenkins’s shoulder)
Rodney McLeod, Eagles (put his hand on teammate Malcolm Jenkins’s shoulder)
Justin Britt, Seahawks (put his hand on teammate Michael Bennett’s shoulder)
Thomas Rawls, Seahawks (put his hand on teammate Michael Bennett’s shoulder)
Cliff Avril, Seahawks (sat)
Frank Clark, Seahawks (sat)
Johnny Hekker, Rams (embraced teammate Robert Quinn)
Eric Reid, 49ers (knelt surrounded by teammates)
Marshawn Lynch, Raiders (sat)
Michael Bennett, Seahawks (sat)
Cliff Avril, Seahawks (sat during the end of the anthem)
Seth DeValve, Browns (knelt)
Duke Johnson Jr., Browns (knelt)
Terrance Magee, Browns (knelt)
Isaiah Crowell, Browns (knelt)
Kenny Britt, Browns (knelt)
Ricardo Louis, Browns (knelt)
Jabrill Peppers, Browns (knelt)
Calvin Pryor, Browns (knelt)
Jamar Taylor, Browns (knelt)
Christian Kirksey, Browns (knelt)
Jamie Collins, Browns (knelt)
Ron Brooks, Eagles (knelt)
Shalom Luani, Raiders (knelt)
Eric Reid, 49ers (knelt)
Cameron Jefferson, Bills (raised fist)
Malcolm Jenkins, Eagles (raised fist)
Jurrell Casey, Titans (raised fist)
Wesley Woodyard, Titans (raised fist)
Robert Quinn, Rams (raised fist)
Jeremy Lane, Seahawks (stood with his back to the field and flag)

If you own merchandise for these players and want to do what is right, burn the merchandise. Perferably recording it and placing it on social media with your stated reason on why they are underserving of your support.
so they should be the blind sheep that you are and salute a corrupt government that starts wars with other countries and has criminals running the country in washington who get away with crimes everday that we go to jail for including murder?
yeah thats the ticket,lets salute a corrupt evil government like that.thats the way to go.:up::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:

So what government is less corrupt than the US government, ass hole?

And no, we do not merely salute the American government when we salute the flag as that flag also represents the American PEOPLE as well.
Christ, you sound just as overly-dramatic as some pussy-faced liberals. Spit on you and your family? Get a grip on your feels.

If you want these players punished or fired for their protests, then yes, you are forcing them to peacefully protest in a manner you see fit. If you don't, then just boycott the NFL and all of their advertisers.

This molehill was turned into a mountain by the media and the political elite. I am smart enough to not let grandstanding politicians/media use this issue to distract me away from the real pressing matters of this nation.
MDK, you dont like it but the symbolic action is pretty plain; disrespect the American flag and you disrespect the American people which includes my family.

But keep watching your entertainment, that is obviously more important than defending your own interests, roflmao.

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