I'll vote for Trump because ...

Why will you vote for Trump? Choose the main reason

  • Because he has a sound fiscal policy

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Because he will keep illegals outside the U.S.

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Because he has the correct policies to bring jobs back

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Because his healthcar policy proposal is astounding

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't like Trump but Hiliary is unacceptable.

    Votes: 13 54.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 6 25.0%

  • Total voters
I'm not trying to strong-arm anybody into anything. Just pointing out that if your concern is living with yourself, then I don't know how you can do that knowing you did nothing to stop Hillary from getting into the White House if that is indeed what happens.

However since the last time I posted, I learned that Trump has picked almost a dozen very conservative people he would consider for the nomination of Supreme Court. In fact, the Heritage Foundation helped in this endeavor. Maybe that sweetens the pot for you, I don't know.

Well... it's an improvement over last week when he was sounding like a little Chucky Schumer! But I'm afraid it's going to take a little more than issuing a list of names he says are "the types of justices he would appoint" and in the next breath, explains how everything is a suggestion and negotiation will have to happen.

Is he going to actually fight for his eventual nominee in confirmation hearing when the liberals attempt to Bork him? Or is he going to cave and flip-flop like he normally does with the liberals? I have no faith in this guy whatsoever... I can see him totally abandoning his list and saying... hey, had to fill the seat with someone the democrats liked... sorry, had to go away from the list! Too bad if you don't like it, I guess you can vote against me in 4 years?

Wait a minute. Why would he consider anything the Democrats want? Donald is not a career politician where he needs to rub elbows with everybody to keep them happy. If everybody ended up hating him, he could care less.

Even if you consider Trumps nominees a heads or tails call, we know that Hillary is a plain tails call. There will be no chance at getting anybody but a left-wing radical. And guess what, she wouldn't care either.
You're wasting your time, Ray. Nothing Trump says or does is going to meet with his approval.

I don't think so. A lot can happen between May and November.

The thing is, if we Republicans would stick tougher and coalesce no matter who our candidate is, it would block Democrat leadership from ruining our country. Trump made a brilliant move by posting his SC nominee picks. In spite of the conservatives being in an uproar over Cruz's withdrawal, I think this will bring some of them back.

Trump is a very slick guy. I think he can win over a lot of people between now and election night.
Normal people, yes. I agree.
Wait a minute. Why would he consider anything the Democrats want? Donald is not a career politician where he needs to rub elbows with everybody to keep them happy. If everybody ended up hating him, he could care less.

Even if you consider Trumps nominees a heads or tails call, we know that Hillary is a plain tails call. There will be no chance at getting anybody but a left-wing radical. And guess what, she wouldn't care either.

Why did he tell Wolf Blitzer he would look at raising the minimum wage after saying in the debate that doing so would kill jobs and be bad for the economy? :dunno:

Why would he tell CNBC he is not a big fan of top marginal tax cuts in his own plan and he will probably raise those taxes because we need to tax the rich more? :dunno:

Why would he say he favors ethanol subsidies and as president would expand them? :dunno:

Why does he favor the federal government usurping state lands? :dunno:

Why does he tell the NY Times editorial board the wall is negotiable? :dunno:

Why would he say transgenders can use any restroom they feel like using? :dunno:

Why has he flip-flopped on abortion five or six times since entering the presidential race? :dunno:

I think Trump wants us to believe he is a heads or tails but he is really a trick coin who will end up on tails most of the time. And with his YUuuuge EGO.... you ask me why he would do anything to be liked? It's his fucking trademark! That's why!
Wait a minute. Why would he consider anything the Democrats want? Donald is not a career politician where he needs to rub elbows with everybody to keep them happy. If everybody ended up hating him, he could care less.

Even if you consider Trumps nominees a heads or tails call, we know that Hillary is a plain tails call. There will be no chance at getting anybody but a left-wing radical. And guess what, she wouldn't care either.

Why did he tell Wolf Blitzer he would look at raising the minimum wage after saying in the debate that doing so would kill jobs and be bad for the economy? :dunno:

Why would he tell CNBC he is not a big fan of top marginal tax cuts in his own plan and he will probably raise those taxes because we need to tax the rich more? :dunno:

Why would he say he favors ethanol subsidies and as president would expand them? :dunno:

Why does he favor the federal government usurping state lands? :dunno:

Why does he tell the NY Times editorial board the wall is negotiable? :dunno:

Why would he say transgenders can use any restroom they feel like using? :dunno:

Why has he flip-flopped on abortion five or six times since entering the presidential race? :dunno:

I think Trump wants us to believe he is a heads or tails but he is really a trick coin who will end up on tails most of the time. And with his YUuuuge EGO.... you ask me why he would do anything to be liked? It's his fucking trademark! That's why!

Or it could be he's telling everybody what they want to hear just to get votes. He may very well preside in a conservative way as well. And here's why:

When Trump first entered the race, even he didn't think he had a chance. So he spoke his mind openly. As time went on and it slowly started to become a reality that he could win the country over, he started to change his tune.

My money is on that theory over Hillary (by some miraculous way) being a moderate Democrat President. The way I look at it, I have two horses to bet on. One is a 40 to 1 odds of winning, and the other is a 10 to 1 odds at winning. My money is going on the 10 to 1.

No matter how bad of a President Trump might be, without a doubt, Hillary would be much worse.
Wait a minute. Why would he consider anything the Democrats want? Donald is not a career politician where he needs to rub elbows with everybody to keep them happy. If everybody ended up hating him, he could care less.

Even if you consider Trumps nominees a heads or tails call, we know that Hillary is a plain tails call. There will be no chance at getting anybody but a left-wing radical. And guess what, she wouldn't care either.

Why did he tell Wolf Blitzer he would look at raising the minimum wage after saying in the debate that doing so would kill jobs and be bad for the economy? :dunno:

Why would he tell CNBC he is not a big fan of top marginal tax cuts in his own plan and he will probably raise those taxes because we need to tax the rich more? :dunno:

Why would he say he favors ethanol subsidies and as president would expand them? :dunno:

Why does he favor the federal government usurping state lands? :dunno:

Why does he tell the NY Times editorial board the wall is negotiable? :dunno:

Why would he say transgenders can use any restroom they feel like using? :dunno:

Why has he flip-flopped on abortion five or six times since entering the presidential race? :dunno:

I think Trump wants us to believe he is a heads or tails but he is really a trick coin who will end up on tails most of the time. And with his YUuuuge EGO.... you ask me why he would do anything to be liked? It's his fucking trademark! That's why!

Or it could be he's telling everybody what they want to hear just to get votes. He may very well preside in a conservative way as well. And here's why:

When Trump first entered the race, even he didn't think he had a chance. So he spoke his mind openly. As time went on and it slowly started to become a reality that he could win the country over, he started to change his tune.

My money is on that theory over Hillary (by some miraculous way) being a moderate Democrat President. The way I look at it, I have two horses to bet on. One is a 40 to 1 odds of winning, and the other is a 10 to 1 odds at winning. My money is going on the 10 to 1.

No matter how bad of a President Trump might be, without a doubt, Hillary would be much worse.

But see... you have Trump at 10 to 1 and I think he is the same 40 to 1... he's just telling you what you want to hear to get your vote. Like yesterday when he claimed he was a "constitutionalist" ...I don't think he even knows what that means, he just said it because he feels it will resonate well. A constitutionalist doesn't favor federal land grabs from states, tax the rich, ethanol subsidies or protectionist trade policies. Those are things a Statist believes.

As much as I can't stand Hillary, I don't know that Trump would be any better. I haven't made up my mind... I am still undecided on who I will vote for or if I will even bother voting this time. I'm not going to give up my principles to support Trump... that's not how this works. He has to move toward me to win my vote. Do you think Hillary is going to tell Democrats to abandon what they believe and just support her because she's not the Republican? No, she's going to appeal for their votes.

I am not a Republican party loyalist who is just going to keep on putting bling faith in the Republicans to save the day... they're not saving the day and they have control of the Senate and House! At some point, you have to stand up and demand these people do what you've elected them to do... but with Trump, it's like I am being asked to leave him alone and just let him say whatever to get elected and trust that he will do the right thing once he wins. That's total bullshit to me.
How can you know what kind of president Trump will be or what policies will he implement?
As far as I am concerned he is a flip - floper.
One might as well flip a coin.
That is what bothers me most about Trump: I picture him as an unreliable person.
He will most likely say what he finds convenient. Once he gets the power who knows what he will do.

You are absolutely correct, we don't know what he might do, but we do know what Hillary will do. That's the point I'm making.

Hmmpf. I am not sure that is a good thing. I don't like Trump , but I don't either like Hillry.
When you don't like any of the candidates the only option is to abstain.
How can you know what kind of president Trump will be or what policies will he implement?
As far as I am concerned he is a flip - floper.
One might as well flip a coin.
That is what bothers me most about Trump: I picture him as an unreliable person.
He will most likely say what he finds convenient. Once he gets the power who knows what he will do.

You are absolutely correct, we don't know what he might do, but we do know what Hillary will do. That's the point I'm making.

Hmmpf. I am not sure that is a good thing. I don't like Trump , but I don't either like Hillry.
When you don't like any of the candidates the only option is to abstain.

No, another option is to vote for who you dislike the least.

I'm not crazy about Trump either, but I can't imagine a country led by Hillary. DumBama was the worst thing that ever happened to me. My entire working life, I've always had healthcare coverage by my employer. After Commie Care passed, now I don't. Now it's using after-tax money to buy my own and it's about the cost of an SUV payment. This is the most any politician has cost me.

Hillary wants to put coal miners and power plants out of business. That would be a huge cost to consumers across the board. It's more than just my dislike for Democrats. I just can't afford them anymore. Now all my extra money is gone. I have to pay less on my bills. It's just pure agony to have Democrats in leadership of anything. Their favorite target are the producers of this country to give to the non-producers.
Boss... Still better than the beast. Every major corporation and pos dictator owns a piece of her ass. Are you a fan of a political system that murdered millions of its own citizens to prove they were right? If so, vote for the old white guy, bernie.
The big orange clown is indefensible, IMO. This is the only reason I need to vote FOR him.
Boss... Still better than the beast. Every major corporation and pos dictator owns a piece of her ass. Are you a fan of a political system that murdered millions of its own citizens to prove they were right? If so, vote for the old white guy, bernie.

I'm a fan of Constitutional Conservatism. I want leaders who are Constitutional Conservatives. I really don't care what party they belong to or ideologies they espouse, as long as they are Constitutional Conservatives. They can be social conservatives or social libertarians, doesn't matter to me as long as they understand a Constitutional Conservative believes in the framer's intent of having small limited federal government and all but the enumerated powers being decided at the state and local level.

On foreign policy, trade and taxes, I also want them to be Conservative and adhere to the framer's intent. I'm sorry if that offends someone, that I am not a cheerleader for the popular person or helping to defeat the more-worse person. I vote based on my convictions and principles and that doesn't change.

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