If you think taxes should be raised...

Governments and taxes do not have morals. You seem to think a Government is a person.

Government is not a self-aware institution, moron. It's run by people, who pass and execute laws that are immoral. Is this really hard for you to understand? :cuckoo:

It is simple, you can keep whining and crying you shouldn't pay taxes because it is theft or you can go about ensuring the taxes are spent as required on legal and authorized things. Get rid of the illegal and you get rid of the taxes that were needed to pay for them.

We tried to do that, however, the fact that Republicans are tax and spend hurts the cause. There is NO limited government major party in this country.

This Country was not created because our ancestors revolted against taxes, they revolted against NO representation on why and how taxes were spent.

Yet they created a system that did not have an income tax, and didn't have one until 1913. I guess our government didn't function until 1913. :rofl:

:eusa_wall: Come back when you know what you're talking about.
Umm....aren't CEO's elected by their shareholders...sounds like its the shareholder's problem not the government's problem or yours for that matter.

The shareholders are not the little guys slaving away for the company. The lowly sanitation man who empties the trashcan at night – he should have a vote.
You are both right, the poor are obese because of poor nutrition...and junk food costs less and lasts longer than fresh fruits & vegetables.

Set a BigMac and an apple or orange on the table and guess which one is more edible after three days...
And where are you getting your figures from? How do tax shelters and Bush's tax cuts factor into those figures?

Those come from the Internal Revenue Service, itself and reflect 2006 so it INCLUDES current taxation law. Wikipedia uses these same IRS figures on it's taxation page.
The shareholders are not the little guys slaving away for the company. The lowly sanitation man who empties the trashcan at night – he should have a vote.

Actually in most large, old-school American companies, like GM, most ALL the workers are shareholders as their pensions are backed by the company's own securities. The big problem with Enron was the employee pension was corporate stock....which became worthless. As for the garbage man, if he works for a company like Waste Management, he does have a vote, but usually never exercises it.

And most of the rest of these "little guys" you love to refer that have 401k's are also "shareholders" although their holding company (mutual fund rep) does most of the voting on board issues.
Actually in most large, old-school American companies, like GM, most ALL the workers are shareholders as their pensions are backed by the company's own securities. The big problem with Enron was the employee pension was corporate stock....which became worthless. As for the garbage man, if he works for a company like Waste Management, he does have a vote, but usually never exercises it.

And most of the rest of these "little guys" you love to refer that have 401k's are also "shareholders" although their holding company (mutual fund rep) does most of the voting on board issues.

Okay. So the lowly trash man at your local Walmart has some say. I still think that it would be neat if such people had full voting power so that they could elect the top dog of the company. Perhaps that could lead to a more equitable distribution of salary.
RetiredGySgt wrote:
You seem to think a Government is a person.

Government IS a person: an artificial person...

It was explained by Justice James Wilson, Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, in 1793, "...how true it is, that States and Governments were made for man; and, at the same time, how true it is, that his creatures and servants have first deceived, next vilified, and, at last, oppressed their master and maker." "Let a State be considered as subordinate to the PEOPLE: But let every thing else be subordinate to the State." He stated that in the practice of politics there has been a strong current against the nature of things: "As the State has claimed precedence of the people; so, in the same inverted course of things, the Government has often claimed precedence of the State; and to this perversion in the second degree, many of the volumes of confusion concerning sovereignty owe their existence." Concerning the State, he noted, "It is an artificial person." He explained that the term sovereign has as its correlative subject, a term not related to the people in the Constitution of the United States. The term sovereign is not used either. He explains that sovereignty is derived from a feudal source, such as existed in Europe. It never extended, lawfully, to the American States under the Constitution.

And the federal government is a second degree artificial person.
RetiredGySgt wrote:
Taxes are legal and are a power the people gave the Government.

Actually, it was the States that created the federal government, and granted this new artificial person some taxing powers.
RetiredGySgt wrote:

Actually, it was the States that created the federal government, and granted this new artificial person some taxing powers.

The people control the States and they control the Federal Government. If one believes the document that establishes this Country anyway.
A bit over-generalized.

People in general are obese for those reasons, but it isn't limited to any specific group of people. This country as a whole is lazy. Laziness contributes to bad diets, and lack of exercise. Those 2 things are the main contributors to weight gain. When those 2 things are in excess, they contribute to obesity.

There aer plenty of poor people who are not fat at all, and still eat like crap. It's also genetic, and relies on the specific metabolism of each individual.

Yes, obesity is a nationwide problem, but studies have shown that the poor communities, especially urban, have been hit the hardest because money is factor.
Set a BigMac and an apple or orange on the table and guess which one is more edible after three days...

Set a box of twinkies and a bag of orahnges on a table for 10 days and see which one is more edible.
The shareholders are not the little guys slaving away for the company. The lowly sanitation man who empties the trashcan at night – he should have a vote.

LOL...So your telling me that the trash man should be able to tell a private corporation what they should pay their CEO and how the CEO should conduct themselves. Shareholders are private citizens it could be very much that the trashman does have a vote, if he owns shares in the corporation. Plus when did your trashmen start running at night?
Okay. So the lowly trash man at your local Walmart has some say. I still think that it would be neat if such people had full voting power so that they could elect the top dog of the company. Perhaps that could lead to a more equitable distribution of salary.

If they own company stock they do have voting power, obviously the more stock you have the more of a voice you have. Because you have more of a stake in the company.

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