I'll blackmail my own country

holding on to government documents to be used anytime he wants to defend himself is beyond illegal.
how exactly? explain it to us.

He has the authority.


that would be this:

Obstruction of justice
18 U.S.C. § 1503 defines "obstruction of justice" as an act that "corruptly or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice."

Someone obstructs justice when that person has a specific intent to obstruct or interfere with a judicial proceeding. For a person to be convicted of obstructing justice, that person must not only have the specific intent to obstruct the proceeding, but that person must know (1) that a proceeding was actually pending at the time; and (2) there must be a connection between the endeavor to obstruct justice and the proceeding, and the person must have knowledge of this connection.

§ 1503 applies only to federal judicial proceedings. Under 18 U.S.C. § 1505, however, a defendant can be convicted of obstruction of justice by obstructing a pending proceeding before Congress or a federal administrative agency. A pending proceeding could include an informal investigation by an executive agency.

Obstruction of justice

because NOBODY is above the law.

you're welcome.
First of all, Obstruction of Justice needs a crime to obstruct first.
How is Trump supposed to obstruct justice when someone he knows lied to investigators about nothing?

no it doesnt you idiot
Yup. He and the other lefty loons are frothing at the mouth waiting to here all about that non existent collusion.

Sucks to be them.

Waiting to “here” about it? Yup, you’re certainly not a thinker.

And who isn’t interested in hearing what Mueller finds?

The Orange Virus' bank raided by German Police this morning, along with FBI raids the offices of Chicago Aldermen Ed Burke, who conducted property tax appeals for Orange. Yikes. Lot's of Orange-related shit going down and It's not even Friday yet.

You know, a couple of months back, when crap really started to hit the fan concerning Trump, some reporters were saying that this was Trump's worst week ever in his presidency.

Then the next week, stuff piled up even higher, and they said that they thought last week was his worst, but this week is going even worse.

And, it continued to go down from there. Now? I'm wondering how far down Trump is gonna dig.

I know I'm entertained. :113:

You know Tumbleweed, I'd be entertained as hell too, if the stakes weren't so high.

But then again, I don't like seeing this country being laughed at by the rest of the world.

not to mention he's completely whacked & has nukes literally at his cheeto dust ladened fingertips..

Waiting to “here” about it? Yup, you’re certainly not a thinker.

And who isn’t interested in hearing what Mueller finds?

The Orange Virus' bank raided by German Police this morning, along with FBI raids the offices of Chicago Aldermen Ed Burke, who conducted property tax appeals for Orange. Yikes. Lot's of Orange-related shit going down and It's not even Friday yet.

You know, a couple of months back, when crap really started to hit the fan concerning Trump, some reporters were saying that this was Trump's worst week ever in his presidency.

Then the next week, stuff piled up even higher, and they said that they thought last week was his worst, but this week is going even worse.

And, it continued to go down from there. Now? I'm wondering how far down Trump is gonna dig.

I know I'm entertained. :113:

You know Tumbleweed, I'd be entertained as hell too, if the stakes weren't so high.

But then again, I don't like seeing this country being laughed at by the rest of the world.

I don't like it one bit either. But elect a clown, and we get the circus that comes with it.
Well, until we get rid of all of Obama's spies and Hillary's operatives, the circus will continue.
holding on to government documents to be used anytime he wants to defend himself is beyond illegal.
how exactly? explain it to us.

He has the authority.


that would be this:

Obstruction of justice
18 U.S.C. § 1503 defines "obstruction of justice" as an act that "corruptly or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice."

Someone obstructs justice when that person has a specific intent to obstruct or interfere with a judicial proceeding. For a person to be convicted of obstructing justice, that person must not only have the specific intent to obstruct the proceeding, but that person must know (1) that a proceeding was actually pending at the time; and (2) there must be a connection between the endeavor to obstruct justice and the proceeding, and the person must have knowledge of this connection.

§ 1503 applies only to federal judicial proceedings. Under 18 U.S.C. § 1505, however, a defendant can be convicted of obstruction of justice by obstructing a pending proceeding before Congress or a federal administrative agency. A pending proceeding could include an informal investigation by an executive agency.

Obstruction of justice

because NOBODY is above the law.

you're welcome.
First of all, Obstruction of Justice needs a crime to obstruct first.
How is Trump supposed to obstruct justice when someone he knows lied to investigators about nothing?

ummm lookey at the BIG word i emboldened just for you.... cause you are one of them thar poorly educated voters trump loves long time.

allllllllllll that is needed is the intent, lenny.
he can declassify any document. hmmmmm didn't you know that?

Documents are classified for one reason: they contain information considered harmful for the nation. If they can safely be declassified they should be. If not, they stay classified.

There should be NO information classified that the president can declassify if it isn’t harmless. And if it is, it should have been declassified already.
guess who makes that call? yep, the President.
Are you serious?
Are you really telling me that you think it is fine that information is being withheld from you only to protect certain individuals?
In case you haven’t noticed, the cult members are fine with anything trump does.
Let's not pretend that if a Democrat president were doing this, you'd be 1000% behind it.

And they wouldn't even bother to look apologetic for it.

Sorry, but you can't drag me into your hell with your delusions.
Obviously that isn't the case or he would have already released them. Are you that stupid?
Democrats haven’t begun investigating him yet, so why would he release them when his threat was that he would release them if they investigate him?

They would need evidence. I cant wait.
You mean you don’t care that trump lied to you when he said he would release them?

Like millions of others I couldn't care less about Trump tax returns.

I know that man pays millions in taxes every year and if there were something shady about his returns the IRS would have been all over it.

No one but lefty loons like you give a shit.

Dumbfuck, my question wasn’t, do you care about seeing his taxes?

My question was, do you not care that he lied to you about releasing them?

He changed his mind. People do it all the time.

Suck it up buttercup.

You mean like he did when he said he had no dealings in Russia, only today we learn he was negotiating with them to build a Trump Tower in Moscow?

No worries, I already knew you don’t care that he lies to you.

Your right. I don't care about his business dealings. Not at all.

Now if I were doing business with him, which I will never be doing, I would care.

Unlike you I never sweat the small stuff. And I sure as hell don't go looking for collusion where there isn't any.
You don’t care if his actions as president help him make substantial profit?
You don’t care if his actions as president help him make substantial profit?

How much did Slick, W and QUEER-O make for selling out America for 24 years???

A: Zionist Traitors love those three, since they wrecked the US to "serve ISRAEL"
he can declassify any document. hmmmmm didn't you know that?

Documents are classified for one reason: they contain information considered harmful for the nation. If they can safely be declassified they should be. If not, they stay classified.

There should be NO information classified that the president can declassify if it isn’t harmless. And if it is, it should have been declassified already.
guess who makes that call? yep, the President.
Are you serious?
Are you really telling me that you think it is fine that information is being withheld from you only to protect certain individuals?
In case you haven’t noticed, the cult members are fine with anything trump does.
Let's not pretend that if a Democrat president were doing this, you'd be 1000% behind it.

And they wouldn't even bother to look apologetic for it.
Many Democrats have been president and never did anything like this
Democrats haven’t begun investigating him yet, so why would he release them when his threat was that he would release them if they investigate him?

They would need evidence. I cant wait.
Like millions of others I couldn't care less about Trump tax returns.

I know that man pays millions in taxes every year and if there were something shady about his returns the IRS would have been all over it.

No one but lefty loons like you give a shit.

Dumbfuck, my question wasn’t, do you care about seeing his taxes?

My question was, do you not care that he lied to you about releasing them?

He changed his mind. People do it all the time.

Suck it up buttercup.

You mean like he did when he said he had no dealings in Russia, only today we learn he was negotiating with them to build a Trump Tower in Moscow?

No worries, I already knew you don’t care that he lies to you.

Your right. I don't care about his business dealings. Not at all.

Now if I were doing business with him, which I will never be doing, I would care.

Unlike you I never sweat the small stuff. And I sure as hell don't go looking for collusion where there isn't any.
You don’t care if his actions as president help him make substantial profit?

poor donny - he's also got an active suit against him concerning the emoluments clause too.....

tsk tsk tsk....
Documents are classified for one reason: they contain information considered harmful for the nation. If they can safely be declassified they should be. If not, they stay classified.

There should be NO information classified that the president can declassify if it isn’t harmless. And if it is, it should have been declassified already.
guess who makes that call? yep, the President.
Are you serious?
Are you really telling me that you think it is fine that information is being withheld from you only to protect certain individuals?
In case you haven’t noticed, the cult members are fine with anything trump does.
Let's not pretend that if a Democrat president were doing this, you'd be 1000% behind it.

And they wouldn't even bother to look apologetic for it.

Sorry, but you can't drag me into your hell with your delusions.
Truth is hell to you? Amazing.
guess who makes that call? yep, the President.
Are you serious?
Are you really telling me that you think it is fine that information is being withheld from you only to protect certain individuals?
In case you haven’t noticed, the cult members are fine with anything trump does.
Let's not pretend that if a Democrat president were doing this, you'd be 1000% behind it.

And they wouldn't even bother to look apologetic for it.

Sorry, but you can't drag me into your hell with your delusions.
Truth is hell to you? Amazing.
Your truth is fake.
F with me - I'll show you .............

Trump Threatens to Declassify 'Devastating' Documents if House Democrats Launch Probes

I say the old derelict is bluffing, and talking shit - like he always does.
Trump told the paper he would declassify FISA warrant applications and other confidential documents from Robert Mueller’s investigation,
Isn't this the stuff that the Judiciary Committee already saw a year or so ago? Even though we didn't "see" it, everyone knows what was generally in it.
If you ask me, Trump wouldn't know "devastating evidence" if he tripped over it. Some Republican hack that works for him told him it was the "goods."

Actually it was congressional investigators that asked for the declassification. Trump actually ordered the agencies involved to declassify them and then someone convinced Trump to hold off and have Horowitz review them.


actually, your little story sounds like bullcrap

Fuck off propagandist.

Exclusive: House Intel GOP asked Trump to declassify key parts of Carter Page FISA application

DOJ Inspector General reviews alleged FISA abuses by DOJ, FBI

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I cannot understand why all the Trump sheep think my post is so funny.

Do you sheep really think that Trump should be holding onto the documents and not releasing them just to use them as blackmail against the House dems?
If the Dems didnt do anything wrong, why would it be blackmail???

One more time...IF Trump has the documents, does the country not have a right to see them?
Apparently the Democrats think the only rights you have it the right to die and pay taxes after you die.

Seems you and Trump agree with them.
Are you serious?
Are you really telling me that you think it is fine that information is being withheld from you only to protect certain individuals?
In case you haven’t noticed, the cult members are fine with anything trump does.
Let's not pretend that if a Democrat president were doing this, you'd be 1000% behind it.

And they wouldn't even bother to look apologetic for it.

Sorry, but you can't drag me into your hell with your delusions.
Truth is hell to you? Amazing.
Your truth is fake.

his idea of truth is that an apple is yellow & monkeys eat them....
In case you haven’t noticed, the cult members are fine with anything trump does.
Let's not pretend that if a Democrat president were doing this, you'd be 1000% behind it.

And they wouldn't even bother to look apologetic for it.

Sorry, but you can't drag me into your hell with your delusions.
Truth is hell to you? Amazing.
Your truth is fake.

his idea of truth is that an apple is yellow & monkeys eat them....



Any questions, dumb ass?


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