If you love America stay home

Yes they are, and the solution to those problems are simple, it's just that the left will never accept simple solutions because they don't involve violence or controversy.
Perhaps, but we are talking about it aren’t we? I personally don’t like how they protested but I can’t deny it’s legality or it’s effectiveness to ignite a conversation

Talk is cheap and doesn't solve the problem. Just like riots don't solve the problem, protests don't solve the problem, anti-Ameircan displays don't solve the problem. The only thing they do is cost a lot of people a lot of money.
I’ll bite... What solves the problem?

Very well:

Issue: football players protesting police brutality of black suspects.

Common denominator: all black suspects killed didn't listen to the orders of the police officers.

Solution to stop suspects from being killed: Obey all commands by a police officer.

Results: problem of blacks (armed and unarmed) getting killed by police officers stops.
Haha. Ray you can’t list “obey the law” as a solution. Of course that’s a solution but there are no action items on how to get that desired result. Want to try again?

Obey the law, like SEGREGATION LAWS.... sometimes the law should be broken.
If you love America stay home and let these NFL and NBA spoiled mindless fools have to go out and get a real job. Most are not mentally capable of handling the higher paying jobs but they should be capable of doing manual labor if they are closely supervised. I will be watching and going to college games. I will not ever go to a NFL or NBA game again as long as this foolishness is going on. If I hear of any company that buys a TV ad for one of these games I will boycott that product and I hope others will do the same. I am just one but I am sure there are many more of us.

If you loved America you would respect our constitutional freedom of expression
Democrats are horrible racist cretins and that is why they make politics about race
1200 people were killed-murdered by police and not one officer were found guilty.

Rast most left wing bigot hate the police. A Policeman has a 100% right to self defense just like everyone else. Policemen are very rarely convicted of murdering suspects because it very rarely happens.
Keep lying to yourself. Just so you know, we know that not all police is guilty but some are, and it needs to be addressed. Most countries don't have this issue....i grow up in a country where cops never fired a bullet.
I know it's hard to beleive but there are countries that don't have fatalities from guns be it police or civilians.

Then it's likely you grew up in a less diverse country than we have here.
Probably, we have different groups, even different languages but the religion plays a big role keeping us on check, and guess what? It's Islam we have a Christian and Jewish minorities and they are same as everyone else. Is there some racism? yes of course but not as bad as here.

I used to criticize some African Americans from the inner cities for their attitudes, but the more I learned about slavery, segregation and racism...i understood that they need help and guidance more than incarceration and marginalization.

White conservatives in rural areas in general are nice, polite, courteous and patient...but due to poor education system and very to no understanding of other cultures and races, they can be prejudiced and can go to be unaccepting which makes them racists.

I say instead of pouring billions of dollars into the army that's hardly used, invest in education and we will solve tons of issues without people having to die or hate each other.
If you love America stay home and let these NFL and NBA spoiled mindless fools have to go out and get a real job. Most are not mentally capable of handling the higher paying jobs but they should be capable of doing manual labor if they are closely supervised. I will be watching and going to college games. I will not ever go to a NFL or NBA game again as long as this foolishness is going on. If I hear of any company that buys a TV ad for one of these games I will boycott that product and I hope others will do the same. I am just one but I am sure there are many more of us.

Outside a few during the playoffs, I haven't watched a game since Peyton retired. I used to be quite a fan, and know the game well. NFL has pretty well lost me, though I still play a weekly ticket (2-1, Eagles cost me by a 1/2), and take some interest in standings.

I know enough about the game, that among other things, the protesters are team distractions.Team distractions never win in the end. Take your show-boat wide receivers for example, how many have won a Super Bowl?
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Football is every American's Sunday--(without politics.) They don't want the Ass Clown in the game.

Well guess what? These clowns just made it about politics--not Trump. Trump was only commenting on them making it about politics.

No one voted for Trump so he could make a career move into Sports management--:badgrin: Now the pot has been stirred--and the flames have grown much higher. Trump could have talked about the Health Care bill, he could have talked about Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, how Houston is recovering from all the hurricane damage, he could have talked about future legislation, he could have talked about the weather, but he never does.

He always goes out on personal attacks of typically American citizens. John McCain, Ted Cruz, Boeing Aircraft (which must have hurt their business) & now the NFL & NBA and the list goes on. Anything he can do--to divide people. Separate team members from one another, then separate fans from their teams. Anything he can do or say to bring attention onto himself, he'll do.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

No other President in this nations history has done that. Whether or not you like or dislike their policies they have always acted PRESIDENTIAL. Trump hasn't acted Presidential for one single second in the entire time he has been in the Oval office. No one can control him, not even General Kelly.

He is a National Disgrace.


They're not protesting the Flag--they're now protesting Trump. The irony--the NFL were big supporters of Trump during the campaign and many are regreting that now.
Here are the NFL owners who have donated to Trump
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View attachment 151371

"That is Colin Kaepernick, and he's at 49ers camp wearing socks that depict little piggies wearing police hats."

Kaepernick wore police pig socks at 49ers camp


Conservatives don't have safe spaces...that is an entirely liberal construct.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

On Campus, Trump Fans Say They Need ‘Safe Spaces’
View attachment 151371

"That is Colin Kaepernick, and he's at 49ers camp wearing socks that depict little piggies wearing police hats."

Kaepernick wore police pig socks at 49ers camp


Conservatives don't have safe spaces...that is an entirely liberal construct.
Hold your ears, Snowflake!!

But out here in the real world, it is the fragile, conservative white man who is most willing to trample on the Constitution in order to be protected from your ouchy words and conflicting ideals. Unlike kids on college campus, it’s the white man who wants to use the power of the state to stamp out dissent and live in the echo chamber of their own “alternative facts.”

The Intercept has a great piece out today about the eight states where Republicans are actively trying to come up with laws designed to restrict protests: Colorado, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Michigan, North Dakota, Virginia, and Washington State. At least. “n North Dakota, conservatives are even pushing a bill that would allow motorists to run over and kill protesters so long as the collision was accidental.” (The North Dakota bill probably still wouldn’t make Glenn Reynolds happy, but still.)

This is what white male fragility looks like. It’s not enough for them to have their own facts, their own news channels, their own Congress, their own courts, and their own president. The appearance of dissent is so troubling to them that Republicans literally want to be able to run you down in the street, for the crime of disagreeing with them.

The Conservative Need For Safe Spaces Is Laughable, Unconstitutional, And SAD!
View attachment 151371

"That is Colin Kaepernick, and he's at 49ers camp wearing socks that depict little piggies wearing police hats."

Kaepernick wore police pig socks at 49ers camp


Conservatives don't have safe spaces...that is an entirely liberal construct.
Hold your ears, Snowflake!!

But out here in the real world, it is the fragile, conservative white man who is most willing to trample on the Constitution in order to be protected from your ouchy words and conflicting ideals. Unlike kids on college campus, it’s the white man who wants to use the power of the state to stamp out dissent and live in the echo chamber of their own “alternative facts.”

The Intercept has a great piece out today about the eight states where Republicans are actively trying to come up with laws designed to restrict protests: Colorado, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Michigan, North Dakota, Virginia, and Washington State. At least. “n North Dakota, conservatives are even pushing a bill that would allow motorists to run over and kill protesters so long as the collision was accidental.” (The North Dakota bill probably still wouldn’t make Glenn Reynolds happy, but still.)

This is what white male fragility looks like. It’s not enough for them to have their own facts, their own news channels, their own Congress, their own courts, and their own president. The appearance of dissent is so troubling to them that Republicans literally want to be able to run you down in the street, for the crime of disagreeing with them.

The Conservative Need For Safe Spaces Is Laughable, Unconstitutional, And SAD!
The Intercept...:lol:

Safe spaces are a contruct of liberal college students...those that can't handle reality. That's a fact, as much as it might embarrass you.
Conservatives can't handle opposing ideas. They need their safe space!

Update: Lawmakers in Ten States Have Proposed Legislation Criminalizing Peaceful Protest
Safe spaces are a complete and total construct of liberals.

Conservatives have no problem fighting for what they believe in. Like respect for our Anthem, Flag, and Country.

I understand why that concept is anathema to liberals...so I'll happily ignore your obvious confusion about the origins and use of safe spaces.

P.S. - Governmental restrictions of peaceful protests would violate the Constitution...so, without the necessity of wasting time reading your link...I am already positive that...just like you... it is completely full of shit...
But out here in the real world, it is the fragile, conservative white man who is most willing to trample on the Constitution in order to be protected from your ouchy words and conflicting ideals. Unlike kids on college campus, it’s the white man who wants to use the power of the state to stamp out dissent and live in the echo chamber of their own “alternative facts.”

The Intercept has a great piece out today about the eight states where Republicans are actively trying to come up with laws designed to restrict protests: Colorado, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Michigan, North Dakota, Virginia, and Washington State. At least. “n North Dakota, conservatives are even pushing a bill that would allow motorists to run over and kill protesters so long as the collision was accidental.” (The North Dakota bill probably still wouldn’t make Glenn Reynolds happy, but still.)

So why would this upset you, because we Republicans do things in a civilized and legal way?

This is how Republicans handle matters unlike the ANTIFA and leftists who run around tearing down statutes, have protests and riots, block traffic, and stop speakers from their engagements.
No one voted for Trump so he could make a career move into Sports management--:badgrin: Now the pot has been stirred--and the flames have grown much higher. Trump could have talked about the Health Care bill, he could have talked about Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, how Houston is recovering from all the hurricane damage, he could have talked about future legislation, he could have talked about the weather, but he never does.

Maybe if you turned on the news once in a while you'd realize he talked about all those things repeatedly. Trump is a genius. He's unhappy with these anti-Americans kneeling all the time, so he fanned the flames to make them do it even more. That in turn pisses off more people, and more will boycott the NFL and their sponsors. Genius I tell ya. And the suckers fell for it.
Democrats are horrible racist cretins and that is why they make politics about race
1200 people were killed-murdered by police and not one officer were found guilty.

Rast most left wing bigot hate the police. A Policeman has a 100% right to self defense just like everyone else. Policemen are very rarely convicted of murdering suspects because it very rarely happens.
Keep lying to yourself. Just so you know, we know that not all police is guilty but some are, and it needs to be addressed. Most countries don't have this issue....i grow up in a country where cops never fired a bullet.
I know it's hard to beleive but there are countries that don't have fatalities from guns be it police or civilians.

Then it's likely you grew up in a less diverse country than we have here.
Probably, we have different groups, even different languages but the religion plays a big role keeping us on check, and guess what? It's Islam we have a Christian and Jewish minorities and they are same as everyone else. Is there some racism? yes of course but not as bad as here.

I used to criticize some African Americans from the inner cities for their attitudes, but the more I learned about slavery, segregation and racism...i understood that they need help and guidance more than incarceration and marginalization.

White conservatives in rural areas in general are nice, polite, courteous and patient...but due to poor education system and very to no understanding of other cultures and races, they can be prejudiced and can go to be unaccepting which makes them racists.

I say instead of pouring billions of dollars into the army that's hardly used, invest in education and we will solve tons of issues without people having to die or hate each other.

Well I have some bad news for you, and that is the US spends more per capita on primary education than any other country in the world. Religion? The liberals and liberal judges have swept our country of religion outside of our homes and churches. But you are correct, we were much better people when we did have a more religious society in the US.

As for blacks, you started your life the day you were born; not when your great, great, great grandparents were born, not when your great, great, grandfather was born. I'm white and my father could tell you stories about him growing up that would make you cry; poverty that few blacks today ever experienced. Yet my father nor his five siblings never spent a day in jail yet alone prison. Most of them entered the military and afterwards learned careers in construction. We (their children) never spent any time in prison either. Most of my cousins are successful.

Everybody has an excuse, and the more you buy into excuses, the more excuses people come up with. But I dare you to find me a book written by a very successful excuse maker. Excuse makers are failures, and that's what's wrong with black America today--not what happened to their ancestors.
The left wing bigots have always been traitors and hated our country.
Boycott the NFL and its sponsors.
Their protestations are based on a fake belief generated by Democrats and their corrupt media.
They've been told all of their lives that they are oppressed, but how can you sell that when the oppressed are making more than over 90% of the earners in the US?
Easy. Just create a racist atmosphere.
Blacks have been told all of their lives that whites hate them and cops want to kill them.
They see it in movies and television and the press repeats isolated cases over and over on YouTube so they can believe that it's rampant.
Never focusing on the real cause of crime in Black America, the fact that blacks are poor because over 70% of them are born into single parent households. Many don't even know who their father is. Many have fathers serving time for criminal acts.

Thems the facts.

It doesn't matter what YOU think their beliefs are based on.

99% of the America right now just accepts what they're told by someone or other. The fact that you bring up "corrupt media" is ironic because you basically got some guy to come along and stick that in your head. Like in Monty Python's The Life of Brian. "You're all individuals" "Yes, we're all individuals" they all say robotically.

Yes, blacks have been told their whole lives that whites hate them, then you come on forums like this and find plenty of whites who hate blacks. Oh, what a fucking surprise.
So you figure that a blanket condemnation of the country as a whole is due because of a few assholes?
Isn't that not only pigheaded, childish, but racist as well?
Maybe I should have just condemned all of Germany when I lived there because a few of them are ignorant Nazis.

I'm trying to find the link between what I said and what you said. It's not coming to me. Maybe you can explain.
Question: What did I mean

Answer: Blacks don't deserve special consideration just because you want their votes

They shouldn't be allowed to make sweeping stereotypes about America as a whole just because of the acts of a few individuals. That is what they're doing here. Their own actions led us to this.

Wait. First, there are elections and people get to vote. The whole point of this is so that candidate can appeal to voters.

As for making sweeping stereotypes, the right doesn't have a problem with this when it comes to Muslims, does it? I mean, Trump does it all the time. So..... why shouldn't blacks?
The right is smart enough to know that Muslims are the only group that seems to have so much of a problem with the rest of the world that they're willing to kill people they don't know for no reason other than religion. Not all Muslims do this, but enough of them to make them a security risk. If only 10% of them are suicidal and homicidal, since 22% of the worlds population is Muslim, 2.2% of the world is going to try to kill the rest of us in the name of Muhammad. That's 165,000,000 potential murderers walking among us. The more of these people you bring here the more killing they will do. The only way you can change this is if you either stop them from coming here or change the religion. It's easier to stop them from coming here because you can't change an entire life of brainwashing.

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