If you support Trump ending Birthright Citizenship via executive order you're a hypocrite.

Let me start off by saying I oppose Birthright Citizenship unless one parent is a US citizen but I am more opposed to Presidents acting like kings who think they can rule by an iron fist.
For YEARS we all railed against Obama's use of the executive pen and rightly so. Do not fall prey to that which you oppose simply because of a letter behind a mans name.
Today I heard Trump on the radio referring to Obama's Dream Act as the excuse for his threat to use the same method to alter the 14th amendment. An act that he Hope's the supreme court will overrule. Yet he wants you to cheer and clap at his own duplicity.

If you are a conservative ACT LIKE IT and stop looking the other way simply because you like Trump.
Obama DID what Trump has only talked about - violating the Constitution by affecting existing immigration by bypassing Congress to do so through EO.

Obama should have been Impeached, Censured at the very least, for doing so...
Its not hypocrisy when the 14th amendment was never intended to grant citizenship to illegal anchor babies. Trump has the guts to correct this and force the SCOTUS to clarify the 14th amendment which is their job.

And if the SCOTUS reaffirms Wok Kim Ark?
Reaffirming is the wrong word, since they’d be considered different cases. On one hand, legal aliens, the other, the first act in the country was to break the laws of that country.
wow - original debate i found on another forum where when this was added it specifically called this out and said DOES NOT APPLY to people coming over here and droppin babies like candy.

David Martosko on Twitter

“If you support Trump ending Birthright Citizenship via executive order you're a hypocrite.”

You’re also an ignorant, hateful, bigoted putz.
Let me start off by saying I oppose Birthright Citizenship unless one parent is a US citizen but I am more opposed to Presidents acting like kings who think they can rule by an iron fist.
For YEARS we all railed against Obama's use of the executive pen and rightly so. Do not fall prey to that which you oppose simply because of a letter behind a mans name.
Today I heard Trump on the radio referring to Obama's Dream Act as the excuse for his threat to use the same method to alter the 14th amendment. An act that he Hope's the supreme court will overrule. Yet he wants you to cheer and clap at his own duplicity.

If you are a conservative ACT LIKE IT and stop looking the other way simply because you like Trump.
Not 100% certain it is the case that birthright citizenship applies to those who entered illegally. The closest thing I’ve seen is the Wong Kim Ark case. In that case, Arks parents were here LEGALLY, but still not naturalized citizens. This case went all the way up to the Supreme Court, with a 6-2 split decision, and this was a debate involving parents who were permitted entry, went back to China, tried to come back and were denied.

So the question is, does this same principle apply to parents who enter the country without that countries permission?
With regard to the United States, yes.
Let me start off by saying I oppose Birthright Citizenship unless one parent is a US citizen but I am more opposed to Presidents acting like kings who think they can rule by an iron fist.
For YEARS we all railed against Obama's use of the executive pen and rightly so. Do not fall prey to that which you oppose simply because of a letter behind a mans name.
Today I heard Trump on the radio referring to Obama's Dream Act as the excuse for his threat to use the same method to alter the 14th amendment. An act that he Hope's the supreme court will overrule. Yet he wants you to cheer and clap at his own duplicity.

If you are a conservative ACT LIKE IT and stop looking the other way simply because you like Trump.

That is just a crock of shit: YOU, and all of your right wing jerk offs are just chompin at the bit to have Trump sign some dumbass EO to stop anchor babies.

FIRST OFF: Trump has already proven himself to be COMPLETELY IGNORANT concerning how Amendments are instituted, or changed. It is the function of The US Congress to initiate Amendments, or to alter Amendments.

Trump has demonstrated to the WORLD that he didn't even attend his 5th grade CIVICS CLASS. He was out fvcking Kathy up her poop shoot when he FAILED that class.

Yeah but go ahead and act all righteous about Trump's IGNORANCE.

POTUS Dumb Ass.
Did you have this much vitriol when Obama said he couldn’t do anything on immigration, that congress had too...and then went ahead and did it through EO anyway?

Why do I bother with people like you? You’re just a sad person that tries to make up for their lack of character and honesty by being the loudest to shout at what your in group is telling you is the enemy. You’re not capable of an honest conversation, certainly not yet. The OP is, which is why the OP addressed his own side to not be hypocritical. By you’re ridiculous reaction to this, it’s clear the OP held up a mirror showing you your own flaws, and you decided to punch that mirror. Stop being pathetic or exit this conversation.
If you are a conservative ACT LIKE IT and stop looking the other way simply because you like Trump.

The truth always comes out, you're a weak ass fake Conservative!!

Babies born to illegal alien mothers within U.S. borders are called anchor babies because under the 1965 immigration Act, they act as an anchor that pulls the illegal alien mother and eventually a host of other relatives into permanent U.S. residency. (Jackpot babies is another term).

This isn't the act of a King, it's action we never get from elected officials, quit being afraid of the truth and start expecting our elected officials to do just that, act!

There is no such thing as an ‘anchor baby’:


The notion is ignorant, bigoted nonsense.
Let me start off by saying I oppose Birthright Citizenship unless one parent is a US citizen but I am more opposed to Presidents acting like kings who think they can rule by an iron fist.
For YEARS we all railed against Obama's use of the executive pen and rightly so. Do not fall prey to that which you oppose simply because of a letter behind a mans name.
Today I heard Trump on the radio referring to Obama's Dream Act as the excuse for his threat to use the same method to alter the 14th amendment. An act that he Hope's the supreme court will overrule. Yet he wants you to cheer and clap at his own duplicity.

If you are a conservative ACT LIKE IT and stop looking the other way simply because you like Trump.
Republican hate knows no bounds.
Let me start off by saying I oppose Birthright Citizenship unless one parent is a US citizen but I am more opposed to Presidents acting like kings who think they can rule by an iron fist.
For YEARS we all railed against Obama's use of the executive pen and rightly so. Do not fall prey to that which you oppose simply because of a letter behind a mans name.
Today I heard Trump on the radio referring to Obama's Dream Act as the excuse for his threat to use the same method to alter the 14th amendment. An act that he Hope's the supreme court will overrule. Yet he wants you to cheer and clap at his own duplicity.

If you are a conservative ACT LIKE IT and stop looking the other way simply because you like Trump.

Throwing it to the Supreme Court is the right thing to do. After all, it was the court that rewrote the 14th to start the who Birthright bullshit.

The Amendment as written granted citizenship to freed slaves, the children of residents in America. It DID NOT grant citizenship to migrants. The SCOTUS rewrote the Amendment in 1915 to create this new "right."
If you are a conservative ACT LIKE IT and stop looking the other way simply because you like Trump.

The truth always comes out, you're a weak ass fake Conservative!!

Babies born to illegal alien mothers within U.S. borders are called anchor babies because under the 1965 immigration Act, they act as an anchor that pulls the illegal alien mother and eventually a host of other relatives into permanent U.S. residency. (Jackpot babies is another term).

This isn't the act of a King, it's action we never get from elected officials, quit being afraid of the truth and start expecting our elected officials to do just that, act!

There is no such thing as an ‘anchor baby’:


The notion is ignorant, bigoted nonsense.


Dumb fuck.
Let me start off by saying I oppose Birthright Citizenship unless one parent is a US citizen but I am more opposed to Presidents acting like kings who think they can rule by an iron fist.
For YEARS we all railed against Obama's use of the executive pen and rightly so. Do not fall prey to that which you oppose simply because of a letter behind a mans name.
Today I heard Trump on the radio referring to Obama's Dream Act as the excuse for his threat to use the same method to alter the 14th amendment. An act that he Hope's the supreme court will overrule. Yet he wants you to cheer and clap at his own duplicity.

If you are a conservative ACT LIKE IT and stop looking the other way simply because you like Trump.
Republican hate knows no bounds.
when you got nothing else, just get all emo and tell people they're mean.

fyi - done wore that bullshit card out, son. gonna actually have to have a point soon.
If you are a conservative ACT LIKE IT and stop looking the other way simply because you like Trump.

The truth always comes out, you're a weak ass fake Conservative!!

Babies born to illegal alien mothers within U.S. borders are called anchor babies because under the 1965 immigration Act, they act as an anchor that pulls the illegal alien mother and eventually a host of other relatives into permanent U.S. residency. (Jackpot babies is another term).

This isn't the act of a King, it's action we never get from elected officials, quit being afraid of the truth and start expecting our elected officials to do just that, act!

There is no such thing as an ‘anchor baby’:


The notion is ignorant, bigoted nonsense.

Yeah those 20+MM illegals in this country today are a myth...

So the term is accurate and you try to turn it into a ignorant notion or bigotry?

When do we deal with the real issue, can you even comprehend that notion?

When you can provide a real reason we should ignore the current laws, then maybe you'll have a point...
This is some funny shit right here.

Looking in the mirror again?
Likely In his pants

You’re looking in his pants?

Come on, you wouldn’t be curious to see the worlds’ smallest pecker?

Well, if you get a microscope for Christmas, you can lend it to a friend, drop your drawers, and ask them to see if they can find it.
This is some funny shit right here.

Looking in the mirror again?
Likely In his pants

You’re looking in his pants?

Come on, you wouldn’t be curious to see the worlds’ smallest pecker?

Well, if you get a microscope for Christmas, you can lend it to a friend, drop your drawers, and ask them to see if they can find it.

As long as I can slap you with it afterwards...deal?
Let me start off by saying I oppose Birthright Citizenship unless one parent is a US citizen but I am more opposed to Presidents acting like kings who think they can rule by an iron fist.
For YEARS we all railed against Obama's use of the executive pen and rightly so. Do not fall prey to that which you oppose simply because of a letter behind a mans name.
Today I heard Trump on the radio referring to Obama's Dream Act as the excuse for his threat to use the same method to alter the 14th amendment. An act that he Hope's the supreme court will overrule. Yet he wants you to cheer and clap at his own duplicity.

If you are a conservative ACT LIKE IT and stop looking the other way simply because you like Trump.

Easily the best post I have ever read by a republic.

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