I'll vote for Trump because ...

Why will you vote for Trump? Choose the main reason

  • Because he has a sound fiscal policy

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Because he will keep illegals outside the U.S.

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Because he has the correct policies to bring jobs back

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Because his healthcar policy proposal is astounding

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't like Trump but Hiliary is unacceptable.

    Votes: 13 54.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 6 25.0%

  • Total voters
Many voters will want him to prove how he is going to do it, and so far, his tax policy has been shot down by the experts. Trump can promise you pie in the sky, but only the gullible will swallow it without proof.
You mean like you liberals swallowed Obama's bullshit about Bush adding $4 trillion to the debt being "unpatriotic", just before he added $10 trillion? Or "If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it", just before he relied on the stupidity of the American people (liberals) to get it passed? Or maybe you liked how he traded 5 terrorists for 1 deserter and still think he's gonna defeat ISIS? That kind of gullibility?
Bush added $5.9 trillion to the National Debt in his 8 fiscal budget years of responsibility

Well now, FactCheck seems to have different numbers than yours. Sorry the article is a bit dated:

That’s a huge increase to be sure — 44.5 percent. And the Congressional Budget Office now projects that it will grow to more than $16 trillion by the end of the current fiscal year on Sept. 30. At that point, the debt will have increased by more dollars in Obama’s first four years than it did in George W. Bush’s entire eight-year tenure, when it rose by $4.9 trillion. The rise under Obama would then be the biggest dollar increase for any president in U.S. history.

Dueling Debt Deceptions
My figures are FISCAL years of responsibility.... the first Bush budget began October 1 2001, for fiscal year 2002...this was his first budget that he had to turn over to congress giving them his priorities.

Fiscal 2002 thru fiscal year 2009, was Bush's 8 years of responsibility as President. (Fiscal year 2001 was Clinton's and began October 1, 2000)

I put up a video of Trump stating his tax policy and let the listeners make up their own minds. You put up a dissected hit piece by a raving lunatic (much like yourself) to spin what he is saying. You've become a liberal hack.

No, the video posted has a clip of a telephone interview Trump had with CNBC the day after Cruz dropped out. The video you posted was Trump's original plan which I praised but that was from several months ago.

I'm the same old Conservative I've always been and will continue to be. Trump is the Liberal and he has duped you into supporting him because you're not very bright. And hey... He LOVES the not-so-bright!

It was 5/12/2016. That was last Thursday. You're not very bright, are you? Probably why you supported Cruz.

Yes, and in your video he is already saying that he will "probably have to lift it" meaning the top marginal tax cut which was a key component of his tax plan. He has not even started negotiating and he is already signaling that is off the table. And he repeats that these things he is promising are "proposals" and they may or may not actually happen.

Like I said before, I hope you weren't putting a lot of stock in his "proposal" to build that wall.

It means he's acknowledging that the CUT won't be as big as he would like. He's being realistic, not lying, like somebody else who promised to abolish the IRS. Nice try though.
Many voters will want him to prove how he is going to do it, and so far, his tax policy has been shot down by the experts. Trump can promise you pie in the sky, but only the gullible will swallow it without proof.
You mean like you liberals swallowed Obama's bullshit about Bush adding $4 trillion to the debt being "unpatriotic", just before he added $10 trillion? Or "If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it", just before he relied on the stupidity of the American people (liberals) to get it passed? Or maybe you liked how he traded 5 terrorists for 1 deserter and still think he's gonna defeat ISIS? That kind of gullibility?
Bush added $5.9 trillion to the National Debt in his 8 fiscal budget years of responsibility

Well now, FactCheck seems to have different numbers than yours. Sorry the article is a bit dated:

That’s a huge increase to be sure — 44.5 percent. And the Congressional Budget Office now projects that it will grow to more than $16 trillion by the end of the current fiscal year on Sept. 30. At that point, the debt will have increased by more dollars in Obama’s first four years than it did in George W. Bush’s entire eight-year tenure, when it rose by $4.9 trillion. The rise under Obama would then be the biggest dollar increase for any president in U.S. history.

Dueling Debt Deceptions
My figures are FISCAL years of responsibility.... the first Bush budget began October 1 2001, for fiscal year 2002...this was his first budget that he had to turn over to congress giving them his priorities.

Fiscal 2002 thru fiscal year 2009, was Bush's 8 years of responsibility as President. (Fiscal year 2001 was Clinton's and began October 1, 2000)
Obama said it was $4 trillion. Watch the video, is he lying?
Many voters will want him to prove how he is going to do it, and so far, his tax policy has been shot down by the experts. Trump can promise you pie in the sky, but only the gullible will swallow it without proof.
You mean like you liberals swallowed Obama's bullshit about Bush adding $4 trillion to the debt being "unpatriotic", just before he added $10 trillion? Or "If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it", just before he relied on the stupidity of the American people (liberals) to get it passed? Or maybe you liked how he traded 5 terrorists for 1 deserter and still think he's gonna defeat ISIS? That kind of gullibility?
Bush added $5.9 trillion to the National Debt in his 8 fiscal budget years of responsibility

Well now, FactCheck seems to have different numbers than yours. Sorry the article is a bit dated:

That’s a huge increase to be sure — 44.5 percent. And the Congressional Budget Office now projects that it will grow to more than $16 trillion by the end of the current fiscal year on Sept. 30. At that point, the debt will have increased by more dollars in Obama’s first four years than it did in George W. Bush’s entire eight-year tenure, when it rose by $4.9 trillion. The rise under Obama would then be the biggest dollar increase for any president in U.S. history.

Dueling Debt Deceptions
My figures are FISCAL years of responsibility.... the first Bush budget began October 1 2001, for fiscal year 2002...this was his first budget that he had to turn over to congress giving them his priorities.

Fiscal 2002 thru fiscal year 2009, was Bush's 8 years of responsibility as President. (Fiscal year 2001 was Clinton's and began October 1, 2000)

I see. So what you're saying is that you are right and FactCheck is wrong.
Many voters will want him to prove how he is going to do it, and so far, his tax policy has been shot down by the experts. Trump can promise you pie in the sky, but only the gullible will swallow it without proof.
You mean like you liberals swallowed Obama's bullshit about Bush adding $4 trillion to the debt being "unpatriotic", just before he added $10 trillion? Or "If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it", just before he relied on the stupidity of the American people (liberals) to get it passed? Or maybe you liked how he traded 5 terrorists for 1 deserter and still think he's gonna defeat ISIS? That kind of gullibility?
Bush added $5.9 trillion to the National Debt in his 8 fiscal budget years of responsibility

Well now, FactCheck seems to have different numbers than yours. Sorry the article is a bit dated:

That’s a huge increase to be sure — 44.5 percent. And the Congressional Budget Office now projects that it will grow to more than $16 trillion by the end of the current fiscal year on Sept. 30. At that point, the debt will have increased by more dollars in Obama’s first four years than it did in George W. Bush’s entire eight-year tenure, when it rose by $4.9 trillion. The rise under Obama would then be the biggest dollar increase for any president in U.S. history.

Dueling Debt Deceptions
My figures are FISCAL years of responsibility.... the first Bush budget began October 1 2001, for fiscal year 2002...this was his first budget that he had to turn over to congress giving them his priorities.

Fiscal 2002 thru fiscal year 2009, was Bush's 8 years of responsibility as President. (Fiscal year 2001 was Clinton's and began October 1, 2000)

I see. So what you're saying is that you are right and FactCheck is wrong.
no, not at all, just different time periods....Fiscal years vs Annual years... Fiscal Years, are the years each president is fiscally responsible for, during their terms....they represent the years each President turns over Budgets to Congress, by Law.

NO incoming president is fiscally responsible for a Budget they didn't turn in to Congress, nor ever on the first day they step foot in the white house....how could they be?, as NO CEO is responsible for the sales or debt a company accrues the day they took the job....all are given 6 months to a year, to see their results of budgets and goals and policies etc, to take foot.
You mean like you liberals swallowed Obama's bullshit about Bush adding $4 trillion to the debt being "unpatriotic", just before he added $10 trillion? Or "If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it", just before he relied on the stupidity of the American people (liberals) to get it passed? Or maybe you liked how he traded 5 terrorists for 1 deserter and still think he's gonna defeat ISIS? That kind of gullibility?
Bush added $5.9 trillion to the National Debt in his 8 fiscal budget years of responsibility

Well now, FactCheck seems to have different numbers than yours. Sorry the article is a bit dated:

That’s a huge increase to be sure — 44.5 percent. And the Congressional Budget Office now projects that it will grow to more than $16 trillion by the end of the current fiscal year on Sept. 30. At that point, the debt will have increased by more dollars in Obama’s first four years than it did in George W. Bush’s entire eight-year tenure, when it rose by $4.9 trillion. The rise under Obama would then be the biggest dollar increase for any president in U.S. history.

Dueling Debt Deceptions
My figures are FISCAL years of responsibility.... the first Bush budget began October 1 2001, for fiscal year 2002...this was his first budget that he had to turn over to congress giving them his priorities.

Fiscal 2002 thru fiscal year 2009, was Bush's 8 years of responsibility as President. (Fiscal year 2001 was Clinton's and began October 1, 2000)

I see. So what you're saying is that you are right and FactCheck is wrong.
no, not at all, just different time periods....Fiscal years vs Annual years... Fiscal Years, are the years each president is fiscally responsible for, during their terms....they represent the years each President turns over Budgets to Congress, by Law.

NO incoming president is fiscally responsible for a Budget they didn't turn in to Congress, nor ever on the first day they step foot in the white house....how could they be?, as NO CEO is responsible for the sales or debt a company accrues the day they took the job....all are given 6 months to a year, to see their results of budgets and goals and policies etc, to take foot.

And you don't think FactCheck people knew that before they did the calculations and posted this on their site?
He has spunk? he he he.

At lest you admit it…he entertains your simple mind and you will vote for him because of it.

There are about 460 races that involve federal posts this year including the Presidency. The incumbent, TTBOMK, when she or he has run for re-election has lost zero times. Nobody is sick of professional politicians

Oh yes, many are sick of professional politicians--at least on the right. That's why Jeb didn't get anywhere close.

No, I'm not voting for Trump because of his entertainment value, I'm voting for Trump to try and make sure we don't have another 8 years of DumBama. I also don't want to see a Socialist Supreme Court for the rest of my natural life either. It could mean millions more dead babies and hundreds of millions losing their gun rights. If that happens, criminals coast to coast will have a reason to celebrate.

Yeah, because so many lost their guns during the 8 years Obama has been in.....you're delusional.

Instead, you want another right-winger that will bring racism back into the country, do away with civil rights, bring back the tax breaks for the 1% because they create so many jobs (why we had the biggest soar in unemployment under Reagan and Bush) and create more laws to force women out of the workforce and back into the kitchen where they belong (according to right-wingers).

So how would Republicans force women back into the kitchen? Better still, why didn't they force women back into the kitchen when we had an all Republican government during the Bush years?
Republicans have been trying for years to make decisions for women and the Republican women don't fight back. They are pretty damn comfortable with women making less then men for the same jobs, and Republican women are okay with it....so it would be just a matter of time since they also want to do away with contraceptives that women would be getting pregnant every time they turned around and couldn't possibly hold a job.....they would have to go back to the kitchen where Republican men want them.

Hillary Clinton Demands Equal Pay But Doesn't Put Her Money Where Her Mouth Is

And why didn't the Republicans back then get rid of civil rights and promote racism during the Bush years as well? They should have. I mean, look at all those race riots that took place under Bush.
Because the Democrats in Congress wouldn't let them.

The Democrats in Congress didn't have any power to stop them at the time. Don't you even know who had leadership of our houses in the past???

There is only one reason liberals and DumBama didn't take away our guns or gun rights, and that is because we are currently protected by the US Constitution. If not for that, Democrats would have made gun ownership illegal in this country.

You're delusional. Name a single proposal from Obama or Democrats in Congress to take away your guns. You listen to Faux News for your source of information and you're totally uninformed.

MILLER: Feinstein's list of 157 banned guns - Washington Times

Democrats propose $10,000 fine for gun owners who don’t have insurance

NY Gun Confiscation - Citizens Told to Turn in Firearms

New York City confiscating rifles and shotguns

Once Hilarious nominates Commie judges to the Supreme Court, and they rule we are no longer protected by the Constitution when it comes to guns, it's open season on gun owners in this country.

Now you are talking like a country bumpkin....making up silly names for Hillary like a junior high school dumbass.

This is something every free American better consider before punching that hole in their card this election.

Maybe you need a refresher in current events....you seem to be one of those right-wingers cowering in fear yelling "the sky is falling, the sky is falling" because of the silly notions those extreme right-wing nuts have put into your head. If you're punching a hole in some card for the election you must be in some pretty podunk town....most of us have electronic voting machines....maybe why you are so retarded in your way of thinking.

You think Cleveland, Ohio is a "podunk" town and call my thinking retarded?

The river there has only caught fire once….

I put up a video of Trump stating his tax policy and let the listeners make up their own minds. You put up a dissected hit piece by a raving lunatic (much like yourself) to spin what he is saying. You've become a liberal hack.

No, the video posted has a clip of a telephone interview Trump had with CNBC the day after Cruz dropped out. The video you posted was Trump's original plan which I praised but that was from several months ago.

I'm the same old Conservative I've always been and will continue to be. Trump is the Liberal and he has duped you into supporting him because you're not very bright. And hey... He LOVES the not-so-bright!

It was 5/12/2016. That was last Thursday. You're not very bright, are you? Probably why you supported Cruz.

Yes, and in your video he is already saying that he will "probably have to lift it" meaning the top marginal tax cut which was a key component of his tax plan. He has not even started negotiating and he is already signaling that is off the table. And he repeats that these things he is promising are "proposals" and they may or may not actually happen.

Like I said before, I hope you weren't putting a lot of stock in his "proposal" to build that wall.

It means he's acknowledging that the CUT won't be as big as he would like. He's being realistic, not lying, like somebody else who promised to abolish the IRS. Nice try though.

No.. He is flat out saying that is off the table now that he has defeated the conservative in the race for the GOP nomination. He hasn't even been elected, much less submitted his "proposal" to Congress and he has already surrendered a HUGE HUGE part of his tax plan, which I endorsed along with other Conservatives.

I get that negotiations are tough, but he is supposed to be some kind of genius negotiator.... this doesn't seem like it... you give up on a key component of your own tax plan BEFORE negotiations begin?
Oh yes, many are sick of professional politicians--at least on the right. That's why Jeb didn't get anywhere close.

No, I'm not voting for Trump because of his entertainment value, I'm voting for Trump to try and make sure we don't have another 8 years of DumBama. I also don't want to see a Socialist Supreme Court for the rest of my natural life either. It could mean millions more dead babies and hundreds of millions losing their gun rights. If that happens, criminals coast to coast will have a reason to celebrate.

Yeah, because so many lost their guns during the 8 years Obama has been in.....you're delusional.

Instead, you want another right-winger that will bring racism back into the country, do away with civil rights, bring back the tax breaks for the 1% because they create so many jobs (why we had the biggest soar in unemployment under Reagan and Bush) and create more laws to force women out of the workforce and back into the kitchen where they belong (according to right-wingers).

So how would Republicans force women back into the kitchen? Better still, why didn't they force women back into the kitchen when we had an all Republican government during the Bush years?
Republicans have been trying for years to make decisions for women and the Republican women don't fight back. They are pretty damn comfortable with women making less then men for the same jobs, and Republican women are okay with it....so it would be just a matter of time since they also want to do away with contraceptives that women would be getting pregnant every time they turned around and couldn't possibly hold a job.....they would have to go back to the kitchen where Republican men want them.

Hillary Clinton Demands Equal Pay But Doesn't Put Her Money Where Her Mouth Is

And why didn't the Republicans back then get rid of civil rights and promote racism during the Bush years as well? They should have. I mean, look at all those race riots that took place under Bush.
Because the Democrats in Congress wouldn't let them.

The Democrats in Congress didn't have any power to stop them at the time. Don't you even know who had leadership of our houses in the past???

There is only one reason liberals and DumBama didn't take away our guns or gun rights, and that is because we are currently protected by the US Constitution. If not for that, Democrats would have made gun ownership illegal in this country.

You're delusional. Name a single proposal from Obama or Democrats in Congress to take away your guns. You listen to Faux News for your source of information and you're totally uninformed.

MILLER: Feinstein's list of 157 banned guns - Washington Times

Democrats propose $10,000 fine for gun owners who don’t have insurance

NY Gun Confiscation - Citizens Told to Turn in Firearms

New York City confiscating rifles and shotguns

Once Hilarious nominates Commie judges to the Supreme Court, and they rule we are no longer protected by the Constitution when it comes to guns, it's open season on gun owners in this country.

Now you are talking like a country bumpkin....making up silly names for Hillary like a junior high school dumbass.

This is something every free American better consider before punching that hole in their card this election.

Maybe you need a refresher in current events....you seem to be one of those right-wingers cowering in fear yelling "the sky is falling, the sky is falling" because of the silly notions those extreme right-wing nuts have put into your head. If you're punching a hole in some card for the election you must be in some pretty podunk town....most of us have electronic voting machines....maybe why you are so retarded in your way of thinking.

You think Cleveland, Ohio is a "podunk" town and call my thinking retarded?

The river there has only caught fire once….

Okay.......and that has what to do with my comment?
I would like to vote for a TV personality. Every time he said "You're FIRED!" it just sent chills up my spine. He is VERY entertaining. Obviously Trump knows what the little guy on the street wants to hear. That means he is in touch on what buttons to push. What more can we ask of the commander in chief? I want a guy who will have a camera team on him in the war room with a feed directly to Putin so that damned commie rat can see Donald push the nuke button just before the missiles fly. Of course the same feed will be in everyone's home so we can all share in that glorious moment before we all start glowing green and our skin and hair falls off in big chunks. Hey! Can't cook an omelet without breaking some eggs. It will be worth it to see the look of shock and fear on Putin's face. Trump won't be scared..why should we?
Except none of that will ever happen.

You really do not get Trump and the cause of his success. Which is fine by me. I enjoy the thought of libtards like yourself remaining clueless.

I think you just enjoy being wrong. Mommy isn't there to smack you with the wooden spoon any more so you took a wrong turn and just kept going. :lol:

Please feel free to back up your idea that I am a liberal with something concrete. Otherwise you are just a babbling idiot that just gets your 411 out of your poop shooter.

Have a nice day!
Yeah, because so many lost their guns during the 8 years Obama has been in.....you're delusional.

Instead, you want another right-winger that will bring racism back into the country, do away with civil rights, bring back the tax breaks for the 1% because they create so many jobs (why we had the biggest soar in unemployment under Reagan and Bush) and create more laws to force women out of the workforce and back into the kitchen where they belong (according to right-wingers).

So how would Republicans force women back into the kitchen? Better still, why didn't they force women back into the kitchen when we had an all Republican government during the Bush years?
Republicans have been trying for years to make decisions for women and the Republican women don't fight back. They are pretty damn comfortable with women making less then men for the same jobs, and Republican women are okay with it....so it would be just a matter of time since they also want to do away with contraceptives that women would be getting pregnant every time they turned around and couldn't possibly hold a job.....they would have to go back to the kitchen where Republican men want them.

Hillary Clinton Demands Equal Pay But Doesn't Put Her Money Where Her Mouth Is

And why didn't the Republicans back then get rid of civil rights and promote racism during the Bush years as well? They should have. I mean, look at all those race riots that took place under Bush.
Because the Democrats in Congress wouldn't let them.

The Democrats in Congress didn't have any power to stop them at the time. Don't you even know who had leadership of our houses in the past???

There is only one reason liberals and DumBama didn't take away our guns or gun rights, and that is because we are currently protected by the US Constitution. If not for that, Democrats would have made gun ownership illegal in this country.

You're delusional. Name a single proposal from Obama or Democrats in Congress to take away your guns. You listen to Faux News for your source of information and you're totally uninformed.

MILLER: Feinstein's list of 157 banned guns - Washington Times

Democrats propose $10,000 fine for gun owners who don’t have insurance

NY Gun Confiscation - Citizens Told to Turn in Firearms

New York City confiscating rifles and shotguns

Once Hilarious nominates Commie judges to the Supreme Court, and they rule we are no longer protected by the Constitution when it comes to guns, it's open season on gun owners in this country.

Now you are talking like a country bumpkin....making up silly names for Hillary like a junior high school dumbass.

This is something every free American better consider before punching that hole in their card this election.

Maybe you need a refresher in current events....you seem to be one of those right-wingers cowering in fear yelling "the sky is falling, the sky is falling" because of the silly notions those extreme right-wing nuts have put into your head. If you're punching a hole in some card for the election you must be in some pretty podunk town....most of us have electronic voting machines....maybe why you are so retarded in your way of thinking.

You think Cleveland, Ohio is a "podunk" town and call my thinking retarded?

The river there has only caught fire once….

Okay.......and that has what to do with my comment?
Yeah, because so many lost their guns during the 8 years Obama has been in.....you're delusional.

Instead, you want another right-winger that will bring racism back into the country, do away with civil rights, bring back the tax breaks for the 1% because they create so many jobs (why we had the biggest soar in unemployment under Reagan and Bush) and create more laws to force women out of the workforce and back into the kitchen where they belong (according to right-wingers).

So how would Republicans force women back into the kitchen? Better still, why didn't they force women back into the kitchen when we had an all Republican government during the Bush years?
Republicans have been trying for years to make decisions for women and the Republican women don't fight back. They are pretty damn comfortable with women making less then men for the same jobs, and Republican women are okay with it....so it would be just a matter of time since they also want to do away with contraceptives that women would be getting pregnant every time they turned around and couldn't possibly hold a job.....they would have to go back to the kitchen where Republican men want them.

Hillary Clinton Demands Equal Pay But Doesn't Put Her Money Where Her Mouth Is

And why didn't the Republicans back then get rid of civil rights and promote racism during the Bush years as well? They should have. I mean, look at all those race riots that took place under Bush.
Because the Democrats in Congress wouldn't let them.

The Democrats in Congress didn't have any power to stop them at the time. Don't you even know who had leadership of our houses in the past???

There is only one reason liberals and DumBama didn't take away our guns or gun rights, and that is because we are currently protected by the US Constitution. If not for that, Democrats would have made gun ownership illegal in this country.

You're delusional. Name a single proposal from Obama or Democrats in Congress to take away your guns. You listen to Faux News for your source of information and you're totally uninformed.

MILLER: Feinstein's list of 157 banned guns - Washington Times

Democrats propose $10,000 fine for gun owners who don’t have insurance

NY Gun Confiscation - Citizens Told to Turn in Firearms

New York City confiscating rifles and shotguns

Once Hilarious nominates Commie judges to the Supreme Court, and they rule we are no longer protected by the Constitution when it comes to guns, it's open season on gun owners in this country.

Now you are talking like a country bumpkin....making up silly names for Hillary like a junior high school dumbass.

This is something every free American better consider before punching that hole in their card this election.

Maybe you need a refresher in current events....you seem to be one of those right-wingers cowering in fear yelling "the sky is falling, the sky is falling" because of the silly notions those extreme right-wing nuts have put into your head. If you're punching a hole in some card for the election you must be in some pretty podunk town....most of us have electronic voting machines....maybe why you are so retarded in your way of thinking.

You think Cleveland, Ohio is a "podunk" town and call my thinking retarded?

The river there has only caught fire once….

Okay.......and that has what to do with my comment?

Just remarking at Cayahoga ingenuity. Most places burn wood. You guys burn the water.
I put up a video of Trump stating his tax policy and let the listeners make up their own minds. You put up a dissected hit piece by a raving lunatic (much like yourself) to spin what he is saying. You've become a liberal hack.

No, the video posted has a clip of a telephone interview Trump had with CNBC the day after Cruz dropped out. The video you posted was Trump's original plan which I praised but that was from several months ago.

I'm the same old Conservative I've always been and will continue to be. Trump is the Liberal and he has duped you into supporting him because you're not very bright. And hey... He LOVES the not-so-bright!
It was 5/12/2016. That was last Thursday. You're not very bright, are you? Probably why you supported Cruz.

Yes, and in your video he is already saying that he will "probably have to lift it" meaning the top marginal tax cut which was a key component of his tax plan. He has not even started negotiating and he is already signaling that is off the table. And he repeats that these things he is promising are "proposals" and they may or may not actually happen.

Like I said before, I hope you weren't putting a lot of stock in his "proposal" to build that wall.
It means he's acknowledging that the CUT won't be as big as he would like. He's being realistic, not lying, like somebody else who promised to abolish the IRS. Nice try though.

No.. He is flat out saying that is off the table now that he has defeated the conservative in the race for the GOP nomination. He hasn't even been elected, much less submitted his "proposal" to Congress and he has already surrendered a HUGE HUGE part of his tax plan, which I endorsed along with other Conservatives.

I get that negotiations are tough, but he is supposed to be some kind of genius negotiator.... this doesn't seem like it... you give up on a key component of your own tax plan BEFORE negotiations begin?
Show me where he flat out said it was off the table.
Just remarking at Cayahoga ingenuity. Most places burn wood. You guys burn the water.

Also known as trying to change the subject.

Yes we did burn water. Amazing people here in Cleveland at one time. Back then, we used to learn from our mistakes, but then we went Democrat and things have been going downhill since.
No.. He is flat out saying that is off the table now that he has defeated the conservative in the race for the GOP nomination. He hasn't even been elected, much less submitted his "proposal" to Congress and he has already surrendered a HUGE HUGE part of his tax plan, which I endorsed along with other Conservatives.

Lol, Trump is spelling out what his targets are for what later emerges in legislation from Congress that he can sign into law. He doesnt do it all by his lonesome.

Right now Trumps tax plan is as he began it, but in getting the Congressional Republicans to sign on, he is admitting he might have to agree to keeping his tax plans cuts down some by removing some of the DEDUCTIONS ON THE UPPER 1%.

I am going to laugh hysterically when these fucktards learn what the rest of us have had to live with the last 12 years.
Show me where he flat out said it was off the table.

ALSO... when he said "I'm not a big fan of that part... we have to raise taxes on the rich."
No, I wanna see it in context, in a video coming from Trump, not you. And I agree with JimBowie, who cares what some greedy little fuck wants, anyway?. Trump has maintained all along it's the MIDDLE CLASS he wants to get the tax breaks, not the rich. You're just looking for inconsistencies so you can say "I told you so". No matter how good his plan might be or how good it might be if he changes it, you're only looking for inconsistencies.

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