Ilhan Omar Said In 2018 That White Men Should Be Monitored And Feared

" Securing Financial Persuasions Four Kin Kind Dread Aggression Four Common Interests "

The use of per capita must stop because it puts his black supremacist position in a bad light, revealing how black commit 10x more crime than whites.
* Much About Incidence Of Gang Land Financiers With Family Occupation Coincidence With Behavior Buy Tradition *

Gangs in the United States - Wikipedia

Racket (crime) - Wikipedia

Not altogether sure why chewing coca leaves is not a remedy for weight gain , as appetite is sedated , and all one need due thereafter is reduce eating by habit .

But we must also stop using averages as well, for example the fact that blacks have an average IQ of 80. Despite the fact that. IM2 himself boasts that very low IQ with the ludicrous suggestions.
* Opportunity Means Many Things Such As Fourth Write Width Candor *

Currently , clearly , ones introspective state temporarily includes sentience and sapience , while conditions for those sophisticated states are physical abilities delimiting utilities to rationalize ( cpu , cache ) for retention ( data , memory ) and for interfacing ( network ) .

A mean or median average expects exceptional intelligent quotients above and below the median or mean ; however , prejudice does not exercise objectivity , nor need prejudice not be helpful , nor need prejudice deny will full intentions .

Contemporary debates advise an existential emphasis on self actuation posit nurture over nature , and debates deride designations of stigmata as deficient decorum .

It is supposed some source that for stable government to persist through representative democracy , a median intelligence quotient of the voting public is expected to be no less than 90 , as an intelligence quotient of the electorate is seldom less than 10 points more than the intelligence quotient of the voting public , with suggestions being that pretentiousness and arrogance are limiting factors in advanced intelligence .

* Running Board Of Officiated None Sanctioned Non Violence Lists *

At issue with contemporary perceptions towards racialism is that pundits against racialism deride discrimination , - between mates suitable for procreation and based upon codons requisite for common phenotype as clad and indicative of hominid families - , is racism .

A definition for racism against which to delineate the public narrative is that a definition of racism should be that racism must include illegitimate aggression - violence - based upon race .

At issue is non violence principles which does not position that all aggression is illegitimate , only that by definition illegitimate aggression is violence , and that self defense is legitimate against violence .

A legitimate aggression expounds that informed consent helps best for facilitating compliance with non violence principles , knowing that non violence principles include self defense against illegitimate aggression , all while a list of illegitimate aggression - violence - remains contentious and to be determined , though basic conclusions can be reasoned as direct inferences such as homicide , such as enslavement , such as theft , such as adultery .

* Awl Real Eyes All Realize *

The contemporary level of informed consent through public propaganda add vice is that breeding with family near in common clad should be diminished by genetic admixture , as a pejorative - in breed .

The lineages of japheth are being compelled to decide whether it wishes to persist as an distinct identity while subjective to social constructs that facilitate only an heterogeneous availability of mates , significantly multiplying genetic admixture and increasing an inclusion of codons dominant or co-dominant over recessive codons more likely to be common among distributions of hominid families .

Genetic admixture - Wikipedia
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Omar has never been right about anything-unless you hate Jews.

The Muslims don't hate the Jews as much as they let on for all the rhetoric from the Middle East they put on for the mainstream media in the English language. They all hate us over there because we eat too much pork if we didn't do something else to violate some other established religious or cultural rule.
Ilhan Omar said last year that our country should be more fearful of White Man because they are causing most of the deaths in America and that we should be monitoring and profiling them.

It's very difficult to wade thru the algorithms of social media that prevents this story from being searched. But I found a twitter video that proves she actually said it.....even though Snopes claims she never said it.

Here's the link. QAnon’s Pastry Chef on Twitter

What is she doing on a Christian News Shows, who is interviewing her? I so doubt she was on a Christian talk show and saying what she said, so I say its FALSE.

sure does good talking and lip synching though.

Oh!... so what you are saying, it doesn't matter what a person says, but where they said it?
So if Trump talked about women in a men's locker room...that doesn't matter either?

Prove to me its real. No I believe tramp said that in the Accent tape, he admitted it.

also if its her, she has a point which I always knew white supremacists are the majority of home grown terrorists,

but its been highly taken out of context, if its real.

Of course its real, don't know why your being so silly. Why didn't you just look up the original clip, unedited?

First of all, when we are talking about the threat from Islamic Terrorists, we are pretty clear to say we are talking about Islamic terrorists. Not Brown people or tan people, or whatever you would like to use. SO why is it that she comes back with a solely racial take on everything?
When she says white people need to be prevented from radicalizing , does she mean they should be kept from becoming Muslim terrorists? There are plenty of white muslims you know.
Seems to me she probably doesn't really have a fear of white people so much as she is using that as a deflection from people being critical of terrorists because they happen to be muslim, then turns the whole thing on its head and makes the conversation about race.
" Work Is Force Applied Through A Distance While Power Is A Rate Of Work Per Amount Of Time And Why Ideas Are Powerful "

* Iterative Reference Through State Full Opportunity Of Social Media Out Lets *

yes monk----ALL TRUE AND NICELY presented----however what do you want the people and government of the USA to do about it?
Apply the valued merits of informed consent that necessarily includes the distribution of information .

Continue to expound that there is not a distinction between creed and religion and that there is not an exception for illegitimate aggression , for violence , in us first amendment , and that self defense is implicit with the theory .

Continue to invoke antinomianism against nomianism .
" Provisions Diminishing Sloth "

* Thanks For Providing References *

Of course its real, don't know why your being so silly. Why didn't you just look up the original clip, unedited?

First of all, when we are talking about the threat from Islamic Terrorists, we are pretty clear to say we are talking about Islamic terrorists. Not Brown people or tan people, or whatever you would like to use. SO why is it that she comes back with a solely racial take on everything?
When she says white people need to be prevented from radicalizing , does she mean they should be kept from becoming Muslim terrorists? There are plenty of white muslims you know.
Seems to me she probably doesn't really have a fear of white people so much as she is using that as a deflection from people being critical of terrorists because they happen to be muslim, then turns the whole thing on its head and makes the conversation about race.
The interviewer presented competent questions .

It was telling how ilhan deflected to foreign policy and tactically implemented the phrase that " both could be true " , thereby withdrawing concurrence with a challenged that it is justified to include fictional ishmaelism i slam adherents among those evaluated as potential threats along with tone in foreign and domestic policy .

* Incidence Is Correlated With Propensity And Opportunity *

Just as with all qualifying groups , that fictional ishmaelism includes tenets to violate non violence principles is not a religious matter , as there is not a difference between religion and creed , and there is not an exception for creed or religion within us first amendment to violate non violence principles , which is a matter of informed consent and entitlement to self defense .

Apparently , there are groups from multiple sides proposing that groups be included on a formal list of those designated as domestic and international terrorists .

Domestic terrorism in the United States - Wikipedia
List of designated terrorist groups - Wikipedia
Ilhan Omar said last year that our country should be more fearful of White Man because they are causing most of the deaths in America and that we should be monitoring and profiling them.

It's very difficult to wade thru the algorithms of social media that prevents this story from being searched. But I found a twitter video that proves she actually said it.....even though Snopes claims she never said it.

Here's the link. QAnon’s Pastry Chef on Twitter

And guess what: Pathetic racists in this forum are doing that very thing:
Trump Tacitly Supports US White Nationalism With Willful Inaction and Vocal Vitriol
White nationalists are a political force in the US.

She is a racist-----her comment has nothing to do with the fact that white males in the USA ---statistically engage in more mass shootings than do muslims-------they are unrelated issues. The SURVEILkANCE to which muslims object relates to surveillance of mosques known to be hotbeds of Islamic radicalizations that has led to many deaths----only some of them "mass shootings" ---most of them involved bombs
Ilhan Omar said last year that our country should be more fearful of White Man because they are causing most of the deaths in America and that we should be monitoring and profiling them.

It's very difficult to wade thru the algorithms of social media that prevents this story from being searched. But I found a twitter video that proves she actually said it.....even though Snopes claims she never said it.

Here's the link. QAnon’s Pastry Chef on Twitter

And guess what: Pathetic racists in this forum are doing that very thing:
Trump Tacitly Supports US White Nationalism With Willful Inaction and Vocal Vitriol
White nationalists are a political force in the US.
You are so blind.
This is part of a political campaign.
None of this is a coincidence.
And Democrats are behind it.
Ilhan Omar said last year that our country should be more fearful of White Man because they are causing most of the deaths in America and that we should be monitoring and profiling them.

It's very difficult to wade thru the algorithms of social media that prevents this story from being searched. But I found a twitter video that proves she actually said it.....even though Snopes claims she never said it.

Here's the link. QAnon’s Pastry Chef on Twitter

What is she doing on a Christian News Shows, who is interviewing her? I so doubt she was on a Christian talk show and saying what she said, so I say its FALSE.

sure does good talking and lip synching though.

Oh!... so what you are saying, it doesn't matter what a person says, but where they said it?
So if Trump talked about women in a men's locker room...that doesn't matter either?

Prove to me its real. No I believe tramp said that in the Accent tape, he admitted it.

also if its her, she has a point which I always knew white supremacists are the majority of home grown terrorists,

but its been highly taken out of context, if its real.
Ilhan Omar Hates America.

Omar’s four-minute riff on the theme that everything that goes wrong in the world is America’s fault.

Omar’s blame-America-first ideology is comprehensive. Are there refugees in the world? It’s because of American foreign policy! Are we raising money to help victims of floods abroad? Floods are our fault because climate change! Is it bad when American manufacturing jobs go overseas? Yes, but only because foreign workers are subjected to the horrors of American capitalism!

When you see a Somali refugee or an Iraqi refugee or a Libyan refugee, we often are like ‘this is my neighbor, they must have survived some struggle,’ we don’t ever pause to think ‘what American policy made them come over here?’

Omar herself is, of course, a Somali refugee. What American policy was it that “made Ilhan come over here?” Omar’s family fled Somalia for a refugee camp in Kenya because they were on the losing end of violent clan battles in Mogadishu. Is Somalia’s clan warfare America’s fault? I would love to hear Omar expound on that.

Actually, the American policy that “made” Omar come to America is the incredibly generous welcome that we extend to refugees. Omar was rescued from the Kenyan refugee camp, brought to America, sustained and educated at public expense, elected first to the Minnesota legislature and then to Congress at a remarkably young age. How cruel can you get? Omar sets a standard of ingratitude that may never be surpassed.

On second thought, though, Omar might have a point for once. Our refugee policy is perhaps one aspect of America’s foreign policy that needs to change.
Ilhan Omar said last year that our country should be more fearful of White Man because they are causing most of the deaths in America and that we should be monitoring and profiling them.

It's very difficult to wade thru the algorithms of social media that prevents this story from being searched. But I found a twitter video that proves she actually said it.....even though Snopes claims she never said it.

Here's the link. QAnon’s Pastry Chef on Twitter

What is she doing on a Christian News Shows, who is interviewing her? I so doubt she was on a Christian talk show and saying what she said, so I say its FALSE.

sure does good talking and lip synching though.

Oh!... so what you are saying, it doesn't matter what a person says, but where they said it?
So if Trump talked about women in a men's locker room...that doesn't matter either?

Prove to me its real. No I believe tramp said that in the Accent tape, he admitted it.

also if its her, she has a point which I always knew white supremacists are the majority of home grown terrorists,

but its been highly taken out of context, if its real.
Ilhan Omar Hates America.

Omar’s four-minute riff on the theme that everything that goes wrong in the world is America’s fault.

Omar’s blame-America-first ideology is comprehensive. Are there refugees in the world? It’s because of American foreign policy! Are we raising money to help victims of floods abroad? Floods are our fault because climate change! Is it bad when American manufacturing jobs go overseas? Yes, but only because foreign workers are subjected to the horrors of American capitalism!

When you see a Somali refugee or an Iraqi refugee or a Libyan refugee, we often are like ‘this is my neighbor, they must have survived some struggle,’ we don’t ever pause to think ‘what American policy made them come over here?’

Omar herself is, of course, a Somali refugee. What American policy was it that “made Ilhan come over here?” Omar’s family fled Somalia for a refugee camp in Kenya because they were on the losing end of violent clan battles in Mogadishu. Is Somalia’s clan warfare America’s fault? I would love to hear Omar expound on that.

Actually, the American policy that “made” Omar come to America is the incredibly generous welcome that we extend to refugees. Omar was rescued from the Kenyan refugee camp, brought to America, sustained and educated at public expense, elected first to the Minnesota legislature and then to Congress at a remarkably young age. How cruel can you get? Omar sets a standard of ingratitude that may never be surpassed.

On second thought, though, Omar might have a point for once. Our refugee policy is perhaps one aspect of America’s foreign policy that needs to change.

Right wing white men can't handle the truth.
Ilhan Omar said last year that our country should be more fearful of White Man because they are causing most of the deaths in America and that we should be monitoring and profiling them.

It's very difficult to wade thru the algorithms of social media that prevents this story from being searched. But I found a twitter video that proves she actually said it.....even though Snopes claims she never said it.

Here's the link. QAnon’s Pastry Chef on Twitter

And guess what: Pathetic racists in this forum are doing that very thing:
Trump Tacitly Supports US White Nationalism With Willful Inaction and Vocal Vitriol
White nationalists are a political force in the US.
You are so blind.
This is part of a political campaign.
None of this is a coincidence.
And Democrats are behind it.

Ilhan Omar said last year that our country should be more fearful of White Man because they are causing most of the deaths in America and that we should be monitoring and profiling them.

It's very difficult to wade thru the algorithms of social media that prevents this story from being searched. But I found a twitter video that proves she actually said it.....even though Snopes claims she never said it.

Here's the link. QAnon’s Pastry Chef on Twitter

What is she doing on a Christian News Shows, who is interviewing her? I so doubt she was on a Christian talk show and saying what she said, so I say its FALSE.

sure does good talking and lip synching though.

Oh!... so what you are saying, it doesn't matter what a person says, but where they said it?
So if Trump talked about women in a men's locker room...that doesn't matter either?

Prove to me its real. No I believe tramp said that in the Accent tape, he admitted it.

also if its her, she has a point which I always knew white supremacists are the majority of home grown terrorists,

but its been highly taken out of context, if its real.
Ilhan Omar Hates America.

Omar’s four-minute riff on the theme that everything that goes wrong in the world is America’s fault.

Omar’s blame-America-first ideology is comprehensive. Are there refugees in the world? It’s because of American foreign policy! Are we raising money to help victims of floods abroad? Floods are our fault because climate change! Is it bad when American manufacturing jobs go overseas? Yes, but only because foreign workers are subjected to the horrors of American capitalism!

When you see a Somali refugee or an Iraqi refugee or a Libyan refugee, we often are like ‘this is my neighbor, they must have survived some struggle,’ we don’t ever pause to think ‘what American policy made them come over here?’

Omar herself is, of course, a Somali refugee. What American policy was it that “made Ilhan come over here?” Omar’s family fled Somalia for a refugee camp in Kenya because they were on the losing end of violent clan battles in Mogadishu. Is Somalia’s clan warfare America’s fault? I would love to hear Omar expound on that.

Actually, the American policy that “made” Omar come to America is the incredibly generous welcome that we extend to refugees. Omar was rescued from the Kenyan refugee camp, brought to America, sustained and educated at public expense, elected first to the Minnesota legislature and then to Congress at a remarkably young age. How cruel can you get? Omar sets a standard of ingratitude that may never be surpassed.

On second thought, though, Omar might have a point for once. Our refugee policy is perhaps one aspect of America’s foreign policy that needs to change.

Right wing white men can't handle the truth.

Sure we can.... the truth is Omar hates US.
The problem is that we have trouble with how we group people. There are heterosexual white men all over the place who are honorable people and deserve respect. Then there is a subgroup of heterosexual white males who are playing identity politics; trying to achieve status and power merely because they are white heterosexual males. These are people who have no outstanding personal achievement.
As the Bible says, Somalians do not change their spots! Do the math, the are genetically prone to criminal activity. Yes, Obama is closely related to those savages.

Any ballistic experts here? Sounds like they are using .22 caliber when they should be using at least .357 magnum.

Okay here is how you deal with Solamian terrorists.

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The problem is that we have trouble with how we group people. There are heterosexual white men all over the place who are honorable people and deserve respect. Then there is a subgroup of heterosexual white males who are playing identity politics; trying to achieve status and power merely because they are white heterosexual males. These are people who have no outstanding personal achievement.

yes there are------(heterosexual white males who play "me white man" ) ----
but they do not have much impact on the EFFECTIVE ethos of American
society. --------the fact, CERTAINLY, does not justify the filth of the
Omar slut who TRAGICALLY is actually in a position of power
The Somalian married her Somalian brother, very illegal and unethical...unless you believe The Bible and Koran are not insane ravings of sick middle east mental cases.

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