If you love America stay home

I don't know.....most of these players aren't even 30 years old. All of them were born after Jim Crow was abolished. I'm 60. I've been watching this shit most of my life. There was a time when they had a valid point. Now they don't.
THey aren’t protesting Jim Crow. Think about the neighborhoods many of them grew up in versus the neighborhood you grow up in. I bet the experiences were very different. But the protests seem centered more around modern day problems between law enforcement and the black community

Yes they are, and the solution to those problems are simple, it's just that the left will never accept simple solutions because they don't involve violence or controversy.
Perhaps, but we are talking about it aren’t we? I personally don’t like how they protested but I can’t deny it’s legality or it’s effectiveness to ignite a conversation

Talk is cheap and doesn't solve the problem. Just like riots don't solve the problem, protests don't solve the problem, anti-Ameircan displays don't solve the problem. The only thing they do is cost a lot of people a lot of money.
I’ll bite... What solves the problem?

Very well:

Issue: football players protesting police brutality of black suspects.

Common denominator: all black suspects killed didn't listen to the orders of the police officers.

Solution to stop suspects from being killed: Obey all commands by a police officer.

Results: problem of blacks (armed and unarmed) getting killed by police officers stops.
How can a government force unity? By forcing us to display patriotism? That goes against all freedom.

Yes, China is doing just that. Not necessarily forcing displays of patriotism, though it happens, but basically making any signs of dissent illegal.
THey aren’t protesting Jim Crow. Think about the neighborhoods many of them grew up in versus the neighborhood you grow up in. I bet the experiences were very different. But the protests seem centered more around modern day problems between law enforcement and the black community

Yes they are, and the solution to those problems are simple, it's just that the left will never accept simple solutions because they don't involve violence or controversy.
Perhaps, but we are talking about it aren’t we? I personally don’t like how they protested but I can’t deny it’s legality or it’s effectiveness to ignite a conversation

Talk is cheap and doesn't solve the problem. Just like riots don't solve the problem, protests don't solve the problem, anti-Ameircan displays don't solve the problem. The only thing they do is cost a lot of people a lot of money.
I’ll bite... What solves the problem?

Very well:

Issue: football players protesting police brutality of black suspects.

Common denominator: all black suspects killed didn't listen to the orders of the police officers.

Solution to stop suspects from being killed: Obey all commands by a police officer.

Results: problem of blacks (armed and unarmed) getting killed by police officers stops.

So you think this is all they are protesting?
Yes they are, and the solution to those problems are simple, it's just that the left will never accept simple solutions because they don't involve violence or controversy.
Perhaps, but we are talking about it aren’t we? I personally don’t like how they protested but I can’t deny it’s legality or it’s effectiveness to ignite a conversation

Talk is cheap and doesn't solve the problem. Just like riots don't solve the problem, protests don't solve the problem, anti-Ameircan displays don't solve the problem. The only thing they do is cost a lot of people a lot of money.
I’ll bite... What solves the problem?

Very well:

Issue: football players protesting police brutality of black suspects.

Common denominator: all black suspects killed didn't listen to the orders of the police officers.

Solution to stop suspects from being killed: Obey all commands by a police officer.

Results: problem of blacks (armed and unarmed) getting killed by police officers stops.

So you think this is all they are protesting?

Yes I do. This all started by one loser who began his protests by wearing socks that said our police officers are pigs. Afterwards he started this kneeling nonsense to draw more attention to (what he believed) was police brutality. Others followed and today, hundreds of football players are following in his foot steps.
If you love America stay home and let these NFL and NBA spoiled mindless fools have to go out and get a real job. Most are not mentally capable of handling the higher paying jobs but they should be capable of doing manual labor if they are closely supervised. I will be watching and going to college games. I will not ever go to a NFL or NBA game again as long as this foolishness is going on. If I hear of any company that buys a TV ad for one of these games I will boycott that product and I hope others will do the same. I am just one but I am sure there are many more of us.
Most of them don't have a degree.....so they'll be washing cars in a few months.
We can't have that.

I thought it was the majority of Trump supporters who didn't have a college degree.
Democrats get most of their support from minorities. Many are unemployed.
Many of them that have degrees are unemployed.
And you support a President who does not recognize the 1st Amendment, a part of the United States Constitution, that he took an oath "to protect and defend." He has violated his oath of office, and if you support him, you do not support the Constitution of the United States. Period, bigly, covfefe.

What the hell are you talking about. Did he say they couldn’t kneel? He was asking Americans to boycott the NFL, he isn’t making it illegal to kneel, not making illegal to protest, he is responding to what he feels is a disrespect to the flag. He is as Free to express his opinion as you or I.

Freedom is not a one way street.
Yes they are, and the solution to those problems are simple, it's just that the left will never accept simple solutions because they don't involve violence or controversy.
Perhaps, but we are talking about it aren’t we? I personally don’t like how they protested but I can’t deny it’s legality or it’s effectiveness to ignite a conversation

Talk is cheap and doesn't solve the problem. Just like riots don't solve the problem, protests don't solve the problem, anti-Ameircan displays don't solve the problem. The only thing they do is cost a lot of people a lot of money.
I’ll bite... What solves the problem?

Very well:

Issue: football players protesting police brutality of black suspects.

Common denominator: all black suspects killed didn't listen to the orders of the police officers.

Solution to stop suspects from being killed: Obey all commands by a police officer.

Results: problem of blacks (armed and unarmed) getting killed by police officers stops.

So you think this is all they are protesting?

I don’t think they know why they are protesting.
Perhaps, but we are talking about it aren’t we? I personally don’t like how they protested but I can’t deny it’s legality or it’s effectiveness to ignite a conversation

Talk is cheap and doesn't solve the problem. Just like riots don't solve the problem, protests don't solve the problem, anti-Ameircan displays don't solve the problem. The only thing they do is cost a lot of people a lot of money.
I’ll bite... What solves the problem?

Very well:

Issue: football players protesting police brutality of black suspects.

Common denominator: all black suspects killed didn't listen to the orders of the police officers.

Solution to stop suspects from being killed: Obey all commands by a police officer.

Results: problem of blacks (armed and unarmed) getting killed by police officers stops.

So you think this is all they are protesting?

Yes I do. This all started by one loser who began his protests by wearing socks that said our police officers are pigs. Afterwards he started this kneeling nonsense to draw more attention to (what he believed) was police brutality. Others followed and today, hundreds of football players are following in his foot steps.

Sometimes things happen, that cause everything to boil over. But there are clearly underlying problems that caused all this to boil over in the first place. Now, you can either understand them to understand why something is happening, or you can put your head in the sand and pretend that one day something happened out of thin air, and everyone just got angry about it.

This is far more complex than you want to believe.
Talk is cheap and doesn't solve the problem. Just like riots don't solve the problem, protests don't solve the problem, anti-Ameircan displays don't solve the problem. The only thing they do is cost a lot of people a lot of money.
I’ll bite... What solves the problem?

Very well:

Issue: football players protesting police brutality of black suspects.

Common denominator: all black suspects killed didn't listen to the orders of the police officers.

Solution to stop suspects from being killed: Obey all commands by a police officer.

Results: problem of blacks (armed and unarmed) getting killed by police officers stops.

So you think this is all they are protesting?

Yes I do. This all started by one loser who began his protests by wearing socks that said our police officers are pigs. Afterwards he started this kneeling nonsense to draw more attention to (what he believed) was police brutality. Others followed and today, hundreds of football players are following in his foot steps.

Sometimes things happen, that cause everything to boil over. But there are clearly underlying problems that caused all this to boil over in the first place. Now, you can either understand them to understand why something is happening, or you can put your head in the sand and pretend that one day something happened out of thin air, and everyone just got angry about it.

This is far more complex than you want to believe.

Not complex at all. What is complex about it? Underlying problem? Yes there are. Dopes that don't understand our laws, that's the underlying problem. Stupid jocks that don't even know what they are protesting about or why. All they really know is that there are things going on that they don't like. But our laws are not created according to what they like. Our laws are created to protect the public and yes, our police officers.

"That is Colin Kaepernick, and he's at 49ers camp wearing socks that depict little piggies wearing police hats."

Kaepernick wore police pig socks at 49ers camp


  • Screen_Shot_2016-09-01_at_11.22.21_AM.0.jpg
    49 KB · Views: 24
I’ll bite... What solves the problem?

Very well:

Issue: football players protesting police brutality of black suspects.

Common denominator: all black suspects killed didn't listen to the orders of the police officers.

Solution to stop suspects from being killed: Obey all commands by a police officer.

Results: problem of blacks (armed and unarmed) getting killed by police officers stops.

So you think this is all they are protesting?

Yes I do. This all started by one loser who began his protests by wearing socks that said our police officers are pigs. Afterwards he started this kneeling nonsense to draw more attention to (what he believed) was police brutality. Others followed and today, hundreds of football players are following in his foot steps.

Sometimes things happen, that cause everything to boil over. But there are clearly underlying problems that caused all this to boil over in the first place. Now, you can either understand them to understand why something is happening, or you can put your head in the sand and pretend that one day something happened out of thin air, and everyone just got angry about it.

This is far more complex than you want to believe.

Not complex at all. What is complex about it? Underlying problem? Yes there are. Dopes that don't understand our laws, that's the underlying problem. Stupid jocks that don't even know what they are protesting about or why. All they really know is that there are things going on that they don't like. But our laws are not created according to what they like. Our laws are created to protect the public and yes, our police officers.

Yes, Ray, it's complex. And you're sticking your head in the sand.

But I've tried many times to make you see things, and you have a tendency of avoiding trying to even understand.
View attachment 151371

"That is Colin Kaepernick, and he's at 49ers camp wearing socks that depict little piggies wearing police hats."

Kaepernick wore police pig socks at 49ers camp


Anti-America, Anti-National Anthem, Anti-law enforcement...and cocksuckers like you will defend him until the end...because you agree 100%.

How am I anti-American?

Oh, yeah, I'm anti-American because I don't agree with you. Oh, wow.
THey aren’t protesting Jim Crow. Think about the neighborhoods many of them grew up in versus the neighborhood you grow up in. I bet the experiences were very different. But the protests seem centered more around modern day problems between law enforcement and the black community

Yes they are, and the solution to those problems are simple, it's just that the left will never accept simple solutions because they don't involve violence or controversy.
Perhaps, but we are talking about it aren’t we? I personally don’t like how they protested but I can’t deny it’s legality or it’s effectiveness to ignite a conversation

Talk is cheap and doesn't solve the problem. Just like riots don't solve the problem, protests don't solve the problem, anti-Ameircan displays don't solve the problem. The only thing they do is cost a lot of people a lot of money.
I’ll bite... What solves the problem?

Very well:

Issue: football players protesting police brutality of black suspects.

Common denominator: all black suspects killed didn't listen to the orders of the police officers.

Solution to stop suspects from being killed: Obey all commands by a police officer.

Results: problem of blacks (armed and unarmed) getting killed by police officers stops.
Haha. Ray you can’t list “obey the law” as a solution. Of course that’s a solution but there are no action items on how to get that desired result. Want to try again?

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