If you love America stay home

If you love America stay home and let these NFL and NBA spoiled mindless fools have to go out and get a real job. Most are not mentally capable of handling the higher paying jobs but they should be capable of doing manual labor if they are closely supervised. I will be watching and going to college games. I will not ever go to a NFL or NBA game again as long as this foolishness is going on. If I hear of any company that buys a TV ad for one of these games I will boycott that product and I hope others will do the same. I am just one but I am sure there are many more of us.
Let's stay home because the President tells us to do so? Because no more than ten NFL players protested? Seems like you and the President are giving the protests exactly what they want. Attention. Another course of action is to ignore them and they will dry up and blow away. You are free to boycott but I think it's kind of playing into the hands of the President's Outrage Machine. And the protesting players, of which there will be many more today. And the President will love it.
Yeah if all patriotic Americans boycott them. They will get what they don't want. A real working man's job.

Yeah, none of that pussy shit on the field.
If you love America stay home and let these NFL and NBA spoiled mindless fools have to go out and get a real job. Most are not mentally capable of handling the higher paying jobs but they should be capable of doing manual labor if they are closely supervised. I will be watching and going to college games. I will not ever go to a NFL or NBA game again as long as this foolishness is going on. If I hear of any company that buys a TV ad for one of these games I will boycott that product and I hope others will do the same. I am just one but I am sure there are many more of us.
Let's stay home because the President tells us to do so? Because no more than ten NFL players protested? Seems like you and the President are giving the protests exactly what they want. Attention. Another course of action is to ignore them and they will dry up and blow away. You are free to boycott but I think it's kind of playing into the hands of the President's Outrage Machine. And the protesting players, of which there will be many more today. And the President will love it.
Yeah if all patriotic Americans boycott them. They will get what they don't want. A real working man's job.
You swallowed the bait, my friend.

Let's see. North Korea has an H bomb and is belligerent. Iran is shooting missies. Congress can't pass a damned thing.

But LOOK at this shiny object! 10-20 players are kneeling during a SONG! OMG! OUTRAGE!
If you love America stay home and let these NFL and NBA spoiled mindless fools have to go out and get a real job. Most are not mentally capable of handling the higher paying jobs but they should be capable of doing manual labor if they are closely supervised. I will be watching and going to college games. I will not ever go to a NFL or NBA game again as long as this foolishness is going on. If I hear of any company that buys a TV ad for one of these games I will boycott that product and I hope others will do the same. I am just one but I am sure there are many more of us.
Let's stay home because the President tells us to do so? Because no more than ten NFL players protested? Seems like you and the President are giving the protests exactly what they want. Attention. Another course of action is to ignore them and they will dry up and blow away. You are free to boycott but I think it's kind of playing into the hands of the President's Outrage Machine. And the protesting players, of which there will be many more today. And the President will love it.
Yeah if all patriotic Americans boycott them. They will get what they don't want. A real working man's job.
You swallowed the bait, my friend.

Let's see. North Korea has an H bomb and is belligerent. Iran is shooting missies. Congress can't pass a damned thing.

But LOOK at this shiny object! 10-20 players are kneeling during a SONG! OMG! OUTRAGE!
I was on this last year, I guess when the United States had no problems under obama, right?
We have passed on negro sports for 30 yrs. Nothing new "dancing chimps". White folk need to WEXIT from the chimping.
Who is Jack the Ripper? He was never identified. So, kind of a poor example.

Did Trump ever break the law?

poor example?

He's an excellent example to prove you wrong.

the man, who ever he was, committed murder after murder, and by YOUR standard, because he wasn't caught and convicted, he is 'not' a criminal.


he probably broke the law.

start a petition to get him into court to 'convict' him of his crimes.

By YOUR standard, he's not a criminal til that happens

So, Trump is a criminal is what you're saying?
You must have a reading deficiency.
No, he's just a lying pos, like all of them.

How did I lie? Be specific.
Typical liberal game boy remark. I've studied you turds for years and you all play the same simple minded game.
If you love America stay home and let these NFL and NBA spoiled mindless fools have to go out and get a real job. Most are not mentally capable of handling the higher paying jobs but they should be capable of doing manual labor if they are closely supervised. I will be watching and going to college games. I will not ever go to a NFL or NBA game again as long as this foolishness is going on. If I hear of any company that buys a TV ad for one of these games I will boycott that product and I hope others will do the same. I am just one but I am sure there are many more of us.
Let's stay home because the President tells us to do so? Because no more than ten NFL players protested? Seems like you and the President are giving the protests exactly what they want. Attention. Another course of action is to ignore them and they will dry up and blow away. You are free to boycott but I think it's kind of playing into the hands of the President's Outrage Machine. And the protesting players, of which there will be many more today. And the President will love it.
Yeah if all patriotic Americans boycott them. They will get what they don't want. A real working man's job.
You swallowed the bait, my friend.

Let's see. North Korea has an H bomb and is belligerent. Iran is shooting missies. Congress can't pass a damned thing.

But LOOK at this shiny object! 10-20 players are kneeling during a SONG! OMG! OUTRAGE!
I was on this last year, I guess when the United States had no problems under obama, right?

Once again in English? You might have been on it but the President wasn't. I'm guessing he has more followers on Twitter than you. He chose to make this a Top Issue on Friday. Ask yourself why 10-20 people were worthy of his outrage? It couldn't be a cynical political move, could it?
If you love America stay home and let these NFL and NBA spoiled mindless fools have to go out and get a real job. Most are not mentally capable of handling the higher paying jobs but they should be capable of doing manual labor if they are closely supervised. I will be watching and going to college games. I will not ever go to a NFL or NBA game again as long as this foolishness is going on. If I hear of any company that buys a TV ad for one of these games I will boycott that product and I hope others will do the same. I am just one but I am sure there are many more of us.
Let's stay home because the President tells us to do so? Because no more than ten NFL players protested? Seems like you and the President are giving the protests exactly what they want. Attention. Another course of action is to ignore them and they will dry up and blow away. You are free to boycott but I think it's kind of playing into the hands of the President's Outrage Machine. And the protesting players, of which there will be many more today. And the President will love it.
Yeah if all patriotic Americans boycott them. They will get what they don't want. A real working man's job.
You swallowed the bait, my friend.

Let's see. North Korea has an H bomb and is belligerent. Iran is shooting missies. Congress can't pass a damned thing.

But LOOK at this shiny object! 10-20 players are kneeling during a SONG! OMG! OUTRAGE!
I was on this last year, I guess when the United States had no problems under obama, right?

Once again in English? You might have been on it but the President wasn't. I'm guessing he has more followers on Twitter than you. He chose to make this a Top Issue on Friday. Ask yourself why 10-20 people were worthy of his outrage? It couldn't be a cynical political move, could it?
There were more than 10 on clevlands team alone. Do you support the coach that got his entire football team of third graders to kneel during the anthem? Nothing like starting the racist indoctrination into the minds of our future. Thanks to people, like yourself.
If you love America stay home and let these NFL and NBA spoiled mindless fools have to go out and get a real job. Most are not mentally capable of handling the higher paying jobs but they should be capable of doing manual labor if they are closely supervised. I will be watching and going to college games. I will not ever go to a NFL or NBA game again as long as this foolishness is going on. If I hear of any company that buys a TV ad for one of these games I will boycott that product and I hope others will do the same. I am just one but I am sure there are many more of us.
Haven't watched any football since LAST YEAR. I was done with these anti American black ass clowns when they started pissing on my flag and national anthem.

I wouldn't watch any NFL now if they paid ME.
America is getting fed up with Blacks. 13% of the population that commits 50% of the violent crimes. Compared to Blacks in Africa they really have a decent life. The only way you can get rich there is by becoming a warlord and murdering other tribes.

And for how long do you think blacks have been fed up with whites? During slavery? During segregation? No, you think they actually liked it.
You are talking about stuff that happened before any of these fuckers were born.
Must they wallow in the past forever?
I think if left up to Democrats like you folks they would not only ask for payback but a total reversal and give them full control of whites in America.
That would teach them a lesson.....even though 99% of the whites in America never practiced the racism that Democrats practiced in the South 50 - 60 years ago.
Let's stay home because the President tells us to do so? Because no more than ten NFL players protested? Seems like you and the President are giving the protests exactly what they want. Attention. Another course of action is to ignore them and they will dry up and blow away. You are free to boycott but I think it's kind of playing into the hands of the President's Outrage Machine. And the protesting players, of which there will be many more today. And the President will love it.
Yeah if all patriotic Americans boycott them. They will get what they don't want. A real working man's job.
You swallowed the bait, my friend.

Let's see. North Korea has an H bomb and is belligerent. Iran is shooting missies. Congress can't pass a damned thing.

But LOOK at this shiny object! 10-20 players are kneeling during a SONG! OMG! OUTRAGE!
I was on this last year, I guess when the United States had no problems under obama, right?

Once again in English? You might have been on it but the President wasn't. I'm guessing he has more followers on Twitter than you. He chose to make this a Top Issue on Friday. Ask yourself why 10-20 people were worthy of his outrage? It couldn't be a cynical political move, could it?
There were more than 10 on clevlands team alone. Do you support the coach that got his entire football team of third graders to kneel during the anthem? Nothing like starting the racist indoctrination into the minds of our future. Thanks to people, like yourself.
What these players are protesting is White People that they hate.
Nothing else.
The National Anthem has been sold to them by the left to be a racist song pushed down the throats of the oppressed by White Leaders.
Some of the very White Leaders currently leading the Democratic Party right now.
Let's stay home because the President tells us to do so? Because no more than ten NFL players protested? Seems like you and the President are giving the protests exactly what they want. Attention. Another course of action is to ignore them and they will dry up and blow away. You are free to boycott but I think it's kind of playing into the hands of the President's Outrage Machine. And the protesting players, of which there will be many more today. And the President will love it.
Yeah if all patriotic Americans boycott them. They will get what they don't want. A real working man's job.
You swallowed the bait, my friend.

Let's see. North Korea has an H bomb and is belligerent. Iran is shooting missies. Congress can't pass a damned thing.

But LOOK at this shiny object! 10-20 players are kneeling during a SONG! OMG! OUTRAGE!
I was on this last year, I guess when the United States had no problems under obama, right?

Once again in English? You might have been on it but the President wasn't. I'm guessing he has more followers on Twitter than you. He chose to make this a Top Issue on Friday. Ask yourself why 10-20 people were worthy of his outrage? It couldn't be a cynical political move, could it?
There were more than 10 on clevlands team alone. Do you support the coach that got his entire football team of third graders to kneel during the anthem? Nothing like starting the racist indoctrination into the minds of our future. Thanks to people, like yourself.

No need for a comma in that last sentence. I think for myself. I like football, I'm watching it. And I would say the same thing to the protesters as I do to the OUTRAGED people who will boycott: Keep your politics out of my Sunday football.
If you love America stay home and let these NFL and NBA spoiled mindless fools have to go out and get a real job. Most are not mentally capable of handling the higher paying jobs but they should be capable of doing manual labor if they are closely supervised. I will be watching and going to college games. I will not ever go to a NFL or NBA game again as long as this foolishness is going on. If I hear of any company that buys a TV ad for one of these games I will boycott that product and I hope others will do the same. I am just one but I am sure there are many more of us.
Most of them don't have a degree.....so they'll be washing cars in a few months.
We can't have that.

I thought it was the majority of Trump supporters who didn't have a college degree.
Democrats get most of their support from minorities. Many are unemployed.
Many of them that have degrees are unemployed.
And you support a President who does not recognize the 1st Amendment, a part of the United States Constitution, that he took an oath "to protect and defend." He has violated his oath of office, and if you support him, you do not support the Constitution of the United States. Period, bigly, covfefe.
My son is at lambeau field now tailgating.....game is sold out parking lot full......looks like a lot of people staying home lol.
The sport is a bit too rough for the pussy cowards who whine about "leaving to create a new homeland" for frightened little girls like themselves, I guess.
poor example?

He's an excellent example to prove you wrong.

the man, who ever he was, committed murder after murder, and by YOUR standard, because he wasn't caught and convicted, he is 'not' a criminal.


he probably broke the law.

start a petition to get him into court to 'convict' him of his crimes.

By YOUR standard, he's not a criminal til that happens

So, Trump is a criminal is what you're saying?
You must have a reading deficiency.
No, he's just a lying pos, like all of them.

How did I lie? Be specific.
Typical liberal game boy remark. I've studied you turds for years and you all play the same simple minded game.

In other words, I didn't lie.
So, Trump is a criminal is what you're saying?
You must have a reading deficiency.
No, he's just a lying pos, like all of them.

How did I lie? Be specific.
Typical liberal game boy remark. I've studied you turds for years and you all play the same simple minded game.

In other words, I didn't lie.
A lie is something someone relates that they know not to be true....or that they know they can't prove.
You must have a reading deficiency.
No, he's just a lying pos, like all of them.

How did I lie? Be specific.
Typical liberal game boy remark. I've studied you turds for years and you all play the same simple minded game.

In other words, I didn't lie.
A lie is something someone relates that they know not to be true....or that they know they can't prove.

Like when Mike calls people liars and is unable to prove it? Totally agree.

You on the other hand, thankfully gave up on your own twisted argument. It's not too late in life to learn something.
If you love America stay home and let these NFL and NBA spoiled mindless fools have to go out and get a real job. Most are not mentally capable of handling the higher paying jobs but they should be capable of doing manual labor if they are closely supervised. I will be watching and going to college games. I will not ever go to a NFL or NBA game again as long as this foolishness is going on. If I hear of any company that buys a TV ad for one of these games I will boycott that product and I hope others will do the same. I am just one but I am sure there are many more of us.
Most of them don't have a degree.....so they'll be washing cars in a few months.
We can't have that.

I thought it was the majority of Trump supporters who didn't have a college degree.
Democrats get most of their support from minorities. Many are unemployed.
Many of them that have degrees are unemployed.
And you support a President who does not recognize the 1st Amendment, a part of the United States Constitution, that he took an oath "to protect and defend." He has violated his oath of office, and if you support him, you do not support the Constitution of the United States. Period, bigly, covfefe.

Trump never stopped anybody's free speech, speaking of which, Trump has the right of free speech too.

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