I'll vote for Trump because ...

Why will you vote for Trump? Choose the main reason

  • Because he has a sound fiscal policy

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Because he will keep illegals outside the U.S.

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Because he has the correct policies to bring jobs back

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Because his healthcar policy proposal is astounding

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't like Trump but Hiliary is unacceptable.

    Votes: 13 54.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 6 25.0%

  • Total voters
Bush added $5.9 trillion to the National Debt in his 8 fiscal budget years of responsibility

Well now, FactCheck seems to have different numbers than yours. Sorry the article is a bit dated:

That’s a huge increase to be sure — 44.5 percent. And the Congressional Budget Office now projects that it will grow to more than $16 trillion by the end of the current fiscal year on Sept. 30. At that point, the debt will have increased by more dollars in Obama’s first four years than it did in George W. Bush’s entire eight-year tenure, when it rose by $4.9 trillion. The rise under Obama would then be the biggest dollar increase for any president in U.S. history.

Dueling Debt Deceptions
My figures are FISCAL years of responsibility.... the first Bush budget began October 1 2001, for fiscal year 2002...this was his first budget that he had to turn over to congress giving them his priorities.

Fiscal 2002 thru fiscal year 2009, was Bush's 8 years of responsibility as President. (Fiscal year 2001 was Clinton's and began October 1, 2000)

I see. So what you're saying is that you are right and FactCheck is wrong.
no, not at all, just different time periods....Fiscal years vs Annual years... Fiscal Years, are the years each president is fiscally responsible for, during their terms....they represent the years each President turns over Budgets to Congress, by Law.

NO incoming president is fiscally responsible for a Budget they didn't turn in to Congress, nor ever on the first day they step foot in the white house....how could they be?, as NO CEO is responsible for the sales or debt a company accrues the day they took the job....all are given 6 months to a year, to see their results of budgets and goals and policies etc, to take foot.

And you don't think FactCheck people knew that before they did the calculations and posted this on their site?
They were fact checking what other people were using as their parameters...which was the first day the president was sworn in.... not the U.S. Fiscal Budget Years.
Well now, FactCheck seems to have different numbers than yours. Sorry the article is a bit dated:

That’s a huge increase to be sure — 44.5 percent. And the Congressional Budget Office now projects that it will grow to more than $16 trillion by the end of the current fiscal year on Sept. 30. At that point, the debt will have increased by more dollars in Obama’s first four years than it did in George W. Bush’s entire eight-year tenure, when it rose by $4.9 trillion. The rise under Obama would then be the biggest dollar increase for any president in U.S. history.

Dueling Debt Deceptions
My figures are FISCAL years of responsibility.... the first Bush budget began October 1 2001, for fiscal year 2002...this was his first budget that he had to turn over to congress giving them his priorities.

Fiscal 2002 thru fiscal year 2009, was Bush's 8 years of responsibility as President. (Fiscal year 2001 was Clinton's and began October 1, 2000)

I see. So what you're saying is that you are right and FactCheck is wrong.
no, not at all, just different time periods....Fiscal years vs Annual years... Fiscal Years, are the years each president is fiscally responsible for, during their terms....they represent the years each President turns over Budgets to Congress, by Law.

NO incoming president is fiscally responsible for a Budget they didn't turn in to Congress, nor ever on the first day they step foot in the white house....how could they be?, as NO CEO is responsible for the sales or debt a company accrues the day they took the job....all are given 6 months to a year, to see their results of budgets and goals and policies etc, to take foot.

And you don't think FactCheck people knew that before they did the calculations and posted this on their site?
They were fact checking what other people were using as their parameters...which was the first day the president was sworn in.... not the U.S. Fiscal Budget Years.
Your constant nit picking on dates doesn't change the fact that Obama increased out debt far more than any other president in history. All of them combined, in fact.
Well now, FactCheck seems to have different numbers than yours. Sorry the article is a bit dated:

That’s a huge increase to be sure — 44.5 percent. And the Congressional Budget Office now projects that it will grow to more than $16 trillion by the end of the current fiscal year on Sept. 30. At that point, the debt will have increased by more dollars in Obama’s first four years than it did in George W. Bush’s entire eight-year tenure, when it rose by $4.9 trillion. The rise under Obama would then be the biggest dollar increase for any president in U.S. history.

Dueling Debt Deceptions
My figures are FISCAL years of responsibility.... the first Bush budget began October 1 2001, for fiscal year 2002...this was his first budget that he had to turn over to congress giving them his priorities.

Fiscal 2002 thru fiscal year 2009, was Bush's 8 years of responsibility as President. (Fiscal year 2001 was Clinton's and began October 1, 2000)

I see. So what you're saying is that you are right and FactCheck is wrong.
no, not at all, just different time periods....Fiscal years vs Annual years... Fiscal Years, are the years each president is fiscally responsible for, during their terms....they represent the years each President turns over Budgets to Congress, by Law.

NO incoming president is fiscally responsible for a Budget they didn't turn in to Congress, nor ever on the first day they step foot in the white house....how could they be?, as NO CEO is responsible for the sales or debt a company accrues the day they took the job....all are given 6 months to a year, to see their results of budgets and goals and policies etc, to take foot.

And you don't think FactCheck people knew that before they did the calculations and posted this on their site?
They were fact checking what other people were using as their parameters...which was the first day the president was sworn in.... not the U.S. Fiscal Budget Years.

Yes, that's the way it's calculated with every single President we've had including Bush.
No, I wanna see it in context, in a video coming from Trump, not you. And I agree with JimBowie, who cares what some greedy little fuck wants, anyway?.

Wow.... just WOW!

I never in a million years figured Donald Trump could turn what we thought to be stalwart Conservatives into hate-spewing Marxist-Socialist Liberals. IF someone would have told me this would happen a year ago, I would have said they were out of their fucking minds.

So.... when are you two joining the Occupy Movement?
Yo Boss.......

It's no secret that I think you are a freakish person with massive issues with insecurity and great scorn for many of your fellow American citizens. But...I feel compelled to toss you an assist here.

S.J. is among the least intelligent people who regularly post here. We're are talking bottom five. In order for you to find any satisfaction in a prolonged "battle of wits" with someone who is as stupid as he is......you would have to be almost as stupid as he is.

He's gotten your goat....and good. This does not reflect well on you.

You can thank me later.
Personally, I don't think Trump has a sound plan ( I might be wrong of course) , but I've seen him support two oposite view points at different points of his life.
What I think is he will say whatever is more popular with his constituency.
Anyway, why will you vote for him ?

Most Trump supporters didn't go to college and are not able to speak intelligently on the issues in your choices.

You might as well be asking pre-schoolers the same question.
Show me where he flat out said it was off the table.

ALSO... when he said "I'm not a big fan of that part... we have to raise taxes on the rich."

By dropping tax breaks for the rich.

Fuck them, anyway. Who cares what some greedy little fuck wants anyhow?

I kind of do. The greedy fucks are the ones who sign my paycheck. Don't get me wrong, there are corrupt folks at the top sure, but not all of them are bad, and none deserve to be punished for being successful by people in Washington who don't have to pay the same taxes. Even then, you raise the taxes, they hire less people at lower wages, and pass the cost of the tax on to their consumers.
I kind of do. The greedy fucks are the ones who sign my paycheck. Don't get me wrong, there are corrupt folks at the top sure, but not all of them are bad, and none deserve to be punished for being successful by people in Washington who don't have to pay the same taxes. Even then, you raise the taxes, they hire less people at lower wages, and pass the cost of the tax on to their consumers.

And since George H W Bush was President starting in 1990, the GOP has been kissing the rich bastards asses and all it accomplished was to turn a party that won landslides under Reagan into a minority party that lost to a mind bogglingly weak Obama in 2012.

ITs time to tell the donors to support a popular candidate or hit the road and forge their own damned party.

And dont worry, once this revision of our economy into one focused on producing jobs instead of CEO bonuses, you will have so many jobs available that your boss will be eager to hire you and have the privilege of signing your pay check like it used to be.
Show me where he flat out said it was off the table.

ALSO... when he said "I'm not a big fan of that part... we have to raise taxes on the rich."

By dropping tax breaks for the rich.

Fuck them, anyway. Who cares what some greedy little fuck wants anyhow?

Fucking AMAZING!! Trump has actually turned you into Marxist Liberals!


Lol, you think the world is one big toggle switch; UP agrees with you and DOWN disagrees and are all a bunch of commies.

Aside from eating, shitting and posting nonsense on the internet, what do you do with your life?
I kind of do. The greedy fucks are the ones who sign my paycheck. Don't get me wrong, there are corrupt folks at the top sure, but not all of them are bad, and none deserve to be punished for being successful by people in Washington who don't have to pay the same taxes. Even then, you raise the taxes, they hire less people at lower wages, and pass the cost of the tax on to their consumers.

As a business owner I am amazed how few people understand this simple concept. Of course all costs related to taxes are passed to the consumer. I worry about the brain washed children that worship socialist Bernie. Bunch of ignorant MF'S. They want an additional $18 trillion in taxes. I blame the failed government schools.
As a business owner I am amazed how few people understand this simple concept. Of course all costs related to taxes are passed to the consumer.


That only happens when there is no competition among the businesses.

When there is competition, the business owner looks for ways of cutting costs, reducing profits before doing the uncompetitive thing and raising his prices.

Do you have sumpin to fess up to, bro? :)

That only happens when there is no competition among the businesses.

When there is competition, the business owner looks for ways of cutting costs, reducing profits before doing the uncompetitive thing and raising his prices.

Do you have sumpin to fess up to, bro? :)

You are in over your head son. Take a break.

That only happens when there is no competition among the businesses.

When there is competition, the business owner looks for ways of cutting costs, reducing profits before doing the uncompetitive thing and raising his prices.

Do you have sumpin to fess up to, bro? :)

You are in over your head son. Take a break.

Lol, so why do you think that some dunderhead bidniss man would jack up prices on his customers instead of cutting costs and reducing profits?

That only happens when the bidnissmen are running a RACKET AND ARE NOT IN ACTUAL COMPETITION WITH EACH OTHER.

Again, I axe, you got sumpin to fess up to, bro?
All costs, including taxes, are passed to the end user of the product or service. Head on down to your local community college and take a basic economic class. Then come back and attempt a rational discussion.
Yo Boss.......

It's no secret that I think you are a freakish person with massive issues with insecurity and great scorn for many of your fellow American citizens. But...I feel compelled to toss you an assist here.

S.J. is among the least intelligent people who regularly post here. We're are talking bottom five. In order for you to find any satisfaction in a prolonged "battle of wits" with someone who is as stupid as he is......you would have to be almost as stupid as he is.

He's gotten your goat....and good. This does not reflect well on you.

You can thank me later.
Pretty funny, especially coming from the only poster here with an IQ lower than Bodecea. The irony is profound. :lol:
No, I wanna see it in context, in a video coming from Trump, not you. And I agree with JimBowie, who cares what some greedy little fuck wants, anyway?.

Wow.... just WOW!

I never in a million years figured Donald Trump could turn what we thought to be stalwart Conservatives into hate-spewing Marxist-Socialist Liberals. IF someone would have told me this would happen a year ago, I would have said they were out of their fucking minds.

So.... when are you two joining the Occupy Movement?
Says the guy who is too butthurt to support the Republican nominee against Hillary Clinton. Grow up.
I kind of do. The greedy fucks are the ones who sign my paycheck. Don't get me wrong, there are corrupt folks at the top sure, but not all of them are bad, and none deserve to be punished for being successful by people in Washington who don't have to pay the same taxes. Even then, you raise the taxes, they hire less people at lower wages, and pass the cost of the tax on to their consumers.

As a business owner I am amazed how few people understand this simple concept. Of course all costs related to taxes are passed to the consumer. I worry about the brain washed children that worship socialist Bernie. Bunch of ignorant MF'S. They want an additional $18 trillion in taxes. I blame the failed government schools.
You're being lied to. Trump has stated that he thinks the rich should pay more than the non rich, he didn't say they should pay more than they currently pay. He said his proposal would be for lower rates but that target rate would most likely go up during negotiations. When businesses start returning to the U.S. and more jobs become available, everyone's situation will improve, including the rich. You're worried about Trump for nothing, don't buy into the hype.
Says the guy who is too butthurt to support the Republican nominee against Hillary Clinton. Grow up.

Hey... If I am going to support a Marxist-Socialist, I can vote for Hill or Bern, I don't need the Republican party. At least they are honest about who they are. I'm not supporting Trump if he keeps on abandoning Conservatism... I just can't do it... Sorry if that bothers you or you think it's "butthurt" but it's principles and I have them. I have to live with myself.

You're certainly free to do what you please but it's absolutely stunning to me how this man has you regurgitating liberal class warfare rhetoric like an Occutard. Us Conservatives have been battling this "rich don't pay their fair share" nonsense for years and years... and here you are. buying totally into it like a liberal kook. We have to part ways over this because it's not what I believe.

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