If you love America stay home

In other words, I didn't lie.
A lie is something someone relates that they know not to be true....or that they know they can't prove.

Like when Mike calls people liars and is unable to prove it? Totally agree.

You on the other hand, thankfully gave up on your own twisted argument. It's not too late in life to learn something.
That's a circular argument.
It doesn't prove anything.
Besides....I'm not the one calling you a liar.
I just asked you to put up or shut up.

Once again, what did I lie about?
Once again, I said prove that Trump is a criminal and that he broke the law.
And once again you deflect.

I already did, but fine.

Here is Trump deleting emails:
Lawsuits show that Donald Trump's companies regularly delete emails and other records

Let's not forget him and his dad discriminating against blacks and latinos.

Trump U was fraud
Trump University: N.Y. attorney general says 'this is straight up fraud' - CNNPolitics
The title of this thread is the height (read: nadir) of irony.....

"If you love America ---- a nation built on the concept of freedom of speech ---- don't you dare go to an event where people might be actually exercising it!"

We're not telling them they can't do it.
We're just telling them if they continue to tell us to get fucked we won't watch them anymore.
I'm sure theirs plenty of players out there waiting for a call from a team that will be willing to stand up during the National Anthem.

I didn't say anybody's claiming they "can't do it".

I'm saying it's ironic that the OP claims to "love America" while clearly despising its principles.

Irony does not mean "can't".
Well there's the rub...bubba.
If you love merika you also despise anyone who hates it and rubs it in your face.
There's nothing ironic about that.
What's ironic is you enjoy it when people piss all over the Constitution and then you turn around and try to use it against anyone who says anything about it.

Oh not at all. Orange-a-tan Rumpleforeskin just unzipped his pants and pissed on the Constitution (again) and I've BEEN saying something about it.

You didn't notice because you're too busy going :lalala:
There is no greater expression of patriotism and love of one’s country than engaging civil protest, and exercising one’s fundamental right to free speech and free expression, as many NFL players are doing.

Those who love America will continue to attend NFL and NBA games, and support the right of players to protest and demonstrate.
If you love America stay home and let these NFL and NBA spoiled mindless fools have to go out and get a real job. Most are not mentally capable of handling the higher paying jobs but they should be capable of doing manual labor if they are closely supervised. I will be watching and going to college games. I will not ever go to a NFL or NBA game again as long as this foolishness is going on. If I hear of any company that buys a TV ad for one of these games I will boycott that product and I hope others will do the same. I am just one but I am sure there are many more of us.
I do stay home...and watch the games on my HD big screen TV. Right now, I'm watching the Denver/Buffalo game.
Freedom of speech also means others have the Freedom to ignore what you have to say. There is no obligation for anyone to pay to be insulted.

And there is no obligation to BE insulted.

Just as there is no obligation to play a frickin' national anthem before a frickin' sports event.
But there is taxpayer money for it, until somebody finds out.

That's OK right?

The owners and league are perfectly free to manage their business however they see fit; just as the fans are free to stop patronizing said business if they don't like what is being done. That's what's happening here, bub.

Nope, they're not. It's actually illegal. That's why two (Republican) Senators investigated it and why the NFL had to return seven hundred thousand bucks.


Several Hundred Thousands! Try again. They still have the tax advantages of a "non-profit", and subsidized stadiums across the country.

I rounded it down. It was 723 something.

Whatever corporate welfare goes on with those stadia and eminent domain issues --- which also apply to baseball --- has absolutely ZERO to do with the Pentagon's pimping pretend patriotism (which also applies to baseball and a slew of other pro sports). Yet you seem to go all crickets on that, preferring to change the subject.

That's deflection of topic, fifteen yards and loss of down. :nono:

Rightbackatcha, bub.

Now, back to actual Freedom and our right to not patronize businesses we find offensive.
There is no greater expression of patriotism and love of one’s country than engaging civil protest, and exercising one’s fundamental right to free speech and free expression, as many NFL players are doing.

Those who love America will continue to attend NFL and NBA games, and support the right of players to protest and demonstrate.

I support everybody's right to protest and demonstrate.......just not by disrespecting our flag and anthem.
A lie is something someone relates that they know not to be true....or that they know they can't prove.

Like when Mike calls people liars and is unable to prove it? Totally agree.

You on the other hand, thankfully gave up on your own twisted argument. It's not too late in life to learn something.
That's a circular argument.
It doesn't prove anything.
Besides....I'm not the one calling you a liar.
I just asked you to put up or shut up.

Once again, what did I lie about?
Once again, I said prove that Trump is a criminal and that he broke the law.
And once again you deflect.

I already did, but fine.

Here is Trump deleting emails:
Lawsuits show that Donald Trump's companies regularly delete emails and other records

Let's not forget him and his dad discriminating against blacks and latinos.

Trump U was fraud
Trump University: N.Y. attorney general says 'this is straight up fraud' - CNNPolitics
Still waiting for you to show me a crime.
There is no greater expression of patriotism and love of one’s country than engaging civil protest, and exercising one’s fundamental right to free speech and free expression, as many NFL players are doing.

Those who love America will continue to attend NFL and NBA games, and support the right of players to protest and demonstrate.

I support everybody's right to protest and demonstrate.......just not by disrespecting our flag and anthem.
And we have the right to boycott their games.
Democrats in Congress are rushing a bill to mandate (hey, remember what's in Obamacare) that every American buy an NFL season ticket or pay a fine. They can certainly count on support from anti-Americans Collins, McCain and Murkowski so it's a sure winner.

It's not true that the bill also demands the tickets be shoved up your ass but Pelosi and Waters are said to be agitating for an amendment
If you love America stay home and let these NFL and NBA spoiled mindless fools have to go out and get a real job. Most are not mentally capable of handling the higher paying jobs but they should be capable of doing manual labor if they are closely supervised. I will be watching and going to college games. I will not ever go to a NFL or NBA game again as long as this foolishness is going on. If I hear of any company that buys a TV ad for one of these games I will boycott that product and I hope others will do the same. I am just one but I am sure there are many more of us.
I do stay home...and watch the games on my HD big screen TV. Right now, I'm watching the Denver/Buffalo game.
Right now I'm watching "Enter The Dragon".


I'm not a football fan, me and my 4 family members will be going to Rams games just to support them and I will kneel too. Lot of my friends planning to do the same.
I'm not a football fan, me and my 4 family members will be going to Rams games just to support them and I will kneel too. Lot of my friends planning to do the same.

I guess that will make you a foolish "Knee Jerk" as I will refer to them in the future.
If you love America stay home and let these NFL and NBA spoiled mindless fools have to go out and get a real job. Most are not mentally capable of handling the higher paying jobs but they should be capable of doing manual labor if they are closely supervised. I will be watching and going to college games. I will not ever go to a NFL or NBA game again as long as this foolishness is going on. If I hear of any company that buys a TV ad for one of these games I will boycott that product and I hope others will do the same. I am just one but I am sure there are many more of us.
Haven't watched any football since LAST YEAR. I was done with these anti American black ass clowns when they started pissing on my flag and national anthem.

I wouldn't watch any NFL now if they paid ME.
America is getting fed up with Blacks. 13% of the population that commits 50% of the violent crimes. Compared to Blacks in Africa they really have a decent life. The only way you can get rich there is by becoming a warlord and murdering other tribes.
Most racist and ignorant post I read so far in here. Just dumb dumb dumb!!!
I'm not a football fan, me and my 4 family members will be going to Rams games just to support them and I will kneel too. Lot of my friends planning to do the same.

Then you and your friends should leave the country as well.
I'm not a football fan, me and my 4 family members will be going to Rams games just to support them and I will kneel too. Lot of my friends planning to do the same.

I guess that will make you a foolish "Knee Jerk" as I will refer to them in the future.
Whatever you like....ill be enjoying the sun and eating some goodies....by now u can't watch anything because everything offends Trump you boycott it :)
I'm not a football fan, me and my 4 family members will be going to Rams games just to support them and I will kneel too. Lot of my friends planning to do the same.

I'm sure you've got a lot of experience being on your knees.

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