If you love America stay home

Disrespecting the American flag is unforgivable, and I will never forgive. I will NEVER again watch an NFL game.
It's time to finally say "no" to the left. This needs to be the issue where we draw the line in the sand.
Fuck those overpaid football players, disrespecting the flag when men and women are dying for that flag in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I bet HALF of those men and women would tell you that you don't understand what they are fighting for. In our great nation you can be a dick without going to jail

Stop spoiling the self-righteous indignation.
Fuck those overpaid football players, disrespecting the flag when men and women are dying for that flag in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I bet HALF of those men and women would tell you that you don't understand what they are fighting for. In our great nation you can be a dick without going to jail

Who said THAT?! Good Allah, it sounds like you think they have that right, but we don't have the right to abandon them.

They're on their own, and they better start looking for real work.
Fuck those overpaid football players, disrespecting the flag when men and women are dying for that flag in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I bet HALF of those men and women would tell you that you don't understand what they are fighting for. In our great nation you can be a dick without going to jail
So what you're saying is our troops fought because they hate America.....and they feel anyone who wants to can come here and piss on our country and tell us to go fuck ourselves can go do it with our blessing?
Because that's what these motherfuckers are doing.
Fuck those overpaid football players, disrespecting the flag when men and women are dying for that flag in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Trump a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility, no decency--and the only loyality he has ever shown to anyone was to himself & Vladimir Putin, really has no right talk about Patriotism or reflect on what he considers the lack of it in others.

Team owners & team managers have always handled their own issues with disgruntled players.

As usual--instead of talking about Government issues, he goes out on his personal attacks of others, to send a thrill up your leg--and this time it's backfired bigtime. He has attacked America's game--Football.


"The day after Donald Trump made comments about the National Football League and its players protesting, commissioner Roger Goodell released a statement in response.

"The NFL and our players are at our best when we help create a sense of unity in our country and our culture. There is no better example than the amazing response from our clubs and players to the terrible natural disasters we've experienced over the last month," Goodell said in the statement.

"Divisive comments like these demonstrate an unfortunate lack of respect for the NFL, our great game and all of our players, and a failure to understand the overwhelming force for good our clubs and players represent in our communities."
NFL, Roger Goodell respond to Donald Trump's 'divisive' comments


You voted for it, you got it!
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Fuck those overpaid football players, disrespecting the flag when men and women are dying for that flag in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Trump a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility, no decency--and the only loyality he has ever shown to anyone was to himself & Vladimir Putin, really has no right talk about Patriotism or reflect on what he considers the lack of it in others.

Team owners & team managers have always handled their own issues with disgruntled players.

As usual--instead of talking about Government issues, he goes out on his personal attacks of others, to send a thrill up your leg--and this time it's backfired bigtime. He has attacked America's game--Football.


"The day after Donald Trump made comments about the National Football League and its players protesting, commissioner Roger Goodell released a statement in response.

"The NFL and our players are at our best when we help create a sense of unity in our country and our culture. There is no better example than the amazing response from our clubs and players to the terrible natural disasters we've experienced over the last month," Goodell said in the statement.

"Divisive comments like these demonstrate an unfortunate lack of respect for the NFL, our great game and all of our players, and a failure to understand the overwhelming force for good our clubs and players represent in our communities."
NFL, Roger Goodell respond to Donald Trump's 'divisive' comments


You voted for it, you got it!

The joke is on you retard, a great many Americans agree with Trump.
Fuck those overpaid football players, disrespecting the flag when men and women are dying for that flag in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I bet HALF of those men and women would tell you that you don't understand what they are fighting for. In our great nation you can be a dick without going to jail
I can attest to that. I served in Afghanistan and knew quite a few people who died there. I wasn't exactly sure why.
Also, very true, in this country you can be a dick. You can be a HUGE dick, up to the point of screaming fire in a crowded theater, to abuse a much over used example.
However, a gentleman/lady respects. They understand that certain customs and courtesies transcend their personal beliefs. You wouldn't wipe your mouth with the table clothe as a dinner guest. You wouldn't piss all over their floor when you use their restroom. You wouldn't openly belch after dinner.
Customs and COURTESIES are a thing and they reflect how a person is on the inside as much as on the outside.
Their actions reflect many things but most importantly their inability to see things greater than themselves.
Fuck those overpaid football players, disrespecting the flag when men and women are dying for that flag in Iraq and Afghanistan.
---------------------------------------------- yep , i will , course i always have since about Thanksgiving Day 1962 !!
Fuck those overpaid football players, disrespecting the flag when men and women are dying for that flag in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Trump a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility, no decency--and the only loyality he has ever shown to anyone was to himself & Vladimir Putin, really has no right talk about Patriotism or reflect on what he considers the lack of it in others.

Team owners & team managers have always handled their own issues with disgruntled players.

As usual--instead of talking about Government issues, he goes out on his personal attacks of others, to send a thrill up your leg--and this time it's backfired bigtime. He has attacked America's game--Football.


"The day after Donald Trump made comments about the National Football League and its players protesting, commissioner Roger Goodell released a statement in response.

"The NFL and our players are at our best when we help create a sense of unity in our country and our culture. There is no better example than the amazing response from our clubs and players to the terrible natural disasters we've experienced over the last month," Goodell said in the statement.

"Divisive comments like these demonstrate an unfortunate lack of respect for the NFL, our great game and all of our players, and a failure to understand the overwhelming force for good our clubs and players represent in our communities."
NFL, Roger Goodell respond to Donald Trump's 'divisive' comments


You voted for it, you got it!

The joke is on you retard, a great many Americans agree with Trump.

Sure doesn't look like it today--those football stands are packed with fans cheering their teams on, as they're watching their football players kneel to the National Athem--(in protest of Trump's comments.) They're not leaving the football game---:badgrin:


"President Donald Trump disinvited Golden State Warriors star Steph Curry from the White House on Saturday morning, just hours after taking the stage at a rally in Alabama and calling for football players who stage silent protests during the national anthem to be fired.

The president’s comments drew an unusually blunt rebuke from National Football League commissioner Roger Goodell, who said the “divisive comments” show a “lack of respect” for the nation’s most popular sport. LeBron James of the Cleveland Cavaliers jumped in to defend Curry, calling Trump “u bum” and adding: “Going to the White House was a great honor until you showed up!”

The escalation in the White House’s war with professional sports figures over issues of race and intolerance underscored the extent to which the president has been unable to move on from remarks last month that seemed to equate protesters with neo-Nazis who marched in Charlottesville, Virginia, leaving one woman dead."
Trump sparks war with NFL — and LeBron
Fuck those overpaid football players, disrespecting the flag when men and women are dying for that flag in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Our military are not dying for a piece of cloth made in China. They are dying for us and our rights as American citizens....such as the right to disagree and free speech.....they are NOT dying so that some fat fascist can FORCE people to obey. Hell, that fat fascist had to be reminded by his immigrant wife to put his own tiny hand over his heart during the Nat'l Anthem.
Fuck those overpaid football players, disrespecting the flag when men and women are dying for that flag in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I bet HALF of those men and women would tell you that you don't understand what they are fighting for. In our great nation you can be a dick without going to jail
So what you're saying is our troops fought because they hate America.....and they feel anyone who wants to can come here and piss on our country and tell us to go fuck ourselves can go do it with our blessing?
Because that's what these motherfuckers are doing.
Nope...no one is saying that but you. Our military fights for our rights, our Constitution.....NOT for snowflakes who melt because they can't force everyone (or at least a selective group) to stand and obey. Where are these trumpanzee snowflakes when the so-called president has to be reminded by his own immigrant wife to put his hand over his heart? Where are these trumpanzee snowflakes when people sit in the stands during the Anthem...when they are on their phones? when they are in the bathroom? when they are getting a beer?

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