If you love America stay home

Despite what Democrats and their Fake News are telling folks, most Americans agree with President Trump on this. These pampered rich Democrat athletes live in the greatest country on earth. They need to show respect for that. Stand for the damn anthem. Period, end of story.

I heard on the radio today that their ratings for yesterday just came out, and the NFL is ten points down from last week which was ten points down from the week before; some markets reporting a 25 percent decrease.

It will take some time, but people will begin to understand there are ramifications for such actions.

Bleepin Democrats. They politicize everything. Sports is the only refuge for most from divisive politics. But now, the Democrats are taking that refuge away. I truly hate them for that. If they aren't stopped, i will have to distance myself from Sports and never support a Democrat again.

They are being stopped, by themselves. They just don't understand that yet. They don't understand that not only does this racist crap not work for them, it's working against them because people are sick of hearing about racism, especially in cases where race isn't even part of the debate.
Despite what Democrats and their Fake News are telling folks, most Americans agree with President Trump on this. These pampered rich Democrat athletes live in the greatest country on earth. They need to show respect for that. Stand for the damn anthem. Period, end of story.

I heard on the radio today that their ratings for yesterday just came out, and the NFL is ten points down from last week which was ten points down from the week before; some markets reporting a 25 percent decrease.

It will take some time, but people will begin to understand there are ramifications for such actions.

Bleepin Democrats. They politicize everything. Sports is the only refuge for most from divisive politics. But now, the Democrats are taking that refuge away. I truly hate them for that. If they aren't stopped, i will have to distance myself from Sports and never support a Democrat again.

They are being stopped, by themselves. They just don't understand that yet. They don't understand that not only does this racist crap not work for them, it's working against them because people are sick of hearing about racism, especially in cases where race isn't even part of the debate.

Yeah, it's just more tired Democrat-manufactured outrage. The 'Race-Card' is real old and played out for most Americans. This is the greatest country on earth. Stand for the damn anthem. Period, end of story.
Disrespecting the American flag is unforgivable, and I will never forgive. I will NEVER again watch an NFL game.

when you salute the flag,you are saluting our corrupt government who goes around and starts wars with other countries.we are not the land of the free as that bullshit song says,we are the land of the OPPRESSED the fact we have CRIMINALS in washington who run our country who get away with crimes everyday WE go to jail for. thats no free country.

I appluad all these players like kapernick who took a stand against out fucking corrupt government.:up: I always leave during the national anthem always.i REFUSE to to sing those propaganda words LAND OF THE FREE and salute a government with criminals in washington running it.any intelligent person would not either.:rolleyes:

The United States flag is not the flag of our government, it's the flag of our country. It represents freedom, sweat and blood shed to create this great land of ours. It represents all of us citizens.

If you want to do something about our so-called corrupt government, you vote. You can put your support behind representatives you believe are worthy to serve. You can campaign for them, you can write letters to the editor of your paper for them. You can try and make changes.

Disrespecting our flag or anthem is giving the finger to everybody in this country. So when some are intelligent enough to realize that and give you the finger right back, don't be too surprised.
Those that kneel , most of them do charity work and respect the flag and country. They are telling the world that there is a racism problem in America.....and you sir on many threads confirmed that by been a bigot and a racist.
Is not a coincidence that the same ones who call for the respect of the flag are the ones using the N word and other derogatory language just like the orange chief.

Well then find one post of mine were I ever used the "N" word. Anybody who kneels when they should be upright and their hand over their heart does not respect our flag or country. That's the point. Their problem is with our police who serve the people and enforce our laws. That's what they are protesting. They don't understand our laws, don't have any respect for authority, and are ignorant of the situations they supposedly protest. They have no knowledge that more whites die at the hands of police than blacks. They are totally unaware that the media uses them as fools.
Look I didn't grow up in this country. Growing up overseas with 0 racism issues it wasn't in my DNA or in my experience that people are judged by their color....we saw how blacks were treated , we saw the injustice....i moved here and I saw the polarizing difference of races especially blacks and whites. There is a huge problem that needs to be addressed and those NFL players are pointing to that. Calling them names is just making the matter worse.
And yes you are a racist bigot, you attacked me and my faith numerous times.
Bleepin Democrats. They politicize everything. Sports is the only refuge for most from divisive politics. But now, the Democrats are taking that refuge away. I truly hate them for that. If they aren't stopped, i will have to distance myself from Sports and never support a Democrat again.

They are being stopped, by themselves. They just don't understand that yet. They don't understand that not only does this racist crap not work for them, it's working against them because people are sick of hearing about racism, especially in cases where race isn't even part of the debate.
They are also helping Trump to become more popular.

Trump only took 75% or so of the rural;/small town vote. Dems are trying to make him get 90% in 2018.
Disrespecting the American flag is unforgivable, and I will never forgive. I will NEVER again watch an NFL game.

when you salute the flag,you are saluting our corrupt government who goes around and starts wars with other countries.we are not the land of the free as that bullshit song says,we are the land of the OPPRESSED the fact we have CRIMINALS in washington who run our country who get away with crimes everyday WE go to jail for. thats no free country.

I appluad all these players like kapernick who took a stand against out fucking corrupt government.:up: I always leave during the national anthem always.i REFUSE to to sing those propaganda words LAND OF THE FREE and salute a government with criminals in washington running it.any intelligent person would not either.:rolleyes:

The United States flag is not the flag of our government, it's the flag of our country. It represents freedom, sweat and blood shed to create this great land of ours. It represents all of us citizens.

If you want to do something about our so-called corrupt government, you vote. You can put your support behind representatives you believe are worthy to serve. You can campaign for them, you can write letters to the editor of your paper for them. You can try and make changes.

Disrespecting our flag or anthem is giving the finger to everybody in this country. So when some are intelligent enough to realize that and give you the finger right back, don't be too surprised.
Those that kneel , most of them do charity work and respect the flag and country. They are telling the world that there is a racism problem in America.....and you sir on many threads confirmed that by been a bigot and a racist.
Is not a coincidence that the same ones who call for the respect of the flag are the ones using the N word and other derogatory language just like the orange chief.

Well then find one post of mine were I ever used the "N" word. Anybody who kneels when they should be upright and their hand over their heart does not respect our flag or country. That's the point. Their problem is with our police who serve the people and enforce our laws. That's what they are protesting. They don't understand our laws, don't have any respect for authority, and are ignorant of the situations they supposedly protest. They have no knowledge that more whites die at the hands of police than blacks. They are totally unaware that the media uses them as fools.
Look I didn't grow up in this country. Growing up overseas with 0 racism issues it wasn't in my DNA or in my experience that people are judged by their color....we saw how blacks were treated , we saw the injustice....i moved here and I saw the polarizing difference of races especially blacks and whites. There is a huge problem that needs to be addressed and those NFL players are pointing to that. Calling them names is just making the matter worse.
And yes you are a racist bigot, you attacked me and my faith numerous times.

Your faith? I don't ever recall attacking anybody's faith. What faith might that be?

Now what you're telling me is that these black millionaires are addressing the point of how unfair life is for them?

Do you know how this circus act even started? It was started by one guy; a guy who wore socks that said our police officers are pigs. From there he advanced to this kneeling nonsense.

So this unfairness you speak of is their hatred of our police officers and law. Instead of pointing out the criminals as the problem, they point to our police who shot the criminals as the problem.

Really? A majority of us veterans think he's an ignorant jackass. He has the right to do it, but we have a right to point out that he's an idiot.
There are millions of ignorant socialist VETERANS like you and your ilk.

You are confused and ignorant. Sucks to be you.
The NFL national anthem protesters are just more dumb racist Democrats.
This sort of left wing hate is going to hurt the Democrats reelections chances

Really? A majority of us veterans think he's an ignorant jackass. He has the right to do it, but we have a right to point out that he's an idiot.
There are millions of ignorant socialist VETERANS like you and your ilk.

You are confused and ignorant. Sucks to be you.
But why would any veteran want to show support for a racist bigot who hates the country that made him rich and famous?
Fuck those overpaid football players, disrespecting the flag when men and women are dying for that flag in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Veterans are a convenient scapegoat for conservatives to justify trying to impede the speech of others. Just like when leftists trot out the race card to temper discussion, you guys are trotting out the military card when this has nothing to do with the military.
The players have the right to protest. I don't question that fact. But, I don't think it reasonable to expect everyone to love and agree with the protest.

When Vietnam vets returned home to hear protesters calling them "baby killers" and so on, would it have been reasonable to expect the vet to go over and give the protester a bear hug and congrats on their use of their 1st amendment rights?

The players have every right to protest in my opinion, but the media, NFL and the politicians can not expect people, many who find kneeling to be disrespectful, to now enthusiastically embrace the protest.

NFL will take a big hit. I will still watch. I also feel it is disrespectful. But, I accept their right to do it.

Really? A majority of us veterans think he's an ignorant jackass. He has the right to do it, but we have a right to point out that he's an idiot.
There are millions of ignorant socialist VETERANS like you and your ilk.

You are confused and ignorant. Sucks to be you.
But why would any veteran want to show support for a racist bigot who hates the country that made him rich and famous?
Not all veterans are programmed racist Idiots.
Fuck those overpaid football players, disrespecting the flag when men and women are dying for that flag in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Veterans are a convenient scapegoat for conservatives to justify trying to impede the speech of others. Just like when leftists trot out the race card to temper discussion, you guys are trotting out the military card when this has nothing to do with the military.
However, when any of us veterans indicate our support for the football players, we too are attacked. Their support for the military and veterans is only as deep as trump's tiny hands.
There's a real good chance we might hear about the lowest watched super bowl of all time.
When this happens, NFL owners will stop listening to conservative fans. NFL owner will honor PROFITTS over butt hurt feelings over conservative idiots.

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