I'll vote for Trump because ...

Why will you vote for Trump? Choose the main reason

  • Because he has a sound fiscal policy

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Because he will keep illegals outside the U.S.

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Because he has the correct policies to bring jobs back

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Because his healthcar policy proposal is astounding

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't like Trump but Hiliary is unacceptable.

    Votes: 13 54.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 6 25.0%

  • Total voters
He won't do any of those things. The sooner people learn that Trump is a fraud and a con man the better off this country will be. The man is intellectually and emotionally unfair for office. Period.

Go ahead defend the politician's 40 year record of failure and $20 trillion dollar debt and tell us how Trump would be any worse. :laugh:

Or, 40 years of voters voting for people who should never have been voted for, what difference does another guy with useless policies make? The US is on the way down, surely someone who sends the US down quicker is someone who might be bringing the US back up again quicker, in say 500 years time.

The two parties have the elections rigged, you can't really blame the voters when the choice every election is establishment asshole A or B.
He won't do any of those things. The sooner people learn that Trump is a fraud and a con man the better off this country will be. The man is intellectually and emotionally unfair for office. Period.

Go ahead defend the politician's 40 year record of failure and $20 trillion dollar debt and tell us how Trump would be any worse. :laugh:

Or, 40 years of voters voting for people who should never have been voted for, what difference does another guy with useless policies make? The US is on the way down, surely someone who sends the US down quicker is someone who might be bringing the US back up again quicker, in say 500 years time.

The two parties have the elections rigged, you can't really blame the voters when the choice every election is establishment asshole A or B.

Can't blame the voters huh? Rubbish.

How many people stood in the 2012 Presidential election? Two? No, not two.

Two stood in the whole of the USA.

Johnson stood in 48 states and DC
Stein in 36 + DC
Goode in 26 states
Anderson in 15 states
Lindsay in 13 states.

And many more stood in less than 10 states.

Yet Lindsay in 13 states with 28.6% of voters able to vote, and managed to get 7,791 votes.

Come on, the choices are there, and the voters are so stupid they can't see past the two.
and any woman that would vote for a person that considers women as second class is not worthy of calling themselves a woman.....they are more like a Stepford Wife.
It's misleading statements like that that make people reject liberals and vote for Trump.

Misleading my ass.......he demeans women, thinks of them as objects. And, no intelligent woman is going to reject liberals and vote for Trump....only the dumbasses that are already committed to him because they don't know any better will.
and any woman that would vote for a person that considers women as second class is not worthy of calling themselves a woman.....they are more like a Stepford Wife.
It's misleading statements like that that make people reject liberals and vote for Trump.

Misleading my ass.......he demeans women, thinks of them as objects. And, no intelligent woman is going to reject liberals and vote for Trump....only the dumbasses that are already committed to him because they don't know any better will.
Millions of female Trump supporters disagree with your worthless opinion. But keep it up, the more you insult females by telling them what they think, the more determined they will be to prove you wrong.
and any woman that would vote for a person that considers women as second class is not worthy of calling themselves a woman.....they are more like a Stepford Wife.
It's misleading statements like that that make people reject liberals and vote for Trump.

Misleading my ass.......he demeans women, thinks of them as objects. And, no intelligent woman is going to reject liberals and vote for Trump....only the dumbasses that are already committed to him because they don't know any better will.
Millions of female Trump supporters disagree with your worthless opinion. But keep it up, the more you insult females by telling them what they think, the more determined they will be to prove you wrong.

The bimbos that are voting for Trump are not important to the general election. Most self-respecting women would not vote for someone who demeans women and considers them objects to be used and abused. But, like Megan Kelly, who is now willing to forget how he embarrassed her in front of millions of viewers....so are the many bimbos that follow him around and cheer to his demeaning of other women.

I guess Trump supporters were right about Megan Kelly...she has no scruples and is a bimbo...but then, that's the description that fits women who support Trump.
and any woman that would vote for a person that considers women as second class is not worthy of calling themselves a woman.....they are more like a Stepford Wife.
It's misleading statements like that that make people reject liberals and vote for Trump.

Misleading my ass.......he demeans women, thinks of them as objects. And, no intelligent woman is going to reject liberals and vote for Trump....only the dumbasses that are already committed to him because they don't know any better will.

Right, and the hildabitch considers her hubbies victims as cannon fodder. The only woman the hildabitch is concerned with is herself.
I'll vote for Trump because I've seen him on the teevee and once saw a picture of a big building with his name on it, so he must be reeeel smart, and that's good enough for me.
#weakdonald #donthecon
and any woman that would vote for a person that considers women as second class is not worthy of calling themselves a woman.....they are more like a Stepford Wife.
It's misleading statements like that that make people reject liberals and vote for Trump.

Misleading my ass.......he demeans women, thinks of them as objects. And, no intelligent woman is going to reject liberals and vote for Trump....only the dumbasses that are already committed to him because they don't know any better will.

Right, and the hildabitch considers her hubbies victims as cannon fodder. The only woman the hildabitch is concerned with is herself.

Blah, blah, blah....all you conservatives do is make up shit, but never able to prove a damn thing. In the meantime, the whole world was able to see Donald Trump demean women, embarrass Megan Kelly (one of his own party) and the bimbos all cheer him on.
and any woman that would vote for a person that considers women as second class is not worthy of calling themselves a woman.....they are more like a Stepford Wife.
It's misleading statements like that that make people reject liberals and vote for Trump.

Misleading my ass.......he demeans women, thinks of them as objects. And, no intelligent woman is going to reject liberals and vote for Trump....only the dumbasses that are already committed to him because they don't know any better will.

Right, and the hildabitch considers her hubbies victims as cannon fodder. The only woman the hildabitch is concerned with is herself.

Blah, blah, blah....all you conservatives do is make up shit, but never able to prove a damn thing. In the meantime, the whole world was able to see Donald Trump demean women, embarrass Megan Kelly (one of his own party) and the bimbos all cheer him on.

Right, blah, blah, blah.

All victims of sexual assault have to be believed right?
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and any woman that would vote for a person that considers women as second class is not worthy of calling themselves a woman.....they are more like a Stepford Wife.
It's misleading statements like that that make people reject liberals and vote for Trump.

Misleading my ass.......he demeans women, thinks of them as objects. And, no intelligent woman is going to reject liberals and vote for Trump....only the dumbasses that are already committed to him because they don't know any better will.

Right, and the hildabitch considers her hubbies victims as cannon fodder. The only woman the hildabitch is concerned with is herself.

Blah, blah, blah....all you conservatives do is make up shit, but never able to prove a damn thing. In the meantime, the whole world was able to see Donald Trump demean women, embarrass Megan Kelly (one of his own party) and the bimbos all cheer him on.
Here's the thing, stupid. When you say "he demeans women", you're saying "he demeans ALL women". He does not demean ALL women. Yes, he demeans women who attack him, just like he demeans MEN who attack him. You want it both ways. You want women to compete with men on an equal basis but you think they should have protection from criticism (from men) because they're women. Doesn't work that way.
and any woman that would vote for a person that considers women as second class is not worthy of calling themselves a woman.....they are more like a Stepford Wife.
It's misleading statements like that that make people reject liberals and vote for Trump.

Misleading my ass.......he demeans women, thinks of them as objects. And, no intelligent woman is going to reject liberals and vote for Trump....only the dumbasses that are already committed to him because they don't know any better will.

Right, and the hildabitch considers her hubbies victims as cannon fodder. The only woman the hildabitch is concerned with is herself.

Blah, blah, blah....all you conservatives do is make up shit, but never able to prove a damn thing. In the meantime, the whole world was able to see Donald Trump demean women, embarrass Megan Kelly (one of his own party) and the bimbos all cheer him on.

Right, blah, blah, blah.

All victims of sexual assault have to be believed right?

they should be heard...and believed IF they are telling the TRUTH, but not believed, if they are not telling the truth....

The problem with Broaderick is no one knows when she is telling the truth, or when she is lying.

She swore on an affidavit that Bill Clinton did not rape her, then years later in an interview she says he did?

And less than 2 weeks after she slept with him or was supposedly raped, she went to a fund raiser for Bill Clinton... that blows my mind!

Would any woman, in the whole wide world, go to a support rally for the man who viciously raped her just 2 weeks earlier? I have a hard time with that one....
It's misleading statements like that that make people reject liberals and vote for Trump.

Misleading my ass.......he demeans women, thinks of them as objects. And, no intelligent woman is going to reject liberals and vote for Trump....only the dumbasses that are already committed to him because they don't know any better will.

Right, and the hildabitch considers her hubbies victims as cannon fodder. The only woman the hildabitch is concerned with is herself.

Blah, blah, blah....all you conservatives do is make up shit, but never able to prove a damn thing. In the meantime, the whole world was able to see Donald Trump demean women, embarrass Megan Kelly (one of his own party) and the bimbos all cheer him on.

Right, blah, blah, blah.

All victims of sexual assault have to be believed right?

they should be heard...and believed IF they are telling the TRUTH, but not believed, if they are not telling the truth....

The problem with Broaderick is no one knows when she is telling the truth, or when she is lying.

She swore on an affidavit that Bill Clinton did not rape her, then years later in an interview she says he did?

And less than 2 weeks after she slept with him or was supposedly raped, she went to a fund raiser for Bill Clinton... that blows my mind!

Would any woman, in the whole wide world, go to a support rally for the man who viciously raped her just 2 weeks earlier? I have a hard time with that one....

Personally, I don't think Trump has a sound plan ( I might be wrong of course) , but I've seen him support two oposite view points at different points of his life.
What I think is he will say whatever is more popular with his constituency.
Anyway, why will you vote for him ?
Trump will support two opposite points a view within the same interview. He has already reversed himself on taxes at least twice. I can understand his lack of and reversal on policy but what is most scary about Trump is he has no philosophy of governing, no guiding principals, just issues. That can work well in the world of business where there is only one goal, maximizing profits but as head of state it is disastrous.
Misleading my ass.......he demeans women, thinks of them as objects. And, no intelligent woman is going to reject liberals and vote for Trump....only the dumbasses that are already committed to him because they don't know any better will.

Right, and the hildabitch considers her hubbies victims as cannon fodder. The only woman the hildabitch is concerned with is herself.

Blah, blah, blah....all you conservatives do is make up shit, but never able to prove a damn thing. In the meantime, the whole world was able to see Donald Trump demean women, embarrass Megan Kelly (one of his own party) and the bimbos all cheer him on.

Right, blah, blah, blah.

All victims of sexual assault have to be believed right?

they should be heard...and believed IF they are telling the TRUTH, but not believed, if they are not telling the truth....

The problem with Broaderick is no one knows when she is telling the truth, or when she is lying.

She swore on an affidavit that Bill Clinton did not rape her, then years later in an interview she says he did?

And less than 2 weeks after she slept with him or was supposedly raped, she went to a fund raiser for Bill Clinton... that blows my mind!

Would any woman, in the whole wide would, go to a support rally for the man who viciously raped her just 2 weeks earlier? I have a hard time with that one....


Clinton Rape Charge Can't Be Proved

But Broaddrick could not remember the date, even the month, of the alleged 1978 incident. And NBC's Lisa Myers reported that Broaddrick, a volunteer in Clinton's first gubernatorial campaign, attended a Clinton fund-raiser three weeks later.

Washingtonpost.com Special Report: Clinton Accused

Broaddrick was dubbed Jane Doe No. 5 in the Paula Jones sexual harassment lawsuit against Clinton early last year, when Jones's attorneys cited her in court papers and she filed an affidavit calling the allegation of sexual assault "untrue."
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Trump will support two opposite points a view within the same interview. He has already reversed himself on taxes at least twice. I can understand his lack of and reversal on policy but what is most scary about Trump is he has no philosophy of governing, no guiding principals, just issues. That can work well in the world of business where there is only one goal, maximizing profits but as head of state it is disastrous.
Sounds like what we need. Someone willing to listen, change his views if it's what the people want instead of ramming them down our throats like obama. No guiding principles, just issues? Did you even understand what you wrote?

We are long overdue for someone that understands money doesn't grow on trees, how is that a disqualifier? You and all those like you are part of the problem. Career politicians with no invested interest have been calling the shots for a long time. No matter what goes down they rake it in and laugh all the way to the bank.

Trump has a lot of rough edges but I'd rather get a laugh out of that instead of worrying about what some slick politicians really had in mind. All the lies obama has told America and leftists have learned nothing. They prefer more of the same. I don't!

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