If you love America stay home

The NFL national anthem protesters are just more dumb racist Democrats.
This sort of left wing hate is going to hurt the Democrats reelections chances
Democrats are horrible racist cretins and that is why they make politics about race
1200 people were killed-murdered by police and not one officer were found guilty.
The NFL national anthem protesters are just more dumb racist Democrats.
This sort of left wing hate is going to hurt the Democrats reelections chances
Democrats are horrible racist cretins and that is why they make politics about race
1200 people were killed-murdered by police and not one officer were found guilty.

Were they supposed to be found guilty? You do know that in this country, you have to commit a crime to be found guilty.
There's a real good chance we might hear about the lowest watched super bowl of all time.
When this happens, NFL owners will stop listening to conservative fans. NFL owner will honor PROFITTS over butt hurt feelings over conservative idiots.

If they do have the lowest ratings ever, it will be because they didn't listen to conservative fans.
There's a real good chance we might hear about the lowest watched super bowl of all time.
When this happens, NFL owners will stop listening to conservative fans. NFL owner will honor PROFITTS over butt hurt feelings over conservative idiots.

If they do have the lowest ratings ever, it will be because they didn't listen to conservative fans.
The diversity of the NFL is why professional; football is making billions of dollars every year. Conservatism is a dying ideolgy moving forward in the 21st century.
The NFL national anthem protesters are just more dumb racist Democrats.
This sort of left wing hate is going to hurt the Democrats reelections chances
Democrats are horrible racist cretins and that is why they make politics about race
1200 people were killed-murdered by police and not one officer were found guilty.

Were they supposed to be found guilty? You do know that in this country, you have to commit a crime to be found guilty.
Ray, come on dude, 1200 people killed-murdered in police custody and not one police officer found guilty! Is that even humanly possible. In many of these cases the people killed weren't even ARMED!
The NFL national anthem protesters are just more dumb racist Democrats.
This sort of left wing hate is going to hurt the Democrats reelections chances
Democrats are horrible racist cretins and that is why they make politics about race
1200 people were killed-murdered by police and not one officer were found guilty.

Were they supposed to be found guilty? You do know that in this country, you have to commit a crime to be found guilty.
Ray, come on dude, 1200 people killed-murdered in police custody and not one police officer found guilty! Is that even humanly possible. In many of these cases the people killed weren't even ARMED!

So you have a link that says all those killed by police were in their custody? What does the suspect being armed have to do with it? There is no law that says a police officer (or armed citizen such as myself) has to be approached with a deadly weapon in order to use their own.

See, this is the problem I'm having with all this: people don't know the laws in our country. They just make assumptions on what they think the law is or should be instead of investigating the situation(s) themselves. And this is what these protests are about. They are about a bunch of dumb jocks who have no knowledge whatsoever of the cases or laws they are supposedly protesting.
There's a real good chance we might hear about the lowest watched super bowl of all time.
When this happens, NFL owners will stop listening to conservative fans. NFL owner will honor PROFITTS over butt hurt feelings over conservative idiots.

If they do have the lowest ratings ever, it will be because they didn't listen to conservative fans.
The diversity of the NFL is why professional; football is making billions of dollars every year. Conservatism is a dying ideolgy moving forward in the 21st century.

Yeah, that's what I've been hearing.......the last 30 years.

Diversity has nothing to do with the NFL's success. What their success is credited to is playing football. That's it. But now that they want to take political positions and not stick to their trade, they will lose a lot of viewers who simply don't give a crap about politics.
There's a real good chance we might hear about the lowest watched super bowl of all time.
When this happens, NFL owners will stop listening to conservative fans. NFL owner will honor PROFITTS over butt hurt feelings over conservative idiots.

If they do have the lowest ratings ever, it will be because they didn't listen to conservative fans.
The diversity of the NFL is why professional; football is making billions of dollars every year. Conservatism is a dying ideolgy moving forward in the 21st century.

Yeah, that's what I've been hearing.......the last 30 years.

Diversity has nothing to do with the NFL's success. What their success is credited to is playing football. That's it. But now that they want to take political positions and not stick to their trade, they will lose a lot of viewers who simply don't give a crap about politics.
Bottom line here America cannot let the current police murders and brutality remain on the same course its currently on. History will prove Collin Kaepernick right.
"I am deeply disappointed by the tone of the comments made by the President on Friday. I am proud to be associated with so many players who make such tremendous contributions in positively impacting our communities. Their efforts, both on and off the field, help bring people together and make our community stronger. There is no greater unifier in this country than sports, and unfortunately, nothing more divisive than politics. I think our political leaders could learn a lot from the lessons of teamwork and the importance of working together toward a common goal. Our players are intelligent, thoughtful and care deeply about our community and I support their right to peacefully affect social change and raise awareness in a manner that they feel is most impactful."

Statement from Patriots Chairman and CEO Robert Kraft
The NFL national anthem protesters are just more dumb racist Democrats.
This sort of left wing hate is going to hurt the Democrats reelections chances
Democrats are horrible racist cretins and that is why they make politics about race
1200 people were killed-murdered by police and not one officer were found guilty.

Rast most left wing bigot hate the police. A Policeman has a 100% right to self defense just like everyone else. Policemen are very rarely convicted of murdering suspects because it very rarely happens.
There's a real good chance we might hear about the lowest watched super bowl of all time.
When this happens, NFL owners will stop listening to conservative fans. NFL owner will honor PROFITTS over butt hurt feelings over conservative idiots.

If they do have the lowest ratings ever, it will be because they didn't listen to conservative fans.
The diversity of the NFL is why professional; football is making billions of dollars every year. Conservatism is a dying ideolgy moving forward in the 21st century.

Yeah, that's what I've been hearing.......the last 30 years.

Diversity has nothing to do with the NFL's success. What their success is credited to is playing football. That's it. But now that they want to take political positions and not stick to their trade, they will lose a lot of viewers who simply don't give a crap about politics.
Bottom line here America cannot let the current police murders and brutality remain on the same course its currently on. History will prove Collin Kaepernick right.

So what you are suggesting is that the police be the subjects to brutality and being murdered? After all, if we don't allow the police to protect themselves, that's exactly what would happen. And if we did that, who would we be able to find to do the job of a police officer?

We Republicans are too pragmatic for liberals to understand. This is a good example: The reason these black people get killed by police is because of the one thing they all have in common, and that is they didn't listen to the commands of the police officer.

In pragmatic land, the solution is simple. If you want to stop police killing armed and unarmed suspects, simply listen to the orders of the police. Then nobody gets killed.

Liberals can't comprehend this simple solution. It doesn't make sense to them. So they have these protests, these riots, these anti-American displays at sports games, and still solve nothing. But the real solution is something they won't accept because it goes against their complicated solution process.

You see if liberals, the NFL, the millionaire football players really wanted a solution, they would pay police officers to attend schools and have assemblies in school gymnasiums. They would instruct young people (particularly black kids) how to interact with police if need be. They would explain their thinking, explain how they were trained, explain why they demand certain things of a suspect.

Perhaps if these young people understood anything besides "the police are out to kill you" it would actually save some lives; certainly more lives than kneeling for the National Anthem.
So, how do you get a valid point? When you agree?
Their protestations are based on a fake belief generated by Democrats and their corrupt media.
They've been told all of their lives that they are oppressed, but how can you sell that when the oppressed are making more than over 90% of the earners in the US?
Easy. Just create a racist atmosphere.
Blacks have been told all of their lives that whites hate them and cops want to kill them.
They see it in movies and television and the press repeats isolated cases over and over on YouTube so they can believe that it's rampant.
Never focusing on the real cause of crime in Black America, the fact that blacks are poor because over 70% of them are born into single parent households. Many don't even know who their father is. Many have fathers serving time for criminal acts.

Thems the facts.

It doesn't matter what YOU think their beliefs are based on.

99% of the America right now just accepts what they're told by someone or other. The fact that you bring up "corrupt media" is ironic because you basically got some guy to come along and stick that in your head. Like in Monty Python's The Life of Brian. "You're all individuals" "Yes, we're all individuals" they all say robotically.

Yes, blacks have been told their whole lives that whites hate them, then you come on forums like this and find plenty of whites who hate blacks. Oh, what a fucking surprise.
So you figure that a blanket condemnation of the country as a whole is due because of a few assholes?
Isn't that not only pigheaded, childish, but racist as well?
Maybe I should have just condemned all of Germany when I lived there because a few of them are ignorant Nazis.

I'm trying to find the link between what I said and what you said. It's not coming to me. Maybe you can explain.
Question: What did I mean

Answer: Blacks don't deserve special consideration just because you want their votes

They shouldn't be allowed to make sweeping stereotypes about America as a whole just because of the acts of a few individuals. That is what they're doing here. Their own actions led us to this.

Wait. First, there are elections and people get to vote. The whole point of this is so that candidate can appeal to voters.

As for making sweeping stereotypes, the right doesn't have a problem with this when it comes to Muslims, does it? I mean, Trump does it all the time. So..... why shouldn't blacks?
If you love America stay home and let these NFL and NBA spoiled mindless fools have to go out and get a real job. Most are not mentally capable of handling the higher paying jobs but they should be capable of doing manual labor if they are closely supervised. I will be watching and going to college games. I will not ever go to a NFL or NBA game again as long as this foolishness is going on. If I hear of any company that buys a TV ad for one of these games I will boycott that product and I hope others will do the same. I am just one but I am sure there are many more of us.
Haven't watched any football since LAST YEAR. I was done with these anti American black ass clowns when they started pissing on my flag and national anthem.

I wouldn't watch any NFL now if they paid ME.
America is getting fed up with Blacks. 13% of the population that commits 50% of the violent crimes. Compared to Blacks in Africa they really have a decent life. The only way you can get rich there is by becoming a warlord and murdering other tribes.

And for how long do you think blacks have been fed up with whites? During slavery? During segregation? No, you think they actually liked it.
I don't know.....most of these players aren't even 30 years old. All of them were born after Jim Crow was abolished. I'm 60. I've been watching this shit most of my life. There was a time when they had a valid point. Now they don't.
THey aren’t protesting Jim Crow. Think about the neighborhoods many of them grew up in versus the neighborhood you grow up in. I bet the experiences were very different. But the protests seem centered more around modern day problems between law enforcement and the black community
Yea, they sure do.

Maybe those should go away. Why would the NFL want to take tax subsidies from a racist nation?

Only racism in america is affirmative action. The NFL practices AA too. Hell, the league is 70% black instead of the 13% it should be. THINK
If you love America stay home and let these NFL and NBA spoiled mindless fools have to go out and get a real job. Most are not mentally capable of handling the higher paying jobs but they should be capable of doing manual labor if they are closely supervised. I will be watching and going to college games. I will not ever go to a NFL or NBA game again as long as this foolishness is going on. If I hear of any company that buys a TV ad for one of these games I will boycott that product and I hope others will do the same. I am just one but I am sure there are many more of us.
Haven't watched any football since LAST YEAR. I was done with these anti American black ass clowns when they started pissing on my flag and national anthem.

I wouldn't watch any NFL now if they paid ME.
America is getting fed up with Blacks. 13% of the population that commits 50% of the violent crimes. Compared to Blacks in Africa they really have a decent life. The only way you can get rich there is by becoming a warlord and murdering other tribes.

And for how long do you think blacks have been fed up with whites? During slavery? During segregation? No, you think they actually liked it.
I don't know.....most of these players aren't even 30 years old. All of them were born after Jim Crow was abolished. I'm 60. I've been watching this shit most of my life. There was a time when they had a valid point. Now they don't.
THey aren’t protesting Jim Crow. Think about the neighborhoods many of them grew up in versus the neighborhood you grow up in. I bet the experiences were very different. But the protests seem centered more around modern day problems between law enforcement and the black community

Yes they are, and the solution to those problems are simple, it's just that the left will never accept simple solutions because they don't involve violence or controversy.
Haven't watched any football since LAST YEAR. I was done with these anti American black ass clowns when they started pissing on my flag and national anthem.

I wouldn't watch any NFL now if they paid ME.
America is getting fed up with Blacks. 13% of the population that commits 50% of the violent crimes. Compared to Blacks in Africa they really have a decent life. The only way you can get rich there is by becoming a warlord and murdering other tribes.

And for how long do you think blacks have been fed up with whites? During slavery? During segregation? No, you think they actually liked it.
I don't know.....most of these players aren't even 30 years old. All of them were born after Jim Crow was abolished. I'm 60. I've been watching this shit most of my life. There was a time when they had a valid point. Now they don't.
THey aren’t protesting Jim Crow. Think about the neighborhoods many of them grew up in versus the neighborhood you grow up in. I bet the experiences were very different. But the protests seem centered more around modern day problems between law enforcement and the black community

Yes they are, and the solution to those problems are simple, it's just that the left will never accept simple solutions because they don't involve violence or controversy.

The left will never accept simple solutions because simple solutions aren't solutions. They sound good to people like you, people who don't take the time to learn about an issue, but people who read the headline and nothing more and then make it fit their agenda.

Other people actually look for solutions that WORK.
Haven't watched any football since LAST YEAR. I was done with these anti American black ass clowns when they started pissing on my flag and national anthem.

I wouldn't watch any NFL now if they paid ME.
America is getting fed up with Blacks. 13% of the population that commits 50% of the violent crimes. Compared to Blacks in Africa they really have a decent life. The only way you can get rich there is by becoming a warlord and murdering other tribes.

And for how long do you think blacks have been fed up with whites? During slavery? During segregation? No, you think they actually liked it.
I don't know.....most of these players aren't even 30 years old. All of them were born after Jim Crow was abolished. I'm 60. I've been watching this shit most of my life. There was a time when they had a valid point. Now they don't.
THey aren’t protesting Jim Crow. Think about the neighborhoods many of them grew up in versus the neighborhood you grow up in. I bet the experiences were very different. But the protests seem centered more around modern day problems between law enforcement and the black community

Yes they are, and the solution to those problems are simple, it's just that the left will never accept simple solutions because they don't involve violence or controversy.
Perhaps, but we are talking about it aren’t we? I personally don’t like how they protested but I can’t deny it’s legality or it’s effectiveness to ignite a conversation

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