I'll vote for Trump because ...

Why will you vote for Trump? Choose the main reason

  • Because he has a sound fiscal policy

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Because he will keep illegals outside the U.S.

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Because he has the correct policies to bring jobs back

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Because his healthcar policy proposal is astounding

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't like Trump but Hiliary is unacceptable.

    Votes: 13 54.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 6 25.0%

  • Total voters
It must be really frustrating for the left. They're used to being able to chip away at their opponents by constantly harping on and blowing out of proportion some meaningless comment or youthful indiscretion from decades earlier as a distraction from their OWN candidate's many CURRENT flaws, including crimes and ethical violations only to have their efforts fail this time. Now, when they have an opponent who they REALLY need to stop at all costs, no one is listening. Their attempts to stop Trump through a campaign of personal destruction are now being rejected by the voters and they've run out of tricks. Welcome President Donald Trump.
I've seen this attempt to paint Trump as reneging on his tax plan before. It's bullshit. He's saying that he puts out his best proposal to start out but is realistic in that he can't force Congress to accept it. They will negotiate and by the time the negotiations are done, his bottom line will most likely be higher than he wanted, but his main objective is to lower them for the middle class. You should be glad he's not threatening to use his phone and his pen like our current dictator to circumvent Congress by using EOs.
Personally, I don't think Trump has a sound plan ( I might be wrong of course) , but I've seen him support two oposite view points at different points of his life.
What I think is he will say whatever is more popular with his constituency.
Anyway, why will you vote for him ?
No, you’re not wrong – Trump has no understanding of sound, responsible governance.

He’s a bigot, a con man, and inconsistent on his positions.

Trump has no business being president.

And he’s supported two different points of view over just the last few months.

Replace with he with she and you have your candidate..

Silly far left drone!
Trump will support two opposite points a view within the same interview. He has already reversed himself on taxes at least twice. I can understand his lack of and reversal on policy but what is most scary about Trump is he has no philosophy of governing, no guiding principals, just issues. That can work well in the world of business where there is only one goal, maximizing profits but as head of state it is disastrous.
Sounds like what we need. Someone willing to listen, change his views if it's what the people want instead of ramming them down our throats like obama. No guiding principles, just issues? Did you even understand what you wrote?

We are long overdue for someone that understands money doesn't grow on trees, how is that a disqualifier? You and all those like you are part of the problem. Career politicians with no invested interest have been calling the shots for a long time. No matter what goes down they rake it in and laugh all the way to the bank.

Trump has a lot of rough edges but I'd rather get a laugh out of that instead of worrying about what some slick politicians really had in mind. All the lies obama has told America and leftists have learned nothing. They prefer more of the same. I don't!
No, the people expect the president to know exactly where he's leading the country. Throwing up his hands and shrugging his shoulders won't do it nor will making excuses about being an outsider. From day one, the president has to understand how the government works, how his foreign policy will fit into his world view, and how his domestic agenda fits into his philosophy of governing. He can and should rely on advisers to help, but advisers are not there to educate.

Yes, a president should be open to changing his view, but not principals. That of course assumes he has principles.
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Misleading my ass.......he demeans women, thinks of them as objects. And, no intelligent woman is going to reject liberals and vote for Trump....only the dumbasses that are already committed to him because they don't know any better will.
Millions of female Trump supporters disagree with your worthless opinion. But keep it up, the more you insult females by telling them what they think, the more determined they will be to prove you wrong.

The bimbos that are voting for Trump are not important to the general election. Most self-respecting women would not vote for someone who demeans women and considers them objects to be used and abused. But, like Megan Kelly, who is now willing to forget how he embarrassed her in front of millions of viewers....so are the many bimbos that follow him around and cheer to his demeaning of other women.

I guess Trump supporters were right about Megan Kelly...she has no scruples and is a bimbo...but then, that's the description that fits women who support Trump.

As compared to what, women that support a wife who defended her husband knowing he was screwing around with a girl young enough to be his daughter?

We all have morals I guess.........
When Trump was married to his 2nd wife who was his younger mistress when married to his first wife, he took up screwing a girl that was only old enough to be his daughter, then dumped the second wife to marry the daughter age girl.... you can count on his next wife to be even younger, a grandchild's age the next time around.....wonder if he will be in office when he trades his daughter aged wife in? :rolleyes:

Bill's infidelity was awful, never thought someone could beat him out on his philandering.... but we have a winner!!! Ding ding ding, and the winner is, DONALD TRUMP!

hypocrite much?

Me a hypocrite? You're the one that calls his supporters bimbos as if Bill or Hillary never did anything wrong in that regards.
I don't think trump supporters are bimbos, I think they have completely lost their minds in a very cult like fashion!!! :eek:

Bimbos, they are not, bad people they are not...
The man is intellectually and emotionally unfair for office.

Go ahead defend the politician's 40 year record of failure.

There are your two conflicting views on Donald Trump.

You have idiots who can't cobble together a coherent thought well enough to say what is wrong with Trump opposed by idiots who can't tell you what's right about Trump. Maybe it was auto-correct, a brain fart or Freudian slip the first poster said "unfair" instead of "unfit" ...but I think it was telling. Those who oppose Trump don't think it's "fair" that activists with another agenda get to steal their thunder. His nationalist, populist, anti-PC cut the bullshit movement grates on their last nerve. On the other side are his dumbed-down supporters who point in anger at all things political and scream... burn it all to the damn ground!

I posted a thread on it a long time back... People are voting for Donald Trump because Donald DUCK wasn't an option. They are so disillusioned with government and politicians... so fed up with having smoke blown up their ass by government hacks... they have said to hell with it all! If the place has turned into a three ring circus, let's elect P.T. Barnum to run it. May as well!

I can't participate in your poll, I am not sure I will vote for Trump at this time. I will be surprised if I change my mind. Nothing he or his supporters are saying is winning me over and to be honest, they are kind of embarrassing me. I'm not sure I want to be associated with this party anymore.

I've never been a big fan of republicans, but at least Reagan and George H Bush had consistent viewpoints. I can respect that even if I don't like them.
Trump? He is a consumate showman and a master at contradicting himself.
I trully don't know what his policies will be: What is part of a reallity show and what is truly part of his core values? I am absolutely clueless.

I think Trump's core values are clearly demonstrated on the debate stage. The Trump vs Hillary Debate (the mother of all debates) should be entertaining to watch.
Ah maybe, but then it only takes 90 seconds of this video to become suspicious.
Once again, I am under the impression that he is a consumate showman. I understand people can switch viewpoints over a lifetime. But switching viewpoint in every single aspect? That is hard to believe.
Each day I am more convinced that Trump is only loyal to himself. He will say whatever he needs to say to cause raucous and attract media attention and voters.

Ah maybe, but then it only takes 90 seconds of this video to become suspicious.
Once again, I am under the impression that he is a consumate showman. I understand people can switch viewpoints over a lifetime. But switching viewpoint in every single aspect? That is hard to believe.
Each day I am more convinced that Trump is only loyal to himself. He will say whatever he needs to say to cause raucous and attract media attention and voters.

Yesterday, he was asked about his infamous "ban on Muslims" and he articulated that everything he says as a candidate is "just a suggestion." So all you idiots who supported him... take note... everything he has said while campaigning for president has been nothing more than a SUGGESTION.
Ah maybe, but then it only takes 90 seconds of this video to become suspicious.
Once again, I am under the impression that he is a consumate showman. I understand people can switch viewpoints over a lifetime. But switching viewpoint in every single aspect? That is hard to believe.
Each day I am more convinced that Trump is only loyal to himself. He will say whatever he needs to say to cause raucous and attract media attention and voters.

Yesterday, he was asked about his infamous "ban on Muslims" and he articulated that everything he says as a candidate is "just a suggestion." So all you idiots who supported him... take note... everything he has said while campaigning for president has been nothing more than a SUGGESTION.
You were expecting him to be a dictator? I guess he won't be abolishing the IRS either, huh? Oh wait, that was Lyin' Ted, wasn't it?
I guess he won't be abolishing the IRS either, huh?

I don't expect Trump will be abolishing anything, he is a Big Government Liberal. He will expand government and usurp more of our personal liberty. But this will be fun watching you try and get him elected.

Let's see... last we spoke, he had backpedaled on his tax plan and came out in favor of taxing the rich and raising the minimum wage... this week we've learned that he really doesn't have any core agenda or vision, he plans to get elected then figure all that stuff out when he gets there. And everything he says on the campaign trail is nothing but a mere suggestion. .....Oh..... AND.... that trannies in the restrooms are a state issue and he has no opinion on it. ....Even though, as of Friday, when he was asked, it was made a Title IX issue by the Obama Administration and has now nationalized our restrooms. Oh and btw... Trump's current "no opinion on it" is a flip-flop from last week when he said "NC made a big mistake" and "transgenders can use any restroom they feel like using."

Ya boy might be ready for Prime Time but I don't think it's THIS show.... I don't think he can make the cut. :lmao:
Trump will support two opposite points a view within the same interview. He has already reversed himself on taxes at least twice. I can understand his lack of and reversal on policy but what is most scary about Trump is he has no philosophy of governing, no guiding principals, just issues. That can work well in the world of business where there is only one goal, maximizing profits but as head of state it is disastrous.
Sounds like what we need. Someone willing to listen, change his views if it's what the people want instead of ramming them down our throats like obama. No guiding principles, just issues? Did you even understand what you wrote?

We are long overdue for someone that understands money doesn't grow on trees, how is that a disqualifier? You and all those like you are part of the problem. Career politicians with no invested interest have been calling the shots for a long time. No matter what goes down they rake it in and laugh all the way to the bank.

Trump has a lot of rough edges but I'd rather get a laugh out of that instead of worrying about what some slick politicians really had in mind. All the lies obama has told America and leftists have learned nothing. They prefer more of the same. I don't!
No, the people expect the president to know exactly where he's leading the country. Throwing up his hands and shrugging his shoulders won't do it nor will making excuses about being an outsider. From day one, the president has to understand how the government works, how his foreign policy will fit into his world view, and how his domestic agenda fits into his philosophy of governing. He can and should rely on advisers to help, but advisers are not there to educate.

Yes, a president should be open to changing his view, but not principals. That of course assumes he has principles.
That's hilarious since we are winding up obama's eighth year in office and I've never seen a liberal complain about things like his change on same sex marriage, the middle east or our medical insurance plans. He was the most junior senator with hardly a voting record, voting present many times and his only qualifications was his liberal beliefs.

You have a consistency problem and want to criticize Trump and imply he doesn't even have principles. That's why we can't take liberals seriously, you have no backbone or principles of your own, you simply make the accusations against your enemies and hope it sticks.
I guess he won't be abolishing the IRS either, huh?

I don't expect Trump will be abolishing anything, he is a Big Government Liberal. He will expand government and usurp more of our personal liberty. But this will be fun watching you try and get him elected.

Let's see... last we spoke, he had backpedaled on his tax plan and came out in favor of taxing the rich and raising the minimum wage... this week we've learned that he really doesn't have any core agenda or vision, he plans to get elected then figure all that stuff out when he gets there. And everything he says on the campaign trail is nothing but a mere suggestion. .....Oh..... AND.... that trannies in the restrooms are a state issue and he has no opinion on it. ....Even though, as of Friday, when he was asked, it was made a Title IX issue by the Obama Administration and has now nationalized our restrooms. Oh and btw... Trump's current "no opinion on it" is a flip-flop from last week when he said "NC made a big mistake" and "transgenders can use any restroom they feel like using."

Ya boy might be ready for Prime Time but I don't think it's THIS show.... I don't think he can make the cut. :lmao:
You conveniently wave aside Cruz's campaign meme about abolishing the IRS, establishing a flat tax, ending corporate tax, ending common core, abolishing obamacare, etc. Did you really believe that would happen? No, ain't gonna happen no matter who wins. The president doesn't have that kind of authority.

I agree that the bathroom issue should be a state issue so he is coming up with the right answers so I agree with him more now than I did. Plus he has to reel in a lot of independents and democrats. It doesn't bother me like apparently it bothers you because I've watched the political scene for some time now and didn't have an invested interest, nor do I vote for gods. They are just people to me.
I certainly would never vote for Trump......even if he was running as a Democrat. He has no idea of government.....many conservatives are claiming they are tired of politicians for one thing or another, but that's no reason for electing someone that knows nothing about the job.

He is a blowhard that will say whatever he thinks his supporters would like to hear, and it is usually not in line with the values we hold dear for America. Obviously his supporters are okay with the kind of hatred that he spews....and any woman that would vote for a person that considers women as second class is not worthy of calling themselves a woman.....they are more like a Stepford Wife.

Insert the name Obama for Trump and it fits perfectly.

The problem with Mrs. Tuzla Clinton is she knows all too well what the establishment wants. She is all too ingrained into Washington politics.

What we need as a president is a leader, not a law-maker. Someone that represents America first. A president that builds up the country not tears it down. You know, like Reagan. Trump is no Reagan but Hillary is the polar opposite.

This is a revolution against the establishment. A violence free revolution, except for what the opposition brings.
Personally, I don't think Trump has a sound plan ( I might be wrong of course) , but I've seen him support two oposite view points at different points of his life.
What I think is he will say whatever is more popular with his constituency.
Anyway, why will you vote for him ?

I like 2 and 3, but can't vote for both.:(
You conveniently wave aside Cruz's campaign meme....

I stopped reading... Ted Cruz is out of the race. Doesn't matter what he did or said.

You Trump people beat all I've ever seen... If it fucking doesn't matter who is elected, things are going to be business as usual... why not just elect Jeb Bush? IF we're not to challenge the liberal insanity.... why not just elect Hillary Clinton? I don't get why we need Donald Trump to march in lockstep with Democrats.

And NO... he didn't come up with the right answer on the transgender restrooms. He should have said, it's a state issue but I am personally opposed to men in women's restrooms. Not that he doesn't have an opinion... that's a cop out. For being known as Mr. Politically Incorrect, he sure as fuck looks like he's towing the PC line now!
You conveniently wave aside Cruz's campaign meme....

I stopped reading... Ted Cruz is out of the race. Doesn't matter what he did or said.

You Trump people beat all I've ever seen... If it fucking doesn't matter who is elected, things are going to be business as usual... why not just elect Jeb Bush? IF we're not to challenge the liberal insanity.... why not just elect Hillary Clinton? I don't get why we need Donald Trump to march in lockstep with Democrats.

And NO... he didn't come up with the right answer on the transgender restrooms. He should have said, it's a state issue but I am personally opposed to men in women's restrooms. Not that he doesn't have an opinion... that's a cop out. For being known as Mr. Politically Incorrect, he sure as fuck looks like he's towing the PC line now!
You can stop reading but your inconsistency still stands. Nor did I say business will be as usual. I don't know, I doubt it but you don't read what's there and see what isn't there. I was never under the assumption that Trump was a social conservative. Presidents don't call those shots, all I care about is the goddamn economy and don't see a better option right now. With a suck shit economy (still!) nothing else really matters. We'll just continue to circle the drain.
With a suck shit economy (still!) nothing else really matters. We'll just continue to circle the drain.

You must be speaking from personal experience eh? Sucks to be you. I've been doing great.

Ah well, there is the difference between you and I; personal responsibility.
The man is intellectually and emotionally unfair for office.

Go ahead defend the politician's 40 year record of failure.

There are your two conflicting views on Donald Trump.

You have idiots who can't cobble together a coherent thought well enough to say what is wrong with Trump opposed by idiots who can't tell you what's right about Trump. Maybe it was auto-correct, a brain fart or Freudian slip the first poster said "unfair" instead of "unfit" ...but I think it was telling. Those who oppose Trump don't think it's "fair" that activists with another agenda get to steal their thunder. His nationalist, populist, anti-PC cut the bullshit movement grates on their last nerve. On the other side are his dumbed-down supporters who point in anger at all things political and scream... burn it all to the damn ground!

I posted a thread on it a long time back... People are voting for Donald Trump because Donald DUCK wasn't an option. They are so disillusioned with government and politicians... so fed up with having smoke blown up their ass by government hacks... they have said to hell with it all! If the place has turned into a three ring circus, let's elect P.T. Barnum to run it. May as well!

I can't participate in your poll, I am not sure I will vote for Trump at this time. I will be surprised if I change my mind. Nothing he or his supporters are saying is winning me over and to be honest, they are kind of embarrassing me. I'm not sure I want to be associated with this party anymore.

I've never been a big fan of republicans, but at least Reagan and George H Bush had consistent viewpoints. I can respect that even if I don't like them.
Trump? He is a consumate showman and a master at contradicting himself.
I trully don't know what his policies will be: What is part of a reallity show and what is truly part of his core values? I am absolutely clueless.

I think Trump's core values are clearly demonstrated on the debate stage. The Trump vs Hillary Debate (the mother of all debates) should be entertaining to watch.
Ah maybe, but then it only takes 90 seconds of this video to become suspicious.
Once again, I am under the impression that he is a consumate showman. I understand people can switch viewpoints over a lifetime. But switching viewpoint in every single aspect? That is hard to believe.
Each day I am more convinced that Trump is only loyal to himself. He will say whatever he needs to say to cause raucous and attract media attention and voters.

He's more liberal than the average liberal in those clips....!!! :eek:

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