I'll blackmail my own country

Let's not pretend that if a Democrat president were doing this, you'd be 1000% behind it.

And they wouldn't even bother to look apologetic for it.

Sorry, but you can't drag me into your hell with your delusions.
Truth is hell to you? Amazing.
Your truth is fake.

his idea of truth is that an apple is yellow & monkeys eat them....

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Any questions, dumb ass?


I have to give it to you...that was damn funny! :21::21::21:
Let's not pretend that if a Democrat president were doing this, you'd be 1000% behind it.

And they wouldn't even bother to look apologetic for it.

Sorry, but you can't drag me into your hell with your delusions.
Truth is hell to you? Amazing.
Your truth is fake.

his idea of truth is that an apple is yellow & monkeys eat them....

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View attachment 231656

Any questions, dumb ass?


nice try, but twisting the truth to suit your needs doesn't cut it little kitty.... bet you got that from breitbart, or perhaps gateway pundit? you're going out of your way to fit a square peg in a round hole to try to score?

Sorry, but you can't drag me into your hell with your delusions.
Truth is hell to you? Amazing.
Your truth is fake.

his idea of truth is that an apple is yellow & monkeys eat them....

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View attachment 231656

Any questions, dumb ass?


nice try, but twisting the truth to suit your needs doesn't cut it little kitty.... bet you got that from breitbart, or perhaps gateway pundit? you're going out of your way to fit a square peg in a round hole to try to score?

You're the dumb ass that acted like they didn't exist, two simple searches prove just how fucking stupid you are. Own it propagandist, you're welcome.


Sorry, but you can't drag me into your hell with your delusions.
Truth is hell to you? Amazing.
Your truth is fake.

his idea of truth is that an apple is yellow & monkeys eat them....

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View attachment 231656

Any questions, dumb ass?


nice try, but twisting the truth to suit your needs doesn't cut it little kitty.... bet you got that from breitbart, or perhaps gateway pundit? you're going out of your way to fit a square peg in a round hole to try to score?

Just admit you got owned and move on.
he cant buy his way out so he will try and lie his way out.

that's called being painted into a corner, and getting desperate ..

How is declassifying documents that expose FBI corruption "lying"?

what documents.

all he has is a mirror, a comb, and a can of hairspray.

correction.... he has a mirror, a comb, & 57686843525358595027 cans of hairspray.
OMG, that's just too fucking funny! :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
Democrats haven’t begun investigating him yet, so why would he release them when his threat was that he would release them if they investigate him?

They would need evidence. I cant wait.
Like millions of others I couldn't care less about Trump tax returns.

I know that man pays millions in taxes every year and if there were something shady about his returns the IRS would have been all over it.

No one but lefty loons like you give a shit.

Dumbfuck, my question wasn’t, do you care about seeing his taxes?

My question was, do you not care that he lied to you about releasing them?

He changed his mind. People do it all the time.

Suck it up buttercup.

You mean like he did when he said he had no dealings in Russia, only today we learn he was negotiating with them to build a Trump Tower in Moscow?

No worries, I already knew you don’t care that he lies to you.

Your right. I don't care about his business dealings. Not at all.

Now if I were doing business with him, which I will never be doing, I would care.

Unlike you I never sweat the small stuff. And I sure as hell don't go looking for collusion where there isn't any.
You don’t care if his actions as president help him make substantial profit?
Got something against capitalism? Move to Iran.
If he has them he should have already declassified them.

If he has them and he has not yet done so he is a dirty and corrupt as they are.

It was alluded to back in October when he was first going to release them,
that it would endanger our relationships with the French, Britain and Israeli
Intelligent services. Some folks in DC were saying that Brennan and th CIA
got those foreign governments to spy on Americans and then share the info
with the US.

I'm assuming that those foreign govt's would be pissed because they
were just doing what they thought was a favor to the CIA and did not
realize they were being dragged into a pseudo coup attempt.
I cannot understand why all the Trump sheep think my post is so funny.

Do you sheep really think that Trump should be holding onto the documents and not releasing them just to use them as blackmail against the House dems?
If the Dems didnt do anything wrong, why would it be blackmail???
It isn't blackmail....he needs to declassify NOW.
Patience......as soon as the indictments are unsealed he can declassify them.
There's gonna be alot of people doing the perpwalk pretty soon.
"There's gonna be alot [sic] of people doing the perpwalk [sic] pretty soon." Perhaps not the people you think.........:eusa_whistle:
Trump will release them in his own good time.
Like his taxes, right? :badgrin:

The only ones who care about his taxes are lefty loons like you. No one else gives shit one.
That "no one else gives shit one" only applies to tiny trump, right? Next Dem better release them, right?

Unlike you I couldn't care less about some ones tax returns.

Dem or Rep makes no difference to me.
Democrats haven’t begun investigating him yet, so why would he release them when his threat was that he would release them if they investigate him?

They would need evidence. I cant wait.
Like millions of others I couldn't care less about Trump tax returns.

I know that man pays millions in taxes every year and if there were something shady about his returns the IRS would have been all over it.

No one but lefty loons like you give a shit.

Dumbfuck, my question wasn’t, do you care about seeing his taxes?

My question was, do you not care that he lied to you about releasing them?

He changed his mind. People do it all the time.

Suck it up buttercup.

You mean like he did when he said he had no dealings in Russia, only today we learn he was negotiating with them to build a Trump Tower in Moscow?

No worries, I already knew you don’t care that he lies to you.

Dealings with russia doesn't equate to collusion with russia. Next.
and collusion isn't a crime.
Who said collusion was a crime? Conspiracy is, tho. As is perjury. And blackmail.
Obviously that isn't the case or he would have already released them. Are you that stupid?
Democrats haven’t begun investigating him yet, so why would he release them when his threat was that he would release them if they investigate him?

They would need evidence. I cant wait.
You mean you don’t care that trump lied to you when he said he would release them?

Like millions of others I couldn't care less about Trump tax returns.

I know that man pays millions in taxes every year and if there were something shady about his returns the IRS would have been all over it.

No one but lefty loons like you give a shit.

Dumbfuck, my question wasn’t, do you care about seeing his taxes?

My question was, do you not care that he lied to you about releasing them?

He changed his mind. People do it all the time.

Suck it up buttercup.

You mean like he did when he said he had no dealings in Russia, only today we learn he was negotiating with them to build a Trump Tower in Moscow?

No worries, I already knew you don’t care that he lies to you.

Your right. I don't care about his business dealings. Not at all.

Now if I were doing business with him, which I will never be doing, I would care.

Unlike you I never sweat the small stuff. And I sure as hell don't go looking for collusion where there isn't any.
And now we are to step three.

Step one: He didn't do it.

Step two: Everyone does it.

Step three: I don't care if he did it.

Step four: ?????

He changed his mind. People do it all the time.

Suck it up buttercup.

You mean like he did when he said he had no dealings in Russia, only today we learn he was negotiating with them to build a Trump Tower in Moscow?

No worries, I already knew you don’t care that he lies to you.

Dealings with russia doesn't equate to collusion with russia. Next.
You sound brain-dead. Where did I say that had anything to do with collusion??

Wrong, I already know the broken record playing in your head: collusion, russia. Its a given.

Yup. He and the other lefty loons are frothing at the mouth waiting to here all about that non existent collusion.

Sucks to be them.
Make up your trumpanzee minds. Either collusion is non-existent -OR- it isn't a crime.

Which is your current talking point?

You mean like he did when he said he had no dealings in Russia, only today we learn he was negotiating with them to build a Trump Tower in Moscow?

No worries, I already knew you don’t care that he lies to you.

Dealings with russia doesn't equate to collusion with russia. Next.
You sound brain-dead. Where did I say that had anything to do with collusion??

Wrong, I already know the broken record playing in your head: collusion, russia. Its a given.

Yup. He and the other lefty loons are frothing at the mouth waiting to here all about that non existent collusion.

Sucks to be them.
Make up your trumpanzee minds. Either collusion is non-existent -OR- it isn't a crime.

Which is your current talking point?

My talking point is that there is no Trump/Russia election collusion.
Dealings with russia doesn't equate to collusion with russia. Next.
You sound brain-dead. Where did I say that had anything to do with collusion??

Wrong, I already know the broken record playing in your head: collusion, russia. Its a given.

I said nothing about trump committing collusion. What’s playing in your head are the demons who haunt you; not anything I have said.

Dont think so. Ive seen this story before.
Who cares what you think? My posts are here and there is no mention of me accusing trump of collusion. That means you’re accusing me of saying that anyway based on nothing but your own hallucinations. :cuckoo:
That's always referred to as a "straw man" and it is an act of desperation by posters who cannot debate an issue on its factual merits.
Dealings with russia doesn't equate to collusion with russia. Next.
You sound brain-dead. Where did I say that had anything to do with collusion??

Wrong, I already know the broken record playing in your head: collusion, russia. Its a given.

Yup. He and the other lefty loons are frothing at the mouth waiting to here all about that non existent collusion.

Sucks to be them.
Make up your trumpanzee minds. Either collusion is non-existent -OR- it isn't a crime.

Which is your current talking point?

My talking point is that there is no Trump/Russia election collusion.
Ok, might want to get with your fellow trumpanzees....some are claiming that collusion isn't a crime.

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