If you're willing to kill unborn babies, you're willing to do anything...

I want to know this:

How many more babies have to die before Democrats/liberals admit they've made a tragic mistake?

Here's the thing you don't get.

There were just as many abortions occurring before Roe as after Roe.

The only "mistake" the court (with FIVE republican justices) made was not realizing that by abolishing laws no one was obeying at that point would be as controversial as it was. They thought it would be like when it struck down the archaic contraception laws in Griswald v. Connecticut.
Right Jesus mentioned Abortion exactly zero times...

He talked about throwing away your worldly possessions and following God a lot...

So when the people here lecturing us about Abortion give all there world possessions to charity and post a receipt here and intend to live in a live of poverty in service of our Lord.

Then I will listen.
Help everybody understand your comments. Are you or are you not saying that it is okay for YOU and others to deny basic human rights to children in the womb. . . . Just because you don't think those opposed to abortions are doing enough for all the other children you described?

Please explain how the rights of children in the womb are (apparently in your view) contingent upon how we care for those who have somehow avoided being aborted.

Well, it shows the hypocrisy of the Misogynists who scream about fetuses being babies... if they cared about "the Children", they certainly wouldn't allow kids to go to bed hungry at night.

The problem with giving 'rights" to fetuses is that you have to take rights away from woman it is inside, because by the logic you've set down... the fetus's life is more important.

And that's fine if the woman WANTS to have a baby. When you start insisting a woman carry her rapist's deformed baby to term, then you are really getting into some oppressive territory concerning "rights".
You have the right to be wrong and ignorant. . . I suppose. However, you do not have the right to expect others to share in your ignorance.

You really should question your own conclusions about the life cycle of mammals (including humans.)

What you are trying to claim without saying the word is that human beings somehow magically morph out of something less than a human organism. . . And that is not physically or biologically the case.

Your "biological father" is not your biological father because he contributed some cells to a blob that only eventually became you.

The DNA of the living cells proves that he was your biological parent. . . Even at your very first cell division.

Do you deny that YOU were biologically conceived?

Sure, but I didn't become a person with a name until May 7, 1962.

Most fetuses don't become people. Most don't attach to the uterine wall, half of the rest are aborted or miscarry.... And that's with the wonders of modern medicine.

Before that, half of infants died and 10% of women died in childbirth. And your God did not give a fuck.
Please don't dismiss the multitude of women who see abortion for the crime against humanity that it is too. Many of whom have suffered the painful realization of what an abortion really is, first hand.

So you have 30 chicks there out of 50 million who've had abortions?

Your phony claims about your concern for children born would be much more convincing, if you weren't so dismissive of their rights and lives before they somehow survived your denials about them, while they were still in the womb.

Or simple pragmatism... I wouldn't want to live in the kind of police state you would need to enforce your will.

The thing is, we already have an example of doing it your way, which is the Philippines.

Abortion is illegal in most circumstances, but Filipina women have 500,000 abortions a year.
Up until this year Republicans controlled the White house, SCOTUS, Senate & House. They did NOTHING to outlaw abortion. Same thing happened under Bush #2. But they continue suckering you Repubtards into voting for them. They know they want the abortion option because they don't want to be forced to have to care for blacks, deformed & retarded people.

The abortion rate in the United States lower than before the historic Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision legalized abortion nationwide. So why are you spewing vile hatred? Are you mad that women have to much freedom, live longer & vote more than men?
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...you have no morals or scruples whatsoever.

if you are unwilling to respect and adhere to the separation of church and state you have no morals or scruples.

the excuse ‘my religion made me do’ is no excuse at all.

quit trying to force your religious views on everyone else.

Trump and NRA supporters need to shut up about Roe v Wade. Quit the hypocrisy.
Not a guys RESPONSIBILITY UNTIL he can give birth....stupid women do stupid things!

Tubal ligation should work for women 99.999% Of the time!....Cheaper and easier than continual abortions!

Wait, men aren't responsible for women getting pregnant? :lmao:
No asshole, women are responsible unless you are a guy giving birth. Keeping you legs together has the effect, unless raped of stopping pregnancy....too bad you never learned that!

Well, I hate to break it to you, but women don't get pregnant spontaneously...it takes a man, too...too bad you never learned that! :rofl:

You know what also stops pregnancy? A guy keeping it in his pants. But it's only the responsibility of the woman, according to you. Got it. :lol:
You ever hear of in vitro fertilization?....asshole!...all LESBIANS LOVE IT...YOU SHOULD TOO!...ROTFLMFAO!

In vitro fertilization is for women who are trying to get pregnant. Weren't we discussing what people should do to avoid pregnancy, and who bears responsibility when a woman does get pregnant?

But go on, do tell how lesbians making use of in vitro fertilization is an important point when it comes to men not being responsible for getting a woman pregnant through sexual intercourse.

Or perhaps your point was that men are not necessary for in vitro fertilization. If that is the case, I hate to have to tell you this, but the process still requires sperm. ;)
Then only fuck men who have been fixed if YOU refuse to be fixed!!!!...Easy answer!
Up until this year Republicans controlled the White house, SCOTUS, Senate & House. They did NOTHING to outlaw abortion. Same thing happened under Bush #2. But they continue suckering you Repubtards into voting for them. They know they want the abortion option because they don't want to be forced to have to care for blacks, deformed & retarded people.

The abortion rate in the United States lower than before the historic Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision legalized abortion nationwide. So why are you spewing vile hatred? Are you mad that women have to much freedom, live longer & vote more than men?
You do know abortion is way down on the rights priorities don't you? Things like our economy, safety and everyday problems are thought of first. We do realize that you beasts enjoy the thought that you have the power to end your own bloods life for convenience sake, and couldn't care less. I imagine that is why you people spread the lie that you are so tolerant of minorities, and other people, to assuage your guilt. IMHO, of course!
If you're willing to kill unborn babies, you're willing to do anything...]

Like what? Shoot someone on 5th ave? Rob a bank? Murder a Mexican illegally crossing the border??? Rape a 12 year old boy? Beat your mother to a pulp? Shoplift?

What exactly is ANYTHING?
killing unborn babies. that's anything. and fk, you all brag about it. Look at you proud murderers, ain't you sumpthing.
...you have no morals or scruples whatsoever.

Fetuses aren't babies. 3686012, member: 49643"]...you have no morals or scruples whatsoever.

Fetuses aren't babies.

50 million American women have had abortions? Are you saying they all have no morals or scruples.
...you have no morals or scruples whatsoever.

if you are unwilling to respect and adhere to the separation of church and state you have no morals or scruples.

the excuse ‘my religion made me do’ is no excuse at all.

quit trying to force your religious views on everyone else.

Trump and NRA supporters need to shut up about Roe v Wade. Quit the hypocrisy.

God and religion do not have any fucking thing to do with my views on abortion.

I don't need "God" in my life, for me to know that an abortion kills a child. Neither do you. That's basic biology.

Nor does anyone need "God" in their life to see that (according to the Constitution) the child's rights are being denied and violated by abortions.
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I just talked to Jesus, and he said if you constantly spout vile hatred and claim to be a Christian, you are a hypocrite and an embarrassment to Jesus. He also told me he saw you masturbating..
animals like you are disgusting .......youve probably encouraged some stupid slut to abort your child she was carrying .....
I just talked to Jesus, and he said if you constantly spout vile hatred and claim to be a Christian, you are a hypocrite and an embarrassment to Jesus. He also told me he saw you masturbating..
animals like you are disgusting .......youve probably encouraged some stupid slut to abort your child she was carrying .....
You know...Jesus just told me that Bulldog was spot on.
Here's you baby. Aren't you proud?

What if the guy who got you pregnant wanted that baby. He would take the baby, never see you again and he's never be in touch again. His right is as strong as yours. Would you have it?

Bulldog ain't gonna be having any babes.
I wouldn't want her to be a mother, just stop the killing of babies.

Jesus Christ.

That's unnecessary.

No one said anything about HIM killing babies.
it also breaks the site's rules... at least it did when I was a mod....?
***Jackson....you should remove it, and give a link to the picture with warning!
then you're not a mod so shut up.
I just talked to Jesus, and he said if you constantly spout vile hatred and claim to be a Christian, you are a hypocrite and an embarrassment to Jesus. He also told me he saw you masturbating..
animals like you are disgusting .......youve probably encouraged some stupid slut to abort your child she was carrying .....
You know...Jesus just told me that Bulldog was spot on.
what did you say in return?
Wait, men aren't responsible for women getting pregnant? :lmao:
No asshole, women are responsible unless you are a guy giving birth. Keeping you legs together has the effect, unless raped of stopping pregnancy....too bad you never learned that!

Well, I hate to break it to you, but women don't get pregnant spontaneously...it takes a man, too...too bad you never learned that! :rofl:

You know what also stops pregnancy? A guy keeping it in his pants. But it's only the responsibility of the woman, according to you. Got it. :lol:
You ever hear of in vitro fertilization?....asshole!...all LESBIANS LOVE IT...YOU SHOULD TOO!...ROTFLMFAO!

In vitro fertilization is for women who are trying to get pregnant. Weren't we discussing what people should do to avoid pregnancy, and who bears responsibility when a woman does get pregnant?

But go on, do tell how lesbians making use of in vitro fertilization is an important point when it comes to men not being responsible for getting a woman pregnant through sexual intercourse.

Or perhaps your point was that men are not necessary for in vitro fertilization. If that is the case, I hate to have to tell you this, but the process still requires sperm. ;)
Then only fuck men who have been fixed if YOU refuse to be fixed!!!!...Easy answer!

None of what you've said explains how men hold no responsibility when it comes to pregnancy. Yes, there are various ways to avoid pregnancy, both for men and women. How does that absolve men having sex of responsibility for pregnancy?

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